HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/12/2013 - City Council - City Council Meeting Agenda Packet• • L-1 NOV 12 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA NOVEMBER 12, 2013 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENTS BUDGET REPORT CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, October 22, 2013 — Special Session, October 29, 2013 2. Consideration of Payables ORDINANCE(S) 3. 13-11-01 First reading of an Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee, granting a non- exclusive Franchise to Zayo Group, LLC to construct, install, operate, maintain, repair, or remove fiber optic cables within the public ways of the City of East Wenatchee. (Devin Poulson, City Attorney) 4. 13-11-02 First reading of an Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee allowing dog licenses to • read "Wenatchee Valley Animal Control" by amending Section 6.04.040 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. (Devin Poulson, City Attorney) RESOLUTIONS) 5. 13-11-03 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to execute an Agreement for Public Defender Services. (Steven C. Lacy, Mayor) ACTION ITEMS) 6. 13-10-12 Approval of a Lease Agreement with Xerox for a Copy Machine (W7845PT Tandem) for the Police Department. (Randy Harrison, Police Chief) 7. 13-10-13 Approval of a Consultant Agreement Supplement with RH2 Engineering for the Grant Road Storm Pipe Drain Rehabilitation. (Greg Pezoldt, Public Works Director) 8. 13-11-03 Professional Service Agreement with PACE Engineering for design services for a Stormwater Low Impact Development Retrofit Project. (Brandon Mauseth, Associate Engineer) 9. 13-11-04 Mitigation agreement with Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) for SR 28/East end of the George Sellar Bridge for the Grant Road Viewpoint Park relocation. (Lori Barnett) . Continued on next page .............. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk at 509-884-9515. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. Page 1 of 2 10. 13-11-05 First Amendment to Agreement with the Columbia Valley Housing Association (CVHA) to • award the 2011 and 2012 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for the homeownership assistance program. (Lori Barnett, Community Development Director) C J • COUNCIL REPORTS COUNCIL WORKSHOP 2014 Budget ADJOURNMENT (f In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk at 509-884-9515. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. Page 2 of 2 9 0 1'- ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE EXECUTIVE SESSION Regarding potential litigation. ADJOURNMENT CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA OCTOBER 29, 2013 5:30 P.M. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk at 509-884-9515. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. Page I of I • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA OCTOBER 29, 2013 5:30 P.M. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE EXECUTIVE SESSION Regarding potential litigation. ADJOURNMENT Was not able to publish to Wenatchee World as deadline for newspaper Publishing was October 24, 2013, at 11:00 a.m. in order to be published in the Sunday edition. Wenatchee World does not put out a Monday edition of the paper. The meeting notice was posted to the City Website at 12:10 PM on Friday, October 25, 2013. Unter the City Council Meetings ticker on the home page. An Agenda for the Special meeting was sent to City Councilmembers on October 25, 2013 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk at 509-884-9515. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. Page 1 of 1 Dana Barnard I rom: Jennifer Greaves <coriell@wenatcheeworld.com> SSent: Friday, October 25, 2013 12:04 PM To: Dana Barnard Subject: Re: LEGAL ADVERTISING Special Council Meeting Hi Dana, I'm sorry but the deadline for Legals was yesterday at 11:00 a.m. All my legals were posted yesterday afternoon. I see your meeting is on Tuesday, but that is the first day I can publish. Do you want that day? Thank you, Ta m ra Tamra Hively for Jennifer (Coriell) Greaves Jennifer (Coriell) Greaves - Legals & In Memoriams Coordinator We Engage, Inform and Inspire our NCW Communities - wenatcheeworld.com (o) 509-661-6373 (f) 509-663-9110 (e) greaves@wenatcheeworld.com (e) legals@wenatcheeworld.com • (e) memoriams@wenatcheeworld.com The Wenatchee World. Foothills Magazine. Wenatchee Valley Business World. From: "Dana Barnard" <DBarnard(aDeast-wenatchee.com> KTo: legals(W-wenatcheeworld. com ent: Friday, October 25, 2013 11:13:28 AM Subject: LEGAL ADVERTISING Special Council Meeting Dana Barnard, City Clerk City of East Wenatchee 271 911 Street NE East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Phone: 509.884.9515 Fax: 509.884.6233 dbamard aneast-wenatchee.com 0 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 22, 2013 REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING OCTOBER 22, 2013 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember Frank Collings Councilmember Wayne Barnhart - excused Councilmember Tim Detering Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember George Buckner Councilmember Chuck Johnson - excused EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard Police Chief Randy Harrison Police Officer James Marshall Community Development Director Lori Barnett Finance Director Nick Gerde Accounting Assistant/Executive Secretary Teresa Allen Public Works Director Greg Pezoldt Clerical Assistant Shawn Murison PROCLAMATION Mayor Lacy read a proclamation proclaiming Saturday, October 26, 2013, as Make A Difference Day, and presented the proclamation to Laura Helton. PUBLIC COMMENTS Brett Telford, 1199 Webb PI S, East Wenatchee, said he represents a group of recreational land and farm ATV users. He said their thoughts and prayers are with Councilmember Barnhart. He requested Council move the Ordinance regarding the use of ATV's on City Streets up on the agenda to be presented first, and also elevate the Ordinance to second reading. He stated on behalf of the tax Ordinance item, he feels the 1% regular property tax levy increase would be good for East Wenatchee. Mayor Lacy stated they would consider moving the ATV issue when the public comments have been completed. Mark McCants, 1720 10fl' PI NE, East Wenatchee, inquired on the process regarding recreational marijuana stores operating within the City limits. Mayor Lacy said he was not aware of any major steps regarding that issue. Mr. McCants stated he was still proceeding forward with the process, and will attend more Council meetings to work side by side with the City to ensure compliance. 40 Ken Dominguez, Clearwater Steakhouse & Saloon, wanted to thank the City for restriping the downtown. He then expressed concerns of the downtown becoming a ghost town and believes the City is not doing enough to help the downtown. He added that the City has invited citizens, business and property owners CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 22, 2013 to come to City meetings and voice their opinion with regards to the downtown, but then those people never hear anything back from the City. Mayor Lacy agreed that the City has not communicated well enough with the people downtown about what is going on. He added that the City has been working diligently on providing a gateway that would lead people from the trail to the downtown area. Kathryn Dominguez, General Manager of the Clearwater Steakhouse, said it would be nice to get a flyer once in a while that communicates what the City is trying to do in the downtown area. She thanked Tim Detering for coming to their recent meeting and listening to their ideas, they really appreciated his presence. Councilmember Raab asked what some of their ideas were. Kathryn stated there were many great ideas which included placing plaques relating to the history of downtown, and adding flowers and trees for beautification. ORDINANCE Mayor Lacy stated that in light of the suggestion earlier he was going to move action item number 6 up on the agenda. 6. 13-10-11 First reading of an Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee allowing drivers to operate wheeled all terrain vehicles on City streets with a speed limit of 35 miles per hour or less by enacting Chapter 10.60 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. Presented by: City Attorney Devin Poulson Mayor Lacy elevated the Ordinance to a second reading without objection, and read the Ordinance title. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember Buckner, allowing drivers to operate wheeled all terrain vehicles on City streets with a speed limit of 35 miles per hour or less by enacting Chapter 10.60 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. The motion carried, 5-0. ORDINANCE NO.2013-08 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee allowing drivers to operate wheeled all terrain vehicles on City Streets with a speed limit of 35 miles per hour or less by enacting Chapter 10.60 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. BUDGET REPORT Finance Director Nick Gerde distributed and reviewed the minutes from the October 17, 2013, Budget Committee meeting. Mayor Lacy discussed the City getting involved in being a funding partner in the Museum. He added this is something Council will have to consider before the budget process is over. 2 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 22, 2013 • DEPARTMENT REPORT Finance Director Nick Gerde distributed and reviewed the Financial Report for the month of September 2013. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy asked Public Works Director Greg Pezoldt to give an update regarding the Eastmont project. Greg reported that we are still on the same timeline as stated at the last Council meeting, tomorrow they will stripe the road, Thursday they will turn on the new traffic signal at 3`d Street, most of the concrete for the sidewalks will be poured this week, and we are looking at substantial completion by the 29''. Mayor Lacy reported that there has been some rearrangement of some employees to enhance efficiency within the City Hall offices. CONSENT CALENDAR Items listed below were distributed to Councilmember's in advance for study and were enacted in one motion. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember McCourt, to approve the Consent Calendar as amended. The motion carried, 5-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, October 8, 2013 49 2. Consideration of Payables i. 2013 Pa ay bles — As of this date, October 22, 2013, Council does approve check numbers 39540 through 39596 in the total amount of $101,971.66. Payables checks 39444 and 39523 were voided. ii. 2013 Pam — As of this date, October 22, 2013, Council does approve September 2013 payroll in the amount of $373,773.14, including check numbers 39346 through 39380, 39382 through 39383, 39489 through 39522, and 39524 through 39539. No payroll checks were voided. PUBLIC HEARING 13-10-08 A public hearing regarding property taxes in the proposed 2014 East Wenatchee Budget. (Nick Gerde, Finance Director) Mayor Lacy stated that this is what we do every year with respect to the proposal to increase the property taxes, and in this case it is usually around $15,000 that is generated in addition to our current assessment for property taxes. His understanding is that the proposed Ordinance that relates to this Public Hearing would be an Ordinance that allows Council the option to either adopt that $15,000 increase, or not to do adopt it, and additionally consider going back and picking up capacity that we have turned away in the past based on prior votes. Mayor Lacy opened the public hearing at 7:19 p.m. Mayor Lacy referred to the one comment made during Public Comments by Brett Telford regarding his agreement of a 1% tax increase on property tax. No other comments were made. CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 22, 2013 • Mayor Lacy closed the public hearing at 7:20 p.m. ORDINANCE(S) 13-10-09 A — An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee authorizing the regular property tax levy, and authorizing any increase which may be allowed in the amount under new construction, improvements to property, and the State assessed property provisions of State law. Presented by: Nick Gerde, Finance Director B — An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee authorizing the regular property tax levy to be collected in 2014, an increase of one percent in the regular property tax levy, and authorizing any increase which may be allowed in the amount under new construction, improvements to property, and the State assessed property provisions of State law. Presented by: Nick Gerde, Finance Director C — An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee authorizing the regular property tax levy to be collected in 2014, an increase available from the previously banded capacity, an increase of one percent in the regular property tax levy, and any increase which may be allowed in the amount under new construction, improvements to property, and the State assessed property provisions of State law. • Presented by: Nick Gerde, Finance Director Mayor Lacy read the first reading of Ordinance Options A, B, and C, and stated that each of these Ordinances would go to a second reading at the next Council meeting, and one would be passed. 13-10-10 First reading of an Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, amending Ordinance Number 2012-16, as amended, which set the East Wenatchee Budget for 2013. Presented by: Nick Gerde, Finance Director Mayor Lacy elevated the Ordinance to a second reading without objection. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Collings, to amend Ordinance Number 2012-16. The motion carried 5-0. ORDINANCE NO.2013-10 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, amending Ordinance Number 2012-16 as amended, which set the City of East Wenatchee 2013 Budget. ACTION ITEM(S) 13-10-12 Approval of a Lease Agreement with Xerox for a Copy Machine (W7845PT Tandem) for the Police Department. Police Chief Randy Harrison stated that he is not asking for approval at this time. 4 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 22, 2013 • Mayor Lacy removed this item from the Agenda without objection. 13-10-13 Approval of a Consultant Agreement with RH2 Engineering for the Grant Road Drain Pipe Lining. Public Works Director Greg Pezoldt stated that there was a miscommunication on his part, and the item should have been pulled from the agenda. Mayor Lacy removed this item from the agenda without objection. COUNCIL REPORT(S) Mayor Lacy mentioned the report from the Humane Society regarding animal control in East Wenatchee. Councilmember Collings reported on the Public Health presentation regarding Tuberculosis (TB), which included a type of TB that is coming from the Middle East that is not reacting to medication, he said there was one case reported at the hospital which they could not recognize, and about 60 people were exposed. Mayor Lacy reported that the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council have set and approved their priority list for allocation of funding projects throughout the region. He said East Wenatchee's main project on that agenda is the signal lighting project at the bottom of 9`h Street at a cost of approximately $1 million. • ADJOURNMENT 7:29 p.m. Dana Barnard City Clerk 0 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON SPECIAL SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR PRO TEMPORE TIM DETERING, PRESIDING OCTOBER 29, 2013 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Pro Tempore Tim Detering Councilmember Wayne Barnhart - excused Councilmember Chuck Johnson Councilmember Frank Collings - excused Councilmember Hang Raab Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember George Buckner EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Clerk Dana Barnard Public Works Director Greg Pezoldt EXECUTIVE SESSION At 5:31 p.m. Mayor Pro tempore called a fifteen minute executive session regarding potential litigation. • At 5:46 p.m. Mayor Pro Tempore Detering extended the executive session an additional fifteen minutes. Council reconvened at 6:01 p.m. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember McCourt, to hire independent Counsel to help resolve a possible dispute with one of the property owners regarding the Eastmont Avenue Reconstruction project, due to the fact that this would be a conflict of interest for the City Attorney. Motion passed 4-1 (Raab) ADJOURNMENT 6:05 p.m. Dana Barnard City Clerk 0 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CHECK REGISTER 2013 PAYABLES 12-Nov-13 ECK NUMBERS: 39634; 39685-39789 IDED CHECKS:NONE ro DEPARTMENT/FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT 0.00 0.00 27628.83 8,922.43 603.64 333.25 1,661.15 1,298.88 25,062.73 - - 3,092.08 14,246.62 8,515.50 Current Expense Fund: 001 001 000 General Government Department 001 000 000 001 000 001 _ 001 000 110 Legislative Department Municipal Court Department 001 000 120 City Clerk Department 001 000 140 Internal Services Department 001 000 141 Finance Department 001 000 142 001 000 145 Civil Service 001 000 160 Legal Service 001 000 151 Central Services Department 001 000 180 001 000 210 Police Department Detention (Jail Services) 001 000 230 001 000 250 - Engineering Services 001 000 315 40.00 2,600.00 117.53 503.00 94,625.64 57,907.35 Planning Department 001 000 580 Code Compliance Department 001 000 590 Agency Disbursements 001 001 000 Street Fund: NPDES 050 000 310-050 000 313 Street Maintenance 101 000 420 4,197.72 Street Administration 101 000 430 498.74 Street General 101 000 000 - Street Construction 101 000 950 - Street Fund Total 62,603.81 Other Funds: Comm Dev Grants Fund 102 000 000 0.00 Library Fund 112 000 000 150.33 Stadium Fund 113 000 000 5,000.00 Drug Fund 114 000 000 - Criminal Justice Fund 116 000 000 - East Wenatchee Events Board 117 000 000 2,550.78 St Imp Bond Redemt Fund #3 202-000-000 151,650.00 Street Improvement Fund 301-000-000 942,650.32 Capital Improvement Fund 314 000 000 - Other Funds Total 1,102,001.43 Grand Total All Funds 1,259,230.88 CJ Fund Transaction Summary MR 001-000-001- Sub -Department $27,628.83 001-000-110- Sub -Department $8,922.43 001-000-120- Sub -Department $603.64 001-000-140- Sub -Department $333.25 001-000-141- Sub -Department $1,661.15 001-000-142- Sub -Department $1,298.88 001-000-145- Sub -Department $25,062.73 001-000-180- Sub -Department $3,092.08 001-000-210- Sub -Department $14,246.62 001-000-230- Sub -Department $8,515.50 001-000-315- Sub -Department $40.00 001-000-580- Sub -Department $2,600.00 001-000-590- Sub -Department $117.53 001-001-000- Department $503.00 050-000-312- Sub -Department $46,719.60 050-000-313- Sub -Department $11,187.75 101-000-420- Sub -Department $4,197.72 101-000-430- Sub -Department $498.74 112-000-000- Library Fund $150.33 113-000-000- 117-000-100- Stadium Fund Sub -Department $5,000.00 $269.47 117-000-115- Sub -Department $57.69 117-000-400- Sub -Department $1,163.62 117-000-500- Sub -Department $60.00 117-000-600- Sub -Department $1,000.00 202-000-000- ST Imp Bond Redempt Fund #3 $151,650.00 301-000-000- Street Improvement Fund $942,650.32 Count: 27 $1,259,230.88 0 Execution Time: 6 second(s) Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\tallen on Page 1 of 1 East Wenatchee - Fund Transaction Summary • • J C7 �r-_ rn0) r-r. vI-Trnr.- rl-r.-r.-r.- C1 O V' It 0 0 0 0 It 14: N N N N N N N N N N cc !O 00 00 r 0 0 LO LO lf> N r r r r r r ER fq 0) O 'it 0 0 O) 01 m 0)N N N N EA tollEA 0% CO LO r� f` GF) eR fR V> EA tR fR Vi Iti 4 ld fA 644 fA fii Mm a) a O O E E O N N Q d N E U) E 06,� a)N E > p� 4) > U) to : > > Z C Z O O C C Z Y Y O O Y U �_ a LL U) LL yCL L E 7 LL d CO ` ` U (n U) LL U- ` (n 7 a m u E N E > E °' } > m Q > u c O > d ° Z Qo 3o ° Z c0 MO 30 yo 0 0 0 o ° Z o ro U) di a c Ln d N N o M V O E ``' 06 M -°O 3 co M LLO O Q M p to C'7 �M O N O N 00 r r d N M U N 3� a f 6 0 r Y CL V i 0 Q o a O. 0 M O Q O NO. 3 LO C CM 01N =ln LLO r` -- M r 0)N r •CM CD�O �O OO - O cn n U N a O a) •p0 =00 M yo O p V 0 0 w0 .2O f0 10r M'0- Nr •- N e O a 0 2 0 = O U O a 0 D O O r O r 01 M m 000 U Cl) cc Cl) Cl) Cl (D r V r '0 O 0 M 0 C.)�_ C y r fD M Y O co O :a co V V Y .° .O :a M +a H CNM H M H C H C F- H 00 �j 00 C ao U M= MQ MC t0 E co Y LO Y (C tO ♦+ HV �M Y H� CM H aM 0) O m ° a " a :0 c U p m o >, (n 0 c_ u a c9 a ° a ° (n 6 .Q 6 0a 0 a ~a T • co co f0 O M L W Q d w O 3 Q Q - O O 17 � 't N N— 0 0 N N CO <O - v LO LO '�t N N Il- I` M m O O M M Cl) M OD co LO 40: � 64) � fA CM Nf d4 6R 6l9 60). m U N N a) '= a) U U U U O U C c c C — C m (6 m m U @ V m U N C9 (6 30 (0 �3 06 � a23 06 U oi3 O Cf9 C C6 O CO 0 C6 w CL CO aEi� aEiO 3� c mIlf U U O 3 U L 2 d OL p c 0 U w Qo `cC? �o 00 �o a c M V T Q� y 00 V O O W O E O > O tn� O— �_ �_ C r N O N O N N d N U 'n U- U- , � U') w L? a— c.— c.— a— o.— d N d N d N d N d N 0 O 0 O D O 0 O 0 O y 0 y 0 y 0 y 0 y 0 V O V O V O V O V O ddo ado do o o N w co w � cl 00 00 00 O! 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COO O C o Cl) LO 3 N O CO fO f- N M_ CD N O O O O O y M N — j 0 N_ M` O p U C N Cn m V N U- p N Cl M Y N y M C ` N y N N N O C O U U m O U U Y M CDCDlv N M CD (n N C lU N C y C C E CDm �m, C U °> �° _ O m V > =° L o m •o m o H f9 0 o F-o :3 a H c > > 0 r H ;. M U O YO N Y � n j ti > y in 0 M U)M 0 M Q N M W V C) (n Y ClY Y r >+ C w Y N a, N (Q Y Y^ Cl)O u to M r 0 M N (n Cl) F- F-YQM F- W F- O ayi m— O V m d f0 m C Ca u; i) C N L N L E -. m • > o U 7 Y C4 •.. d U O fn o y an d g O m 0 m 0 W u d o '� '� rn Cl) O o F- 0 F- o F W H W :7 O O O O N M 1n O O O O O O LAD 1n 0 0 O O V� r N N O O In In In In V' IF (O to f-- (O 'Q 00 00 (O O � r-.: O O I� ti V � U!Y co O D) 'T d' LO In 0) O EA V) Vi Vi V3 V? 613 V? V> 61) (A 61). (D CD V! 69 U) ++ T V) LL D O O o 0 0 o O O O O O L O a O a 'tea ra rLr,a L`a air, N N 00 00 OO N O N 00 p M LO i.., CO N W LO LO LO M LOLO M t LO M ` G L h 00 — C a M a a ON r a Z 000 r a 00 O a ON N co GO N O 00 N N M T r W = r M_ O r 00 C v r U� r C= r O M t 0 M O O M O O M O D O M O O D M }, O r 0 w. O r 0 O O r Co i+ O r M w. O r :�.. O r r (n O O r 0 0 0— O O O N m O (D nj U 0 O nj f0 O O r L�Nrr Nr�rNNr a)r Nr`a) —N M +'O `M CD M O`-' M 0 M YO M 0 r 0) r r r M 0 r r U 0 r r_= r r fn = r r— O r O r 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 r U U U U U U r p r p r p r p r p r p > U C U C U C U C U C U C V — U — V — V O w 0 y 0 w 0 m O .U-. > O> O> O> O> O> O C F- C C F- C C C F- M r O N L U .c C U > O Z 0 LL L U E U O Z M O N LO LO LO M co 0000 co O O O co M M M EA V! Vi to w C N m x c U �O O CD0. O N N O M ' M N O a N OCD ' cn M y N O N M M f6 O r nj CD Q O N Cl) d O N O M O C N r M N U O V r O N C V > `m C O H M r O N L U E U > O 2 y LL L U E U O Z M O N ♦+ a U v� 'L rn � M V � ip U r 0 fn V cn F- C M U Ew 0 O y Q. C E 0 W E O a+ 5 O a' H W M M M Cl) co M M M U-) Ui L6 Wi O 00 O O 69 to V3 V) .[L d 7 U C/) a O U Y V O � O � O Y � 6) N H � w; O p, N U 'T O y O L O w � 02 F- M O co F. c O N 0 N E F- O Q) LU 0 U a� N L N fu w • rrrr 0000 I�� �l�-410 r r r O O O O r r M M o tOCOCO Cl) Cl) MM Uf O N Nhh r r r r (D LD t0 to r HiH 6r r Ze 6A 69 61% O O O O EA 6A 60 69 -zi 444 6R to 6A 69 M M M r O r O (n r O N fV 5 N L d L 6) Q L 6) E E E > > C > Z Z E Z N N y L y L > o N L a a _N a Q. LL ° LL n LL � cn m m N E cm > > > O Z O Z O E O Z O O O O o O oM 7 O 06 O r U co o co CD N ^O M o N a N co O N ti 6 j(D •a (D 6)CO M N r E O N N d MLn ELM C7� m� M r `N CN C.0 �N M �O V DO 41 "t EO N (?Ocn 0 0 CDo r �0 N MO p 6)O (D mO M L r to 30 N r OLn ++0 r p r p 0 N O in N r N r0 O 00 co y O O CDco O _ O > O V C 1* � M O fn M M (n O R t6 Ly O > O F- n O F- M <n O M H <n O H LO O M O C O O O O O O Q) O O O) O O t-- I-- r- r- rl- ti r, t� 69 6H 69 69 M r N O U N C L m y C E C d > Z °-6 y L ii a a) d E CD > L Z > O M V tp r o po N d � O N O LO N � O O (y U0 Lo N 0 c r 6) Uo d r � U M m +- C O O E F- Ocr ? M d W c (D a+ N M CL in 76 y O N F- LL O C r N " E CL Q) M n 0)7 ate+ � ti O LV - H 0 M 6) 7 cn N (D (D LL cv f6 O d LL 'rIqNrIt co co co co Fsi 6R 6A 69 N U C m C C cu 2 06 n a� O 0 C0 0 V L —o f° o E O co O M � O O O r r O N Nr ``0 I.L r _O N O C M ♦+ 2 O O H � C1 C M 1`WN c O v 0 M 6 E C O u U-1 • �44 U9�04N b9 fR b4 fA N N t (A R 6R 69 y � N O O O O O O a op O N U.) N N a.yoga ya)C) you w 'O 00 m In '0 N aj N 'O N N M O .- N O S LO O 1 _O � O � CD LO C rj N O N aj y 0 N nj N O O r; 00 N_ O N O M N N O N y N y` y U O r O O N C u C N C O R O R O R > O > O > O C C C �CR ooCROR m M N N W w Cl) UM4 � 6N9 � A 69 N O E N a L � � � C E W ca d 0 o Enz O O H � C LL C ` U) U N E 0) y U > O z O C 10 O ; O O 0 N 0 0 � C i !E 64 T� U?Y 0 �o Vo fCLN C N L O O O C, L CL o CL CD �o M 0 O 000 w Cl)CD N 0 LO M O O W O CD CD W C) N o FO- O H le 1p to O O O O V Iq 14 Iq EH 69 fi? 40 y m a) 0 0 N <n 0) U) d O z v Y ` y L � LL C 0 U d .0 E 0 O O M O 0 CD N O Ln —0) mL4? c o O y O — O 0 O U O `- U M N cn cn � O � H Lr) � 00 0o N N EA fJA O U N C L m d C E c > z 06 Y ` y L m LL N L d E N O z m CD M C� O O N N E zo CL (D N � O yo d o O — N N N N M N m N m N fV M m N — y y." fA U Q L C O ~ Y y y L OL C �p L% � y L 'C • N LL N C 10 N Y f0 d 3 O co Y ate+ LL Fes- C9 I-- = H 2 0 LO 0 N LO m ti O N H M 0 0 0 N O E C 0 0 x w LO Lf) fO h n M C0) • (O w (O co LO CA H4 E:). ER d? T r c O E a Q W O H (n • E p7 N CO 0 U N • y N O O L N N a 00 C) M 3 C O O C) r o Ln ` CO O ,- LO r- (n 06 (D C) N O w co •+ � l0 A 7 o ao • O a)O L rn� E� Mo O Z o .I M Q7 T CCU h N N M T O O N H N H � 0 LOLOtoLO 114-'t d lll� 00 co co 00 T T T N N N N 0) cr C) C> fib i✓R 611) fii LO CC) (n In LO Cn Cn CA O O Cl O LO W) W) T T T T Lo (n W (n r- I- r.- I-- 64 61�- V3. 61% M N 3 M (� 3 T O T Cl (U a N N N L U d Q U) E w E O O Z U Z U r+ i i LL C LL C U U L L Z O Z 0 0 a CD M T 0) CD M m T +- o C 2 V Cl N C ,� CO d O N d E (D d N O) N T CC') O > 6-O u) C) d 00 N =O N 4tO C1 C) N T E o T CD O M MO+ O T C:)M O (� O T E O O nj •- N O O T r N — cnWo� — eCD n T T o T N o T N y � y T U T U T O T O 41 C d C O r C O r C F- m C H Y C � d CO m C Cl) N L d M M l0 N m C CY) O Cl) _d M V iv 0 CO O ti - ` � F- M H'0 C M N C y 3 Cn m `m mm Qom mE �oE HS I-2 LO N M C CD 0 CIA m N m E � R � 2� is N F- 2 r.- r- r- r- O 0000 M M M M o� N c L � w N U •y !n O 0O Co m� r d O N00 E (n m O Z co d � U O M O O mC) So N co N M (i M M It- � to).M M �;e 10). M T O N N L E a) a)— O a Z w co � U LL N 0 .0 E rn > Z �v o UQ C" � y M N CC14 C O y � 3 CO (Nn CL O G1 N 06 y O U O d O M N CD U, d QO ac � M C) .27 O L(n Q O N N 0 6 CU O U O ao T O M LO CN tD CND +MCD m + LO w H w H M O .70 00 00 Cl)M O O �� CO T M M - - N N Ca CO 00 00 LO LO O O CC) Cn N N CA W) b4 Z N N EA fR HT fA EA 69 V) 60 !A M O N L d m A) • a a) d > O =3 z cn .. (n LL = _ O L > �C E C U) 0) > O O z CD Cl O O U C O O O O Y L 04 (A00 V) 00 a N LO LO p� �00 00 111N O 0)— U) 0 N— U) 0 • (DO 0)O 0)0 O C O C O _V Or- O— O p = O L O a. CD a. CD dO N Cn N O O Cn O 04 H Cry V) M O M M COy U ti H 7 M E E C O C U a � c d A ow F C0 CO CO CO Cn Wf Cn CA U-) CA CA In — — EA fR tR ER M O N L d �c C a) z° U) N U- L U- O d � �c C d O z O O CO CL CD00 O a N M LO CO N N a M L O O fV eF i (V �C7O N LO O N_ M L Cn � 7 O N CD CD N � Cn N d O C) � O > N C U 0 Y C O H N O 00 O N CO CO coN.�-. OO — C�O H tN0 ~ U) c O aD m N V O C M 7 E N F- O M U y () y zN C � m � �U rn m o V O Q) O O Efi fA CR fR M O N L d E CD oU) z w L y LL L LL O 0) .0 E 0) O Z O O Cl) O �- CO O 00 CDN M U-) Lo rL M N M LO M ` N m M M C7 0 CD M O O LO O N M L N 7 O N O O p N i-- LO N d O U O > 0) C C) 2 C O F-- N N N N N N N N 69 kR fR fR M O N L �C E a) o 0 z Ll- U- O � C 0) � E 0) O Z O cp O 00 N cocl, O- d 0' R 0 v C-4 V N L CO M O O LO O N M L lA 7 O N OnCo N LO N d O U O d C C) 0 m C O H O O — ti r- I, M CDM M �p M ~ M M jp O 0) C) O O- <n O H wF- r w U Q c 0 Z C y c (Q L c -Mi c a+ � O c M I 4 • Cl) O N y E a) > 0 z M O N M T ti QM 3 cn O a rl_tititi LO UA K9 Ut Z,T 643 69 69 O 0 0 M O O N a) � ()o • T (V a) 3z O O C _O � O ti 00 LO M m O H cO tC O c0 EA H V). 69 M a-- O N L a) m E m o z LL LL 7 L � d E d > O z O rn to rn v � co N ^ O' a. N _ � am 6O 0 � 0 N L CD CD 0 O O LO O N M L Ln 7 O N O M O O N � LO N y O U � O > a) C v — > m C 0 H co w w co LO Ln U') LO Ln L6 L6 Ui Efi 69 fA 69 Cl) O N L 0 E a) O z y LL LL O 7 L � d E d > O z o N CO � d M N d M LO M M o v? M .0 C-4 � L M C 7 O o O N O LO O N O O O N � N y O U � O N C v — 0 r > O C � M M Cl)tM ONO ONO ONO ONO co 00 OO 00 M M M M co 00 CO co di tH is 69 6-T tag 69 fR M O N 0 E a) O cn z a) N LL LL O 7 L � a) .0 E d > O z O rn M rn0) � 00 o co o d N LO M U.) r2 M o d . M N CD LOV N L f0 M N Ur O CD LO O N M L 7 O N o -3 O O N � 04 N y O U_ � O > d C v — > .� C H N a a U) O C N p L — a) c6 E c a> C0 > U) o xs z m � c L C LL � a) U Q7 E a1 > O O z o M M O y O N y 0 CO m U) O � O L CD O C f0 O n O C1 N U M z_ d LO M +' ti rn y M Q to f0 0O M O+%U Im F- m M N 0 m M T 0 L a' �a m FO- Y m O H M O M T • 00 00 00 00 Cl) Cl) O O N N LO N th t`7 O O Cl) Cl) O O N tl- 17,717 7 7 tD tD O Ln LO .-- — U7 W) 00 00 N It 00 tD N N N N 00 00 O m N N 00 00 O O) N N LC) N t0 Lfl to tD (D M M LO LO 'IT to to cn M N N r- � O f` 6) L() EA !R tR tR Cl) M co Cl) N N O to M Cl) 00 00 t` h C) V' tD N EA vi M M M tM V' tf3 to 6f3 tf► N N G N 4 6`1 EA tf! tsi tR E13 to b9 M 00 60 61% tf3 to 60, M 0 N fir: 41 E m O Z a N a+ LL o d E m O Z � p o> M 00 00 o N woa LO Cl) O N M NCl) Ln d lt7 O' M O U N n (� O M O O O C:) N Cl) 7 O N N U') N y O _U `- O y c O > O _ H • C E � Q o n N •5 4 at W E Q o E Z U Ch N LL �a to ` U m E 0) O Z O O M o �v N y — C rn M Ln L � N � 7 O Q O O p Uo M M LL CD C1 U M � M LL O LL U H U C E Q a a`) W m a`) ai a U U U <A E U in U) cO O 3 76 E O 3 O 3 O 3 co Z Z Z Z o yo yo o �o O a) C? o yo U O C� U O CCD U O C� U O CV V O C� co c� co co c p N N N N d m� m m m m LA g Ln Lo Ln 2 Un g Ln 4ZI- T - It Nr 0) d CUB w O O O 3 C) m O CL O O OC O O C C C Uo Uo Uo Uo Uo 4m O O 11 cn LLO U- mLL LLM cn U M U CDU M U U ate.. M M ate+ co am+ t'M LL LL HLL U FO- U FO- U H U FO a1 C L .O LL U c U o o N U C C ._., at U O o `n E E E c Ln U C > E W CO > W O Z Q > >, w C W m m 0 O ii ` UU)0 2Ir d E d O LO U')0)to Z — v 0 a+ N N O O M U CD CDLO Ln m DCIA O M M O O a — — Ln Ln Cl) Cl) O 6) a > Ln LO LO LO Q (V N O O cnO O O C M M O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 cj I? 000 C, MLn L00 W O O M c' ) N co N O d O C 0o M V MU Z !6 J Z M 0 p r-- F- yHCM) 00 t � d cn O Z Yo _ U t0 CO O J H Y ti M O V- T 0 O M a) E C O L) X LL • (0 LO LO to CD CD CD O 0000 0o 00 LO U*) LO LO O CD(O to I'. !rl- 0000Oo OOOO r`rlrl r rrr U') LOLOW) IFWK o co co co 0 0 0 0 r-_ r-_ r.- .= LO ui ui ui c N V V Iq O O O O r r r r O) O) O 07 r r!R r -. In N N N O O O O fA fR !H ff! V 'd' ER fA !R WT.r-- :: :: :3 � �60� fA ER l,969 e» r-_ r, rl 64 643� 64) >0 j M M M M LLI O N O N O N O N O AAL C 7 0 E E 3 E • « LIJ > > > > > O w Z O Z rn O Z Q O Z N 3 0 N LL N C LL cB O ILL -0 LL O IL p U- O w N LL O CD Z N O Z O O Z O O Z O O ' O Nd -. 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N N 'T O 'IT 00 (D (D �•: EH to tt d' E; i 2 00 r- u) U') LO 00 f- O O O 00 I-- co - M 00 CO N N N N rt Cl) 00 00 00 C) 69 EA tH to fH LO N en O U_ O O U � M 0 N d C O cT W J m aEi n n • . > E E m 0 U U U m v m m W ' li ... Cl. a d � n. > O �7 CDcrO Z O .; O UJ O O O CO M i Ln r-- (D (V N O) CD 4 V I� N C. — CO Cl U? O m 0) U�, L o .. Un LO O C. V V d 0 000 • O yoo o 2oo 0 0 0 M d o 0 Cl o N O O O LOco C r _ CD CD o rn M U o O O iv �. rn CM is .+ C > 00 T 00 00 M M 0 O y 00 76 O " H 0 O) M O H O v c U N C O H 10 d ++ C fE c a+ lC 0 - F0 H (7 cn O Dana Barnard Krom: Devin Poulson ent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 12:36 PM To: Chuck Johnson; Frank Collings; George Buckner; Harry Raab; Sandra McCourt; Steve Lacy; Tim Detering; Wayne Barnhart Cc: Greg Pezoldt; Dana Barnard Subject: Lacy & Kane Driveway 300 Eastmont 0 City Council, The purpose of this letter is to put the Council on notice that it looks like the City is heading into a legal dispute with Lacy & Kane regarding their driveway. Because the Mr. Lacy is my current employer and also a former employer, I feel I have a conflict of interest in this case and whatever legal advice I give will be questioned. Thus, my recommendation is that you schedule a special meeting as soon as possible and authorize the City to hire independent counsel to represent the City on how to proceed with the litigation threatened by Mr. Kane. Thank you. Devin Poulson From: Greg Pezoldt Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 9:31 AM To: Devin Poulson Subject: FW: Lacy & Kane Driveway 300 Eastmont Devin, Here is a heads up concerning the driveway access at Lacy Kane. I told Mr. Kane via voice mail that we would not be able to install the electrical mat prior to the end of the contract due to procurement times (about two to three weeks). By that time, the contractor will be long off the job. As we discussed, we can either not pave and install something later if the paving plant is still in operation, remove pavement in the spring and retrofit, or do nothing. I think those were the options that we discussed. G reg OFrom: Scott Kane [mailto:ScottCablacvkane.com] Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 9:25 AM To: Greg Pezoldt Cc: Jana Bryan; Eric Howe Subject: Lacy & Kane Driveway 300 Eastmont G reg We had discussed current post construction driveway ingress/egress problems and potential remedies for the above property. My original agreement with the City was that our driveway would be returned to us after road completion in an identical condition to that existing before construction. What we now have is a driveway that is much steeper, and consequently dangerous under winter conditions. We thus asked for heat coils under the driveway to alleviate this condition. You said you would check on it. You must still be checking on it, as I have heard nothing further from you. I have called twice after our initial conversation and left a message without response. When I have inquired of the project engineers as to driveway heat coil install status, they have replied I must go back to you. We do not want a vehicle crashing into our office, because it can't get stopped on a steep and slippery driveway you created. We are now receiving complaints from clients about their ability to navigate the driveway. This won't get better in inclimate weather. The engineers have stated that October 29, 2013 is the last day to pave. Heat coils must be in place before paving, to get us through the winter months. We can not go through the winter without the coils, or without asphalt because the City might balk at this solution. The asphalting company originally attempted to pave the driveway without any changes, despite my prior expressed concerns to everyone, and with out any driveway remediation. I note this was attempted less than 5 minutes after I had left the office. I was called on my cell phone, and a secretary at the office stopped them from asphalting. The proposed solution was to cut back further into the existing parking lot asphalt, as well as one parking space. This asphalt cutting was also done without my prior consent and was discovered after the contractor was tearing asphalt from the 10existing driveway. Ironically, the City mandated a minimum number of parking space during original construction of the building we have now occupied for only 2 years. The City now seems quite willing to reduce the number of parking spaces, to alleviate what I deem an unacceptable fix to the driveway access problem it created. Be advised I am not waiving any contractual rights to enforce the original agreement to return to us the driveway we had pre- construction. If the city does not intend to do what is necessary to make the driveway safe, I will take action to force the issue . The City will be held responsible for all interim damages until; proper repair, as well as the costs we expend to address this problem. In closing, I emphasize that the utility employees (PUD, phone, & water) have been great to work with during the past several months. However, the contractor's employees have exhibited an "I could care less" attitude to accommodating needs to keep the office access open, and it has been a continual effort in restraint in dealing with KBL. Scott Kane is 2 r CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE PERMIT TO ENTER UPON REAL PROPERTY The City of East Wenatchee, by and through the authorized representative of the City of East Wenatchee, and the undersigned Owner, do hereby agree as follows: 1) The Owner hereby grants the City of East Wenatchee the right to enter upon the real property described as follows: Property located at 300 Eastmont Avenue, East Wenatchee, Douglas County, Washington. (Parcel #40100003502) 2) The City of East Wenatchee may exercise the right of entry only for the following purpose(s): Street widening, driveway reconstruction, retaining wall installation, curb, gutter, sidewalk and construction related work 3) The City of East Wenatchee warrants that all labor and materials used to perform the work shall be free of defects after completion. Upon completion of the work, the site shall be cleared of all debris and refuse created by the work. The site shall be left in a neat and clean condition. The City of East Wenatchee makes no other promises, representations or warranties regarding the work, either express or implied. 4) See Addendum to this Permit to Enter Upon Real Property, attached hereto and incorporated by this reference as if fully set forth. /l171L Date 0 S&S DE LOPMENT ty Representative Signature 0 ADDENDUM TO CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE PERMIT TO ENTER UPON REAL PROPERTY This Addendum supplements and to the extent inconsistent, revises the Permit to Enter Upon Real Property signed by Scott Kane as a partner of S&S Development in favor of the City of East Wenatchee (City). • Entry of City or its agents pursuant to the permit shall be limited to a period of eight (8) months following the beginning of construction. • Upon completion of construction, City shall provide a driveway of substantially identical width, grade, materials, and slope, to that existing at 300 Eastmont before construction, to include access onto Eastmont from the driveway. The current drive way utilized by S&S, or Lacy Kane, P.S., and their clients for ingress and egress at 300 Fastmont shall be returned to the substantially same or similar condition, upon completion of construction. • During the entire time of construction no more than half of the driveway at 300 Eastmont shall be obstructed at any one time for ingress and egress, or limited or impaired or otherwise restricted, other than as expressly stated herein, from Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8 AM to 5 PM. • City shall replace any materials removed, with like kind, quality, and construction to that presently existing. City further agrees to promptly restore all materials removed by City at 300 Eastmont as part of its road construction, as directed and outlined by S&S Development or Lacy Kane, P.S., to City. smk s&s\addendum 0 0 o rn g 0 v + 0 M LU U ti Z U + Z o W 0 o o ,_ J W U : L Z � L z Cl) Q o Z Q Q o CDw U I O > 'I � O Q o � 0- 0 y- � a_ 0 I a Q ro I II J I c 00 CD ++ W o o Z In- LU II 0 N z I o Q ¢ Y o a �< o V oCD o LU Z Y O ry U of C!) Qm �Qo V 1 Z wo o�Q W J Q � I > W Q Z 2 W c, I— O J 1 W F- z W [-- Q > W � J lrn v U w U) a co 0 1 v I p O O � O O O 00 ti r rl = t , n • COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # PRESENTER: POSITION: 13-11-01 Devin Poulson City Attorney CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AGENDA ITEM # AGENDA DATE: DEPARTMENT: 3 November 12, 2013 Legal Department TITLE: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE granting a non-exclusive Franchise to Zayo Group, LLC to construct, install, operate, maintain, repair, or remove fiber optic cables within the public ways of the City of East Wenatchee. BACKGROUND/ Please see attached email from Dylan Devito. HISTORY: EXHIBITS: Resolution No. 2013-20 RECOMMENDED Elevate Ordinance to Second Reading and pass the Ordinance. ACTION: FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required ACTION TAKEN: I' Motion Made By: .� Councilmember Collings Councilmember Johnson Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Barnhart Passed: 110 Failed: o✓ ro `Tew,00'-6 ekiie,Y Second By: M 1-C.our+ Councilmember Raab Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Detering Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) Page 1 of 1 From: Dylan Devito To: Devin Poulson Cc: Omar Guzman Subject: RE: Zayo Franchise Date: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 8:30:47 AM Hi Devon - just checking in to see if you have had a chance to review the below. Thanks, Dylan From: Dylan Devito[mailto:dylan.devitoCai)zayo.com] Sent: Friday, September 13, 2013 9:57 AM To: 'dpoulson6least-wenatchee.com' Cc: Omar Guzman Subject: Zayo Franchise Devon, In follow up to our recent discussion around franchise fees, I am writing to explain Zayo's position that the compensation provision set forth in Section 17(A) of the Agreement is invalid and unenforceable under Washington State law. Going back into the history of this agreement, I realize that you had offered the then -pending Zayo franchise with the City of Wenatchee as a starting point, and it was Wenatchee's document that contained the impermissible language. Therefore, I gather that the City of East Wenatchee may not have realized there was a potential issue. Hopefully by way of this explanation, we can quickly rectify the matter. As you are likely aware, we are currently working with Wenatchee to resolve the fee issue as well. Zayo is a "Telephone Business" under the Statutory Definition The Revised Code of Washington ("RCW") provides clear direction that companies engaged in Zayo's business are entitled to access municipal public rights -of -way without charge. RCW 35.21.860 states: "No city or town may impose a franchise fee or any other fee or charge of whatever nature or description upon the . . . telephone business, as defined in RCW 82.16.010...". This is an affirmative prohibition, and any agreement to the contrary is unenforceable. Zayo is a telephone business under the statutory definition. Section 7(b)(iii) of RCW 82.16.010 defines "telephone business" as "the business of providing network telephone service." In turn, Section 7(b)(iv) defines "telephone service" as "competitive telephone service or network telephone service, or both." Section 7(b)(i) defines "competitive telephone service", pursuant to Section 5 of RCW 82.04.065, as "the providing by any person of telecommunications equipment or apparatus, or service." Section 27 defines "telecommunications service" as "the electronic transmission, conveyance, or routing of voice, data, audio, video, or any other information or signals to a point, or between or among points." isZayo has always explicitly represented its business as the provision of telecommunications service to the City. The Agreement identifies Zayo as a "telecommunications company providing telecommunications services, including ... data services". See first paragraph of the Agreement. Additionally, the Agreement acknowledges Zayo's intention "to construct, install, operate, maintain, and repair fiber optic facilities to offer and provide telecommunications service." Also, Zayo is registered by the Utilities and Transportation Commission as a "Competitive Telecommunications Company". Going back to RCW 82.04.065, Section 7(b)(ii) defines "network telephone service" as "the providing of telephonic, video, data, or similar communication or transmission for hire, via a telephone network, toll line or channel, cable, microwave, or similar communication or transmission system. 'Network telephone service' includes the provision of transmission to and from the site of an internet provider via a telephone network, toll line or channel, cable, microwave, or similar communication or transmission system." Again, Zayo consistently described its business model to the City as providing the transmission of data from point-to-point via its fiber optic network (i.e., transmission system). Therefore, we believe the City was on notice that Zayo is a telephone business under the specific language of the relevant RCW provisions, and Section 17(A) of the Agreement is in direct violation of Washington State law. Subsequent to entering into the Agreement, Zayo has entered into many franchise agreements with iWashington State municipalities, and those jurisdictions have consistently acknowledged the Statewide prohibition against franchise fees. For example, Zayo's franchise with the City of Des Moines, WA states: "Pursuant to RCW 35.21.860, the City is precluded from imposing a franchise fee on a telephone business as defined in RCW 82.16.010... Franchisee hereby warrants that its operations as authorized under this franchise are those of a telephone business as defined in RCW 82.16.010. As a result, the City will not impose a franchise fee under the terms of this ordinance." Zayo's franchises with the cities of Milton, Bothell, Burien, Fife and others include similar language, or no fee provision at all. Washington State law prohibits the City from imposing franchise fees and other charges on a telephone business' use of the public rights -of -way. Zayo is a telephone business under the statutory definition. The vast majority of Washington State municipalities granting Zayo a franchise have recognized this prohibition, explicitly and implicitly, leaving the City as an outlier. For all of these reasons, Zayo respectfully requests that the City nullify Section 17(A) of the Agreement. Please let me know what the next steps are to approve Zayo's request. 40 Thanks, . Dylan T. DeVito Associate General Counsel & VP, Network Development Zayo Group, LLC 925 NW 65th Street I Seattle, WA 98117 Office:303.414.1721 1 Mobile: 303-809-1498 dylan.clevitoPzayo.com I http://www.zayo.com This email may contain confidential or attorney -client privileged information. The contents of this email are intended only for the recipient(s) listed above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are directed not to read, disclose, distribute or otherwise use this transmission. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the transmission. Delivery of this message is not intended to waive any applicable privileges. • L_J City of East Wenatchee, Washington Ordinance No. 2013-11 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE granting a non-exclusive Franchise to Zayo Group, LLC to construct, install, operate, maintain, repair, or remove fiber optic cables within the public ways of the City of East Wenatchee. Zayo Group, LLC, a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware ("Franchisee") is a competitive telecommunications company providing telecommunication services, including voice, Internet and data services, which desires to occupy the City of East Wenatchee ("City") rights -of -ways to install, construct, operate, and maintain its telecommunications facilities and network for the purpose of providing services to its customers at locations within the City; and Franchisee has applied to the City for a non-exclusive franchise to enter, occupy, and use public ways to construct, install, operate, maintain, and repair fiber optic facilities to offer and provide telecommunications service for hire, sale, or resale in the City of East Wenatchee; and The parties acknowledge that Franchisee has previously installed fiber optic cable within the public rights -of -way of the City under a previous Ordinance, and such facilities shall be governed by the terms and conditions of this Ordinance upon the Effective Date; and The 1934 Communications Act, as amended by the 1996 Telecommunications Act relating to telecommunications providers recognizes and provides local government authority to manage the public rights -of -way and to require fair and reasonable compensation on a competitively neutral and nondiscriminatory basis; and A franchise does not include, and is not a substitute for any other permit, agreement, or other authorization required by the City, including without limitation, permits required in connection with construction activities in public ways which must be administratively approved by the City after review of specific plans; and isCity of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 1 of 40 Franchisee shall be responsible for its actual costs in using, occupying and repairing public ways; and The City and Franchisee desire to effectuate good coordination of the use of the rights -of -way; and RCW 35A.11.020 grants the City broad authority to regulate the use of public rights -of -way and RCW 35A.47.040 authorizes the City to grant franchises for the use of its streets, public ways, and properties. The City Council finds that the franchise terms and conditions contained in this ordinance are in the public interest. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee as follows: Section 1. Definitions. For the purposes of this Ordinance, the following terms, phrases, words, and their derivations will have the meanings given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words in the plural include the singular, and words in the singular include the plural. Words not defined will have the meaning ascribed to those words in the East • Wenatchee Municipal Code, or in the federal Communications Act of 1934 as amended, unless inconsistent herewith. "Affiliate" means any Person who owns or controls, is owned by or controlled by, or is under common ownership or control with Franchisee. "Cable Service" means the one-way transmission to subscribers of video programming or other programming service and subscriber interaction, if any, which is required for the selection or use of such video programming or other programming service. "City Council" means the governing body of the City. "City Property" means all real property owned by the City whether in fee ownership or other interest within the City's public street and alley rights -of -way. "Conduit" means optical cable housing, jackets, or casing, and pipes, tubes, or tiles used for receiving and protecting wires, lines, cables, and communication and signal lines. "Costs" means costs, expenses, and other financial obligations of any kind whatsoever. City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 2 of 40 "Dark Fiber" means properly functioning optical cable which is not used or available for use by Franchisee or the general public. "Effective Date" means five days following the publication of this Franchise or a summary thereof occurs in an official newspaper of the City as provided by law. "Facilities" means, collectively, any and all telecommunications transmission systems and appurtenances owned by Franchisee, now and in the future, in the Franchise Area, including, but not limited to, wire, radio, optical cable, electromagnetic or other similar types of equipment and related appurtenances in any way comprising part of the System. "FCC" means the Federal Communications Commission or its designated representative. "Franchise Area" means the area within the jurisdictional boundaries of the City, including annexed area, to be served by Franchisee as specified in this Franchise. • "Incremental Costs" means the actual and necessary costs incurred which exceed costs which would have otherwise been incurred. Incremental costs shall not include any part, portion, or pro -ration of costs, of any kind whatsoever, including without limitation overhead or labor costs, which would have otherwise been incurred. "Optical Cable" means wires, lines, cables and communication and signal lines used to convey communications by fiber optics. "Person" means any individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind. "Public Way" or "Right -of -Way" means any highway, street, road, sidewalk, alley or other public right of way or public utility easement under the jurisdiction and control of the City which has been acquired, established, dedicated or devoted to such purposes. "Telecommunications" means the transmission, between or among points specified by the user, of information of the user's choosing, without change in the form or content of the information as sent and received. iCity of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 3 of 40 "Telecommunications Applications Fees and Charges" includes fees and charges connected to right-of-way management, construction permit, permit design fee, building permit, encroachment permit, inspections and pavement restoration "Telecommunications Service" means the offering of telecommunications for a fee directly to the public, or to such classes of users as to be effectively available directly to the public, regardless of the facilities used. "Telecommunications System" or "System" means only those facilities necessary for Franchisee to provide Telecommunications Service. "Underground Facilities" means facilities located under the surface of the ground, other than underground foundations or supports for overhead facilities. "Utility Poles" means poles, and crossarms, devices, and attachments directly affixed to such poles which are used for the transmission and distribution of electrical energy, signals, or other methods of communication. . Section 2. Franchise. A. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Franchise, the City grants Franchisee a non-exclusive franchise and master permit to enter, occupy, and use public ways for constructing, installing, operating, maintaining, repairing, and removing telecommunications facilities necessary to provide telecommunications services. Except as expressly provided otherwise in this Franchise, Franchisee shall construct, install, operate, maintain, repair, and remove its facilities at its expense. B. Nothing in this Franchise grants authority to Franchisee to enter, occupy, or use City property. Any rights, privileges, and authority granted to Franchisee under this Franchise are subject to the legitimate rights of the police power of the City to adopt and enforce general ordinances necessary to protect the safety and welfare of the public, and nothing in this Franchise excuses Franchisee from its obligation to comply with all applicable general laws enacted by the City pursuant to such power. Any conflict between the terms or conditions of this Franchise and any other present or future exercise of the City's police powers will be resolved in favor of the exercise of the City's police power. City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 4 of 40 D. Nothing in this Franchise excuses Franchisee of its obligation to identify its facilities and proposed facilities and their location or proposed location in the public ways and to obtain use and/or development authorization and permits from the City before entering, occupying, or using public ways to construct, install, operate, maintain, repair, or remove such facilities. E. Nothing in this Franchise excuses Franchisee of its obligation to comply with applicable codes, rules, regulations, and standards subject to verification by the City of such compliance. F. Nothing in this Franchise shall be construed to limit taxing authority or other lawful authority to impose charges or fees, or to excuse Franchisee of any obligation to pay lawfully imposed charges or fees. G. Nothing in this Franchise grants authority to Franchisee to impair or damage any City property, public way, other ways or other property, whether publicly or privately owned. H. Nothing in this Franchise shall be construed to create a duty upon the City to be responsible for construction of facilities or to modify public ways to accommodate Franchisee's facilities. I. Nothing in this Franchise grants authority to Franchisee to provide or offer cable service as cable service is defined in 47 U.S.C. 522(6) or Internet Protocol Television ("IPTV") Service. J. Franchisee may use the wired facilities authorized by this Franchise for the transmission of telecommunications service only as expressly provided in this Franchise. K. Nothing in this Franchise shall be construed to create, expand, or extend any liability of the City to any third party user of Franchisee's facilities or to otherwise recognize or create third party beneficiaries to this Franchise. L. Nothing in this Franchise shall be construed to permit Franchisee to unlawfully enter or construct improvements upon the property or premises of another. Section 3. Term. The primary term of this Franchise is five years from the effective date of this Franchise. The Franchise will automatically renew for successive periods of five years (successive terms) each unless cancelled at the end of a term by either party by City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 5 of 40 written notice to the other party no less than 180 calendar days prior to the end of the primary term or the then current successive term. Section 4. Location of Facilities. A. Franchisee must place its facilities underground except as otherwise expressly provided herein. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Franchise, Franchisee may place optical cable, optical cable housing, and splicing connections on existing utility poles as overhead facilities if approved by the owner of the utility poles. All other facilities, including, without limitation, facilities required to operate or maintain such optical cable and optical cable housing, and splicing connections must be underground facilities if they are located in a public way. Nothing contained in this Section requires Franchisee to construct, operate, and maintain underground any ground -mounted appurtenances such as subscriber taps, line extenders, system passive devices (splitters, directional couplers), amplifiers, stand-by and other power supplies, network reliability units, pedestals, or other related equipment. B. Franchisee's facilities shall not unreasonably interfere with the use of public ways or City property by the City, the general public, or other persons or entities authorized to enter, occupy, or use public ways or City property. Whenever new facilities will exhaust the capacity of a public way to reasonably accommodate future users or facilities, the Franchisee shall provide nondiscriminatory access to its facilities to future users and facilities C. Franchisee shall not impair or damage any City property, public way, other ways or other property, whether publicly or privately owned. D. Franchisee shall provide the City with information in such form requested by the City which accurately reflects the horizontal and vertical location and configuration of all of Franchisee's facilities. Franchisee shall provide the City with updated information annually or upon request by the City. E. Franchisee shall relocate its facilities at the reasonable request of the City when there is construction, alteration, repair or improvement of a public way. Franchisee shall complete the relocation by the date specified by the City, unless the City, or a reviewing court, establishes a later date for completion, after a showing by Franchisee that the City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 6 of 40 • relocation cannot be completed by the dates specified using best efforts and meeting safety and service requirements. Franchisee shall relocate its facilities at its expense except: (1)Where the Franchisee had paid for the relocation costs of the same facilities at the request of the City within the past five years, the Franchisee's share of the cost of relocation will be paid by the City if it requested the subsequent relocation (2) Where the Franchisee has an ownership share of the existing utility poles upon which its optical cable and optical cable housing are located as overhead facilities, the additional incremental cost of underground relocation, or as provided for in an approved tariff if less, will be paid by the City if the City requires the underground relocation. (3)Where the City requests relocation of underground facilities solely for aesthetic purposes, the cost of relocation shall be paid by the City, provided, however, in no event shall a request to the City to relocate overhead facilities to underground be considered to be made for aesthetic purposes. Franchisee is authorized to place optical cable and optical cable housing on existing utility poles as overhead is facilities only as an exception to pre-existing City policies which require undergrounding, and the cost of relocating overhead facilities to underground shall be paid by the Franchisee except as provided in Section 4(E)(2). (4)Where the construction, alteration, repair or improvement of a public way is primarily for private benefit (be it a developer or otherwise), the Franchisee may seek reimbursement from the private party or parties for the cost of relocation in the same proportion as their contribution to the costs of the project, taking into account the impact of the project; provided, however, in no event shall the City be considered a private party for purposes of seeking reimbursement under this section. F. Franchisee shall relocate its facilities at its expense at the request of the City in the event of an unforeseen emergency that creates an immediate threat to the public safety, health or welfare. G. Franchisee shall install its Facilities in alleys rather than streets wherever economically reasonable and technically feasible (unless otherwise authorized by the Public Works Director). • City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 7 of 40 • H. Franchisee shall comply with Municipal Codes and requirements regarding historic districts. Section 5. Pole, Structures and Property Owned by Others. Franchisee must obtain written approval from the owners of utility poles, structures and property not owned by Franchisee prior to attaching to or otherwise using such poles, structures or property, and provide proof of such approval to the City. In the cases where the City owns the utility poles or structures the Franchisee shall comply with the Municipal Code provisions as preparation for a specific project plan and permit submittal. The City makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the availability of utility poles, structures, and property owned by third parties for the installation of Franchisee's facilities. The City shall not be liable for the unavailability of utility poles, structures, and property owned by the City or third parties for any reason whatsoever. The installation of facilities by Franchisee on or in the poles, structures, or property owned by others shall be subject to and limited by the owner's authority to enter, occupy, and use public ways. In the event that the authority of the owner of poles, structures, or property to enter, occupy, and use the public ways either expires, terminates, or is cancelled, the authority of Franchisee to construct, install, operate, maintain, and repair Franchisee's facilities at such locations may be immediately cancelled at the sole option of the City. The City shall not be liable for the costs for removal of facilities arising from expiration, termination, or cancellation of any pole owner's authority to enter, occupy, or use public ways for any reason whatsoever. Section 6. Construction and Installation Requirements. A. The technical performance of the facilities must meet or exceed all applicable technical standards authorized or required by law, regardless of the transmission technology utilized. The City will have the full authority permitted by applicable law to enforce compliance with these technical standards. B. All installations of facilities will be durable and installed in accordance with good engineering, construction, and installation practices. C. All facilities shall be constructed and installed in such manner and at such points so as not to inconvenience City or public use of the public ways or to adversely affect the public health, safety or welfare 40 City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 8 of 40 • and in conformity with plans approved by the City, except in instances in which deviation may be allowed by the City. D. The construction plans and Franchisee's operations shall conform to all federal, state, local, and industry codes, rules, regulations, standards and laws. Franchisee must cease work immediately if the City determines that Franchisee is not in compliance with such codes, rules, regulations, or standards, and may not begin or resume work until the City determines that Franchisee is in compliance. The City shall not be liable for any costs arising out of delays occurring as a result of such work stoppage. E. The Telecommunications System constructed, maintained and operated by virtue of this Franchise, shall be so constructed, maintained and operated in accordance with all applicable engineering codes adopted or approved by the City, State of Washington, federal government and/or engineering profession and in accordance with any applicable Statutes of the State of Washington, rules and regulations of the applicable Washington regulatory authority, Ordinances of the City or of any other governmental regulatory commission, board or agency having jurisdiction over Franchisee. F. Franchisee shall secure the required permits, licenses, or other forms of approval needed to lawfully occupy and use public ways. Franchisee shall have the sole responsibility for obtaining, at its own cost and expense, all permits, licenses, or other forms of approval or authorization necessary to construct, operate, maintain or repair or expand the System, and to construct, maintain and repair any part thereof. G. Franchisee or its designee shall have the authority to trim trees or branches measuring up to two inches in caliper on public property or which overhang streets, alleys, sidewalks and public ways of the City so as to prevent the branches of such trees from coming in contact with wires and cables of the Franchisee. Franchisee or its designee shall give prior written notice and shall obtain approval from the Public Works Director before trimming trees measuring more than two inches in caliper. The City agrees to either approve of Franchisee's request or to meet with Franchisee to review the proposed tree trimming within two business days of the receipt of Franchisee's written notice. Franchisee takes full responsibility for removing debris when the work is complete. All trimming is to be done at the sole expense and responsibility of Franchisee. Franchisee is solely responsible for City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 9 of 40 • property or tree damage caused by it, and must full restore any such property or tree damage when so requested by the City. In an emergency, Franchisee or its designee shall have the right to trim trees without prior approval from the City. Trimming of trees and shrubbery within or overhanging the public ways to prevent contact with Franchisee's Facilities shall be done in such a manner to cause the minimum amount of damage to trees and shrubs. If trees are excessively damaged as a result of the work undertaken by or on behalf of Franchisee, Franchisee shall pay the City, within 30 days of submission of a statement by the City, the reasonable cost of any treatment required to preserve a tree or shrub or the cost for removal and replacement of the tree or shrub with landscaping of equal value or the value of the tree or shrub prior to the damage or removal, as determined by the Public Works Director or other authorized agent of the City. Any trimming or removal of trees or shrubs shall be done in full compliance with the City's Ordinances and all other laws or regulations of the City. H. Neither approval of plans by the City nor any action or inaction by the City shall relieve Franchisee of any duty, obligation, or . responsibility for the competent design, construction, and installation of its facilities. Franchisee is solely responsible for the supervision, condition, and quality of the work done, whether it is performed by itself or by its contractors, agents, or assigns. I. Except as to emergency repairs, Franchisee shall, prior to excavating within any street, alley or other public place, and installing any conduit, overhead cable or equipment therein, file with the Public Works Director plans and specifications thereof showing the work to be done, the location and nature of the installation to be made, repaired or maintained, and a schedule showing the times of beginning and completion and shall secure a permit from the City before proceeding with any such work. The Franchisee shall conform to all requirements of the Municipal Code (as enacted or as amended). J. All construction and/or maintenance work as provided herein shall be performed in conformity with the plans and specifications filed with the City and with the permit or permits issued, except in instances in which deviation may be allowed thereafter in writing pursuant to an application by the Franchisee. K. Street excavations shall be dealt with through the standard Right - of -Way permitting process (East Wenatchee Municipal Code Chapter City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 10 of 40 12.04 (as enacted or as amended)). The City shall not unreasonably withhold or delay issuing the applicable permit Line extensions also require early consultation with the City to look at corridors and where Facilities shall be placed. However, in the event of an emergency requiring immediate action by Franchisee for the protection of the Facilities, City property or other persons or property, Franchisee may proceed without first obtaining the normally required permits. In such event Franchisee must (1) take all necessary and prudent steps to protect, support, and keep safe from harm the Facilities, or any part thereof; City property; or other persons or property, and to protect the public welfare, health and safety; and (2) as soon as possible thereafter, must obtain the required permits and comply with any mitigation requirements or other conditions in the after -the -fact permit. L. Unless such condition or regulation is in conflict with a federal or state requirement, the City may condition the granting of any permit or other approval that is required under this Franchise, in any manner reasonably necessary for the safe use and management of the public right-of-way or the City's property including, by way of example and not limitation, maintaining proper distance from other utilities, protecting the continuity of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and Rights -of -Way improvements, private facilities and public safety. M. Whenever necessary, after construction or maintaining any of Franchisee's Facilities within the Rights -of -Way, the Franchisee shall, without delay, and at Franchisee's sole expense, remove all debris and restore the surface disturbed by Franchisee as nearly as possible to as good or better condition as it was in before the work began. Franchisee shall replace any property corner monuments, survey reference or equipment that were disturbed or destroyed during Franchisee's work in the Rights -of -Way. Such restoration shall be done in a manner consistent with applicable codes and laws and to the City's satisfaction and specifications where applicable. N. Within 30 days of the effective date of this Franchise, Franchisee shall provide the City with GIS level maps in Washington State Plane Coordinates showing the size and location of the Facilities within the Franchise Area subject to the City's agreement to maintain the confidentiality of such information to the extent allowed by law. Before February 1 of each year, Franchisee shall provide the City with updated GIS level maps. The City agrees that it will comply with all state and federal laws prohibiting disclosure of Franchisee's maps and information to any third party to the extent allowed by law. City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 11 of 40 O. Within 30 days of receiving a written request from the City, Franchisee must provide the City with maps identifying the location of Franchisee's Facilities located within a specific public way in a format adequate for geographic information system and Computer Aided Design (CAD) usage. P. Franchisee shall at all times keep up-to-date maps and records showing the location and sizes of all Franchisee facilities installed by it in the Franchise Area. Such maps and records shall be kept in Franchisee's district operating office and shall be subject to inspection at all reasonable times by proper officials or agents of said City. Franchisee shall provide at the City's request a copy of facilities maps for the City's use. Q. Any map or information furnished to the City pursuant to this Franchise shall remain the Franchisee's proprietary information for all purposes to the extent allowed by law. R. Franchisee shall provide locates and field verify its facilities at no cost to the City. S. Franchisee shall be solely and completely responsible for workplace safety and safe working practices on its job sites within the Franchise area, including safety of all persons and property during the performance of any work. T. All of Franchisee's underground facilities shall be laid in accordance with current City regulations and project permit requirements. Unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Director, underground facilities must maintain (parallel) ten feet of separation from water mains and sewer mains. Franchisee shall restore the public way to pre -construction condition or better. Franchisee shall restore all landscaping as close to preconstruction condition as possible. Franchisee agrees to pay all costs and expenditures required on Rights -of -Way as a result of settling, subsidence, or any other need for repairs or maintenance resulting from excavations made by Franchisee for necessary trench patch maintenance until the next paving job. Favorable weather conditions permitting, Franchisee agrees to repair Rights -of -Way as a result of settling, subsidence, or other needed repairs or maintenance resulting from excavations made by the Franchisee upon 48 hours notice excluding weekends and holidays. If Franchisee fails to undertake such repairs as herein provided, the City may perform the repairs at Franchisee's expense. City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 12 of 40 In U. Franchisee shall notify the City in advance of any work in the Right -of -Way that involves excavation. Franchisee shall provide documentation in advance to the City for street cuts. Design review is not required where trenching does not occur or for routine repair and maintenance. Section 7. Coordination of Construction and Installation Activities and Other Work. A. Franchisee shall coordinate its construction and installation activities and other work with the City and other users of the public ways at least annually or as determined by the City. B. All construction or installation locations, activities and schedules shall be coordinated, as ordered by the City, to minimize public inconvenience, disruption or damages. C. At least 48 hours prior to entering a public way to perform construction and installation activities or other work, Franchisee shall give notice, at its cost, to owners and occupiers of property adjacent to such public ways indicating the nature and location of the work to be performed. Such notice shall be physically posted by door hanger. . Franchisee shall make a good faith effort to comply with the property owner or occupier's preferences, if any, on location or placement of underground facilities, consistent with sound engineering practices. D. Franchisee shall make available and accept the co -location of property of others within trenches excavated or used by Franchisee in the public ways provided the costs of the work are fairly allocated between the parties. E. By February 1 of each year, Franchisee shall provide the City with a schedule of its proposed construction or installation activities and other work in, around, or that may affect the public ways or City property. F. By May 1 of each year, the respective representatives of the City, Franchisee, and other utilities and service providers shall meet to share and discuss their multi -year plan for public way construction. The City shall coordinate the meetings and provide notice to Franchisee. G. The City shall give reasonable advance notice to Franchisee of plans to open public ways for construction or installation of facilities; provided, however, the City shall not be liable for damages for failure to provide such notice. When such notice has been given, Franchisee shall City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 13 of 40 provide information requested by the City regarding Franchisee's future plans for use of the public way to be opened. When notice has been given, Franchisee may only construct or install facilities during such period that the City has opened the public way for construction or installation. Section 8. Temporary Removal, Adjustment or Alteration of Facilities. A. Franchisee shall temporarily remove, adjust or alter the position of its facilities at its cost at the request of the City for public projects, events, or other public operations or purposes. B. Franchisee shall locate the precise horizontal and vertical location of its underground facilities by excavating upon request of the City. If the City's request is in support of a City project, the Franchisee shall complete this service within 14 days at no cost to the City. If the City's request is in support of a third party's project, the Franchisee shall be entitled to recover its cost from the project sponsor. C. If any person requests permission from the City to use a public way for the moving or removal of any building or other object, the City • shall, prior to granting such permission, require such person or entity to make any necessary arrangements with Franchisee for the temporary removal, adjustment or alteration of Franchisee's facilities to accommodate the moving or removal of said building or other object. In such event, Franchisee shall, at the cost of the person desiring to move or remove such building or other object, remove, adjust or alter the position of its facilities which may obstruct the moving or removal of such building or other object, provided that: (1)The moving or removal of such building or other object which necessitates the temporary removal, adjustment or alteration of facilities shall be done at a reasonable time and in a reasonable manner so as to not unreasonably interfere with Franchisee's business, consistent with the maintenance of proper service to Franchisee's customers; (2) Where more than one route is available for the moving or removal of such building or other object, such building or other object shall be moved or removed along the route which causes the least interference with the operations of Franchisee, in the sole discretion of the City; City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 14 of 40 . (3)The person obtaining such permission from the City to move or remove such building or other object may be required to indemnify and save Franchisee harmless from any and all claims and demands made against it on account of injury or damage to the person or property of another arising out of or in conjunction with the moving or removal of such building or other object, to the extent such injury or damage is caused by the negligence of the person moving or removing such building or other object or the negligence of the agents or employees of the person moving or removing such building or other object; and (4) Completion of notification requirements by a person who has obtained permission from the City to use a public way for the moving or removal of any building or other object shall be deemed to be notification by the City. D. The City may require Franchisee to temporarily remove, adjust or alter the position of Franchisee's facilities as the City may reasonably determine to be necessary at no cost to the City for work deemed needed by the City in the Rights -of -Way. The City shall not be liable to Franchisee or any other party for any direct, indirect, consequential, • punitive, special or other damages suffered as a direct or indirect result of the City's actions. E. The temporary removal, adjustment or alteration of the position of Franchisee's facilities shall not be considered relocation for any purpose whatsoever. Section 9. Safety and Maintenance Requirements. A. All work authorized and required under this Franchise will be performed in a safe, thorough, and workmanlike manner. B. Franchisee, in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local safety requirements shall, at all times, employ ordinary care and shall use commonly accepted methods and devices for preventing failures and accidents which are likely to cause damage, injury, or nuisance to occur. All facilities, wherever situated or located, shall at all times be kept in a good, safe, and suitable condition. If a violation of a safety code or other applicable regulation is found to exist by the City, the City may, after discussions with Franchisee, establish a reasonable time for Franchisee to make necessary repairs. If the repairs are not made within the established time frame, the City may make the repairs itself at the cost of the Franchisee or have them made at the cost of Franchisee. City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 15 of 40 • C. If Franchisee fails to commence, pursue or complete any work required by law, this Franchise or any applicable permit to be done in any public way within the time prescribed and to the satisfaction of the City, the City may at its discretion cause the work to be done. Franchisee shall pay to the City the reasonable costs of the work in an itemized report provided by the City to Franchisee within 30 days after receipt of such report. D. Franchisee, and any person acting on its behalf, shall provide a traffic control plan that conforms to the latest edition of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Said plan shall use suitable barricades, flags, flagmen, lights, flares, and other measures as required for the safety of all members of the general public during the performance of work, of any kind whatsoever, in public ways to prevent injury or damage to any person, vehicle, or property. Franchisee shall implement and comply with its approved traffic control plan during execution of its work. The traffic control plan shall be developed and kept on site in Franchisee's possession for all work impacting vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Prior approval is not required of traffic control plans. Traffic control plans may be modified as necessary by the Franchisee to achieve effective and safe traffic control. All road closures . requested by Franchisee require a detour plan submitted at least 48 hours in advance and prior City approval unless there is an emergency. E. Franchisee shall maintain its facilities in proper working order. Franchisee shall restore its facilities to proper working order upon receipt of notice from the City that facilities are not in proper working order. The City may, after discussions with Franchisee, establish a reasonable time for Franchisee to restore its facilities to proper working order. If the facilities are not restored to proper working order within the established time frame, the City may restore the facilities to proper working order or have them restored at the cost of Franchisee. F. The City shall have the right to inspect all construction and installation work performed by Franchisee pursuant to this Franchise to the extent necessary to ensure compliance by Franchisee. On an ongoing basis, Franchisee shall certify to the City that Franchisee's work is being performed and completed in a satisfactory manner. G. The City reserves the right to lay, and permit to be laid, sewer, electric, phone, gas, water and other pipelines, cables, conduits and related appurtenances and to do, or permit to be done, any underground or overhead work in, across, along, over or under a public way or other City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 16 of 40 • public place occupied by Franchisee. The City also reserves the right to construct new streets and public utilities and to alter the design of existing streets and public utilities. In performing such work, the City shall not be liable to Franchisee for any damage, but nothing herein shall relieve any other person or entity from the responsibility for damages to Franchisee's Facilities. The City will use its best efforts to provide Franchisee with reasonable advance notice of plans by other persons to open the public ways. H. On notice from the City that any work is being performed contrary to the provisions herein, or in an unsafe or dangerous manner or in violation of the terms of any applicable permit, laws, regulations, ordinances or standards, the City may issue a stop work order and Franchisee shall stop the work immediately. The City shall issue a stop work order in writing, unless given verbally in the case of an emergency, and provide the order to the individual doing work or post it on the work site. A copy of the order shall be sent to Franchisee, and the order must indicate the nature of the alleged violation or unsafe condition and the conditions under which Franchisee may resume work. Section 10. Removal of Unauthorized Facilities. Within 30 days . following written notice from the City, Franchisee shall, at its expense, remove unauthorized facilities and restore public Rights -of -Way and other property to as good a condition as existed prior to construction or installation of its facilities. Any plan for removal of said facilities must be approved by the City prior to such work. Facilities are unauthorized and subject to removal in the following circumstances: A. Upon expiration, termination, or cancellation of this Franchise; B. Upon abandonment of the facilities. Facilities shall be deemed abandoned if they are unused by Franchisee for a period of 90days; C. If the facilities were constructed or installed prior to the effective date of this Franchise; unless such facilities were constructed or installed upon the condition of subsequent approval of this Franchise with the consent of the City; D. If the facilities were constructed, installed, operated, maintained, or repaired without the prior issuance of required use and/or development authorization and permits; isCity of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 17 of 40 • E. If the facilities were constructed or installed or are operated, maintained or repaired in violation of the terms or conditions of this Franchise; or F. If the facilities are unauthorized for any reason whatsoever. Provided, however, that the City may, in its sole discretion, allow a Franchisee to abandon facilities in place. No facilities may be abandoned in place without the express written consent of the City. Upon consensual abandonment in place of facilities, the facilities shall become property of the City, and Franchisee shall submit to the City an instrument in writing, to be approved by the City, transferring to the City the ownership of such facilities. The failure of Franchisee to submit an instrument shall not prevent, delay, or impair transfer of ownership to the City. Section 11. Restoration of Public Ways and Other Property. A. When Franchisee, or any person acting on its behalf, does any work in or affecting any public way or other property, it shall, at its own expense, promptly remove any obstructions therefrom and restore, at Franchisee's cost, such ways and property to as good a condition as • existed before the work was undertaken, unless otherwise directed by the City. B. If weather or other conditions do not permit the complete restoration required by this section, the Franchisee shall temporarily restore the affected ways or property. Such temporary restoration shall be at the Franchisee's cost, and Franchisee shall promptly undertake and complete the required permanent restoration when the weather or other conditions no longer prevent such permanent restoration. C. All restoration work is subject to inspection and final approval by the City. If restoration is not made to the satisfaction of the City within the established timeframe, the City may make the restoration itself at the cost of Franchisee or have them made at the cost of Franchisee. Section 12. Use and/or Development Authorization and Permits. Franchisee shall obtain use, right-of-way construction, and/or development authorization and required permits from the City and all other appropriate regulatory authorities prior to constructing or installing facilities or performing other work in a public way. The City must act on applications for use and/or development authorization or • City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 18 of 40 • required permits within 60 days of receipt of a completed application, unless Franchisee consents to a different time period. A. Franchisee shall provide the following information for all facilities that it proposes to construct or install: (I)Engineering plans, specifications and a network map of the proposed facilities and their relation to existing facilities, in a format and media requested by the City in sufficient detail to identify: a. The location and route of the proposed facilities; b. When requested by the City, the location of all overhead and underground public utility, telecommunication, cable, water, sewer, drainage and other facilities in the public way along the proposed route; C. When requested by the City, the location(s), if any, for interconnection with the telecommunication facilities of others; d. The specific trees, structures, improvements, facilities and obstructions, if any, that Franchisee proposes to temporarily or permanently alter, remove or relocate. • (2)If Franchisee is proposing to install overhead facilities, evidence of Franchisee's authorization to use each utility pole along the proposed route together with any conditions of use imposed by the pole owner(s) for each pole; if the overhead facilities are subsequently relocated underground, the Franchisee shall relocate underground at no cost to the City. If the Franchisee proposes to install overhead facilities on City -owned poles or structures, the Franchisee shall comply with all applicable provisions of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. (3)If Franchisee is proposing to install underground facilities in existing ducts or conduits within the public ways, information in sufficient detail to identify: a. Evidence of ownership or authorization to use such ducts or conduits; b. Conditions of use imposed by the owner(s) of the ducts or conduits; C. If known to Franchisee or reasonably ascertainable to Franchisee, the total capacity of such ducts or conduits; and . City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 19 of 40 • d. If known to Franchisee or reasonably ascertainable to Franchisee, the amount of the total capacity within such ducts or conduits which will be occupied by Franchisee's facilities. (4)If Franchisee is proposing to install underground facilities in new ducts or conduits within the public ways: a. The location proposed for new ducts or conduits; b. The total capacity of such ducts or conduits; and C. The initial listing of colocated facilities located within Franchisee constructed or installed ducts or conduits. (5)A preliminary construction schedule and completion date together with a traffic control plan in compliance with the MUTCD for any construction. (6)Information to establish that the applicant has obtained all other governmental approvals and permits to construct and operate the facilities. (7) Such other documentation and information regarding the facilities requested by the City. B. The requirements of this section do not apply to installation of optical cable necessary to connect a customer of Franchisee to a previously approved facility; provided that neither excavation nor trenching in the public right-of-way is required, that the optical cable does not cross a distance of more than eighty (80) feet from its point of connection to the approved facility and the point where it exits the public right-of-way, that the optical cable connection meets or exceeds all applicable technical standards required by law, that the optical cable connection is durable and installed in accordance with good engineering, construction, and installation practices and does not interfere with the public use of the public ways, or adversely affect public health, safety or welfare, that the optical cable connection is constructed and installed to conform to all federal, state, local, and industry codes, rules, regulations, and standards, and that the optical cable connection does not damage or impair the City's public way or property. C. The requirements of this section do not apply to repair or maintenance of a previously approved overhead facility; provided that the location and size of the previously approved facility is not materially • City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 20 of 40 • changed, that no additional new facilities are constructed or installed, that the repair or maintenance activities are conducted in accordance with good engineering, repair, and maintenance practices and do not interfere with the public use of the public ways, or adversely affect public health, safety, or welfare, that maintenance or repair activities conform to all federal, state, local, and industry codes, rules, regulations, and standards, and that the repair or maintenance activities comply with the Municipal Code. D. Franchisee shall not be granted development authorization or issued permits for construction or installation of new facilities unless Franchisee is in full compliance with the provisions of this Franchise and all of Franchisee's existing facilities have been expressly approved by the City in writing. Section 13. Hold Harmless and Assumption of Risk. A. Hold Harmless. (I)Franchisee hereby releases, covenants not to bring suit and agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and representatives against any and all • claims, costs, damages, judgments, awards, attorneys' fees or liability, of any kind whatsoever, to any person, including claims by Franchisee's own employees to which Franchisee might otherwise be immune under Title 51 RCW, arising from injury or death of any person or damage to property arising out of the negligent acts or omissions of Franchisee, its officers, employees, agents or representatives. (2)Franchisee further releases, covenants not to bring suit and agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and representatives from any and all claims, costs, damages, judgments, awards, attorneys' fees or liability to any person arising out of Franchisee's exercise of the rights, privileges, or authority granted by this Franchise which are made against the City, in whole or in part, due to the City's ownership or control of the public ways or other City property, by virtue of the City permitting the Franchisee's entry, occupancy or use of the public ways, or based upon the City's inspection or lack of inspection of work performed by Franchisee, its officers, employees, agents or representatives. • City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 21 of 40 . (3)These hold harmless covenants include, but are not limited to claims against the City arising as a result of the acts or omissions of Franchisee, its officers, employees, agents or representatives in barricading, instituting trench safety systems or providing other adequate warnings of any excavation, construction, or work in any public way or other public place in performance of work or services permitted under this Franchise. (4)Franchisee further agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and representatives against any claims for damages, including, but not limited to, business interruption damages and lost profits, brought by or under users of the Franchisee's facilities as the result of any interruption of service due to damage or destruction of the user's facilities caused by or arising out of damage or destruction of Franchisee's facilities, except to the extent any such damage or destruction is caused by or arises from the active sole negligence of the City. (5)In the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the • concurrent negligence of Franchisee and the City, Franchisee's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of Franchisee's negligence. (6)It is further specifically and expressly understood that the hold harmless covenants provided herein constitutes the Franchisee's waiver of immunity under Title 51 RCW. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. (7)Inspection or acceptance by the City of any work performed by Franchisee at the time of completion of construction or installation shall not be grounds for avoidance of any of these hold harmless covenants. Said hold harmless obligations shall extend to claims which are not reduced to a suit and any claims which may be compromised prior to the culmination of any litigation or the institution of any litigation. (8)In the event that Franchisee refuses the tender of defense in any suit or any claim, said tender having been made pursuant to the hold harmless covenants contained herein, and said refusal is subsequently determined by a court having jurisdiction (or such other tribunal that the parties shall agree to decide the matter), to have been a wrongful refusal on the part of Franchisee, then • City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 22 of 40 • Franchisee shall pay and be responsible for all of the City's costs for defense of the action, including all reasonable expert witness fees and reasonable attorneys' fees and the reasonable costs of the City, including reasonable attorneys' fees of recovering under this hold harmless clause. B. Assumption of Risk. (1)Franchisee assumes the risk of damage to its facilities located in the City's public ways from activities conducted by third parties or the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, or representatives. Franchisee releases and waives any and all claims against the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and representatives for damage to or destruction of the Franchisee's facilities except to the extent any such damage or destruction is caused by or arises from active sole negligence of the City. (2)Franchisee bears sole responsibility to insure its property. Franchisee shall ensure that its insurance contracts waive subrogation claims against the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and representatives, and Franchisee shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its elected officials, • officers, employees, agents, and representatives against any and all subrogation claims if it fails to do so. Section 14. Insurance. Franchisee shall obtain and maintain, at its cost, worker's compensation insurance in accordance with State law requirements and the following liability insurance policies insuring both Franchisee and the City, and the City's elected and appointed officers, officials, agents, employees, representatives, engineers, consultants, and volunteers as additional insureds against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the exercise of the rights, privileges, and authority granted to Franchisee: A. Comprehensive general liability insurance, written on an occurrence basis, with limits not less than: (1)$5,000,000.00 for bodily injury or death to each person; (2)$5,000,000.00 for property damage resulting from any one accident; and (3)$5,000,000.00 for umbrella coverage for all other types of liability. • City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 23 of 40 19 B. Automobile liability for owned, non -owned and hired vehicles with a limit of $3,000,000.00 for each person and $3,000,000 for each accident. C. Workers' compensation within statutory limits and employer's liability insurance with limit of not less than $1,000,000. D. Comprehensive form premises -operations, explosions and collapse hazard, underground hazard and products completed hazard with limit of not less than $3,000,000. E. The liability insurance policies required by this section shall be maintained by Franchisee throughout the term of this Franchise, such other periods of time during which Franchisee's facilities occupy public ways, and while Franchisee is engaged in the removal of its facilities. Franchisee shall provide an insurance certificate, together with an endorsement naming the City, and its elected and appointed officers, officials, agents, employees, representatives, engineers, consultants, and volunteers as additional insureds, to the City prior to the commencement of any construction or installation of any facilities pursuant to this Franchise or other work in a public way. Any deductibles or self -insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the City. Payment of deductibles and self -insured retentions shall be the sole responsibility of Franchisee. The insurance certificate required by this section shall contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom a claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. Franchisee's insurance shall be primary insurance with respect to the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents, consultants, representatives, engineers and volunteers. Any insurance maintained by the City, its officers, officials, employees, consultants, agents, and volunteers shall be in excess of the Franchisee's insurance and shall not contribute to it. F. In addition to the coverage requirements set forth in this section, each such insurance policy shall contain an endorsement in a form which substantially complies with the following: "It is hereby understood and agreed that this policy may not be canceled nor the intention not to renew be stated until 90 days after receipt by the City, by registered mail, of a written notice addressed to the Mayor of intent to cancel or not to renew." City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 24 of 40 G. At least 30 days prior to said cancellation or non -renewal, Franchisee shall obtain and furnish to the City replacement insurance policies meeting the requirements of this section. Section 15. Performance Bond. Franchisee shall file with the City a performance bond in the amount specified by the City at the time the City grants Franchisee a requested construction permit. This bond shall be maintained throughout the period of time that Franchisee is performing work under such applicable construction permit. In the event Franchisee fails to comply with any law, ordinance, or regulation governing the Franchise, or fails to perform, observe, and fulfill each term, condition and covenant of the Franchise, there shall be recoverable, jointly and severally from the principal and surety of the bond, any damage or loss suffered by the City. Section 16. Security Fund. In addition to the performance bond, Franchisee shall establish and maintain a security fund in the amount of $8,000, at its cost, with the City by depositing such monies, letters of credit, or other instruments in such form and amount acceptable to the City within 30 calendar days of the effective date of this Franchise. No sums may be withdrawn from the fund by Franchisee without consent • of the City. The security fund shall be maintained at the sole expense of Franchisee so long as any of the Franchisee's facilities occupy a public way. A. The fund shall serve as security for the performance of this Franchise, including any claims, costs, damages, judgments, awards, attorneys' fees or liability, of any kind whatsoever, the City pays or incurs, including civil penalties, because of any failure attributable to Franchisee to comply with the provisions of this Franchise or the codes, ordinances, rules, regulations, standards, or permits of the City. B. Before any sums are withdrawn from the security fund, the City shall give written notice to Franchisee: (1)Describing the act, default or failure to be remedied, or the claims, costs, damages, judgments, awards, attorneys' fees or liability which the City has incurred or may pay by reason of Franchisee's act or default; (2)Providing a reasonable opportunity for Franchisee to first remedy the existing or ongoing default or failure, if applicable; City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 25 of 40 (3)Providing a reasonable opportunity for Franchisee to pay any monies due the City before the City withdraws the amount thereof from the security fund, if applicable; and (4) Franchisee will be given an opportunity to review the act, default or failure described in the notice with the City or his or her designee. C. Franchisee shall replenish the security fund within 14 days after written notice from the City that there is a deficiency in the amount of the fund. D. Insufficiency of the security fund shall not release or relieve Franchisee of any obligation or financial responsibility. Section 17. Taxes, Charges, and Fees. A. RCW 35.21.860 prohibits the City from imposing a franchise fee on a franchisee who is conducting a telephone business. Franchisee represents that it will use the City's right-of-ways for a telephone business purpose as defined by RCW 82.16.101. If this prohibition is removed or does not apply, Franchisee agrees to pay the City an annual franchise fee of $4,000. Franchisee will apprise the City annually in • writing of this circumstance on the anniversary date of this Franchise. B. Franchisee shall also pay and be responsible for all charges and fees imposed to recover actual administrative expenses incurred by the City that are directly related to receiving and approving this Franchise, any use and/or development authorizations which may be required, or any permit which may be required, to inspecting plans and construction, or to the preparation of a detailed statement. Regular application and processing charges and fees imposed by the City shall be deemed to be attributable to actual administrative expenses incurred by the City but shall not excuse Franchisee from paying and being responsible for other actual administrative expenses incurred by the City. (1)Franchisee shall pay a franchise processing fee of $1,500.00 within 30 calendar days of the effective date of this Franchise. (2) Franchisee shall pay fees according to applicable sections of the Municipal Code. C. Franchisee shall pay and be responsible for taxes permitted by law. City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 26 of 40 D. Franchisee stipulates that all of its business activities within city limits are taxable activities subject to the tax imposed by Chapter 4.32 East Wenatchee Municipal Code (as enacted or as amended). E. In addition to penalties and other remedies for which Franchisee may be subjected, the City reserves the right to impose site -specific charges for placement of structures used to provide telecommunications services. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, such charges shall be an amount equal to at least 100% of the costs of construction or installation of such structures. Section 18. Additional Ducts and Conduits. A. Franchisee shall construct and install additional ducts and conduits when and where requested by the City and related structures necessary to access the ducts and conduits. Such ducts and conduits shall be readily accessible and available for governmental use as determined by the City in its reasonable discretion. Such ducts and conduits shall not be used to provide telecommunications or cable service for hire, sale, or resale to the general public unless otherwise agreed by the parties. The City shall not be charged or responsible for any more than the incremental costs to construct and install such ducts and conduits, and the City shall not be charged or responsible for any use, maintenance, or repair costs. B. As a condition of being allowed to place optical cable, optical cable housing, or splicing connections on existing utility poles as overhead facilities, Franchisee shall construct, install, maintain, and repair dark fiber, loops, splicing connections, and related structures necessary to access the dark fiber, for governmental use, at all locations where Franchisee constructs or installs facilities. Franchisee shall construct, install, maintain, and repair four strands of dark fiber for governmental use at all locations along any route constructed by Franchisee, unless some other amount is mutually agreed by the parties for a particular location. Loops, splicing connections, and related structures necessary to access such dark fiber shall be constructed and installed by Franchisee at locations designated by the City along any route constructed by Franchisee under this Franchise. Such dark fiber, loops, and splicing connections shall be readily accessible and available for governmental use as determined by the City in its sole discretion. It is the City's responsibility to reimburse the Franchisee for Franchisee's actual costs to install the dark fiber service drops from the storage loops into the City's buildings or facilities as required. Such costs shall be isCity of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 27 of 40 provided to and approved by the City prior to commencement of any construction of such service drops by Franchisee. All such dark fiber, loops, splicing connections, and related structures shall be dedicated to governmental use and shall not be used by Franchisee. All such dark fiber, loops, splicing connections, and related structures shall not be used by the City to provide telecommunications or cable service for hire, sale, or resale to the general public unless otherwise agreed by the parties. C. Except as expressly provided in this section, Franchisee shall not charge the City for any costs, of any kind whatsoever, for facilities provided by Franchisee in accordance with this section. Section 19. Access to Facilities and Universal Service. A. Franchisee shall provide access to its facilities by hire, sale, or resale on a nondiscriminatory basis. Franchisee shall make its telecommunications services available to any customer within its franchise area who shall request such service whenever feasible, without discrimination as to the terms, conditions, rates or charges for the Franchisee's services; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall prohibit Franchisee from making any reasonable classifications among differently situated customers. B. Franchisee shall provide Internet access to users of Eastmont Community Park and to users of City property, at locations requested by the City, if it is practicable. Franchisee and the City (or the Eastmont Metropolitan District, as applicable) may enter into a separate agreement or agreements regarding the allocation of costs to construct, install, operate, maintain, repair, and remove facilities needed to provide such access; provided, however, that nothing herein shall require the City to accept construction or installation of facilities on City property. Section 20. Acquisition of Facilities. Upon Franchisee's acquisition of any facilities in the public way, or upon any addition or annexation to the City of any area in which Franchisee has facilities, such facilities shall immediately be subject to the terms of this Franchise without further action of the City or Franchisee. Section 21. One -Call. Franchisee is responsible for complying with the provisions of Washington's One -Call statutes. Is City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 28 of 40 • Section 22. Vacation of Public Ways. The City reserves the right to vacate any public way which is subject to rights, privileges, and authority granted by this Franchise. If Franchisee has facilities in such public way, the City shall reserve an easement for Franchisee. Section 23. Duty to Provide Information. Within 30 days of a written request from the City, Franchisee shall furnish the City with all requested information sufficient to demonstrate: A. That Franchisee has complied with all requirements of this Franchise; B. That taxes, fees, charges, or other costs owed or payable by Franchisee have been properly collected and paid; and C. The names of the users of Franchisee's facilities and the services and products those users are providing to the public. Franchisee's obligations under this section are in addition to those provided elsewhere in this Franchise. Section 24. Records. A. Franchisee will manage all of its operations in accordance with a policy of keeping its documents and records open and accessible to the City. The City will have access to, and the right to inspect, any documents and records of Franchisee and its affiliates that are reasonably necessary for the enforcement of this Franchise or to verify Franchisee's compliance with terms or conditions of this Franchise. Franchisee will not deny the City access to any of Franchisee's records on the basis that Franchisee's documents or records are under the control of any affiliate or a third party. B. All documents and records maintained by Franchisee shall be made available for inspection by the City at reasonable times and intervals; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be construed to require Franchisee to violate state or federal law regarding subscriber privacy, nor shall this section be construed to require Franchisee to disclose proprietary or confidential information without adequate safeguards for its confidential or proprietary nature. C. One copy of documents and records requested by the City will be furnished to the City at the cost of Franchisee. If the requested documents and records are too voluminous or for security reasons cannot be copied or removed, then Franchisee may request, in writing is City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 29 of 40 • within ten days of the City's request, that the City inspect them at Franchisee's local office. If any documents or records of Franchisee are not kept in a local office and/or are not made available in copies to the City, and if the City determines that an examination of such documents or records is necessary or appropriate for the enforcement of this Franchise, or to verify Franchisee's compliance with terms or conditions of this Franchise, then all reasonable travel and related costs incurred in making such examination shall be paid by Franchisee. Section 25. Assignment or Transfer. Franchisee's rights, privileges, and authority under this Franchise, and ownership or working control of facilities constructed or installed pursuant to this Franchise, may not, directly or indirectly, be transferred, assigned or disposed of by sale, lease, merger, consolidation or other act of Franchisee, by operation of law or otherwise, except as provided herein, or without the prior written consent of the City, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Any transfer, assignment or disposal of Franchisee's rights, privileges, and authority under this Franchise, or ownership or working control of facilities constructed or installed pursuant to this Franchise, may be subject to reasonable conditions as may be prescribed by the City. A. No rights, privileges, or authority under this Franchise shall be assigned, transferred, or disposed of in any manner within twelve (12) months after the effective date of this Franchise. B. Absent extraordinary and unforeseeable circumstances, no facility shall be assigned, transferred, or disposed of before construction of the facility has been completed and restoration has been performed to the satisfaction of the City. C. Franchisee and the proposed assignee or transferee shall provide and certify the following information to the City not less than15O days prior to the proposed date of assignment, transfer, or disposal: (1) Complete information setting forth the nature, terms and conditions of the proposed assignment, transfer, or disposal; (2) Any other information reasonably required by the City; and (3) A transfer application fee in an amount to be determined by the City to recover actual administrative costs directly related to receiving and approving the proposed assignment, transfer, or disposal. City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 30 of 40 • D. No assignment, transfer, or disposal may be made or shall be approved unless the assignee or transferee has the legal, technical, financial, and other requisite qualifications to operate, maintain, repair, and remove facilities constructed or installed pursuant to this Franchise and to comply with the terms and conditions of this Franchise. E. Any transfer, assignment, or disposal of rights, privileges, and authority under this Franchise or ownership or working control of facilities constructed or installed pursuant to this Franchise, without prior written approval of the City pursuant to this section, shall be void and is cause for termination of this Franchise. F. Any transactions which singularly or collectively result in a change of 50% or more of the ownership or working control (regardless of the percentage) of the Franchisee or affiliated entities having 50% or more of the ownership or actual working control (regardless of the percentage) of Franchisee, or of control of the telecommunications capacity or bandwidth of Franchisee, shall be considered an assignment or transfer requiring City approval. Transactions between affiliated entities are exempt from City approval; provided that, Franchisee shall promptly notify the City prior to any proposed change in, or transfer of, or acquisition by any other party of control of Franchisee. Every change, transfer, or acquisition of control of Franchisee shall cause a review of the proposed transfer. City approval shall not be required for mortgaging purposes or if said transfer is from Franchisee to another person controlled by Franchisee. G. All terms and conditions of this Franchise shall be binding upon all permitted successors and assigns of Franchisee and all persons who obtain ownership or working control of any facility constructed or installed pursuant to this Franchise. Section 26. Violations, Noncompliance, and Other Grounds for Termination or Cancellation. A. This Franchise, and any right, privilege or authority of Franchisee to enter, occupy or use public ways may be terminated or cancelled by the City for the following reasons: (1)Violation of or noncompliance with any term or condition of this Franchise by Franchisee; isCity of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 31 of 40 • (2) Violation of or noncompliance with the material terms of any use and/or development authorization or required permit by Franchisee; (3) Construction, installation, operation, maintenance, or repair of facilities on, in, under, over, across, or within any public way without Franchisee first obtaining use and/or development authorization and required permits from the City and all other appropriate regulatory authorities; (4)Unauthorized construction, installation, operation, maintenance, or repair of facilities on City property; (5)Misrepresentation or lack of candor by or on behalf of Franchisee in any application or written or oral statement upon which the City relies in making the decision to grant, review or amend any right, privilege or authority to Franchisee; (6)Abandonment of facilities; (7)Failure of Franchisee to pay taxes, fees, charges or costs when and as due; or (8)Insolvency or bankruptcy of Franchisee. B. If the City believes that grounds exist for termination or cancellation of this Franchise or any right, privilege or authority of Franchisee to enter, occupy or use public ways, Franchisee shall be given written notice and a reasonable period of time not exceeding 30days to furnish evidence: (1)That corrective action has been, or is being actively and expeditiously pursued, to remedy the violation, noncompliance, or other grounds for termination or cancellation; (2)That rebuts the alleged violation, noncompliance, or other grounds for termination or cancellation; or (3)That it would be in the public interest to impose some penalty or sanction less than termination or cancellation. C. In the event that Franchisee fails to provide evidence reasonably satisfactory to the City as provided in subsection (B) of this section, the City shall refer the apparent violation, noncompliance, or other grounds for termination or cancellation to the City Council. The City Council shall provide the Franchisee with notice and a reasonable opportunity to be heard concerning the matter. City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 32 of 40 • D. If the City Council determines that the violation, noncompliance, or other grounds above for termination or cancellation exist, then, Franchisee shall, at the election of the City Council, forfeit all rights, privileges and authority conferred under this Franchise or any use and/or development authorization or permit granted by the City, and this Franchise and any such use and/or development authorization or permit may be terminated or cancelled by the City Council. The City Council may elect, in lieu of the foregoing and without any prejudice to any of its other legal rights and remedies, to pursue other remedies, including obtaining an order compelling Franchisee into compliance or to take corrective action, or to recover damages and costs incurred by the City by reason of Franchisee's actions or omissions. The City Council shall utilize the following factors in analyzing the nature, circumstances, extent, and gravity of the actions or omissions of Franchisee: (1) Whether the misconduct was egregious; (2)Whether substantial harm resulted; (3) Whether the violation was intentional; (4) Whether there is a history of prior violations of the same or other requirements; (5) Whether there is a history of overall compliance; and (6)Whether the violation was voluntarily disclosed, admitted or cured. E. The City Council's choice of remedy shall not excuse Franchisee from compliance with any term or condition of this Franchise or the material terms of any use and/or development authorization or required permit. Franchisee shall have a continuing duty to remedy any violation, noncompliance, or other grounds for termination or cancellation. Further, nothing herein shall be construed as limiting any remedies that the City may have, at law or in equity, for enforcement of this Franchise and any use and/or development authorization or permit granted to Franchisee. Section 27. Notices. A. Any regular notice or information required or permitted to be given to the parties under this Franchise may be sent to the following addresses unless otherwise specified: City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 33 of 40 • The City: City of East Wenatchee Attn: Mayor 271 9th St. N.E. East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Franchisee: Zayo Group, LLC 1805 29th Street Boulder, CO 80301 Attn: General Counsel, ZFTI B. Franchisee shall additionally provide a phone number and designated responsible officials to respond to emergencies. After being notified of an emergency, Franchisee shall cooperate with the City and make its best efforts to immediately respond to minimize damage, protect the welfare, health and safety of the public and repair facilities to restore them to proper working order. Annually, on request of the City, Franchisee will meet with City emergency response personnel to coordinate emergency management operations and, at least once a year, at the request of the City, actively participate in emergency preparations. Section 28. Non Waiver. The failure of the City to exercise any rights or remedies under this Franchise or to insist upon compliance with any terms or conditions of this Franchise shall not be a waiver of any such rights, remedies, terms or conditions of this Franchise by the City and shall not prevent the City from demanding compliance with such terms or conditions at any future time or pursuing its rights or remedies. Section 29. Eminent Domain. This Franchise is subject to the power of eminent domain and the right of the City Council to repeal, amend or modify the Franchise in the interest of the public. In any proceeding under eminent domain, the Franchise itself shall have no value. Section 30. Limitation of Liability. Administration of this Franchise may not be construed to create the basis for any liability on the part of the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and representatives for any injury or damage; or by reason of any schedule or specification review, inspection, notice and order, permission, or other approval or consent by the City; for any action or inaction thereof authorized or done in connection with the implementation or City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 34 of 40 • enforcement of this Franchise by the City; or for the accuracy of plans submitted to the City. Section 31. Damage to Facilities. Unless directly and proximately caused by the active sole negligence of the City, the City shall not be liable for any damage to or loss of any facilities as a result of or in connection with any public works, public improvements, construction, excavation, grading, filling, or work of any kind on, in, under, over, across, or within a public way done by or on behalf of the City. Section 32. Competitive Neutrality. In order to maintain a level playing field among all similarly situated franchisees of the City, upon the grant or renewal of another franchise in the Rights -of -Way where material terms or conditions of this Franchise conflict with a change in the Municipal Code, or the provisions of this Franchise provide a material competitive advantage over another similarly situated provider (such that it negatively impacts the City's ability to effectively manage the Rights -of -Way), then the City may elect to renegotiate with the Franchisee in good faith to modify the terms and provisions of this Franchise to obtain material terms and conditions that, as a whole, are competitively neutral between franchisees. • Section 33. Governing Law and Venue. This Franchise and use of the applicable public ways will be governed by federal law, the laws of the State of Washington and local law. Franchisee agrees to be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Washington. Any action relating to this Franchise must be brought in the Superior Court of Washington for Chelan County, or in the case of a federal action, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Washington, unless an administrative agency has primary jurisdiction. Section 34. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Franchise or its application to any person or entity should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality will not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Franchise or its application to any other person or entity; provided that, if any term or condition of this Franchise relating to Franchisee's right, privilege, or authority to place optical cable, optical cable housing, and splicing connections on existing utility poles as overhead facilities is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, Franchisee's authority to construct, install, operate, maintain, or repair overhead facilities shall be deemed void ab initio, isCity of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 35 of 40 • any overhead facilities shall be deemed to be unauthorized, and Franchisee shall be authorized only to place facilities underground. Section 35. Miscellaneous. A. Equal Employment and Nondiscrimination. Throughout the term of this Franchise, Franchisee will fully comply with all equal employment and nondiscrimination provisions and requirements of federal, state, and local laws, and in particular, FCC rules and regulations relating thereto. B. Local Employment Efforts. Franchisee will use reasonable efforts to utilize qualified local contractors, including minority business enterprises and woman business enterprises, whenever the Franchisee employs contractors to perform work under this Franchise. C. Descriptive Headings. The headings and titles of the sections and subsections of this Franchise are for reference purposes only and do not affect the meaning or interpretation of the text herein. D. Force Majeure. Franchisee shall not be required to perform any covenant or obligation in this Franchise, or be liable in damages to the . City, so long as the performance or non-performance of the covenant or obligation is delayed, caused or prevented by an act of God or force majeure. An "act of God" or "force majeure" is defined for purposes of this Franchise as strikes, lockouts, sit-downs, material or labor restrictions by any governmental authority, unusual transportation delays, riots, floods, washouts, explosions, earthquakes, fire, storms, weather (including inclement weather which prevents construction), acts of the public enemy, wars, terrorism, insurrections, and/or any other cause not reasonably within the control of Franchisee. E. Costs and Attorneys' Fees. If any action or suit arises in connection with this Franchise, the substantially prevailing party will be entitled to recover all of its costs and attorneys' fees, as well as costs and attorneys' fees on appeal, in addition to such other relief as the court may deem proper. F. No Joint Venture. Nothing herein will be deemed to create a joint venture or principal -agent relationship between the parties, and neither party is authorized to, nor shall either party act toward third persons or the public in any manner that would indicate any such relationship with the other. isCity of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 36 of 40 G. Actions of the City or Franchisee. In performing their respective obligations under this Franchise, the City and Franchisee will act in a reasonable, expeditious, and timely manner. Whenever this Franchise sets forth a time for any act to be performed by Franchisee, such time shall be deemed to be of the essence, and any failure of Franchisee to perform within the allotted time may be considered a material breach of this Franchise, and sufficient grounds for the City to invoke any relevant remedy. H. Counterparts. This Franchise may be executed in one or more counterparts, and each originally executed duplicate counterpart of this Franchise shall be deemed to possess the full force and effect of the original. I. Entire Agreement. This Franchise represents the entire understanding and agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter and supersedes all prior oral and written negotiations between the parties. J. Modification. The parties may alter, amend or modify the terms and conditions of this Franchise upon written agreement of both parties to such alteration, amendment or modification. 10 K. Non -exclusivity. This Franchise does not confer any exclusive right, privilege, or authority to enter, occupy or use public ways for delivery of telecommunications services or any other purposes. This Franchise is granted upon the express condition that it will not in any manner prevent the City from granting other or further franchises in, on, across, over, along, under or through any public way. L. Rights Granted. This Franchise does not convey any right, title or interest in public ways, but shall be deemed only as authorization to enter, occupy, or use public ways for the limited purposes and terms stated in this Franchise. Further, this Franchise shall not be construed as any warranty of title. M. Contractors and Subcontractors. Franchisee's contractors and subcontractors must be licensed and bonded in accordance with the City's ordinances, rules, and regulations. Work by contractors and subcontractors is subject to the same restrictions, limitations and conditions as if the work were performed by Franchisee. Section 35. Publication. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to publish a summary hereof. City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 37 of 40 • Section 36. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law, but if, and only if, the Franchisee has endorsed this ordinance and accepted its terms and conditions within 30 days of its passage. Section 37. Repeal. The City Council repeals Ordinance 2012-09. Zayo agrees that the terms of the Franchise Agreement set forth in Ordinance 2012-09 are void, and all facilities installed by Zayo under Ordinance 2012-09 shall be governed by this Ordinance as of the Effective Date PASSED by the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting on the day of , 2012. City of East Wenatchee 0 By Mayor Steven C. Lacy ATTEST: Dana Barnard City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Devin Poulson City Attorney Filed with the City Clerk: Passed by the City Council: • City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 38 of 40 • Published: Effective Date: • ACCEPTANCE: Zayo Group, LLC I' 0 Printed Name: Gregg Strumberger Title: General Counsel City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 39 of 40 • Summary of Ordinance No. 2013-11 0 Of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington On the day of , 2013, the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington approved Ordinance No. 2013- 11, the main point of which may be summarized by its title as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE granting a non-exclusive Franchise to Zayo Group, LLC to construct, install, operate, maintain, repair, or remove fiber optic cables within the public ways of the City of East Wenatchee. Upon request, the City will mail a full text of this Ordinance. Dated this day of )2013. CITY CLERK, DANA BARNARD City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-11 Page 40 of 40 0 11 COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # PRESENTER: POSITION: CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL 13-11-02 AGENDA ITEM # 4 Devin Poulson City Attorney AGENDA DATE: November 12, 2013 DEPARTMENT: Legal Department TITLE: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee allowing dog licenses to read "Wenatchee Valley Animal Control" by amending Section 6.04.040 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. BACKGROUND/ The proposed amendment changes the law in two ways. First, it allows the HISTORY: Humane Society to change the name on the Identification tag from East Wenatchee to Animal Control, so that it can use one sequential series of numbers for all jurisdictions (i.e. 1-20,000). This will eliminate double numbers in their system, and it will allow their licensing software to function more efficiently. The tags will still have animal controls contact information on them and the Humane Society will still be able to tell what dogs belong in the city limits of East Wenatchee, and how many licenses have been sold in East Wenatchee. Second, it eliminates the language that says licenses are available on December 1. A license is good for one year, so owners renew their licenses at all times of the year. Thus, the language in the Code needs to be updated to reflect actual practice. Because the redlined version is hard to read, here is how the final law would read: 6.04.040 Animal licenses generally. The City requires the following animal licenses: a dog license, a pet kennel license, and a dangerous animal license. A license is not transferable. An owner of a dog which is four months of age or older must obtain a valid license. An owner must apply for a license on a form approved by the Director. An application must be accompanied by the license fee and, if the animal is altered, by proof of alteration. A license is issued in the name of the owner and is numbered serially. Each issued license is accompanied by an identification tag inscribed with "Wenatchee Valley Animal Control," a number corresponding to the license, and the license's expiration date. A license expires one year after it is issued. Following a hearing set forth in EWMC 6.04.140, the Director may establish the license fee for a dangerous animal license. The fee for a dangerous animal license, however, may not exceed $200.00. Page 1 of 2 • • 0 EXHIBITS: RECOMMENDED Elevate to second reading and approve the Ordinance. ACTION: FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ N/A $ N/A $ N/A ACTION TAKEN: rVIV r"` Motion Made By: J p hn S 0n Councilmember Collings Councilmember Johnson Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Barnhart Passed: 110 Failed: Second By: Councilmember Raab " Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Detering Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) Page 2 of 2 City of East Wenatchee, Washington Ordinance No. 2013-12 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee allowing dog---f ----- Formatted: Jus licenses to read "Wenatchee Valley Animal Control" by amending Section 6.04.040 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. Una Ordenanza de la Ciudad de East Wenatchee permitiendo licencias para perros para leer "Wenatchee Valley Animal Control" mediante la modificacion de la Seccion 6.04.040 del Codigo Municipal de Wenatchee. 1. Alternate format. 1.1. Para leer este documento en otro formato (espanol, Braille, leer en voz alta, etc.), pongase en contacto con el vendedor de la ciudad al alternatformat@east- wenatchee.com, al (509) 884-9515 o al 711 (TTY). 1.2. To read this document in an alternate format (Spanish, Braille, read aloud, etc.), please contact the City Clerk at alternateformat@east-wenatchee.com, at (509) 884-9515, or at 711 (TTY). 2. Authority. RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the City Council to adopt ordinances of all kinds to regulate its municipal affairs and appropriate to the good government of the City. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 3. Amendment. The City Council amends Section 6.04.040 Deleted: are r of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code to read as follows: Deleted: g Deleted: s 6.04.040 Animal licenses generally. Moved (Inserdi . Deleted: s The City requires the following animal licensed a dog ; ,";; ;,% license a et kennel license, and a dangerous animal Deleted: are —p _ - -- - --- -- ------- Deleted: The -------- license, _icense is __ ot_transferable. n Qwner of a — _ •__-__ ....... - - � - -- - - -- - ---�-------- Deleted: s which is four months of age or older must obtain a valid • Deleted: ny City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-12 Page 1 of 4 license. ,4n owner must apply for a license_ on a form . approved b the Director, An lication mustbe pp Ypp -------- accompanied by the license fee, and, if the animal is �`' altered, by �roof_of alteration, �cense,_i_ssued the __in name of the owner and is ,lumbered serially._ Each_issued ', ------------------ - - - - -------------- `, license is accompanied by anzl identification tag inscribed ; N;:;• with `,Wenatchee Valley Animal Control," a number ------------------- corresponding to the license., and the license's expiration - •,• - date.,A license expires one year after it is issued Following a hearing set forth in EWMC 6.04.140, the Director may establish the license fee for a dangerous --------------------------------- animal license, The fee for a dangerous animal license, however, may not exceed $200.00 '''''' ' ------------------- 4. Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision in this Ordinance to be contrary to law, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Ordinance. 5. Publication. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a summary of this Ordinance. The summary shall consist of the title of this Ordinance. 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance becomes effective five days after the date its summary is published. Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this day of , 2013. The City of East Wenatchee, Washington By ,,Tim Detering , Mayor Pro Tempore Deleted: Stever • City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-12 Page 2 of 4 • Attest: 0 Dana Barnard, City Clerk Approved as to form only: Devin Poulson, City Attorney Filed with the City Clerk: Passed by the City Council: ------------------------ Published: Effective Date: City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-12 Page 3 of 4 Deleted: . • Summary of Ordinance No. 2013-12 Of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington 0 On the day of , 2013, the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington approved Ordinance No. 2013-12, the main point of which may be summarized by its title as follows: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee allowing dog licenses to read "Wenatchee Valley Animal Control" by amending Section 6.04.040 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. Una Ordenanza de la Ciudad de East Wenatchee permitiendo licencias para perros para leer "Wenatchee Valley Animal Control" mediante la modificacion de la Seccion 6.04.040 del Codigo Municipal de Wenatchee. Upon request, the City will mail a full text of this Ordinance. Dated this day of , 2013. Deleted: Dana Barnard, City Clerk is City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2013-12 Page 4 of 4 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE L-,, • L-1 COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # PRESENTER: POSITION: CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL 13-11-03 Tim Detering Mayor Pro Tempore AGENDA ITEM # AGENDA DATE: DEPARTMENT: 5 November 12, 2013 Mayor TITLE: Resolution No. 2013-20 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington authorizing the Mayor to execute an Agreement For Public Defender Services. BACKGROUND/ Currently, the City pays its public defenders $96,000 per year. The proposed HISTORY: two-year contract gives the public defender a 2.5% increase in compensation, for a total of $98,400 per year. Under the proposed contract, the City also pays the public defenders $500/year to offset their expenses in serving subpoenas on witnesses. EXHIBITS: Resolution No. 2013-20 RECOMMENDED Motion to pass the resolution. ACTION: FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ 98,900 $ 98,900 $ Yes. ACTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: V_dfr\har+ Councilmember Collings Councilmember Johnson Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Barnhart Passed: 110 Failed: Second By: ,Johh son Councilmember Raab Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Detering Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) Page l of 1 0 City of East Wenatchee, Washington Resolution No. 2013-20 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington authorizing the Mayor to execute an Agreement For Public Defender Services. 1. Alternate format. 1.1. Para leer este documento en otro formato (espanol, Braille, leer en voz alta, etc.), pongase en contacto con el vendedor de la ciudad al alternateformat@east-wenatchee.com, al (509) 884-9515 o al 711 (TTY). 1.2. To read this document in an alternate format (Spanish, Braille, read aloud, etc.), please contact the City Clerk at alternateformat@east-wenatchee.com, at (509) 884-9515, or at 711 (TTY). 2. Authority. 2.1. RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the City Council to organize and regulate its internal affairs and to define the powers, functions and duties of its officers and employees. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 3. Authorization. The City Council authorizes the Mayor to execute an Agreement for Public Defender Services that conforms to the language set forth in Exhibit A. 4. Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision in this resolution to be contrary to law, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Resolution. 5. Effective date. This Resolution becomes effective immediately. City of East Wenatchee Resolution 2013-20 Page 1 of 2 Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this day of , 2013. The City of East Wenatchee, Washington By Steven C. Lacy, Mayor Attest: 0 Dana Barnard, City Clerk Approved as to form only: Devin Poulson, City Attorney Filed with the City Clerk: Passed by the City Council: Effective Date: City of East Wenatchee Resolution 2013-20 Page 2 of 2 Resolution 2013-20 Exhibit A • Agreement For Public Defender Services • 0 Resolution 2013-20 Exhibit A • 1. Parties. The parties to this Agreement are the City of East Wenatchee ("City"), a municipal corporation, and Tony DiTommaso and Nicholas A. Yedinak of Kottkamp and Yedinak, PLLC ("Attorneys"). 2. Scope of Services. If the East Wenatchee Municipal Court ("Court") determines that a defendant qualifies for a court - appointed attorney, the City will refer that to the Attorneys. The Attorneys must provide legal representation for a defendant from the time of appointment, through trial and sentencing, and through the filing of a notice of appeal to the Superior Court. The Attorneys may not solicit money from a court -appointed defendant or his/her family during the course of the representation. 3. Applicant Screening. Using an independent screening process, the Court" will determine a defendant's eligibility for appointed counsel. The Court is responsible for handling the screening process. Should the Attorneys determine a defendant is not eligible for assigned counsel; the Attorneys will advise the Court and move withdraw from the case. 4. Twenty -Four Hour Telephone Access. Before February 1, 2013, the Attorneys will provide the City Police Department with the telephone number or numbers at which the Attorneys and Associated Counsel can be reached for "critical stage" advice to defendants during the course of a police investigation or arrest twenty-four hours each day. 5. Associated Counsel. If licensed to practice law in the state of Washington, an attorney associated with or employed by the Attorneys have the authority to perform the services called for herein. The Attorneys may employ associated counsel to assist at the Attorneys' expense. 6. Proof of Professional Liability Insurance. During the term of this Agreement and any extensions thereof, the Attorneys must secure and maintain policies of comprehensive professional liability insurance with an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of Washington. Said policies must have limits of not less than $300,000.00. The Attorneys must file written proof of the insurance policies with the City. 0 Resolution 2013-20 Exhibit A • 7.Indemnification. 7.1. The Attorneys agree to indemnify and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, and employees harmless from any and all claims, losses or liability, including Attorneys' fees, whatsoever arising out of the Attorneys' performance of obligations pursuant to this Agreement, including claims arising by reason of accident, injury, or death caused to persons or property of any kind occurring by the fault or neglect of the Attorneys, their agents, associates, or employees, or occurring without the fault or neglect of the City. 7.2. With respect to the performance of this Agreement and as to claims against the City, its officers, agents, and employees, the Attorneys expressly waive immunity under Title 51 of the Revised Code of Washington, the Industrial Insurance Act, for injuries to employees and agree that the obligation to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless provided for in this paragraph extends to any claim brought by or on behalf of any employee of the Attorneys. This waiver is mutually negotiated by the parties. This paragraph does not apply to any damage resulting from the sole negligence of the City, its agents, or 10 employees. This obligation to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless is valid and enforceable only to the extent of the negligence of the Attorneys, their officers, agents, and employees. 8. Compensation. The City will pay each Attorney for services rendered, under this Agreement, the sum of $4,100.00 per month, for a total of $98,400.00 per year for case assignments. This amount includes the filing of an appeal from Municipal Court to Superior Court. The City will make payment within 30 days of receipt of the Attorneys' voucher. 9. Caseloads. If the Municipal Court assigns DiTommaso more than 400 cases per year, he is entitled to additional compensation. For each case accepted above the caseload limit of 400 cases per year, the City will compensate DiTommaso an additional $120 per case. Likewise, if the Municipal Court assigns Yedinak more than 400 cases per year, he is entitled to additional compensation. For each case accepted above the caseload limit of 400 cases per year, the City will compensate Yedinak an additional $120 per case. • Resolution 2013-20 Exhibit A • 10. Service of Process Costs. In addition to other compensation, the City will pay Attorneys $500 ($250 to DiTommaso and $250 to Yedinak) each year to help Attorneys offset the costs they may incur for service -of -process fees. Payment is due on March 1 each year. 11. Vouchers. On a standard voucher form, Attorneys must provide the City with monthly statistics for all cases assigned. The statistics must include: (1) name of client; (2) case number; (3) charge; (4) disposition (plea, bench or jury trial); (5) whether an appeal was filed; and (6) attorney hours spent on case. Attorneys must submit the voucher to the City by the 15th of each month. Attorneys must also submit the voucher to the Office of the Administrator of the Courts by the 15th of each month. 12. Administrative Costs. Attorneys affirmatively represent that the compensation provided by the City will allow them to pay for their administrative costs. These costs include, but are not limited to: travel, telephones, law library, electronic research, financial accounting, a case management system, computers, software, office space, office supplies, training, meeting the reporting requirements • imposed by the New Standards for Indigent Defense, and other costs incurred in the day-to-day management of this Agreement. 13. Certification Form. Attorneys must file a Certification of Appointed Counsel of Compliance with Standards Required by CrR 3.1, CrRLJ 3.1, and JuCR 3.1 with the East Wenatchee Municipal Court on a quarterly basis. 14. Discovery Provided. The City will provide to the Attorneys at no cost to the Attorneys or a defendant one copy of all discoverable material concerning each assigned case. The Attorneys agree that the City may provide these materials electronically. Such material will include, when relevant, a copy of the abstract of the defendant's driving record. 15. Criminal History Record Information. As allowed by RCW 10.97.060(5), for each assigned case assigned, the City will provide a defendant's criminal history record information to the Attorneys. The criminal history record may contain non -conviction data. The City and the Attorneys believe that this information will help the City and the Attorneys provide high quality service in the Resolution 2013-20 Exhibit A • administration of criminal justice. Attorneys agree to limit their use of the criminal history record information for the sole purpose of representing a defendant in an assigned case. Attorneys further agree that they will not disseminate the criminal history record information to any third parties and agree to insure the confidentiality and security of the information consistent with state law and any applicable federal statutes and regulations. 16. Attorneys Unavailability. If the Attorneys are unavailable due to illness, vacation, or other events beyond the Attorneys' reasonable control, the Attorneys will supply the City with a list of Attorneys, in the Wenatchee/East Wenatchee area who are willing to serve as appointed counsel until such time as the Attorneys are once again available. It is the Attorneys' responsibility to coordinate with any Attorneys on such list to ensure their availability, especially for twenty-four hour access as provided by paragraph three herein, during the Attorneys' absence or periods of unavailability. 17. Municipal Code. The East Wenatchee Municipal Code is located online at the following URL address: http://www.codepublishing.com/wa/eastwenatchee. Also, the City provides links to the East Wenatchee Municipal Code trough its website at http://east-wenatchee.com. The City will provide the Attorneys with any relevant amendments adopted by the City during the term of this Agreement. 18. No Assignment of Agreement. Except as provided herein, no party may assign the duties in this Agreement to a third party. 19. Attorneys' Conflict. If the representation of a defendant hereunder raises a conflict of interest such that the Attorneys cannot represent a defendant, the Attorney must refer him or her back to the Court for appointment of another attorney, who will be paid by the City. 20. Standards for Public Defense Services. Attorneys must comply with the Standards for Public Defense Services, as adopted by the City Council for the City in Resolution No. 2012-22, a copy of said resolution is attached as Exhibit "A" and is incorporated herein as if fully set forth herein. Before January 10 of each year, 0 Resolution 2013-20 Exhibit A • the Attorneys must submit an affidavit to the City Treasurer stating that Attorneys are in compliance with such standards. 21. Specific Duties of Attorneys. 21.1. Attorneys must use their best efforts to provide proper legal representation and advice in the best interest of the person at all stages of court proceedings for which he/she is appointed. Attorneys must perform all normal and appropriate duties of legal counsel in such capacity. 21.2. Attorneys must maintain an office and telephone number for the purpose of receiving notice of appointments, for consultations with appointed persons, and for carrying out the duties of Attorneys hereunder, and must keep the Court and City notified of any changes of office or telephone number. The Attorneys must provide the City Police Department with a twenty-four hour telephone number, where defendants can reach the Attorneys or their designee as provided in paragraph three above. 21.3. Attorneys must use their best efforts to make arrangements • for prompt consultation with appointed persons and must meet with the appointed person as soon as practicable in order to provide legal representations and to assist the City in efficient court and docket administration. 21.4. Attorneys must complete all plea bargaining and all paperwork needed for trial or court appearances forty-eight hours prior to the time that each case is set for trial or hearing. 21.5. Attorneys must provide an interpreter where required for their office consultations or for witness interviews. 22. Term of This Agreement. The initial term of this Agreement is from 12:01 a.m. on January 1, 2014 to 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2015. Unless a party gives written notice of intent not to renew at least 60 days before the initial term ends, this Agreement automatically extends until 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2016. 23. Termination. • Resolution 2013-20 Exhibit A . 23.1. By the City. The City may terminate this Agreement without the necessity of substantiating cause by providing Attorneys with 30 days written notice. 23.2. By Attorneys. Attorneys may terminate this Agreement if the City fails to perform its obligations as described in this Agreement, and if such failure has not been corrected to the reasonable satisfaction of the Attorneys in a timely manner or the City has not made reasonable efforts to correct such failure, after 30 days written notice of such breach has been provided to the City. 23.3. Cases. The Attorneys must complete all cases assigned prior to the date of termination of this Agreement. The Attorneys agree to make reasonable efforts to fulfill this obligation. 24. Expert Witness Fees. The Attorneys may make an ex parte request for expert witness fees. If the court authorizes the expense, the Attorneys may retain an expert of their choosing. Attorneys must submit an itemized voucher to the court for reimbursement. 25. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties and may not be enlarged, modified, or altered except in writing, signed by the parties, and endorsed hereon. 26. Savings Clause. Nothing in this Agreement requires the commission of any act contrary to law. If there is a conflict between a provision of this Agreement and a statute, law, public regulation, or ordinance, the latter prevails. If such an event occurs, the affected provision of this Agreement is only limited to the extent necessary to bring it within legal requirements. 27. Notices. A notice is effective if personally served on the other party or if mailed by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following addresses: Attorney Tony DiTommaso Attorney Nicholas A. Yedinak Law Office of Tony DiTommaso, Kottkamp & Yedinak, PLLC P.S. P O Box 1667 23 South Wenatchee Avenue, Wenatchee WA 98807 Suite 205 E Resolution 2013-20 Exhibit A • C, • Wenatchee WA 98801 Nic Gerde, City Treasurer City of East Wenatchee 271 9th St NE East Wenatchee WA 98802 28. Attorney's Fees and Costs. If a party brings a legal action to enforce this Agreement, the substantially prevailing party is entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees and other costs incurred in that action. 29. Governing Law. The laws of the State of Washington govern this Agreement. The venue for any action arising from this Agreement is Douglas County Superior Court. PUBLIC DEFENDER Tony DiTommaso Date CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE Steven C. Lacy, Mayor Date PUBLIC DEFENDER Nicholas A. Yedinak Date Resolution 2013-20 Exhibit A • ATTEST: Dana Barnard, City Clerk • • This page intentionally left blank 9 ResolutM910 MNI ibit A Exhibit A . • :7 • Washington State Bar Association Standards for Indigent Defense Services [Approved by the Board of Governors June 3, 2011] Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A Resolut"E i iNlMibit A • STANDARD ONE: Compensation Standard: Public defense attorneys and staff should be compensated at a rate commensurate with their training and experience. To attract and retain qualified personnel, compensation and benefit levels should be comparable to those of attorneys and staff in prosecutorial offices in the area. For assigned counsel, reasonable compensation should be provided. Compensation should reflect the time and labor required to be spent by the attorney and the degree of professional experience demanded by the case. Assigned counsel should be compensated for out-of-pocket expenses. Contracts should provide for extraordinary compensation over and above the normal contract terms for cases which require an extraordinary amount of time and preparation, including, but not limited to, death penalty cases. Services which require extraordinary fees shall be defined in the contract. Attorneys who have a conflict of interest shall not have to compensate the new, substituted attorney out of their own funds. Flat fees, caps on compensation, and lump -sum contracts for trial attorneys are improper in death penalty cases. Private practice attorneys appointed in death penalty cases should be fully compensated for actual time and service performed at a • reasonable hourly rate with no distinction between rates for services performed in court and out of court. Periodic billing and payment should be available. The hourly rate established for lead counsel in a particular case should be based on the circumstances of the case and the attorney being appointed, including the following factors: the anticipated time and labor required in the case, the complexity of the case, the skill and experience required to provide adequate legal representation, the attorney's overhead expenses, and the exclusion of other work by the attorney during the case. Under no circumstances should the hourly rate for lead counsel, whether private or public defender, appointed in a death penalty case be less than $125 per hour (in 2006 dollars). • Related Standards: American Bar Association, Standards for Criminal Justice, 5-2.4 and 5-3.1. American Bar Association, Guidelines for the Appointment and Performance in Death Penalty Cases, 1988, Standard 10-1. National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, Task Force on Courts, 1973, Standards 13.7 and 13.11. National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Standards for Defender Services, Standard IV-4. National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Guidelines for Negotiating and Awarding Indigent Legal Defense Contracts, 1984, Standard III-10 and III-11. Seattle -King County Bar Association Indigent Defense Services Task Force, Guidelines for Accreditation of Defender Agencies, 1982, Guideline No. 6. Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A • Resolu&> MM,MlR� ibit A Exhibit A STANDARD TWO: Duties and Responsibilities of Counsel Standard: The legal representation plan shall require that defense services be provided to all clients in a professional, skilled manner consistent with minimum standards set forth by the American Bar Association, applicable state bar association standards, the Rules of Professional Conduct, case law and applicable court rules defining the duties of counsel and the rights of defendants in criminal cases. Counsel's primary and most fundamental responsibility is to promote and protect the interests of the client. Related Standards: American Bar Association, Standards for Criminal Justice, 4-1.1, 5-5.1 and 5-1.1. National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, Task Force on Courts, 1973, Standards 13.1. National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Standards for Defender Services, Standard II-2. National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Guidelines for Negotiating and Awarding Indigent Defense Contracts, 1984, Guideline III-18. American Bar Association Guidelines for the Appointment and Performance of Defense Counsel in Death Penalty Cases. Lnk STANDARD THREE: Caseload Limits and Types of Cases Standard: 1. The contract or other employment agreement or government budget shall specify the types of cases for which representation shall be provided and the maximum number of cases which each attorney shall be expected to handle. 2. The caseload of public defense attorneys shall allow each lawyer to give each client the time and effort necessary to ensure effective representation. Neither defender organizations, county offices, contract attorneys nor assigned counsel should accept workloads that, by reason of their excessive size, interfere with the rendering of quality representation. As used in this Standard, "quality representation" is intended to describe the minimum level of attention, care and skill that Washington citizens would expect of their state's criminal justice system. 3. General Considerations: Caseload limits reflect the maximum caseloads for fully supported full-time defense attorneys for cases of average complexity and effort in each case type specified. Caseload limits assume a reasonably even distribution of cases throughout the year. The increased complexity of practice in many areas will require lower caseload ceilings. The maximum caseload limit should be adjusted downward when the mix of case assignments is weighted toward more serious offenses or case types that Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A ResolutAV° MWIlklR ibit A Exhibit A • demand more investigation, legal research and writing, use of experts and/or social workers or other expenditure of time and resources. In particular, felony caseloads should be assessed by the workload required, and certain cases and types of cases should be weighted accordingly. If a defender or assigned counsel is carrying a mixed caseload including cases from more than one category of cases, these standards should be applied proportionately to determine a full caseload. In jurisdictions where assigned counsel or contract attorneys also maintain private law practices, the caseload should be based on the percentage of time the lawyer devotes to public defense. Definition of case: A case is defined as the filing of a document with the court naming a person as defendant or respondent, to which an attorney is appointed in order to provide representation. 4. Caseload Limits: The caseload of a full-time public defense attorney or assigned counsel shall not exceed the following: 150 Felonies per attorney per year; or 300 Misdemeanor cases per attorney per year; or in certain circumstances described below the caseload may be adjusted to no more than 400 cases, depending upon: • The caseload distribution between simple misdemeanors and complex misdemeanors; or • Jurisdictional policies such as post -filing diversion and opportunity to negotiate resolution of large number of cases as non -criminal violations; • Other court administrative procedures that permit a defense lawyer to handle more cases; or 250 Juvenile Offender cases per attorney per year; or 80 open Juvenile Dependency cases per attorney; or 250 Civil Commitment cases per attorney per year; or 1 Active Death Penalty trial court cases at a time plus a limited number of non death penalty cases compatible with the time demand of the death penalty case and consistent with the professional requirements of Standard 3.2 supra; or 36 Appeals to an appellate court hearing a case on the record and briefs per attorney per year. (The 36 standard assumes experienced appellate attorneys handling cases with transcripts of an average length of 350 pages. If attorneys do not have significant appellate experience and/or the average transcript length is greater than 350 pages, the caseload should be accordingly reduced.) 3 Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A • Resolut#Mt *Pg-�WN?aibit A Exhibit A Related Standards American Bar Association, Standards for Criminal Justice, 4-1.2, 5-4.3. American Bar Association Guidelines for the Appointment and Performance of Defense Counsel in Death Penalty Cases. LLjaL American Bar Association, Ethical Obligations of Lawyers Who Represent Indigent Criminal Defendants When Excessive Caseloads Interfere With Competent and Diligent Representation, May 13, 2006, Formal Opinion 06- 441. Link The American Council of Chief Defenders Statement on Caseloads and Workloads, (2007). Linu American Bar Association Eight Guidelines of Public Defense Related to Excessive Caseloads. Link National Advisory Commission on Criminal Standards and Goals, Task Force on Courts, 1973, Standard 13.12. American Bar Association Disciplinary Rule 6-101. American Bar Association Ten Principles of a Public Defense Delivery System. Link ABA Standards of Practice for Lawyers who Represent Children in Abuse & Neglect Cases, (1996) American Bar Association, Chicago, IL. The American Council of Chief Defenders Ethical Opinion 03-01 (2003). National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Standards for Defender Services, Standards IV -I. National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Model Contract for Public Defense Services (2002). LLiLIL NACC Recommendations for Representation of Children in Abuse and Neglect Cases (2001). tLjjjkj City of Seattle Ordinance Number: 121501 (2004). LLinkj Seattle -King County Bar Association Indigent Defense Services Task Force, Guideline Number 1. Washington State Office of Public Defense, Parents Representation Program Standards Of Representation (2009). LLipki STANDARD FOUR: Responsibility for Expert Witnesses Standard: Reasonable compensation for expert witnesses necessary to preparation and presentation of the defense case shall be provided. Expert witness fees should be maintained and allocated from funds separate from those provided for defender services. Requests for expert witness fees should be made through an ex parte motion. The defense should be free to retain the expert of its choosing and in no cases should be forced to select experts from a list pre -approved by either the court or the prosecution. Related Standards: American Bar Association, Standards for Criminal Justice, 5-1.4. National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Standards for Defender Services, Standard IV 2d, 3. National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Guidelines for Negotiating and Awarding Indigent Defense Contracts, 1983, Standard III-8d. National Advisory Commission, Task Force on Courts, 1973, Standard 13.14. 4 Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A Resolutio jtnIRl Nibit A it A • STANDARD FIVE: Administrative Costs Standard: Contracts for public defense services shall provide for or include administrative costs associated with providing legal representation. These costs should include but are not limited to travel, telephones, law library, including electronic legal research, financial accounting, case management systems, computers and software, office space and supplies, training, meeting the reporting requirements imposed by these standards, and other costs necessarily incurred in the day-to-day management of the contract. 2. Public defense attorneys shall have an office that accommodates confidential meetings with clients and receipt of mail, and adequate telephone services to ensure prompt response to client contact. Related Standards: American Bar Association, Standards for Criminal Justice, Providing Defense Services. National Study Commission on Defense Services, Guidelines for Legal Defense Systems in the United States, (1976), Guideline 3.4. National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Standards for Defender Services, 1976 1-3, IV 2a-e, IV 5. 0 STANDARD SIX: Investigators • Standard: 1. Public defense attorneys shall use investigation services as appropriate 2. Public defender offices, assigned counsel, and private law firms holding public defense contracts should employ investigators with investigation training and experience. A minimum of one investigator should be employed for every four attorneys. Related Standards: American Bar Association, Standards for Criminal Justice, 4-4.1 and 5-1.14. National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, Task Force on Courts, 1973, Standard 13.14. National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Standards for Defender Services, Standard IV-3. National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Guidelines for Negotiating and Awarding Indigent Defense Contracts, 1984, Standard III-9. Seattle -King County Bar Association Indigent Defense Services Task Force, Guidelines for Accreditation of Defender Agencies, 1982, Guideline Number 8. Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A Reso1u&1rU 8-W ,tk11bit A Exhibit A STANDARD SEVEN: Support Services Standard: Public defense attorneys shall have adequate numbers of investigators, secretaries, word processing staff, paralegals, social work staff, mental health professionals and other support services, including computer system staff and network administrators. These professionals are essential to ensure the effective performance of defense counsel during trial preparation, in the preparation of dispositional plans, and at sentencing. t . Legal Assistants - At least one full-time legal assistant should be employed for every four attorneys. Fewer legal assistants may be necessary, however, if the agency or attorney has access to word processing staff, or other additional staff performing clerical work. Defenders should have a combination of technology and personnel that will meet their needs. 2. Social Work Staff - Social work staff should be available to assist in developing release, treatment, and dispositional alternatives. 3. Mental Health Professionals - Each agency or attorney should have access to mental health professionals to perform mental health evaluations. 4. Investigation staff should be available as provided in Standard Six at a ratio of one investigator for every four attorneys. is 5. Each agency or attorney providing public defense services should have access to adequate and competent interpreters to facilitate communication with non-English speaking and hearing -impaired clients for attorneys, investigators, social workers, and administrative staff. is Related Standards: American Bar Association, Standards for Criminef Justice, 4-8.1 and 5-1A. National Advisory Committee on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, Task Force on Courts, Standard 13.14 National Legal Aid and Defender Assocwlt on, Standards for Defender Services, Standard IV-3. National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Guidefirms for NegOeft, and ANardfrrg fndigent Defense Contracts, 1984, Standard III-8. Seattle-Kng County Bar Association Indigent Defense Services Task Force, Guidelines for Accredlation of Defender Agencies, 1982, Guidelire Number 7. STANDARD EIGHT: Reports of Attorney Activity Standard: The legal representation plan shall require that the defense attorney or office maintain a case -reporting and management information system which Includes number and type of cases, attorney hours and disposition. This information shall be provided regularly to the rl Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A Resolu&A44" iblN?iibit A Exhibit A • Contracting Authority and shall also be made available to the Office of the Administrator of the Courts. Any such system shall be maintained independently from client files so as to disclose no privileged information. A standardized voucher form shall be used by assigned counsel attorneys seeking payment upon completion of a case. For attorneys under contract, payment should be made monthly, or at times agreed to by the parties, without regard to the number of cases closed in the period. Related Standards: American Bar Association, Standards for Criminal Justice, 5-3.3 (b) xii, The Report to the Criminal Justice Section Council from the Criminal Justice Standards Committee, 1989. National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Guidelines for Negotiating and Awarding Indigent Defense Contracts, 1984 Standard III-22. National Study Commission on Defense Services, Guidelines for Legal Defense Systems in the United States, 1976, Guideline 3.4, 4.1, and 5.2. STANDARD NINE: Training Standard: The legal representation plan shall require that attorneys providing public defense services participate in regular training programs on criminal defense law, including a minimum of seven hours of continuing legal education annually in areas relating to their public defense practice. In offices of more than seven attorneys, an orientation and training program for new attorneys and legal interns should be held to inform them of office procedure and policy. All attorneys should be required to attend regular in-house training programs on developments in criminal law, criminal procedure and the forensic sciences. Attorneys in civil commitment and dependency practices should attend training programs in these areas. Offices should also develop manuals to inform new attorneys of the rules and procedures of the courts within their jurisdiction. Every attorney providing counsel to indigent accused should have the opportunity to attend courses that foster trial advocacy skills and to review professional publications and other media. Related Standards: American Bar Association, Standards for Criminal Justice, 5-1.4. National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, Task Force on Courts, 1973, Standard 13.16. National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Standards for Defender Services, Standard V. National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Guidelines for Negotiating and Awarding Indigent Legal Defense Contracts, 1984, Standard III-17. Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A Resolu&W�14MW R74ibit A Exhibit A • Seattle -King County Bar Association Indigent Defense Services Task Force, Guidelines for Accreditation of Defender Agencies, 1982, Guideline Number3. National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Guidelines for the Appointment and Performance of Counsel in Death Penalty Cases, 1988, Standard 9.1. • is STANDARD TEN: Supervision Standard: Each agency or firm providing public defense services should provide one full-time supervisor for every ten staff lawyers or one half-time supervisor for every five lawyers. Supervisors should be chosen from among those lawyers in the office qualified under these guidelines to try Class A felonies. Supervisors should serve on a rotating basis, and except when, supervising fewer than ten lawyers, should not carry caseloads. Related Standards: National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, Task Force on Courts, 1973, Standard 13.9. National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Guidelines for Negotiating and Awarding Indigent Legal Defense Contract, 1984, Standard III-16. Seattle -King County Bar Association Indigent Defense Services Task Force, Guidelines forAccreditation of Defender Agencies, 1982, Guideline Number 4. STANDARD ELEVEN: Monitoring and Evaluation of Attorneys Standard: The legal representation plan for provision of public defense services should establish a procedure for systematic monitoring and evaluation of attorney performance based upon publicized criteria. Supervision and evaluation efforts should include review of time and caseload records, review and inspection of transcripts, in -court observations, and periodic conferences. Performance evaluations made by a supervising attorney should be supplemented by comments from judges, prosecutors, other defense lawyers and clients. Attorneys should be evaluated on their skill and effectiveness as criminal lawyers or as dependency or civil commitment advocates. Related Standards: National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Guidelines for Negotiating and Awarding Indigent Defense Contracts, 1984, Standard III-16. National Study Commission on Defense Services, Guidelines for Legal Defense Systems in the United States, 1976, Recommendations 5.4 and 5.5. National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, Task Force on Courts, 1973, Standard 13.9. Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A Resolut;M(�O*'M ibit A Exhibit A • STANDARD TWELVE: Substitution of Counsel Standard: The attorney engaged by local government to provide public defense services should not sub -contract with another firm or attorney to provide representation and should remain directly involved in the provision of representation. If the contract is with a firm or office, the contracting authority should request the names and experience levels of those attorneys who will actually be providing the services, to ensure they meet minimum qualifications. The employment agreement shall address the procedures for continuing representation of clients upon the conclusion of the agreement. Alternate or conflict counsel should be available for substitution in conflict situations at no cost to the counsel declaring the conflict. Related Standards: American Bar Association, Standards for Criminal Justice, Standard 5-5.2. National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, Task Force on Courts, 1973, Standard 13.1. National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Guidelines for !Negotiating and Awarding Indigent Defense Contracts, 1984, Guideline III-23. • STANDARD THIRTEEN: Limitations on Private Practice 0 Standard: Private attorneys who provide public defense representation shall set limits on the amount of privately retained work which can be accepted. These limits shall be based on the percentage of a full-time caseload which the public defense cases represent. Related Standards: American Bar Association, Standards for Criminal Justice, 4-1.2(d), 5-3.2. American Bar Association, Ethical Obligations of Lawyers Who Represent Indigent Criminal Defendants When Excessive Caseloads Interfere With Competent and Diligent Representation, May 13, 2006, Formal Opinion 06- 441. LLLqk National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, Task Force on Courts, 1973, Standard 13.7. National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Standards for Defender Services, Standard III-3 and IV-1. National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Guidelines for Negotiating and Awarding Indigent Legal Defense Contracts, 1984, Guideline III-6. Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A r� 0 Resolut*W��-Mtifdbit A Exhibit A STANDARD FOURTEEN: Qualifications of Attorneys Standard: 1. In order to assure that indigent accused receive the effective assistance of counsel to which they are constitutionally entitled, attorneys providing defense services shall meet the following minimum professional qualifications: A. Satisfy the minimum requirements for practicing law in Washington as determined by the Washington Supreme Court; and B. Be familiar with the statutes, court rules, constitutional provisions, and case law relevant to their practice area; and C. Be familiar with the Washington Rules of Professional Conduct; and D. Be familiar with the Performance Guidelines for Criminal Defense Representation approved by the Washington State Bar Association; and E. Be familiar with the consequences of a conviction or adjudication, including possible immigration consequences and the possibility of civil commitment proceedings based on a criminal conviction; and F. Be familiar with mental health issues and be able to identify the need to obtain expert services; and G. Complete seven hours of continuing legal education within each calendar year in courses relating to their public defense practice. 2. Trial attorneys' qualifications according to severity or type of case': A. Death Penalty Representation. Each attorney acting as lead counsel in a death penalty case or an aggravated homicide case in which the decision to seek the death penalty has not yet been made shall meet the following requirements: i. The minimum requirements set forth in Section 1; and ii. At least five years criminal trial experience; and iii. Have prior experience as lead counsel in no fewer than nine jury trials of serious and complex cases which were tried to completion; and iv. Have served as lead or co -counsel in at least one jury trial in which the death penalty was sought; and v. Have experience in preparation of mitigation packages in aggravated homicide or persistent offender cases; and 1 Attorneys working toward qualification for a particular category of cases under this standard may associate with lead counsel who is qualified under this standard for that category of cases. 10 Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A Resolut o2J*4-NWRibit A Exhibit A E vi. Have completed at least one death penalty defense seminar within the previous two years; and vii. Meet the requirements of SPRC 2.2 The defense team in a death penalty case should include, at a minimum, the two attorneys appointed pursuant to SPRC 2, a mitigation specialist and an investigator. Psychiatrists, psychologists and other experts and support personnel should be added as needed. B. Adult Felony Cases - Class A. Each attorney representing a defendant accused of a Class A felony as defined in RCW 9A.20.020 shall meet the following requirements: The minimum _requirements set forth in Section 1; and Either: a. has served two years as a prosecutor; or b. has served two years as a public defender; or two years in a private criminal practice, and iii. Has been trial counsel alone or with other trial counsel and handled a significant portion of the trial in three felony cases that have been submitted to a jury. C. Adult Felony Cases - Class B Violent Offense. Each attorney representing a defendant accused of a Class B violent offense as defined in RCW 9A.20.020 shall meet the following requirements: i. The minimum requirements set forth in Section 1; and ii. Either: a. has served one year as prosecutor; or b. has served one year as public defender; or one year in a private criminal practice; and 2SPRC 2 APPOINTMENT OF COUNSEL At least two lawyers shall be appointed for the trial and also for the direct appeal. The hial court shall retain responsibilityfor appointing counsel for trial. The Supreme Court shall appoint counsel for the direct appeal. Notwithstanding RAP 15.2(l) and (h), the Supreme Court will determine all motions to withdraw as counsel on appeal. A list of attorneys who meet the requirements ofproficiency and experience, and who have demonstrated that they are learned in the law of capital punishment by virtue of training or experience, and thus are qualified for appointment in: death penalty trials and for appeals will be recruited and maintained by a panel created by the Supreme Court. All counsel for trial and appeal in list have demonstrated the proficiency and commitment to quality representation which is appropriate to a capital case. Both counsel at trial nrrhst hm,e five years' experience hi t7e practice of crinnirnal law be familiar rvitlz and experienced hh llre tntilizationh of expert wihiesses and evidence, and not be presently serving as appointed counsel in another active trial level death penalty case. One counsel must be, and both may be, qualified for appointment in capital trials on the list, unless circumstances erist such that it is in the defendant's interest to appoint otherwise qualified counsel learned in the law of capital punishment by virtue of training or experience. The trial court shall inakefhndings offact if good cause is found for not appointing list counsel. At least one counsel on appeal must hcwe dnree years' experience in the field of criminal appellate law and be leashed in the law of capital punishment by virtue of training or experience. hn appointing counsel on appeal, the Supreme Court will consider the list, but will have thefinal discretion in the appoinhnent of cohmsel. LLjjjkl 11 Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A ResolulgamU t3-W ERLibit A Exhibit A • iii. Has been trial counsel alone or with other counsel and handled a significant portion of the trial in two Class C felony cases that have been submitted to a jury. D. Adult Sex Offense Cases. Each attomey representing a client in an adult sex offense case shall meet the following requirements: i. The minimum requirements set forth in Section 1 and Section 2(C); and ii. Been counsel alone of record in an adult or juvenile sex offense case or shall be supervised by or consult with an attorney who has experience representing juveniles or adults in sex offense cases. E. Adult Felony Cases - All other Class B Felonies Class C Felonies Probation or Parole Revocation. Each attorney representing a defendant accused of a Class B felony not defined in Section 2(C) or (D) above or a Class C felony, as defined in RCW 9A.20.020, or involved in a probation or parole revocation hearing shall meet the following requirements: i. The minimum requirements set forth in Section 1, and ii. Either: a. has served one year as a prosecutor; or b. has served one year as a public defender; or one year in a private criminal practice; and iii. Has been trial counsel alone or with other trial counsel and handled a significant portion of the trial in two criminal cases that have been submitted to a jury; and iv. Each attorney shall be accompanied at his or her first felony trial by a supervisor if available. F. Persistent Offender (Life Without Possibility of Release) Representation Each attorney acting as lead counsel in a "two -strikes" or "three stakes" case in which a conviction will result in a mandatory sentence of life in prison without parole shall meet the following requirements: i. The minimum requirements set forth in Section 1; 3and ii. Have at least: a. four years criminal trial experience; and b. one year experience as a felony defense attorney; and C. experience as lead counsel in at least one Class A felony trial; and d. experience as counsel in cases involving each of the following: 3 RCW 10.101.060 (1)(a)(iii) provides that counties receiving funding from the state Office of Public Defense under that statute must require "attorneys who handle the most serious cases to Peet specified qualifications as set ford: in the Washington state bar association endorsed standards for public defense services or participate in at least one case consultation per case with office of public defense resource attorneys who are so qualified. The most serious cases include all cases of m urder- in flee first or second degree, persistent offender cases, and class Afelonies. " 12 Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A ResolutfoRc 'Wff-48'RAI.bit A Exhibit A • 1. Mental health issues; and 2. Sexual offenses, if the current offense or a prior conviction that is one of the predicate cases resulting in the possibility of life in prison without parole is a sex offense; and 3. Expert witnesses; and • 4. One year of appellate experience or demonstrated legal writing ability. G. Juvenile Cases - Class A. Each attorney representing a juvenile accused of a Class A felony shall meet the following requirements: i. The minimum requirements set forth in Section 1, and ii. Either: a. has served one year as a prosecutor; or b. has served one year as a public defender; one year in a private criminal practice; and iii. Has been trial counsel alone of record in five Class B and C felony trials; and iv. Each attorney shall be accompanied at his or her first juvenile trial by a supervisor, if available. H. Juvenile Cases - Classes B and C. Each attorney representing a juvenile accused of a Class B or C felony shall meet the following requirements: i. The minimum requirements set forth in Section 1; and ii. Either: a. has served one year as a prosecutor; or b. has served one year as a public defender; or one year in a private criminal practice, and iii. has been trial counsel alone in five misdemeanor cases brought to a final resolution; and iv. Each attorney shall be accompanied at his or her first juvenile trial by a supervisor if available. I. Juvenile Sex Offense Cases. Each attorney representing a client in a juvenile sex offense case shall meet the following requirements: i. The minimum requirements set forth in Section 1 and Section 2(H); and ii. Been counsel alone of record in an adult or juvenile sex offense case or shall be supervised by or consult with an attorney who has experience representing juveniles or adults in sex offense cases. J. Juvenile Status Offenses Cases. Each attorney representing a client in a "Becca" matter shall meet the following requirements: i. The minimum requirements as outlined in Section 1; and 13 Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A ResolutRmo2M3c3r20lF,2]Iib1t A Exhibit A ii. Either: a. have represented clients in at least two similar cases under the supervision of a more experienced attorney or completed at least three hours of CLE training specific to "status offense" cases; or b. have participated in at least one consultation per case with a more experienced attorney who is qualified under this section. K. Misdemeanor Cases. Each attorney representing a defendant involved in a matter concerning a simple misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor or condition of confinement, shall meet the requirements as outlined in Section 1. L. Dependency Cases. Each attorney representing a client in a dependency matter shall meet the following requirements: i. The minimum requirements as outlined in Section 1; and ii. Attorneys handling termination hearings shall have six months dependency experience or have significant experience in handling complex litigation. iii. Attorneys in dependency matters should be familiar with expert services and treatment resources for substance abuse. iv. Attorneys representing children in dependency matters should have knowledge, training, experience, and ability in communicating effectively with children, or have participated in at least one consultation per case either with a state Office of Public Defense resource attorney or other attorney qualified under this section. M. Civil Commitment Cases. Each attorney representing a respondent shall meet the following requirements: i. The minimum requirements set forth in Section 1; and ii. Each staff attorney shall be accompanied at his or her first 90 or 180 day commitment hearing by a supervisor; and iii. Shall not represent a respondent in a 90 or 180 day commitment hearing unless he or she has either: a. served one year as a prosecutor, or b. served one year as a public defender, or one year in a private civil commitment practice, and C. been trial counsel in five civil commitment initial hearings; and iv. Shall not represent a respondent in a jury trial unless he or she has conducted a felony jury trial as lead counsel; or been co -counsel with a more experienced attorney in a 90 or 180 day commitment hearing. N. Sex Offender "Predator' Commitment Cases. Generally, there should be two counsel on each sex offender commitment case. The lead counsel shall meet the following requirements: The minimum requirements set forth in Section 1; and 14 Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A Res olut c�4i(31201AX ibit A Exhibit A • ii. Have at least: • a. Three years criminal trial experience; and b. One year experience as a felony defense attorney or one year experience as a criminal appeals attorney; and C. Experience as lead counsel in at least one felony trial; and d. Experience as counsel in cases involving each of the following: 1. Mental health issues; and 2. Sexual offenses; and 3. Expert witnesses; and e. Familiarity with the Civil Rules; and f. One year of appellate experience or demonstrated legal writing ability. Other counsel working on a sex offender commitment cases should meet the Minimum Requirements in Section 1 and have either one year experience as a public defender or significant experience in the preparation of criminal cases, including legal research and writing and training in trial advocacy. O. Contempt of Court Cases. Each attorney representing a respondent shall meet the following requirements: i. The minimum requirements set forth in Section 1; and ii. Each attorney shall be accompanied at his or her first three contempt of court hearings by a supervisor or more experienced attorney, or participate in at least one consultation per case with a state Office of Public Defense resource attorney or other attorney qualified in this area of practice. P. Specialty Courts. Each attorney representing a client in a specialty court (e.g., mental health court, drug diversion court, homelessness court) shall meet the following requirements: i. The minimum requirements set forth in Section 1; and ii. The requirements set forth above for representation in the type of practice involved in the specialty court (e.g., felony, misdemeanor, juvenile); and iii. Be familiar with mental health and substance abuse issues and treatment alternatives. 3. Appellate Representation. Each attorney who is counsel for a case on appeal to the Washington Supreme Court or to the Washington Court of Appeals shall meet the following requirements: A. The minimum requirements as outlined in Section 1; and B. Either: i. has filed a brief with the Washington Supreme Court or any Washington Court of Appeals in at least one criminal case within the past two years; or 15 Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A Resolut 2*1)9-2WZR2iibit A Exhibit A • ii. has equivalent ap pellate ppellate experience, including filing appellate briefs in other jurisdictions, at least one year as an appellate court or federal court clerk, extensive trial level briefing or other comparable work. C. Attorneys with primary responsibility for handling a death penalty appeal shall have at least five years' criminal experience, preferably including at least one homicide trial and at least six appeals from felony convictions, and meet the requirements of SPRC 2. • RAU Misdemeanor Appeals to Superior Court: Each attorney who is counsel alone for a case on appeal to the Superior Court from a Court of Limited Jurisdiction should meet the minimum requirements as outlined in Section 1, and have had significant training or experience in either criminal appeals, criminal motions practice, extensive trial level briefing, clerking for an appellate judge, or assisting a more experienced attorney in preparing and arguing an RALJ appeal. 4. Legal Interns. A, Legal interns must meet the requirements set out in APR 9. B. Legal interns shall receive training pursuant to APR 9 and in offices of more than seven attorneys, an orientation and training program for new attorneys and legal interns should be held. Related Standards: National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, Task Force on Courts, Standard 13.15. National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Guidelines for Negotiating and Awarding Public Defense Contracts, 1984, Standard III-7. National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Standards for the Appointment and Performance of Counsel in Death Penalty Cases, 1987, Standard 5.1. STANDARD FIFTEEN: Disposition of Client Complaints Standard: Each agency or firm or individual contract attorney providing public defense services shall have a method to respond promptly to client complaints. Complaints should first be directed to the attorney, firm or agency which provided representation. If the client feels that he or she has not received an adequate response, the contracting authority or public defense administrator should designate a person or agency to evaluate the legitimacy of complaints and to follow up meritorious ones. The complaining client should be informed as to the disposition of his or her complaint within one week. Related Standards: American Bar Association, Standards for Criminal Justice, 4-5.1 and 4-5.2. 16 Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A Resolu&AO24"' _N'kAibit A Exhibit A • • STANDARD SIXTEEN: Cause for Termination of Defender Services and Removal of Attorney Standard: Contracts for indigent defense services shall include the grounds for termination of the contract by the parties. Termination of a provider's contract should only be for good cause. Termination for good cause shall include the failure of the attorney to render adequate representation to clients; the willful disregard of the rights and best interests of the client; and the willful disregard of the standards herein addressed. Removal by the court of counsel from representation normally should not occur over the objection of the attorney and the client. Related Standards: American Bar Association, Standards for Criminal Justice, Standard 5-1.3, 5-5.3. National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Guidelines for Negotiating and Awarding Indigent Defense Contracts, 1984, Guideline III-5. National Study Commission on Defense Services, Guidelines for Legal Defense Systems in the United States, 1976, Recommendations 2.12 and 2.14. National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, Task Force on Courts, 1973, Standard 13.8. STANDARD SEVENTEEN: Non -Discrimination Standard: Neither the Contracting Authority, in its selection of an attorney, firm or agency to provide public defense representation, nor the attorneys selected, in their hiring practices or in their representation of clients, shall discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, age, marital status, gender, sexual orientation or disability. Both the contracting authority and the contractor shall comply with all federal, state, and local non-discrimination requirements. Related Standards: American Bar Association, Standards for Criminal Justice, Providing Defense Services, Standard 5-3.1. National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Standards for Defender Services, 1976, Standard III-8. STANDARD EIGHTEEN: Guidelines for Awarding Defense Contracts Standard: The county or city should award contracts for public defense services only after determining that the attorney or firm chosen can meet accepted professional standards. 17 Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A • • ResolutiiewU iH-MIE21ibit A Exhibit A Under no circumstances should a contract be awarded on the basis of cost alone. Attorneys or firms bidding for contracts must demonstrate their ability to meet these standards. Contracts should only be awarded to a) attorneys who have at least one year's criminal trial experience in the jurisdiction covered by the contract (i.e., City and District Courts, Superior Court or Juvenile Court), or b) to a firm where at least one attorney has one year's trial experience. City attorneys, county prosecutors, and law enforcement officers should not select the attorneys who will provide indigent defense services. Related Standards: National Legal Aid and Defender Association, Guidelines for Negotiating and Awarding Indigent Legal Defense Contracts, 1984, Standard IV-3. King County Bar Association Indigent Defense Services Task Force, Guidelines for Accreditation of Defender Agencies, 1982, Statement of Purpose. 18 Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A • This page intentionally left blank • • ResolutPmcWk8i-201ExMibit A Exhibit B � THE SUPREME COURT OF WASHINGTON N THE MATTER OF THE STANDARDS FOR ORDER INDIGENT DEFENSE AND CERTIFICATION OF ) COMPLIANCE ) NO.25700-A- UD $ The Office of Public Defense having recommended amendments to the Standards for Indigent Defense and Certification of Compliance, and the Court having considered the amendments submitted thereto, -and having determined that the proposed amendments will aid in the prompt and orderly administration of justice; Now, therefore, it is hereby • ORDERED; (a) That the standards and certificate as attached hereto are adopted. (b) That the Standards for Indigent Defense, including the new Preamble, amendments to Standard 3.1, Standard 3.5, and Standard 5.2 will be published in the Washington Reports and become effective on October 1, 2012. The new subsection (e) of the Certification Form will be published in the Washington Reports and become effective on September 1, 2013. DATED at Olympia, Washington this I day of September, 201 Q �~ rn _ J J F D n =) r�'i tU �� :4� k U C-5 Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A 40 • Resolu4gopjb�-Y,Myaibit A Exhibit B Page 2 IN THE MATTER OF.THE STANDARDS FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE AND CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A Reso1uti=c2f#1&i201MAiibit A Exhibit B STANDARDS FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE [New] Preamble The Washington Supreme Court adopts the following Standards to address -certain basic elements of public defense practice related to the effective assistance of counsel The Certification of Appointed Counsel of Compliance with Standards Required by CrR 3 1/CrRLJ 3.1/JuCR 9.2 references specific "Applicable Standards." The Court adopts additional Standards beyond those required for certification as guidance for public defense attorneys in addressing issues identified in State v, A. N.J., 168 Wash.2d 91 (2010)including the suitability of contracts that public defense attorneys mgy renegotiate and sign To the extent that certain Standards maX refer to or be interpreted as referring to local governments the Court recognizes the authority of its Rules is limited to attorneys and the courts. Local courts and clerks are encouraged to develop protocols for procedures for receiving and retaining Certifications Standard 1, Compensation [Reserved.] Standard 2. Duties and Responsibilities of Counsel [Reserved.] Standard 3. Caseload Limits and Types of Cases Standard 3.1. The contract or other employment agreement or govemment bu shall specify the types of. cases for which representation shall be provided and the maximum number of cases which each attorney shall be expected to handle. Standard 3.1 adopted effective October 1, 2012 Standard 3.2. The caseload of public defense attorneys shall allow each lawyer to give each client the time and effort necessary to ensure effective representation. Neither defender organizations, county offices, contract attorneys, nor assigned counsel should accept workloads that, by reason of their excessive size, interfere with the rendering of quality representation. As used in this Standard, "quality representation" is intended to describe the minimum level of attention, care, and skill that Washington citizens would expect of their state's criminal justice system. Standard 3.2 adopted effective October 1, 2012 Standard 3, 3. General Considerations. Caseload limits reflect the maximum caseloads for fully supported full-time defense attorneys for cases of average complexity and effort in each case type specified. Caseload limits assume a reasonably even distribution of cases throughout the year. Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A Resolutq%&b�- fM Y4��ibit A Exhibit B The increased complexity of practice in many areas will require lower caseload limits. The maximum caseload limit should be adjusted downward when the mix of case assignments is weighted toward offenses or case types that demand more investigation, legal research and writing, use of experts, use of social workers, or other expenditures of time and resources. Attorney caseloads should be assessed by the workload required, and cases and types of cases should be weighted accordingly. If a defender or assigned counsel is carrying a nixed caseload including cases from more than one category of cases, these standards should be applied proportionately to determine a full caseload. In jurisdictions where assigned counsel or contract attorneys also maintain private law practices, the caseload should be based on the percentage of time the lawyer devotes to public defense. The experience of a particular attorney is a factor in the composition of cases in the attorney's caseload. The following types of cases fall within the intended scope of the caseload limits for criminal and juvenile offender cases in Standard 3.4 and must be taken into account when assessing an attorney's numerical caseload: partial case representations, sentence violations, specialty or therapeutic courts, transfers, extraditions, representation of material witnesses, petitions for conditional release or final discharge, and other matters that do not involve a new criminal charge. Definition of case. A case is defined as the filing of a document with the court naming a person as defendant or respondent, to which an attorney is appointed in order to provide representation.. In courts of limited jurisdiction multiple citations from the same incident can be counted as one case. Standard 3.3 adopted effective October 1, 2012 Standard 3.4. Caseload Limits. Effective October 1, 2013, Standard 3.5, Case Counting. The leea ent entity een#a,e4ing with, or- appeifftiag publie defense attemeys should adept a -ad publish %-At4e pelioies and presedures are net adopted and published, it is presumed t4at attemeys are no ease Wei ghti Attorneys may not engage in a case wen Ming system unless pursuant to written policies and procedures that have been adopted and published by the local government entity responsible for cmploying, contracting with, or appointing them. A numerieal ease -weighting system must: A. recognize the greater or lesser workload required for cases compared to an average case based on a method that adequately assesses and documents the workload involved; B. be consistent with these Standards, professional performance guidelines, and the Rules of -Professional Conduct; C. not institutionalize systems or practices that fail to allow adequate attorney time .for quality representatioin; D. be periodically reviewed and updated to reflect current workloads; and E. be filed with the State of Washington Office of Public Defense. Cases should be assessed by the workload required. Cases and types of cases should be weighted accordingly. Cases which are complex, serious, or contribute more significantly to Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A ResolutFW(W144201EYMbit A Exhibit B attorney workload than average cases should be weighted upward. In addition, a case weighting • system should consider factors that might justify a case weight of less than one case. Notwithstanding any case weighting system, resolutions of cases by pleas of guilty to criminal charges on a first appearance or arraignment docket are presumed to be rare occurrences requiring careful evaluation of the evidence and the law, as well as thorough communication with clients, and must be counted as one case. Standard 3.5 adopted effective October 1, 2012 Standard 3.6. Case Weighting. The following are some examples of situations where case weighting might result in representations being weighted as more or less than one case. The listing of specific examples is not intended to suggest or imply that representations .in such situations should or must be weighted at more or less than one case, only that they may be, if established by an appropriately adopted case weighting system. A. Case Weighting Upward. Serious offenses or complex cases that demand mare -than - average investigation, legal research, writing, use of experts, use of social workers, and/or expenditures of time and resources should be weighted upward and counted as more than one case. B. Case Weighting Downward. Listed below are some examples of situations where case weighting might justify representations being weighted less than one case. However, care must be taken because many such representations routinely involve significant work and effort. and should be weighted at a frill case or more. i. Cases that result in partial representations of clients, including client failures to appear and recommencement of proceedings, preliminary appointments in cases in which no charges are • filed, appearances of retained counsel, withdrawals or transfers for any reason, or limited appearances for a specific purpose (not including representations of multiple cases on routine dockets). ii. Cases in the criminal or offender case type that do not involve filing of new criminal charges, including sentence violations, extraditions, representations of material witnesses, and other matters or representations of clients that do not involve new criminal charges. Noncomplex sentence violations should be weighted as at least 1/3 of a case. iii. Cases in specialty or therapeutic courts if the attorney is not responsible for defending the client against the underlying charges before or after the client's participation in the specialty or therapeutic court. However, case weighting must recognize that numerous hearings and extended monitoring of client cases in such courts significantly contribute to attorney workload and in many instances such cases may warrant allocation of full case weight or more. iv. Cases on a criminal or offender first appearance or arraignment docket where the attorney is designated, appointed; or contracted to represent groups of clients on that docket without an expectation of further or continuing representation and which are not resolved at that time (except by dismissal). In such circumstances, consideration should be given to adjusting the caseload limits, appropriately, recognizing that case weighting. must reflect that attorney workload includes the time needed for appropriate client contact and preparation as well as $e appearance time spenton such dockets. v. Representation of a person in a court of limited jurisdiction on a charge which, as a matter of regular practice in the court where the case is pending, can be and is resolved at an early stage of the proceeding by a diversion, reduction to an infraction, stipulation on Agreement for Public Defender Seryices Exhibit A Reso1 Na ?Ay 2�ibit A Exhibit B • continuance, or other alternative noncriminal disposition that does not involve a finding of guilt. Such cases should be weighted as at least 1/3 of a case. Standard 3.6 adopted effective October 1, 2012 Related Standards ABA STANDARDS FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE: PROSECUTION FUNCTION AND DEFENSE FUNCTION Defense Function std. 4-1.2 (3d ed. 1993) ABA STANDARDS FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE: PROVIDING DEFENSE SERVICES std. 5-4.3 (3d ed. 1992) AM. BAR ASS'N, GUIDELINES FOR THE APPOINTMENT AND PERFORMANCE OF DEFENSE COUNSEL IN DEATH PENALTY CASES (rev. ed. 2003) ABA Comm, on Ethics & Prof 1 Responsibility, Formal Op. 06-441(2006) (Ethical Obligations of Lawyers Who Represent Indigent Criminal Defendants .When Excessive Caseloads Interfere With Competent and Diligent Representation) Ain. Council of Chief Defenders, Statement on Caseloads and Workloads (Aug. 24, 2007) ABA House of Delegates, Eight Guidelines of Public Defense Related. to Excessive Caseloads (Aug. 2009) TASK FORCE ON COURTS, NAT'L ADVISORY COMM'N ON CRIMINAL STANDARDS & GOALS, COURTS std. 13.12 (1973) MODEL CODE OF PROF'L RESPONSIBILITY DR 6-101. • ABA House of Delegates, The Ten Principles of a Public Defense Delivery System (Feb. 2002) ABA House of Delegates, Standards of Practice for Lawyers Who Represent Children in Abuse and Neglect Cases (Feb. 1996) Nat'l Legal Aid & Defender Ass'n, Am. Council of Chief Defenders, Ethical Opinion 03-01 (2003). Nat'l Legal Aid & Defender Ass'n, Standards for Defender Services std. IV-1 (1976) Nat'l Legal Aid & Defender Ass'n, Model Contract for Public Defense Services (2000) N4t'1 Ass'n of Counsel for Children, NA CC Recommendatio nsfor Representation of 'Children in Abuse and Neglect Cases (2001) Seattle Ordinance 121501 (June 14, 2004) Indigent Defense Servs. Task Force, Seattle -King County Bar Ass'n, Guidelines for Accreditation of Defender Agencies Guideline 1 (1982) Wash. State Office of Pub. Defense, Parents Representation Program Standards of Representation (2009) BUREAU OF JUDICIAL ASSISTANCE, U.S. DEP'T OF JUSTICE, INDIGENT DEFENSE SERIES No. 4, KEEPING DEFENDER WORKLOADS MANAGEABLE (2001) (NCJ 185632) StandardY4. Responsibility of Expert Witnesses Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A • • • ResolutAwoMc3r20l&vhibit A Exhibit B [Reserved.] Standard 5. Administrative Costs Standard 5.1. [Reserved.] Standard 5.2. A. Contracts for public defense services &hal4 should provide for or include administrative costs associated with providing legal representation. These costs should include but are not limited to travel; telephones; law library, including electronic legal research; fniancial accounting; case management systems; computers and software; office space and supplies; training; meeting the reporting requirements imposed by these standards; and other costs necessarily incurred in the day-to-day management of the contract. B. Public defense attorneys shall have (1) access to an office that accommodates confidential meetings with clients and (2) a postal address, and adequate telephone services to ensure prompt response to client contact. Standard 5.2 adopted effective October 1, 2012 Standard 6. Investigators Standard 6.1. Public defense attorneys shall use investigation services as appropriate. Standard 6.1 adopted effective October 1, 2012 [Reserved.] Standards 7-12 Standard 13. Limitations on Private Practice Private attorneys who provide public defense representation shall set limits on the amount of privately retained work which can be accepted. These limits shall be based on the percentage of a full-time caseload which the public. defense cases represent. Standard 13 adopted effective October 1, 2012. Standard 14. Qualifications of Attorneys Standard 14.1. In order to assure that indigent accused receive the effective assistance of counsel to which they are constitutionally entitled, attorneys providing defense services shall meet the following minimum professional qualifications: A. Satisfy the minimum requirements for practicing law in Washington as determined by the Washington Supreme Court; and B. Be familiar with the statutes, court rules, constitutional provisions, and case law relevant to their practice area; and C. Be familiar with the Washington Rules of Professional Conduct; and Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A Resoluggyo�lqib�-N Y�iibI t A Exhibit B . D. Be familiar with the Performar_ce Guidelines for Criminal Defense Representation approved by the Washington State Bar Association; and E. Be familiar with the consequences of a conviction or adjudication, including possible immigration consequences and the possibility of civil conunitment proceedings based on a criminal conviction; and F. Be familiar with mental health issues and be able to identify the need to obtain expert services; and G. Complete seven hours of continuing legal education within each calendar year in courses relating to their public defense practice. Standard 14.1 adopted effective October 1, 2012 Standard 14.2. Attorneys' qualifications according to severity or type of cases: A. Death Penalty Representation. Each attorney acting as lead counsel in a criminal case in which the death penalty has been or may be decreed and which the decision to seek the death penalty has not yet been made shall meet the following requirements: i. The minimum requirements set forth in Section 1; and ii. At least five years' criminal trial experience; and iii. Have prior experience as lead counsel in no fewer than nine jury trials of serious and complex cases which were tried to completion; and iv. Have served as lead or co -counsel in at least one aggravated homicide case; and v. Have experience in preparation of mitigation packages in aggravated homicide or persistent offender cases; and vi, Have completed at least one death penalty defense seminar within the previous two years; and. vii. Meet the requirements of SPRC 2.2 Attorneys working toward qualification for a particular category of cases under this standard may associate with lead counsel who is qualified under this standard for that category of cases. SPRC 2 APPOINTMENT OF COUNSEL At least two lawyers shall be appointed for the trial and also for the direct appeal. The trial court shall retain responsibility for appointing counsel for trial. The Supreme Court shall appoint counsel for the direct appeal, Notwithstanding RAP 15.2(f) and (h), the Supreme Court will determine all motions to withdraw as counsel on appeal. A list of attorneys who meet the requirements ofproficiency and experience, and who have demonstrated that they are learned in the law of capital punishment by virtue of training or experience, and thus are qualified for appointment in death penalty trials and for appeals will be recruited and maintained by a panel created by the Supreme Court. All counsel for trial and appeal must have demonstrated the proficiency and commitment to quality representation which is appropriate to a capital case. Both counsel at trial must have five years' experience in the practice of eritnival law (and) be familiar with and experienced in the utilization of expert witnesses and evidence, and not be presently serving as appointed counsel in another active trial level death penalty case, One counsel must be, and both may be, qualified for appointment in capital trials on the list, unless circumstances exist such that it is in the defendant's interest to appoint otherwise qualified counsel learned in the law of capital punishment by virtue of training or experience, The trial court shall make findings of fact if good cause is found for not appointing list counsel. At least one counsel on appeal must have three years' experience in the field of criminal appellate law and be learned in the law of capital punishment by virtue of training or experience. In appointing counsel on appeal, the Supreme Court will consider the list, but will have the final discretion in the appoinbnenl of counsel, Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A • Resoludwaftric&201Uhibit A Exhibit B- The defense team in a death penalty case should include, at a minimum, the two attorneys appointed pursuant to SPRC 2, a mitigation specialist, and an investigator. Psychiatrists, psychologists, and other experts and support personnel should be added as needed. B. Adult Felony Cases —Class A. Each attorney representing a defendant accused of a Class A felony as defined in RCW 9A.20.020 shall meet the following requirements: i. The minimum requirements set forth in Section 1; and ii. Either: a. has served two years as a prosecutor; or b. has served two years as a public defender; or two years in a private criminal practice; and iii. Has been trial counsel alone or with other counsel and handled a significant portion of the trial in three felony cases that have been submitted to a jury. C. Adult Felony Cases —Class B Violent Offense.' Each attorney representing a defendant accused of a Class B violent offense as defined in RCW .9A.20.020 shall meet the following requirements. i. The minimum requirements set forth in Section 1; and ii. Either; a.. has served one year as a prosecutor; or b. has served one year as a public defender; or one year in a private erinninal practice; and iii. Has been trial counsel alone or with other counsel and handled a significant portion of the trial in two Class C felony cases that have been submitted to a jury. D. Adult Sex Offense Cases. Each attorney representing a client in an adult sex offense case shall meet the following requirements: i. The minimum requirements set forth in Section 1 and Section 2(C); and ii. Has been counsel alone of record in an adult or juvenile sex offense case or shall be supervised by or consult with an attorney who has experience representing juveniles or adults in sex offense cases. E. Adult Felony Cases —All Other Class B Felonies, Class C Felonies, Probation or Parole Revocation. Each attorney representing a defendant accused of a Class B felony not defined in Section 2(C) or (D) above or a Class C felony, as defined hi RCW 9A.20.020, or involved in a probation or parole revocation heating shall meet the following requirements: i. The minimum requirements set forth in Section 1, and ii. Either: a. has served one year as a prosecutor; or b. has served one year as a public defender; or one year in a private criminal practice; and iii. Has been trial counsel alone or with other trial counsel and handled a significant portion of the trial in two criminal cases that have been submitted to a jury; and iv. Each attorney shall be accompanied at his or her first felony trial by a supervisor if available. Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A Resoluk'&�� -Ap f ibit A Exhibit B • iv: Shall not represent a respondent in a jury trial unless he or she has conducted a felony jury trial as lead counsel; or been co -counsel with a more experienced attorney in a 90 or 180 day commitment hearing. N. Sex Offender "Predator" Commitment Cases. Generally, there should be two counsel on each sex offender commitment case. The lead counsel shall meet the following requirements: i. The minimum requirements set forth in Section 1; and ii. Have at least: a. Three years' criminal trial experience; and b. One year's experience as a felony defense attorney or one year's experience as a criminal appeals attorney; and c. Experience as lead counsel in at least one felony trial; and d. Experience as counsel in cases involving each of the following: 1. Mental health issues; and 2. Sexual offenses; and 3. Expert witnesses; and e. Familiarity with the Civil Rules; and f. One year of appellate experience or demonstrated legal writing ability. Other counsel working on a sex offender commitment case should meet the minimum requirements in Section 1 and have either one year's experience as a public defender or . significant experience in the preparation of criminal cases, including legal research and writing and training in trial advocacy. O. Contempt of Court Cases. Each attorney representing a respondent shall meet the following requirements: i. The minimum requirements set forth in Section 1; and ii, Each attorney shall be accompanied at his or her first three contempt of court hearings by a supervisor or more experienced attorney, or participate in at least one consultation per case with a state Office of Public Defense resource attorney or other attorney qualified in this area of practice. P. Specialty Courts. Each attorney representing a client in a specialty court (e.g., mental health court, drug diversion court, homelessness court) shall meet the following requirements: i. The minimum requirements set forth in Section 1; and ii. The requirements set forth above for representation in the type of practice involved in the specialty court (e.g., felony, misdemeanor, juvenile); and iii. Be familiar with mental health and substance abuse issues and treatment alternatives. Standard 14.2 adopted effective October 1, 2012 Standard 14.3. Appellate Representation. Each attorney who is counsel for a case on appeal to the Washington Supreme Court or to the Washington Court of Appeals shall meet the following requirements: A. The minimum requirements as outlined in Section 1; and Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A Resolut ({QtJ(;6N1&kbit A Exhibit B • B. Either: i, has filed a brief with the Washington Supreme Court or any Washington Court of Appeals in at least one criminal case within the past two years; or ii. has equivalent appellate experience, including filing appellate briefs in other jurisdictions, at least one year as an appellate court or federal court clerk, extensive trial level briefing, or other comparable work. C. Attorneys with primary responsibility for handling a death penalty appeal shall have at least five years' criminal experience, preferably including at least one homicide trial and at least six appeals from felony convictions, and meet the requirements of SPRC 2. RALJ Misdemeanor Appeals to Superior Court: Each attorney who is counsel alone for a case on appeal to the Superior Court from a court of limited jurisdiction should meet the minimum requirements as outlined in Section 1, and have had significant training or experience in either criminal appeals, criminal motions practice, extensive trial level briefing, clerking for an appellate judge, or assisting a more experienced attorney in preparing and arguing a RALJ appeal. Standard 14.3 adopted effective October 1, 2012 Standard 14.4. Legal Interns. A. Legal interns must meet the requirements set out in APR 9, B. Legal interns shall receive training'pursuant to APR 9, and in offices of more than seven attorneys, an orientation and training program for new attorneys and legal interns should be held. Standard 14.4 adopted effective October 1, 2012 [Reserved.] Standards 15-18 Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A • • • Resolut O�Qa-�My,j�ibit A Exhibit B CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE [New] For criminal and juvenile offender cases, a signed Certification of Compliance with Applicable Standards must be filed by an appointed attorney by separate written certification on a quarterly basis in each court in which the attorney has been appointed as counsel. The certification must be in substantially the following foam: SEPARATE CERTIFICATION FORM Court of Washington for State of Washington Plaintiff VS. The undersigned attorney hereby certifies: No. CERTIFICATION OF APPOINTED COUNSEL OF COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS REQUIRED By CrR 3.1/CrRLJ 3.1/JuCR 9.2 1. Approximately % of my total practice tune is devoted to indigent defense cases. 2. I am familiar with the applicable Standards adopted by the Supreme Court for attorneys appointed to represent indigent persons and that: a. Basic Qualifications: I meet the minimunn basic professional qualifications in Standard 14.1. b. Office: I have access to an office that accommodates confidential meetings with clients, and I have a postal address and adequate telephone services to ensure prompt response to client contact, in compliance with Standard 5.2. c. Investigators: I have investigators -available to me and will use investigation services as appropriate, in compliance with Standard 6.1. d. Caseload: I will comply with Standard 3.2 during representation of the defendant in my cases. [Effective September 1, 2013: I should not accept a greater number of cases (or a proportional mix of different case types) than specified in Standard 3.4, prorated if the amount of time spent for indigent defense is less than full time, and taki ig into account the case counting and weighting system applicable in my jurisdiction.] e. Specific Qualifications: I meet the specific qualifications in Standard 14.2 Sections B-K [Effective September 1, 2013.1 Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A • Resolut}Mc&j(;64011�242ibit A Exhibit B Defendant's Lawyer, WSBA No. Date Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A Resolut�(�i�-iibit A Exhibit B F. Persistent Offender (Life Without Possibility of Release) Representation. Each attorney acting as lead counsel in a "two strikes" or "three strikes" case in which a conviction will result in a mandatory sentence of life in prison without parole shall meet the following requirements: i. The minimum requirements set forth in Section 1;3 and ii. Have at least: a. four years' criminal trial experience; and b. one year's experience as a felony defense attorney; and c. experience as lead counsel in at least one Class A felony trial; and d. experience as counsel in cases involving each of the following: 1. Mental health issues; and 2. Sexual offenses, if the current offense or a prior conviction that is one of the predicate cases resulting in the possibility of life in prison without parole is a sex offense; and 3. Expert witnesses; and 4. One year of appellate experience or demonstrated legal writing ability. G. Juvenile Cases ---Class A. Each attorney, representing a juvenile accused of a Class A felony shall meet the following requirements: i. The minimum requirements set forth in Section 1, and ii. Either: a. has served one year as a prosecutor; or b. has served one year as a public defender; or one year in a private criminal practice; and iii, Has been trial counsel alone of record in five Class B and C felony trials; and iv. Each attorney shall be accompanied at his or her first juvenile trial by a supervisor, if available. H. Juvenile Cases —Classes B and C. Each attorney representing a juvenile accused of a Class B or C felony shall meet the following requirements: i. The minimum requirements set forth in Section 1; and ii. Either: a. has served one year as a prosecutor; or b. has served one year as a public defender; or one year in aprivate criminal practice, end iii. Has been trial counsel alone in five misdemeanor cases brought to a final resolution; and iv. Each attorney shall be accompanied at his or her first juvenile trial by a supervisor if available. 3 RCW 10.101.000(1)(a)(iii) provides that counties receiving funding from the state Office of Public Defense under that statute must require "attorneys who handle the most serious cases to meet specified qualifications as set forth in the Washington state bar association endorsed standards for public defense services or participate in at least one case consultation per case with office of public defense resource attorneys who are so qualified. The most serious cases include all cases of murder in the first or second 0 degree, persistent offender cases, and class A felonies." Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A ResolulkewMA-2A Mhabit A Exhibit B I. Juvenile Sex Offense Cases. Eachattorney representing a client in a juvenile sex offense case shall meet the following requirements: L The minimum requirements set forth in Section 1 and Section 2(H); and ii. Has been counsel alone of record in an adult or juvenile sex offense case or shall be supervised by or consult with an attorney who has experience representing juveniles oradults in sex offense cases. J. Juvenile Status Offenses Cases. Each attorney representing a client in a "Becca" matter shall meet the following requirements: i. The minimum requirements as outlined in Section 1; and ii. Either: a. have represented clients in at least two similar cases under the supervision of a more experienced attorney or completed at least three hours of CLE training specific to "status offense" cases; or b. have participated in at least one consultation per case with a more experienced attorney who is qualified under this section. K. Misdemeanor Cases. Each attorney representing a defendant involved in a matter concerning a simple misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor or condition of confinement, shall meet the requirements as outlined in Section 1, L. Dependency Cases. Each attorney representing a client in a dependency matter shall meet the following requirements: L The minimum requirements as outlined in Section 1; and ii. Attorneys handling termination hearings shall have six months' dependency experience or have significant experience in handling complex litigation. iii. Attorneys in dependency matters should be familiar with expert services and treatment resources for substance abuse. iv. Attorneys representing children in dependency matters should have knowledge, training, experience, and ability in communicating effectively with children, or have participated in at least one consultation per case either with a state Office of Public Defense resource attorney or other attorney qualified under this section. M. Civil Commitment Cases. Each attorney representing a respondent shall meet the following requirements: i. The minimum requirements set forth in Section 1; and ii. Each staff attorney shall be accompanied at his or her first 90 or 180 day commitment hearing by a supervisor; and iii. Shall not represent a respondent in a 90 or 180 day commitment hearing unless he or she has either: a. served one year as a prosecutor; or b. served one year as a public defender; or one year in a private civil commitment practice, and c. been trial counsel in five civil commitment initial hearings; and i Agreement for Public Defender Services Exhibit A • This page intentionally left blank • • • • COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # PRESENTER: POSITION: CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL 13-10-12 Randy Harrison Police Chief AGENDA ITEM # AGENDA DATE: DEPARTMENT: 0 November 12, 2013 Law Enforcement TITLE: Approval of a Lease Agreement with Xerox for a Copy Machine (W7845PT Tandem) for the Police Department. BACKGROUND/ HISTORY: This will replace the copier on the leased machine due to expire in November 2013. EXHIBITS: Lease Agreement RECOMMENDED ACTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign the Lease Agreement for the Xerox Copy Machine. FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ 198.02 per mo. $ N/A $ N/A $ 2376.24 annually ACTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: rn her Councilmember Collings Councilmember Johnson Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Barnhart Passed: Failed: Second By:ucn Councilmember Raab Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Detering Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) Page 1 of 1 LL--Lease Agreement Customer: EAST WENATCHEE, CITY OF BillTo: EAST WENATCHEE POLICE DEPT 271 9TH ST NE EAST WENATCHEE, WA 98802-4438 Tax ID#:. Negotiated Contract : 072635500 Solution Product DescriItem 1. W7845PT (W7845PT TANDEM) 3-hole Punch(fin-Ix) 1 Line Fax Office Finisher Lx Convenience Stapler Customer Ed Analyst Services Mon Item Lease Minimum Payment 1. W7845PT $198.02 Total $198.02 Authorized Signature xerox Install: EAST WENATCHEE POLICE DEPT 271 9TH ST NE EAST WENATCHEE, WA 98802-4438 p Jon Agreement Date Lease Term: 60 months 11/11/2013 Purchase Option: FMV ChargesPrint Plan Features Meter Volume Band Per Print Rate 1: BLACK All Prints $0.0056 Consumable Supplies Included for all prints 2: COLOR All Prints $0.0506 Pricing Fixed for Term Minimum Payments (Excluding Applicable Taxes) Customer acknowledges receipt of the terms of this agreement which consists of 3 pages including this face page. Signer: J.R. Randy Harrison Phone: (509)884-9511 Signature: Date: Thank You for your business! This Agreement is proudly presented by Xerox and Joel Rodriguez TO �j (509)764-8560 A f For information on your Xerox Account, go to �E Em.xerox conVAccountManagement Lease Agreement xe rox Introductory Pricing You are receiving special Introductory Pricing. Your Minimum Payment for Products identified in the Pricing Detail table below will be adjusted during the Introductory Pricing period as set forth in the Pricing Detail table, and will be different from the Minimum Payment during the balance of this Agreement. The Pricing Detail table illustrates how the Minimum Payment will be affected during the Introductory Pricing period. Product Total 1. W7845PT 1E Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Full Amount $198.02 $198.02 $198.02 $198.02 $198.02 $198.02 $198.02 $198.02 Introductory Pricing Detail for Each Applicable Item 1-3 I $198.02 11: BLACK All Prints I $0.0016 2: COLOR All Prints $0.0243 Full Service Maintenance Included for all prints Consumable Supplies charge only L�7_Lease Agreement •Terms and INTRODUCTION: 1. NEGOTIATED CONTRACT. The Products are subject solely to the terms in the Negotiated Contract identified on the face of this Agreement, and, for any option you have selected that is not addressed in the Negotiated Contract, the then -current standard Xerox terms for such option. PRICING PLAN/OFFERING SELECTED: 2. FIXED PRICING. If "Pricing Fixed for Term" is identified in Maintenance Plan Features, the maintenance component of the Minimum Payment and Print Charges will not increase during the initial Term of this Agreement. GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS: 3. REMOTE SERVICES. Certain models of Equipment are supported and serviced using data that is automatically collected by Xerox or transmitted to or from Xerox by the Equipment connected to Customer's network ("Remote Data") via electronic transmission to a secure off -site location ("Remote Data Access"). Remote Data Access also enables Xerox to transmit to Customer Releases for Software and to remotely diagnose and modify Equipment to repair and correct malfunctions. Examples of Remote Data include product registration, meter read, supply level, Equipment xerox configuration and settings, software version, and problem/fault code data. Remote Data may be used by Xerox for billing, report generation, supplies replenishment, support services, recommending additional products and services, and product improvement/development purposes. Remote Data will be transmitted to and from Customer in a secure manner specified by Xerox. Remote Data Access will not allow Xerox to read, view or download the content of any Customer documents or other information residing on or passing through the Equipment or Customer's information management systems. Customer grants the right to Xerox, without charge, to conduct Remote Data Access for the purposes described above. Upon Xerox s request, Cusomer will provide contact information for Equipment such as name and address of Customer contact and I and physical addresses/locations of Equipment. Customer will enable Remote Data Access via a method prescribed by Xerox, and Customer will provide reasonable assistance to allow Xerox to provide Remote Data Access. Unless Xerox deems Equipment incapable of Remote Data Access, Customer will ensure that Remote Data Access is maintained at all times Maintenance Services are being performed. • • COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # PRESENTER: POSITION: CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL 13-10-13 AGENDA ITEM # 7 Greg Pezoldt City Engineer AGENDA DATE: DEPARTMENT: TITLE: Grant Road Storm Pipe Rehabilitation- RH2 Consultant Agreement Supplement BACKGROUND/ HISTORY: November 12, 2013 Public Works The city previously acknowledged the need to rehabilitate the Storm Water Drainage Pipe on the lower portion of Grant road. In the review of the pipe, it was determined that there was a large dent in the pipe caused by unknown reasons. RH2 Engineers were contracted to perform engineering services in support of repairing the dent in the pipe to adequately prepare for the pipe rehabilitation. Once the contractor was in place to repair the dent, it was discovered that a second dent was also in need of repair. The discovery of the second dent involved more on -site inspection and engineering consultation than was originally planned for in the RH2 Consultant Agreement. At the time the pipe was uncovered, inspectors determined that the pipe upstream of the first dent was not deteriorated and would not need to be lined or rehabilitated. Since the repair scenario of a "Cured In Place" liner can only be performed from manhole to manhole, it was determined that a new manhole structure should be installed at the dent location. The new manhole would reduce the repair length of the pipe from 300 feet to less than 150 feet. This was rationalized because the cost of the new manhole would be more than offset by the cost savings of the reduced CIPP repair. This supplement will serve to cover the costs of that additional "Services During Construction" expenses incurred upon the discovery of the second dent, the expenses with regard to the pipe rehabilitation design and specifications, and "Services During Construction" of the rehabilitation. Additionally, the contract approved and awarded to KLB Construction for the dent removal was canceled, mutually agreed upon by all parties. The WSDOT accepted the financial responsibility for the dent removal. The cost of the new manhole structure is the responsibility of the City, but falls within the spending authority of the project as approved previously by the Council. EXHIBITS: Grant Road Storm Pipe Rehabilitation Contract Amendment No. 2 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve RH2 Contract Amendment No. 2 FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ 14,694 (Previous) $ 0 $ 35,835 Total $ 21,141 (Additional) Page 1 of 2 le • 0 • ACTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: 5 Councilmember Collings Councilmember Johnson Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Barnhart Passed: 110 Failed: Second By: ►►aa Councilmember Raab Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Detering Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) Page 2 of 2 Contract Amendment No. 2 General Services 2013-2014 Task Authorization No. 15.1501 Grant Road Storm Pipe Rehabilitation RH2 Project No. 213.026 In accordance with our Professional Services Agreement for the General Services dated February 12, 2013, this is an authorization to revise the project Scope of Work as described below. The work will be performed and invoiced using the terms and conditions listed in the Original Agreement, plus previous amendments and/or agreements. Add the following items to the Scope of Work: The City of East Wenatchee (City) has requested RH2 Engineering, Inc., (RH2) to assist with additional services for the rehabilitation of the Grant Road storm drain pipe, including the following tasks. Additional Services During Construction for Dent Removal Contract • Provide additional coordination due to the discovery of the second dent in the Grant Road storm drain pipe. Coordinate with the City and Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to develop options for a solution, including the addition of a manhole to the project. • Provide additional on -site inspection services for removing the second dent discovered during construction, installing the manhole, and road restoration. Design and Bidding Services for Cured -in -Place Pipe • Review Cured -in -Place Pipe (CIPP) material alternatives for pipe lining. Discuss options with a cured -in -place pipe contractor and the City. Provide a letter with a recommendation to the City. • Review downstream piping video for decision on inclusion of CIPP lining on outlet section through wall. • Include downstream piping into plans (including Traffic Control Plans on State Highway). • Prepare plans and specifications for a cured -in -place pipe contract. This Scope assumes that one (1) section of pipe will be lined and inverts of the existing drywell will not be adjusted. • Prepare front-end bid documents and reproduce bid sets. Send bid documents to up to three (3) contractors on the City's small works roster. • Answer bidder questions and attend a pre -bid walk-through with interested contractors. Services During Construction for Cured -in -Place Pipe Set up and attend pre -construction meeting. Provide additional on -site inspection services for the selected method of lining the damaged portion of the pipe. Provide additional design services if the City chooses to change pipe grades at the drywell. . Reference Exhibit B — Estimate of Time and Expense. The engineering fee authorization will increase by $21,141 for a total authorization amount of $35,835. 11/04/13 3:11 P:NI J:\data\E\\'\213-026\15-Grant Road Storm Pipe Lining Proj\Contract\Task 15 Amend 2\Amend Igo. 2_TaskAutb_No 15_G=t Rd Storm Pipe Rebab.docx • C� Please sign this authorization in the space provided below and mail or fax to RH2 Engineering, Inc., 300 Simon Street SE, Suite 5, East Wenatchee, WA 98802. FAX 509-886-2313. RH2 Engineering, Inc. Rand L a land - Director DATE Authoritiation to Proceed — Cqy of East Wenatchee PRINTNAME &TnlJ-; n 4TE I1/0-t/ 13 3:11 P\t \\rh2\dfe\fast\C'chiatcltee\dap\F\C'\213-02G\li-Grant Road Stomt Pipe Lining Proj\Contract\Task ti Amend 2\Amend Xo. 2_TasLkuth_Xo 1i_Grant Rd Stotm Pipe Re/ ab.d.cx — • • j T N 69 Lq T O tD L C) T M D) (D M In co J Q H 0 H H U W 0 cc a 0 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # 13-11-04 PRESENTER: Brandon Mauseth POSITION: Associate Engineer AGENDA ITEM # 8 AGENDA DATE: November 12, 2013 DEPARTMENT: Public Works TITLE: Professional Service Agreement with PACE Engineering for design services for a Stormwater Low Impact Development Retrofit Project. BACKGROUND / HISTORY: Summer of 2013, City Staff was notified by the Washington State Department of Ecology of an opportunity to receive grant funding through the 2013-15 Biennial Municipal Stormwater Capacity Grant Program. This funding program offers Cities and Counties an opportunity to receive $120,000.00 in funding specifically for planning and/or design services to retrofit an existing City facility or roadway in order to bring that facility up to current NPDES and water quality standards. The funding is specifically for design services to fully prepare plans, specifications and a construction estimate for a "shelf ready" project, this grant provides no funding for construction of the facility. City Staff anticipate a "call for projects" from the Department of Ecology for construction grant funding in 2014. The ultimate goal for this design funding is to be prepared to make application for construction funding through the Department of Ecology. October 1, 2013, City Staff provided notice to the Department of Ecology that the City would accept the funding for design services. Proiect: Valley Mall Parkway (VMP) Municipal Parking Lot and Mid -Block Crossing LID Retrofit Project. City Staff will be working with PACE Engineering and the Department of Ecology to complete a "shelf ready" project to reconstruct the Valley Mall Parkway Municipal Parking Lot with Stormwater flow control and water quality treatment components. The project will design; stormwater infrastructure using Low Impact Development technology, add landscaping amenities and lighting, reduce driveway accesses from 3 to 2 driveway approaches, provide new vehicular circulation and parking layout within the parking lot, design retaining wall(s) on the east and south side of the parking lot, accommodate bicycle parking and pedestrian circulation. The City has also included improvements to the mid -block pedestrian crossing on Valley Mall Parkway. Elements to be addressed in that design are; new crossing location, textured and contrasting walking service, bulb outs at the sidewalk connection and a center refuge island for aesthetics and safety, landscaping, lighting and advanced warning devices for motorists. Because of a very tight timeframe and deadlines for deliverables required by the Department of Ecology, City Staff utilized the City's 2013 Architect and Engineering Roster to evaluate, rank and score the most qualified engineering firms who were eligible members. 13 firms were ranked and scored with PACE Engineering earning the top score. Over the last two weeks, City Staff have been negotiating the proposed scope and fee and developing the professional service agreement with the PACE Engineering Project Team. Upon approval, PACE Engineering will commence with design services. The deadlines for deliverables to the Department of Ecology and the City of East Wenatchee are as follows; January 31, 2014 — Pre -Design Report (DOE Fo 30% plans and Page 1 of 2 • 01 • June 1, 2014 — 60% design review August 1, 2014 - 90% design plans (final deadline to DOE), Plans, Specifications and Engineer's Estimate October 15, 2014 - 100% Plans, Specifications and Engineer's Estimate (Full PS&E Package, shelf ready) Because of these tight timeframes required by the Department of Ecology, PACE Engineering and City Staff will immediately begin design work for this project. City Staff anticipate approximately $20,000.00 in design services will be invoiced to the City prior to 2014. This project was not specifically included in the 2013 SWU budget but the cost will be within the existing 2013 appropriation of the 2013 SWU Budget, a budget amendment to cover that expense will be processed if necessary. The remaining budget, plus 10% for City Staff administrative costs, is included in the 2014 Preliminary SWU Budget. This project, as presented, is funded by the Washington State Department of Ecology. Cost associated with this project is included in the 2014 preliminary SWU Budget. The total project expense including staff cost for grant administration and project management is represented below. Funding breakdown for the professional design expense and in-house staff expense DOE Funds SWU Funds Total Project 2013 Design Engineering 20,000 2,000 22,000 2014 Design Engineering 100,772 10,000 110,772 Construction Contract 0 Total 120,772 12,000 132,772 EXHIBITS: Professional Service Agreement between the City of East Wenatchee and PACE Engineers, Inc for professional engineering services RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve City staff's recommendation to select the firm of Pace Engineering for design engineering services for the VMP Parking Lot and Mid -Block Pedestrian Crossing LID Retrofit Project; and to further authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement not to exceed $120,772.00. FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required $1 20.772.00 ACTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: Councilmember Collings Councilmember Johnson Councilmember McCourt Councilmem er Barnhart Passed: S Failed: Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $120, 772.00 $120, 772 ($20,000-201 3 appropriation, $100,772 - 2014 SWU budget; Second By: Ocottr Councilmember Raab Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Detering Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) Page 2 of 2 • • • Professional Services Agreement Between The City of East Wenatchee And PACE Engineers, Inc. For Professional Engineering Services Professional Services Agreement Page 1 of 8 • 1. Parties. The Parties to this Professional Services Agreement ("Agreement") are the City of East Wenatchee and PACE Engineers, Inc. ("PACE"). 2. Duration of Agreement. This Agreement begins upon execution and ends on December 31, 2014. 3. Either party may terminate this Agreement early. Upon written notice, the City may terminate this Agreement with or without cause. If the City terminates this Agreement without cause, it will pay PACE for work already completed on a prorated basis to the date ordered to stop. Upon 30-days written notice, PACE may terminate this Agreement with cause. The written notice must specify the termination's effective date and it must specify the cause PACE is relying upon to justify termination. In such event the City will pay PACE all amounts due for all work previously authorized and performed prior to the date of termination. 3.1. If this Agreement is terminated, PACE agrees to cooperate reasonably with any service provider thereafter retained by the City in making available information developed as the result of work previously performed by PACE . 3.2. If neither party gives written termination, all relationships and obligations created by this Agreement, will terminate at the conclusion of the Agreement period set out in Paragraph 3. • 4. PACE will provide professional engineering services for the City. PACE will provide the services set forth in Exhibit A-1 for the City in a timely, reliable, and cost-effective manner: 5. Total Compensation. The City will pay PACE up to $120,772.00 for performing the services set forth in paragraph 4. This amount is the full compensation for all work performed; for all services rendered; and for all labor, materials, supplies, and equipment, and incidentals necessary to complete the services set forth in paragraph 4. 6. Method of Payment. PACE must submit a monthly invoice for compensation. The monthly invoice must contain a detailed description of the work performed during the month, the number of hours spent performing such work, and any reimbursable costs and expenses incurred in connection with such work. 7. Invoices. PACE must submit invoices to the following address: The City of East Wenatchee, 271 Ninth St. N.E., East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Attention: Teresa Allen. 8. Disputed work. If the City believes in good faith that some portion of work has not been completed satisfactorily; the City may request that PACE correct the work before the City pays for such work. In such event, the City must reasonably explain to PACE its concern over the work and the remedy that the City expects Professional Services Agreement Page 2 of 8 • from PACE. The City may withhold from any payment otherwise due an amount that the City in good faith is under dispute, or if the PACE does not provide a sufficient remedy, the City may retain the amount equal to the cost to the City for otherwise correcting or remedying the work not properly completed. 9. Affirmative Representations by PACE. PACE represents and warrants that: 9.1. It has the requisite training, skill and experience necessary to provide the services listed in Paragraph 4. 9.2. It is appropriately accredited and licensed by all applicable agencies and governmental entities. 9.3. It did not offer, nor did any City employee accept a gift, gratuity, loan, trip, favor, special discount, work, or anything of economic value in conjunction with the City business practices. 9.4. It will strictly adhere to the statutes and ordinances in contracting and purchasing, including the City Ethics Code, RCW 42.23 (Code of Ethics for Municipal Officers) and RCW 42.52 (Ethics in Public Service). 9.5. It does not have a business interest or close family relationship with any • City officer or employee who was, is, or will be involved in the PACE selection, negotiation, drafting, signing, administration or evaluation of the PACE's performance. 10.The City will monitor and evaluate PACE's performance. Subject to oversight by the City Engineer, PACE may control and direct the performance of the services set forth in Paragraph 4. The City reserves the right to inspect, review and approve the work done by PACE to assure that it has been completed as specified, before payment. PACE must cooperate with and freely participate in any monitoring or evaluation activities conducted by the City that are pertinent to the intent of this Agreement. 11. PACE is an independent contractor. This Agreement creates an independent contractor relationship between the parties. PACE and its employees or agents performing under this Agreement are not employees or agents of the City. PACE will not hold itself out pass or claim to be an officer or employee of the City, nor will PACE make any claim of right, privilege or benefits which would accrue to such officer or employee under law. The Parties recognize that PACE may or will be performing professional services during the term of this Agreement for other parties. 12.Ineligible Subcontractors. PACE may not subcontract any part of the work covered by this Agreement or permit subcontracted work to be further subcontracted without the City's prior written approval. The City will not Professional Services Agreement Page 3 of 8 • approve any subcontractor for work covered by this Agreement who is at the time ineligible under the provisions of any applicable regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor, U. S. Department of Labor or the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, to receive an award of such subcontract. Verifications of Subcontractors need to be obtained by the PACE from www.eyls.gov, and maintained in a file accessible by the Owner for audit purposes. 13.Taxes. PACE is responsible for paying all taxes related to payments made by the City makes to the PACE, including federal income taxes, self employment (social security and Medicaid) taxes and state business and occupation taxes. The City is not responsible for withholding for or paying any of those taxes. 14.Indemnification. To extent allowed by law, PACE agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City. PACE releases and must defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents and volunteers for any and all claims, demands, losses, negligent acts or omissions, and liabilities (including costs and all attorney's fees) to or by any and all persons and entities, including without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from, or connected with this Agreement to the extent caused by the negligent acts, errors or omissions of PACE, its partners, shareholders, agents, employees, or by the PACE's breach of this • Agreement. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, this must apply. However, this will not require PACE to indemnify the City against any liability for damages arising out of bodily injury or property damages caused by or resulting from negligence of the City. the City will protect, defend and indemnify and save harmless PACE, its representatives and other employees all costs, claims, judgments or awards of damages arising out of the negligent acts or omissions of the City, its officers or employees. Further, in the case of concurrent negligence of PACE on the one hand and the City on the other hand, each party will be required to indemnify the other only to the extent of the negligence of the party. 15. PACE agrees to maintain adequate insurance. PACE must maintain insurance as set forth below. 15.1. The Minimum Scope of Insurance: 15.1.1. Automobile Liability Insurance covering all owned, non -owned, hired and leased vehicles. If necessary, the policy must be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. 15.1.2. Commercial General Liability Insurance must cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors and personal injury and advertising injury. The City must be named as an insured Professional Services Agreement Page 4 of 8 • under PACE's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City. 15.1.3. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. 15.1.4. Professional Liability (Errors and Omissions, on a claims -made basis) Insurance. 15.2. Minimum Amounts of Insurance. 15.2.1. Automobile Liability Insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident. 15.2.2. Commercial General Liability Insurance must be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate. 15.2.3. Professional Liability Insurance must be written with limits no less than $1,000,600 per claim and $1,000,000 policy aggregate limit. 15.3. The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the • following provisions for Automobile Liability, Professional Liability and Commercial General Liability Insurance: 15.4. PACE's insurance coverage must be primary insurance as respect the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City must be excess of the PACE's insurance and must not contribute with it. 15.5. The PACE's insurance must be endorsed to state that coverage must not be canceled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. 15.6. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A: VII. 15.7. Verification of Coverage. PACE must furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of PACE before commencement of the work. 16. Confidential Information. Without the prior written consent of the City, PACE must not disclose to third parties information that is not otherwise subject to public disclosure unless: (1) The information is known to PACE prior to receiving the same directly or indirectly in connection with the work; (2) The Professional Services Agreement Page 5 of 8 • information is in the public domain at the time of disclosure by PACE; or (3) The information is received by PACE from a third party who does not have an obligation to keep the same confidential. 17.The City owns all work product. All work product, including records, files, documents, plans, computer disks, magnetic media or material which may be produced or modified by PACE while performing services for the City belong to the City. At the termination of this Agreement, PACE must deliver all original records, files, documents, plans computer disks, magnetic media or other material to the City. Until at least 12 months following final payment, PACE must provide the City prompt access to (and the City must have the right to examine, audit and copy) all of PACE's electronic files, books, documents, papers and records related to the services performed for the City. 17.1. PACE may include representations of the work performed under this Agreement in its promotional and professional materials, unless such representation or materials contain confidential information. 18. PACE agrees comply with applicable federal and state laws. During the performance of this Agreement, PACE must comply with all federal, state, and local nondiscrimination laws, regulations and policies. These laws include, but are not limited to: The U.S. Department of Transportation's policies against discrimination, Chapter 49.60 RCW, Title «of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Section 109 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and of the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor, Section 3 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1968; Executive Orders 11625, 12432, and 12138. 18.1. If PACE fails to comply with any federal or state law, regulation or policy, the City may withhold payments to PACE under the Agreement until PACE complies or the City may cancel, terminate, or suspend the Agreement, in whole or in part. 18.2. The City will give PACE 30 days to cure any noncompliance. 19.Information and Reports. PACE shall maintain books, records, documents, and other evidence and accounting procedures and practices which sufficiently and properly reflect all hourly charges and direct costs of any nature expended in the performance of this Agreement. These records shall be subject at all reasonable times to inspection, review, or audit by City personnel and other personnel duly authorized by the CITY or the Office of the State Auditor. PACE will retain all books, records, documents, and other material relevant to this . Agreement for three years after expiration and the Office of the State Auditor, or Professional Services Agreement Page 6 of 8 • any person duly authorized by the City shall have full access to and the right to examine any of said materials during said period. • 20.Dispute Resolution. The venue for any legal dispute regarding this Agreement is Douglas County Superior Court. 21. General Provisions. 21.1. Attorney's Fees. If any legal action or other proceeding is brought for the enforcement of this Agreement, or because of an alleged dispute, breach, default, or misrepresentation in connection with any of the provisions of this Agreement, each party may bear their own attorney's fees, expert witness fees, filing fees, arbitrator fees, or other costs incurred in that action, arbitration, or proceeding. 21.2. Authority. Each individual executing this Agreement on behalf of the City and PACE represents and warrants that such individuals are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of PACE or the City. 21.3. Binding Effect. The provisions, covenants, and conditions in this Agreement apply to bind the parties, their legal heirs, representatives, successors, and assigns 21.4. Compliance with Laws. PACE, at his/her/its sole cost and expense, may perform and comply with all applicable laws of the United States and the State of Washington; and all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, and other requirements, in effect, of any governmental entity (including but not limited to such requirements as may be imposed upon the City and applicable to the Agreement). PACE may furnish documents as may be required to effect or evidence such compliance. 21.5. Full Agreement. This Agreement and all attachments form all of the covenants, promises, agreements and conditions, between the parties. All attachments and addendum are incorporated herein by this reference, and may be a part of this contract instrument. If discrepancy between the documents, addendum and attachments may prevail over the Agreement. This entire Agreement including all attachments specifies the working relationship between the City and PACE and specific obligations of both parties. 21.6. Non -waiver. Waiver of any default or breach of this agreement may not be deemed to be a waiver of any other prior or subsequent default or breach and may not be construed to be a modification of the terms of this Professional Services Agreement Page 7 of 8 • agreement unless stated to be such through written agreement of the signatories hereto. 21.7. Performance. Time is of the essence of this Agreement in each and all of its provisions in which performance is a factor. 21.8. Personal Liability. The parties agree that in no event may any official, officer, employee, or agent of the City be in any way liable or responsible for any covenant or Agreement herein contained whether express or implied, nor for any statement of representation made herein or in any connection with this Agreement. 21.9. Remedies Cumulative. Any remedies provided for under the terms of this Agreement are not intended to be exclusive, but may be cumulative with all other remedies available at the City at law or in equity. 22.Washington law governs the terms of this Agreement. The laws of the State of Washington govern the interpretation, construction, and enforcement of this Professional Services Agreement. 23.Severability. If a competent court of law determines any section or portion of this Agreement to be unlawful, such determination may not affect the remaining terms and conditions of the Agreement. 24. Survivability. The obligation of PACE under all provisions of this Agreement, which may reasonably be interpreted or construed as surviving the completion, termination, or cancellation of this Agreement, may survive the completion, termination, or cancellation of this Agreement. City of East Wenatchee Steven C. Lacy, Mayor Date: ATTEST: City Clerk Professional Services Agreement Page 8 of 8 PACE Enginee: A2A Title: 560)oe- Inc. '6. )�Uft- �{w; L Date: � �? 013 Federal Employee ID No.: 9 I-1,553"7 FINAL DRAFT SCOPE OF WORK Revision Date: 11/5/2013 0 Exhibit A-1 Professional Engineering Scope of Services For City of East Wenatchee, WA Valley Mall Parkway LID Improvements Project Project Description and Understanding: The VMP Parking Lot LID Retrofit Project (project) includes improvements to a City owned public parking lot located within the downtown commercial neighborhood of East Wenatchee. Currently, the City parking lot is 100% impervious surface with no stormwater infrastructure for flow control or treatment. The surface water sheet flows across the parking lot to either Valley Mall Parkway or to the unimproved property surrounding the parking lot. The Valley Mall Parkway, main street corridor has an existing stormwater conveyance system with a direct discharge to the Columbia River. At this time, no treatment is being provided to the runoff from the parking lot prior to discharging to the Valley Mall Parkway Corridor. Adjacent the VMP Parking Lot, a mid -block pedestrian crossing exist for visitors accessing the west side of Valley Mall Parkway and businesses, this project also addresses improvements to the mid -block cossing by; adjusting the location and re-routing pedestrian circulation, retrofitting some existing stormwater elements by adding LID stormwater features (if possible) , changing the walking surface from pavement to pervious surface, pronounced crossing features such as bulb outs, landscaping, LED lighting and advanced warning devices. The anticipated deliverables for the VMP municipal parking lot and mid -block pedestrian crossing will include 100% plans and specifications, a construction cost estimate and associated contract documents. Design Manual Design criteria to be used in this project consists of The City of East Wenatchee has fully adopted the 2004 Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington (SWMMEW). • The SWMMEW will be used for design of this improvement project. Design Storm —100 year, 24 hour Type II SCS synthetic rainfall event • The Eastern Washington Low Impact Development Guidance Manual will be used to select preferred LID components. VMP Municipal Parking Lot and Mid -Block Pedestrian Crossing LID Retrofit The VMP Parking Lot is currently 100% impervious with no stormwater infrastructure in place. The City anticipates utilizing only LID components for flow control and treatement with overflow directed into the existing Valley Mall Parkway conveyance system. The BMP's to be considered from the guidance manual are; • BMP 4.2 — Amending Construction Site Soils: All soils within the proposed LID components included in the retrofit design will be amended and may consist of; Bioretention swales, dispersion facilities and tree boxes or tree wells. FINAL DRAFT SCOPE OF WORK Revision Date: 11/5/2013 • BMP 4.3 — Dispersion: There may be an opportunity to use dispersion by directing some small amounts of sheet flow to the surrounding pervious areas of the parking lot for treatment and infiltration. • BMP 4.4 — Bioretention: Bioretention cells that would also serve as landscape amenities will be the primary goal for treatment and infiltration. The City will include overflow and flow control structures that would redirect heavy storm flows to the existing stormwater conveyance system in Valley Mall Parkway. • BMP 4.5 — Trees: Currently, there are no landscape features within the Parking Lot or the adjacent Valley Mall Parkway corridor. The proposed project would include several street trees within the sidewalk section adjacent to both facilities. The proposed street trees would either be incorporated into the bioretention cells or would be stand alone tree boxes with bioretention components to collect and treat runoff, this would most likely include an overflow, for flow control, out into the Valley Mall Parkway conveyance system. BMP 4.6 — Permeable Pavement: It is unknown at this time whether the City would use permeable pavement for the driving and parking surface. Use of this BMP will be dependent on the design and recommendation of the design consultant. At a minimum, the City would anticipate utilizing a permeable surface for the sidewalk sections and pedestrian circulation associated with the parking lot improvements. The goal of this project is to design stormwater flow control, treatment requirements and add landscape amenities to the Municipal Parking Lot. Retain and infiltrate the East Wenatchee design storm event on - site and provide an overflow connection and flow control back to the Valley Mall Parkway conveyance line in excess of the design storm event. Scope of Services: Task 1— Project Management 1.1 Coordination with the City to ensure work is completed timely and within budget. Monthly statements of progress will be prepared summarizing the project status, fees invoiced, and remaining budget. 1.2 Coordination with local utilities, power, water, sewer, cable, phone, and gas. This scope of work anticipates gathering as -built details and information for the aforementioned utilities to locate the data on our base maps and augment the topographic survey. 1.3 Quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) will be provided as part of this subtask. Deliverables will be reviewed in-house to ensure quality and accuracy of the final deliverable. Task No. 2 —Topographic Survey and Base Map Development The City has provided PACE with topographic survey of the parking lot and Valley Mall Parkway project limits. PACE may need to augment this information in the design phase of this project. Therefore, we have included a limited scope of work for additional 2 FINAL DRAFT SCOPE OF WORK Revision Date: 11/5/2013 survey work not to exceed one (1) additional day in the field for data gathering and one (1) additional day in the office to process and update existing base mapping. 2.1 Using current topographic survey data, the consultant shall develop base mapping of the parking lot site and Valley Mall Parkway immediately adjacent the VMP Parking lot. 2.2 Research available utility records and as -built records to determine alignment and location of non -City owned utilities including power, gas, cable, water, sewer, and telephone. 2.3 Complete one (1) day of field survey within projects limits, as needed, to determine location and elevation for existing surface features necessary to complete the design. Compile field data in preparation for AutoCAD and acquire utility record drawings. 2.4 Develop base mapping on 22" x 34" sheets and drawing scale will be 1" = 20' for half sizing to 1" = 40'. Assumptions: • City will provide record drawings of storm drainage utilities within designated project boundaries. Deliverables: • Three copies of base mapping two copies on 11" x 17" paper and one copy on 22" x 34" paper. Task 3 — Pre -Design Report (Due January 31, 2014 to City and Ecology) 3.1 Complete Design Development for the VMP parking lot to include the following major elements: • Prepare preliminary site clearing and grading plan including the location of retaining walls to maximize site and prevent future erosion of adjacent slopes. The existing back of sidewalk elevation along Valley Mall Parkway shall be used as the control for site grading. • Hydraulic and Hydrologic modeling of Water Quality treatment flow and conveyance capacity will be performed. The modeling performed will be consistent with guidance provided in the current edition of the 2004 Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington. • Parking lot configuration and circulation will be optimized. (Eliminate one access point onto Valley Mall Parkway). The design will include determining the appropriate design vehicle to establish turning radii for the parking lot, i.e. garbage trucks, vactor trucks, delivery trucks, as appropriate. • Develop access and drainage catchment for adjacent tenant dumpster and coordinate with Waste Management. • Develop preliminary design for stormwater collection, treatment and conveyance incorporating Low Impact Development (LID) best management 3 FINAL DRAFT SCOPE OF WORK Revision Date: 11/5/2013 • practices using the Eastern Washington LID Guidance Manual. The design development will consider future cost and convenience of operation and maintenance of the BMP's, pollution generating vs. non -pollution generating surfaces, along with pervious surfacing opportunities. • Develop preliminary design for charity car wash facilities and evaluate point of discharge either to sanitary sewer, of if appropriate to LID features for the site. • Develop preliminary design to accommodate bicycle parking and improve non - motorized access to the site. • Develop pedestrian circulation and ADA compliance through the parking site providing access to the adjacent mid -block crossing in Valley Mall Parkway. • Develop preliminary design to improve LINK transit stop adjacent to the parking lot. Coordination with LINK to determine the desired configuration and location of the transit stop including in lane or pull out for buses. • Develop preliminary design to improve mid -block pedestrian crossing on VMP • Develop landscaping and planting plans, including irrigation, for the parking lot site. 3.2 Prepare TESC Plan 3.3 Develop Temporary Traffic Control Plan 3.4 Develop 30% PS&E and meet with City to discuss design elements and possible utilities impacts. 3.5 Develop preliminary design report to present findings, conclusions, opinions of cost, and recommendations. 3.6 Submit report to DOE and City for review and comment. 3.7 Consider and respond to DOE and City review comments. Assumptions: • The preliminary design report outline is presented in Exhibit 2. Deliverables; • Two (2) copies of the Base Mapping, % size (11 x 17) drawings, will be provided to the City. • Five (5) copies Preliminary Design Report, two to City and three copies to DOE. • Prepare a response matrix outlining all comments received on preliminary design report along with responses and actions taken. Task 4 — Public Outreach ( Mid February) 4.1 Attend open house to engage local business owners and solicit input on the proposed 30 % design schematics. is4.2 Prepare up to three (3) exhibits for open house including, proposed site plan, 4 • FINAL DRAFT SCOPE OF WORK Revision Date: 11/5/2013 landscaping plan, and Stormwater system plan. 4.3 Summarize comments received at open house, evaluate and prepare responses. Task 5 — Design Phase (60% due on June 1, 2014 and 90% due on July 25, 2014 to City) 5.1 Prepare 60% plans consistent with preliminary design report and incorporating accepted review comments from the open house, DOE and City. The 60% submittal will be sufficiently complete to technically convey the intent of the design without major additions or revisions. Specifications and special provisions will not be provided with the 60 % submittal. The preliminary opinion of cost will be updated with this submittal. 5.2 Attend progress meeting with the City to discuss 60% design details and conclusions. 5.3 Prepare 90% plans and special provisions. PACE will use non -federally funded boilerplate for bid proposal, contracts, contract bond and general requirements. Special provisions will follow WSDOT/APWA 2012 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction. The 90% submittal will be technically complete and include plans, profiles, sections, details, and general construction notes sufficiently complete to convey intent and constructability of the proposed improvements. The opinion of cost will be updated with this submittal. 5.4 Submit 90% to City for review and comments. 5.5 Edit 90% submittal incorporating City comments and prepare final 90% submittal to the DOE for their review and comment. 5.6 Upon receipt of DOE review comments, prepare response matrix identifying all comments received, responses , and actions taken. Assumptions: • This project will follow requirements for local Ad and Award procedures. • ACAD layering will conform to PACE formatting standards, consistent with APWA formatting standards, and City of East Wenatchee standards. Deliverables: • Two (2) copies of the 60% plans, %: size (11 x 17), will be provided to the City. • Two (2) copies of the 60% opinion of cost will be provided to the City for review. • Two (2) copies of the 90% plans, special provisions, and cost estimate will be provided to the City for review and comment. • One excel spreadsheet outlining all City review comments received on 90% submittal will be prepared along with responses and actions taken. • Two (2) copies of the final 90% submittal incorporating City review comments will be 5 prepared and submitted to the DOE (digital format required). FINAL DRAFT SCOPE OF WORK Revision Date: 11/5/2013 • • The excel spreadsheet outlining all City review comments received on 90% submittal will be updated to include DOE review comments received along with responses and actions taken. Task 6 — PERMITTING 6.1 Complete Cultural Resources Assessment and submit to Department of Archeological and Historic Preservation (DAHP) to satisfy directive 05-05 funding requirement. 6.2 Prepare SEPA checklist for City review and processing assuming a Determination of Non -Significance threshold determination. Assumptions: • The City is lead agency for SEPA. • The project is not located within any critical areas or wetlands. • This project is below the threshold for DOE Construction Stormwater General Permit. • No other local, State or Federal permits are anticipated per this scope of work. Deliverables: • One (1) electronic copy, in word format, of the SEPA checklist will be provided to the • City for review and threshold determination. Task 7 — Bid Document Production 7.1 Revise 90% submittal including plans, special provisions, and opinion of cost ready for construction. The project bid will be suspended pending receipt of adequate construction funding. The bid documents will be sufficiently complete such that only publication and bid opening dates are required along with the need to update State Prevailing Wage rates and benefit codes. Assumptions: • The City will seek construction funding consistent with eligibility requirements identified in the DOE planning and design grant funding agreement. • It is anticipated that the bid documents will not be advertised until construction funding is secured. Deliverables: • Two (2) full size paper copies of the 90% plans, special provisions, and cost estimate will be provided to the City for review and comment. • One (1) electronic pdf copy of the plans, special provisions, and cost estimate will be provided to the City incorporating all review comments. • AutoCAD Data of new parking lot design, mid -block crossing and standard details provided to the City. 6 FINAL DRAFT SCOPE OF WORK • END OF SCOPE OF SERVICES • 0 71 Revision Date: 11/5/2013 1 •' Valley Mall Parway Stormwater Connection o to Columbia River outfall, Multiple Conveyance Systems) . ' t . (combined system, only storm) d `„ • t bA Outfall to the Columbia River _ s 'SO �� ` •� Design treatment for upstream contributing basin i i Approximately 1 City block 1 '+� � `40,:..' IN r r K A m • N . 'Ft P . � - ter. t, • Design treatment for upstream contributing basin Approximately 1 City block r. A Project Legend ■ Municipal Parking Lot: East Wenatchee Downtown Parking Lot . Existing Condition: 100% Impervious surface, no storm Infrastructure -� Design: Full LID RetroFit Project, 100% Plans and Contract Doc. ■ Valley Mall Parkway (Main Street); Exisitng Conditions: Changed from 4 lane to 2 lane section in 2013 Added perpendicular on -street parking. Outfall to Columbia River Design: LID Retrofit, street landscape features October 2013 • Stormwater Retrofit and LID Grant Pre-Deslgn Report Suggested Outline 1. Introduction 2. Basin Description a. Delineate the basin under historic pre -development and proposed conditions showing topography and flow direction. b. Provide information on the basin under consideration such as current and future land use (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial), soils, area, water bodies, etc. 3. Site Description — Provide more detailed information on the project site including: a. Existing stormwater controls b. Total area C. Impervious area d. Current use e. Vegetation f. Drainage g. Wetlands h. Soils i. Access j. etc. 4. Design Alternatives and Analysis a. Discuss alternatives considered and why they were or were not selected b. Describe final alternative in detail c. Provide detailed design calculations. Even though this may be a retrofit project and does not . have to meet new/redevelopment criteria, provide the necessary calculations for new/redevelopment so we can see how much you could improve water quality and flow control if you had the space. d. Discuss modeled water quality and flow control improvements. e. Provide drawings of the proposed site improvements and schematic of flow through the facilities if needed to assist in describing the proposed work. f. Provide a copy of the computer model printouts. This may involve using "print Screen" to include all the relevant information. 5. Implementation Recommendation a. Identify the recommended alternative and discuss the next steps including permitting, cultural resources, City Council involvement, other studies needed, etc, 6. Cost Estimate 7. Proposed Schedule 8. Attachments a. Basin Map b. Preliminary Plans C. Cost Estimate Details d. Storm Simulation output e. Geohydrologic Studies f. Soils Analysis 0 • • 0 PACE Engineers Project Budget Workshaft - 201312014 Standard Rates Rcta N—J�VUP LOPi.1 L.1%R ,�E.9 W.-.V)A-71atPA:"Ww'pe ptoF:ta D) I La b. K— by C 4.,ft.6- SEA Tr,4 I tS.. L I- P,!,. 7e.) 1 10 12 15 74 41 43 H 59 91 -9.1 Ty;. K-,/V Rate $1% 5112 silo Slat Sim $11) silo W $130 silo fl" V) La. Sb,iDr E191-01A.0 sa� RayedW10 pal Shoded lar "W! Cad Ike. FVppoi ACW &—I Tach 2-10mi Prq�w 11— C�11- p "4011 8,,ap.. 511!0" A*-�Mlrakw ToW Took i P.1.1 U.maverm I. I Fm,.t Ad—M., 40 12 Ill, te I cmis, W.1 2 a to C 13 QVOC is 4 4 24C T.,% T",.phk S.—y.m an. M.Fpkg 21 D-.-vp W. v4v / 16 "I 22 Re",h .1 Da. G.t-,- g 4 40 Z 3 Fail S-1. —4.Jd 2 10 120 24upd.IaB..U,f,O 2 4 60 Task 3 4-rd.sip R.W 3.1 WIPPamir.; W Dos:., DWq—] 2 20 20 12 29 20 103C 32 R,;,n TESC Pb, 33 PF.Fara TryTmM. CwIrd 1 D—iii, 30% Pr 2 a e e e :1 34C 35 O&M* Dan R04ebT R.Pd 4 6 12 24 4 30 OR 36&&-AbOIywJDDE 2 2 C 37 PW— w+d Cw4* DOE 8 16 1 4)(1 T. sk a. Nbic 0,*.*,h 41 A!-,J 4vi m-&@ 4 4 60 12 D-19 ard A.; ar. E'lZ!, I. op., 1—. 2 S— Us —ft d Val, - "'K, 2 2 4 16C "N"p-I'v Is 12 20 20 ea C ,;F,�, -9:C1yp' —Wr; SF"6d fti.�"-a 53R+p 9API, 20 a h 20 13C 1280 4 10 C .tlltg I. DOE 5 6 P.M. mrJ ftwo-d b DOE --.-h 43 0 6 1 C-f'" CO 771 4 82R.;..SEPA&.dfd 2 8 Of Task 1-sit Discussed ftd.bm 7.1 P,.par.SdDoesw1S 1 to 1 a 36 pt .*,. wbmd as Oly 2 2 4 1?2 oc 320 420 1380 40 100 22f0 6d0 10 90 240 too 10"C 7650 70 I" TOW $6243 Mass SM-1 1721 SM 431 $1.043 SZ60 VM SOAM ............ Owilp Cw Esp..... Rmm CL1,1R. ST.- pk�rr $5.000 PACE Wad Lb. $101.248 R—bors" E-Wass $1.494 6060 774 W40 117,360 iwlsWsraws (O-1 Prb-tg) $100 Wo SI,D(1DOD TOW Project Oil 61^171 515.50) T*&-bpy 1. (2% 0 bab.) Total T.UI -r!- Used 2013,2014 Rates 117.360 Fh: VIAP LIO R,00T4 F.. Eltm-l.. F.. W.,t,h,,t p.g. 1041 PMU4: 1t*2013, 1 36M U m 3 v w o Z' 3 3 1, - n a -C v Q d N C 'C > 4, j O a_+ lL p 7 CC CC .GJ W = m C U° u E ° 0 o r O O wcr O E C- N xc v 2 o Za 1> v �° Cl. E o d 2 OyCn o n7 46m u v is ccu ❑ a 0 c00 — Q n O Cu 0.y° EE E ° c ma e Nr E u z u v ° A n` c ° Q aCoi 0E `c m vi ;n 0- aUa a � 4 • • i e� B C To ot v h _ m E E 3 w u}p�i Q in Q y N U m o c v, o U Ln o a° o a w o p `.1 o Q o eo v too �QQ `fl �' rn rJ 3 e p U o� E v v c a a aci ;; m v m a c `3 m Z n a A m U u oc E m .� c 3 w o o E a o o E a A v P a > o aE (U a v v a �v Q 3 oc u L? a in o z In Q u C °' a` v� .o4 4A e a a I p a 9 COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # 13-11-05 PRESENTER: Lori Barnett TITLE: Director CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AGENDA ITEM # AGENDA DATE: 0 November 12, 2013 DEPARTMENT: Community Development TITLE: Mitigation agreement with Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) for SR 28/East end of the George Sellar Bridge for the Grant Road Viewpoint Park relocation BACKGROUND/HISTORY: As a result of the construction of the SR 28 Bypass project, the city's Grant Road Viewpoint Park just north of the Fred Meyer store, was removed. WSDOT agreed to pay for the cost to relocate the park. The City Council took action on December 14, 2004 to select a site at the intersection of 9th St. NE and SR 28, at the east abutment of the Pedestrian Bridge, as the preferred location for a relocated Viewpoint Park. The park included a dedication column, a time capsule, a compass tile, a Sellar Bridge flag dedication plaque, benches, lighting, and landscaping. The materials were inventoried and are stored in the City Shop. The selected site was recently improved with a plaza using funds awarded by the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council. As part of that project, Phase 2 was identified for relocation of the features that came from the Viewpoint Park. The designer of that project provided the estimate for the cost to incorporate the features into the 9th Street Pedestrian Plaza along with other improvements to further enhance the site. The agreement does not specify the relocation site - it just provides funding for relocation of the features. This arrangement will provide the City with flexibility in selecting the relocation site. The enclosed agreement provides $28,763 for construction of a relocated Viewpoint Park. By signing the agreement and accepting the funds, the City is agreeing that WSDOT has mitigated the removal of the Grant Road Viewpoint Park. EXHIBITS: 1. Agreement 2. Site Inventory of the former Grant Road Viewpoint Park 3, Aerial showing existing Pedestrian Plaza and potential lease area for relocation of the Viewpoint Park RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff respectfully requests that City Council accept the agreement, authorize the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City, and direct the finance department to issue a voucher to WSDOT in the amount of $28,763. FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $N/A $ N/A $ N/A ACTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: &Y- In ho Second By:'Jo h YlsoE'1 Councilmember Collings Councilmember Raab Councilmember Johnson Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Barnhart Passed: Failed: Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Detering Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) Agenda Bill Exhibit 1 GCB 1575 Mitigation Agreement SR 28/ East End of the George Sellar Bridge Grant Road Viewpoint THIS Agreement is made and entered into between the Washington State Department of Transportation, hereinafter the "STATE," and the City of East Wenatchee, hereinafter the "CITY," collectively called the "Parties" and individually the "Party." WHEREAS, the STATE will construct the project entitled "SR 28/ EAST End of George Sellar Bridge," hereinafter the "Project," and WHEREAS, the CITY owns and maintains park property that is used as a viewpoint to the Columbia River and considered park land, and WHEREAS, the STATE has committed to fund the relocation of the viewpoint in the environmental documented CE (Categorical Exclusion) under federal Section 4(f) guidelines to mitigate for the taking of park lands for the Project, and WHEREAS, the STATE agrees to provide funding to the CITY to relocate the viewpoint at the STATE's cost as shown in Exhibit A, NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to chapter 39.34 RCW, the above recitals which are incorporated • herein as if fully set forth below, and in consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants and performances contained herein as well as Exhibit A which is attached and made a part hereof, • IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. GENERAL 1.1 The STATE agrees to mitigate all Project impacts to the CITY's Grant Road Viewpoint and the federal section 4(f) impact to CITY -owned park land by paying Twenty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Three Dollars ($28,763.00) to relocate the viewpoint as shown in Exhibit A. 2. PAYMENT 2.1 The CITY agrees that the STATE's total federal section 4(f) and all other mitigation obligations for Project impacts to Grant Road Viewpoint and CITY -owned park land is the maximum sum of Twenty Eight Thousand, Seven Hundred and Sixty Three Dollars ($28,763).. 2.2 Upon execution of this Agreement, the CITY shall provide an invoice to the STATE, and the STATE agrees to pay the CITY the maximum sum of Twenty Eight Thousand, Seven Hundreed and Sixty Three Dollars ($28,763.00) within thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of the invoice. GCB 1220 Pagel of 3 Agenda Bill Exhibit 1 2.3 Upon receipt of the STATE's mitigation payment, the CITY shall consider the Project federal section 4(f) and all other impacts to the CITY -owned park land and Grand Road Viewpoint to be fully mitigated. 3. TERM OF AGREEMENT 3.1 The Parties agree that this Agreement shall be a binding and continuing obligation upon the STATE from the date of execution until STATE payment is made pursuant to Section 2. Upon payment described herein, the STATE shall have no further mitigation obligations for park land impacts, and this Agreement shall terminate upon payment. 4.0 PROJECT REPRESENTATIVES 4.1 The STATE's Representative, hereinafter "WSDOT Representative," is Paul Mahre, 1551 North Wenatchee, WA 98801-1156 phone (509) 667-3090. 4.2 City of East Wenatchee Representatives, hereinafter "CITY Representative," is Lori Barnett, 271 9th St NE East Wenatchee 98802. 5.0 GENERAL PROVISIONS 5.1 Amendment: This Agreement may be amended or modified only by the mutual agreement of the Parties. Such amendments or modifications shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by persons authorized to bind each of the Parties. • 5.2 Termination: Neither the STATE nor the CITY may terminate this Agreement without the written concurrence of the other Party. Any termination of this Agreement shall not prejudice any rights or obligations accrued to the Parties prior to termination. 5.3 Disputes: In the event that a dispute arises under this Agreement, it shall be resolved as follows: The STATE and the CITY shall each appoint a member to a disputes board, these two members shall select a third board member not affiliated with either Party. The three -member board shall conduct a dispute resolution hearing that shall be informal and unrecorded. An attempt at such dispute resolution in compliance with aforesaid process shall be a prerequisite to the filing of any litigation concerning the dispute. Each Party shall be responsible for its own costs and fees and agree to share equally in the cost of the third disputes board member. 5.4 Venue: In the event that either Party deems it necessary to institute legal action or proceedings to enforce any right or obligation under this Agreement, the Parties agree that any such action or proceedings shall be brought in Thurston County Superior Court. Further, the Parties agree that each will be solely responsible for payment of its own attorney's fees, witness fees, and costs. 5.5 Audits/Records: All records for the mitigation work in support of all costs incurred shall be maintained by the CITY for a period of six (6) years. STATE shall have full access to and right to examine said records, during normal business hours and as often as it deems necessary. Should the STATE require copies of any records, it agrees to pay the costs thereof. The Parties agree that the . mitigation work performed herein is subject to audit by either or both Parties and/or their designated representatives, and/or state of Washington and/or the federal government. GCB 1220 Page 2 of 3 Agenda Bill Exhibit 1 • By their signature below, the STATE and the CITY certify that they have read each and every provision of this Agreement, including the amount of mitigation payment, and this Agreement was entered into voluntarily by both Parties. • 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the date of the Parties last written below. CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE Date: APPROVED AS TO FROM: Date: STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ann E. Salay Assistant Attorney General Date: GCB 1220 Page 3 of 3 Agenda Bill Exhibit 1 • Time Capsule Plaza Pre -Design Cost Estimate East Wenatchee, WA June 21, 2012 Prepared by Project Groundwork ITEM I CITY , UNIT UNIT COST I EXTENDED Area Wide Mobilization 1 LS 1000 $1,000 Temporary ESC 1 LS 300 $300 Site Clearing/Grubbing 0.05 AC 5000 $250 SPCC Plan 1 LS 200 $200 SWPP 1 LS 1000 $1,000 Excavation Including Haul 30 CY 15 $450 ELEMENT SUBTOTAL $3,200 Plaza Sitework, Excavation 1 LS 800 $800 Stabilized Gravel Surface (4"Depth) 13 CY 75 $975 Pavers — Type IV 70 SF 16 $1,120 Feature Boulder 7 EA 350 $2,450 Landscape Edging 165 LF 5.5 $908 Time Capsule Placement 1 LS 75 $75 Plaque Placement 2 EA 150 $300 ELEMENT SUBTOTAL $6.628 Pedestrian Bridge Sitework, Excavation, Backfill 1 LS 1000 $1,000 Footing, Abutments 4 CY 600 $2,400 Handrails 1 LS 3000 $3,000 Framing 1 LS 1000 $1,000 Decking 180 SF 20 $3,600 ELEMENT SUBTOTAL $11,000 Construction Cost Subtotal $20,828 Contingency (4%) $833 PE and CE (Estimated at 25% of Construction) $5,415 Washington State Sales Tax, Douglas County (8.1%) $1,687 Revised July 29, 2013 �1 L_J TOTAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION COST $28,763 GCB 1575 Exhibit A 7 �m Y O lY 7 r ss Z a i c $ r o f • �_J 0 COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # 13-11-06 PRESENTER: Lori Barnett TITLE: Director CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AGENDA ITEM # AGENDA DATE: DEPARTMENT: 10 November 12, 2013 Community Development TITLE: First Amendment to Agreement with the Columbia Valley Housing Association (CVHA) to award the 2011 and 2012 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for the homeownership assistance program. BAC KG ROUND/ HISTORY: CVHA, using the City's CDBG Program funds, will provide direct assistance to eligible low and moderate -income buyers to help them purchase existing housing units that are for sale on the open market within the East Wenatchee city limits. Eligible funded activities related to home purchase include: a. Payment of all or part of the premium for mortgage insurance required up -front by a private mortgagee. b. Payment of any or all of the reasonable closing costs. c. Payment of up to 50% of the down payment. d. Homebuyers must have household incomes at or below 80% of the Area Median income. An Agreement was approved by Council on October 8, 2013 including an Exhibit A that extended the eligible area to the entire East Wenatchee Urban Growth Area. Subsequently, HUD has determined that the potential limited availability of affordable housing within the city limits does not justify extending the service area to the urban growth boundary. This amendment would reduce the service area to the city limits, extend the deadline for use of the funds and allow pre -award costs that will permit the CVHA to utilize the funds for a home purchase for a property that is located in the city limits. That purchase was in process at the time the agreement was being approved. It was completed after Council approval of the Agreement but before their Board took action. HUD staff indicated that was acceptable. HUD has indicated that pre -award costs are eligible. EXHIBITS: 1. First Amendment to the agreement RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff respectfully requests that Council approve the amendment and authorize the Mayor to sign it. FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $N/A $ 61,275 $ N/A ACTION TAKEN: RIP"V-`' Motion Made By: r1C6cut-� Second By: Councilmember Collings Councilmember Johnson Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Barnhart Passed: Failed: Councilmember Raab Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Detering Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) .10 Agenda Bill Exhibit 1 • FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE AND COLUMBIA VALLEY HOUSING ASSOCIATION FOR EAST WENATCHEE CDBG HOMEOWNERSHIP ASSISTANCE PROGRAM THIS AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT, is made and entered into this day of , 20 between the City of East Wenatchee ("Grantee") and the Columbia Valley Housing Association ("Subrecipient"). RECITALS WHEREAS, the East Wenatchee City Council approved entering into an agreement with the Columbia Valley Housing Association at their October 8, 2013 meeting and the Columbia Valley Housing Association Board of Directors approved the agreement at their October 17, 2013 meeting; and WHEREAS, HUD has confirmed that the City cannot justify using the funds outside the City limits as provided in the executed agreement as Exhibit A; NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed between the parties hereto that the agreement will be amended as provided in section VI(G) and described below; Amendment 1: Amend section I which currently reads: I. SCOPE OF SERVICE A. Activities The Subrecipient will be responsible for administering a Homeownership Assistance Program using CDBG Program Year funds from 2011 and 2012 in a manner satisfactory to the Grantee and consistent with any and all applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations as a condition of providing these funds. Such program will include the following activities eligible under the Community Development Block Grant program: Program Delivery Provide direct assistance to eligible low and moderate -income buyers to purchase existing housing units, to be used for permanent housing, that are for sale on the open market within the East Wenatchee city limits or within the unincorporated area of Douglas County located within the Urban Growth Area as depicted on Exhibit A to this Agreement. To read: II. SCOPE OF SERVICE A. Activities The Subrecipient will be responsible for administering a Homeownership Assistance Program using CDBG Program Year funds from 2011 and 2012 in a manner satisfactory to the Grantee and consistent with any and all First Amendment to Subrecipient Agreement: CVHA Homeownership Assistance Program CDBG PY2011 and 2012 MBE Agenda Bill Exhibit 1 • applicable Federal, state, and local rules and regulations as a condition of providing these funds. Such program will include the following activities eligible under the Community Development Block Grant program: Program Delivery Provide direct assistance to eligible low and moderate -income buyers to purchase existing housing units, to be used for permanent housing, that are for sale on the open market and located within the East Wenatchee city limits. Amendment 2: Amend section II which currently reads: II. TIME OF PERFORMANCE Services of the Subrecipient must start on the 218t day of October, 2013 and end on the 17th day of March, 2014. The term of this Agreement and the provisions herein must be extended to cover any additional time period during which the Subrecipient remains in control of CDBG funds or other CDBG assets. To Read: II. TIME OF PERFORMANCE Services of the Subrecipient must start on the 218t day of October, 2013 and end on the 318t day of May, 2014. The term of this Agreement and the is provisions herein must be extended to cover any additional time period during which the Subrecipient remains in control of CDBG funds or other CDBG assets. Pre -award costs for eligible activities related to this program are permitted under this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this amendment to the agreement as of the date first written above. Grantee City of East Wenatchee Subrecipient Columbia Valley Housing Association By By Steven C. Lacy, Mayor Board President Attest Dana Barnard, City Clerk Federal I.D. # Approved as to form Devin Poulson, City Attorney • First Amendment to Subrecipient Agreement: CVHA Homeownership Assistance Program CDBG PY2011 and 2012 -2- SL, m; gd 6j: �e Lkcj • Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council Confluence Technology Center 285 Technology Center Way, Wenatchee October 10th12013 — 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. MEETING MINUTES ATTENDEES: Richard DeRock, Link Transit Frank Kuntz, City of Wenatchee Russell Clark, City of Rock Island Ken Stanton, Douglas County Steve Lacy, City of East Wenatchee STAFF: Jeff Wilkens, Executive Director Kathy Bruno, Clerk of the Board Nick Manzaro, Transportation Planner Bill Haven, NCRTPO Liaison Dan Sarles, WSDOT Keith Goehner, Chelan County Mark Spurgeon, Port of Douglas County Mike Mackey, Port of Chelan County GUESTS: Dave Schettler, City of Leavenworth Steve King, City of Wenatchee Terry Mattson, WSDOT Greg Pezoldt, City of East Wenatchee Dan Frazier, City of Wenatchee Mitch Reister, Chelan County Greg Herkenrath, Pacific Engineering Christine Johnson, Aging & Adult Care 1) CALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONS The meeting was called to order by Chair Richard DeRock at 9:00 a.m. Introductions were made around the room. 2) AGENDA REVIEW & APPROVAL Jeff Wilkens asked for an additional item under the Business Items section to amend the consultant contract with the TranspoGroup for the Truck Route Study. The agenda addition was approved on a motion by Russell Clark and 2nd by Ken Stanton. 3) CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda which included the September 12th, 2013 minutes, checks numbered 264742- 264758 in the amount of $8,927.22, payroll in the amount of $31,335.17 for September, and the Monthly Financial Report for August 2013 was approved on a motion by Frank Kuntz and 2"d by Steve Lacy. • 1 • 4) OPEN PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. 5) BUSINESS ITEMS (a) Resolution WVTC 3-2013 Adopting the "2014-17 Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP)" Jeff Wilkens explained the federal requirements satisfied by the RTIP and final changes to the document, and then asked for an amendment to include a carryover of $166,158 for the Port of Chelan County Olds Station Sidewalks Project. Resolution #WVTC 3-2013 was adopted unanimously with the requested amendment on a motion by Russell Clark and 2"d by Keith Goehner. (b) Approval of Title VI Annual Report to WSDOT Jeff Wilkens explained the federal requirements for Title VI reporting, and then the Annual Report and Update Questionnaire was approved unanimously on a motion by Steve Lacy and 2nd by Ken Stanton. (c) Amend the Consultant Contract for the Truck Route Study • Jeff Wilkens requested authorization to have the consultant for the truck route study develop a more detailed cost estimate for the various phases of the Confluence Parkway Phase 1 project. It is expected that it should cost less than $5,000 but no more than $6,000. Approval was given to amend the TranspoGroup Contract up to an additional $6,000 on a motion by Mark Spurgeon and 2"d by Frank Kuntz. 6) REPORTS & DISCUSSION ITEMS 6(a) MPO/RTPO Membership & Governance Update Jeff Wilkens stated that he will be putting together a committee to work on the governance issues due to the boundary change. The following members volunteered to be on the committee: Ken Stanton, Keith Goehner, Mike Mackey and Russell Clark. Okanogan County Commissioner Jim Detro will also be asked to join the committee. Jeff was directed to get more detail on the funding for Okanogan County, if they do not become part of the current board. 6(b) Director's Report & Member Roundtable Jeff Wilkens has registered to attend the annual AMPO conference in Portland, OR this month. Richard DeRock gave prior approval for his out of state travel. • Each member gave a brief update on transportation projects in their areas. 2 r T • 6(f) Executive Session The board went into Executive Session at 10:18 a.m. on a motion by Keith Goehner and 2"d by Russell Clark to discuss the Executive Director's salary range. The Executive Session ended at 10:33 a.m. then Richard DeRock explained the board's consensus that there will be an automatic annual evaluation and additional work to develop a formal merit pay system for the Director. He also stated that the results of the performance review last month was very good so there will be further consideration of a salary range adjustment during an Executive Session next month. NEW BUSINESS/ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned on a motion by Keith Goehner and 2nd by Mark Spurgeon at 10:37 a.m. APPROVED ON November 14, 2013 ATTEST: Richard DeRock, Chairman • Jeff Wilkens, Executive Director Title VI and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice to Public It is the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council's (WVTC) policy to assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin or sex, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise discriminated against under any federally funded programs and activities. All meeting sites are accessible to persons with disabilities. • Accommodations for people with disabilities can be arranged with advance notice. Any person, who believes his/her Title VI protection has been violated, may file a complaint with the WVTC Title VI Coordinator at (509) 663-9059. 0 sw Jrnd�tZ by, r 40 North Central Regional Transportation Planning Organization City Hall 135 East Johnson Avenue, Chelan Wednesday, September filth, 2013 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. MEETING MINUTES ATTENDEES: Russell Clark, City of Rock Island Dan Sarles, WSDOT Mark Spurgeon, Port of Douglas County Ken Stanton, Douglas County Jim Detro, Okanogan County Dave Acheson, Town of Winthrop Kurt Danison, Tonasket, Omak, Pateros Richard DeRock, Link Transit Soo Ing-Moody, Town of Twisp Wendy Isenhart, City of Chelan Gail Howe, City of Pateros Bill Haven, City of Entiat Chris Branch, City of Oroville William Marchand, Colville Confederated Tribes Doug England, Chelan County Jim Bailey, City of Wenatchee Leanne Whitener, Okanogan County Transportation & Nutrition STAFF: Jeff Wilkens, Executive Director Kathy Bruno, Executive Assistant/Clerk of the Board GUESTS: Paul Mahre, WSDOT Terry Mattson, WSDOT Ralph Malone, City of Omak Judy Lorenzo, WSDOT HQ Jennifer Korfiatis, North Central EDD Angie Davis, WSDOT HQ Teri Hickey, WSDOT HQ Dan Frazier, City of Wenatchee Matias Rudback, Pacific Engineering Misty Ruiz, City of Brewster Todd McDaniel, City of Okanogan Curtis Johnson, Okanogan 1) CALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTIONS The meeting was called to order at 10:30 a.m. by Chair Russell Clark. Introductions were made around the room. 1 • 2) AGENDA REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES The June 12, 2013 minutes were unanimously approved on a motion by Ken Stanton and 2"d by Jim Detro. 3) PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD There was no public comment. 4) BUSINESS AND DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Approve Preliminary 2014-2017 Regional Transportation Improvement Program Jeff Wilkens explained that the draft project list only contains those projects that have federal funding attached to them. After some discussion the Okanogan County and NCW rural areas portions were approved on a motion by Kurt Danison and 2'd by Dan Sarles, with the caveat that if the cities or towns identify additional projects, they could be added before final adoption by the WVTC board next month. b. Transportation Alternatives Program Status Report Jeff Wilkens explained that the submitted projects are listed on the WVTC website, and stated that the project selection has been delayed until the November meeting. c. NCRTPO Governance Discussion Jeff Wilkens reported that the WVTC Board cast a vote at their last meeting to start a process of reorganizing the Regional Transportation Planning Organization with a revised boundary limited to Chelan and Douglas counties. Three meetings of the Okanogan County members were held within the last month to discuss this effort. Jeff passed around handouts explaining his summary of impacts to Okanogan County along with the various comments received from the Okanogan county members (the handouts are in the file.) The Okanogan county members were in agreement that they would like to remain a member of the NCRTPO. Richard DeRock explained to the board how and why the WVTC board came to their decision. Kurt Danison stated that he strongly felt that Okanogan County is very much linked to the Wenatchee Valley with the railroad, Pangborn airport, and Highway 97. He feels the regional planning is important, and should include Okanogan County. Judy Lorenzo and Dan Sarles with WSDOT reviewed how the RTPOs were originally formed throughout the state. Judy passed around a handout to the board (the handout is in the file.) 7 • Leanne Whitener also stated that the Human Services Plan for transit is vital for the region, and Jim Detro spoke to the fact that he felt Okanogan County can't stand alone because of the population density, and felt the Hwy 97 corridor is vital to the region. Ken Stanton stated that he sees all three counties as being joined at the hip. At that point a motion was made by Ken Stanton to direct staff to come back to the November meeting with a plan to continue with a 3-county RTPO and to become compliant with the state law. Jeff Wilkens stated a final version cannot be completed by November, but will at least bring a task list and an idea to make the current RTPO stronger, and to integrate WVTC and NCRTPO into one board. The WVTC and NCRTPO interlocal agreements will need to be rewritten. The motion was then approved unanimously. It was then decided to form a sub -committee to help finalize an update to the organizations governance process. Board members need to be involved with the committee to determine the voting process, but staff members can be involved with the rest. Ken Stanton, Jim Detro, Doug England, Richard DeRock, Russell Clark, Kurt Danison or Chris Branch, Teri Hickey and Terry Mattson will participate on the committee. d. Director's Report/Member Roundtable Updates Jeff Wilkens reported on the upcoming Senate "Listening Tour" in Wenatchee, to be held at the Chelan County PUD on Sept 23"', to begin at 6:00 p.m. Jeff then passed around • the Senate Majority Coalition Caucus fact sheet showing their 2014 Transportation Reforms, which they want to see before there is any agreement for a new gas tax increase. 5) NEW BUSINESS/ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 p.m. on a motion by Mark Spurgeon. ATTEST: Russell Clark Chairman Jeff Wilkens Executive Director Title VI and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice to Public It is the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council's (WVTC) policy to assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin or sex, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise discriminated against under any federally funded programs and activities. All meeting sites are accessible to persons with disabilities. Accommodations for people with disabilities can be arranged with advance notice. Any person, who believes his/her Title VI protection has been violated, may file a complaint with the WVTC Title VI Coordinator at (509) 663-9059 3 • • • Wenatchee Valley November 5, 2013 To: WVTC Executive Council From: Jeff Wilkens, Executive Director Transportation Council Subject: Agenda Item #4(b) —Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Projects 2014-2017 Funding Background This year NCRTPO received eighteen applications for the 2014-2017 TAP funding. During our November meeting the board will receive a presentation for each project, and will have an opportunity to ask questions of the project sponsors. Following the presentations, the board will be asked to complete a ranking and project selection process to determine the distribution of available funds. A scoring sheet will be provided at the beginning of the meeting that can be filled out as we proceed through the presentations. As in past years, each board member's results will be tallied and combined into an overall composite score that will be used to rank the projects in the order of highest to lowest score. Final project selection will then be at the board's discretion. The criteria attached on the following page were approved by the board prior to the call -for -projects, and should be used to evaluate the projects when filling out the scoring sheet. WVTC MEMBERS City of Wenatchee • City of East Wenatchee • City of Rock Island • Chelan County • Douglas County • Port of Chelan County • Port of Douglas County • WSDOT North Central Region • Link Transit 0 Summary of Weighted Project Evaluation Criteria Accessibility / Equity: 0-15 points • Does the project improve mobility for disadvantaged populations? • Is the project close to affordable housing, will the project improve low income access to transit, essential services, education opportunities, etc.? Achieves an identified/planned need and has public benefit: 0-20 points • How does the project relate to an adopted plan? • How does the project improve the public travel experience and/or travel options, in keeping with the objectives of the Transportation Alternatives Program? Multimodal connectivity and access to jobs and/or services: 0-20 points • Is there a connection between modes of transportation (i.e. walk/bus)? • • Does it improve transportation choices? • Does it connect to job locations, civic center, library, grocery market, park, retail center, medical office, school, etc.? Safety: 0-20 points • Does the project improve public safety for transportation system users? • Does the project address a known safety issue, or does it address bicycle or pedestrian safety? Financial support, partnering and project readiness: 0-25 points • Are there any non-federal project funding commitments? • Does the public accept the project, and are there any inter -agency partnerships? • Are there environmental approvals, and have the right-of-way issues been addressed? • WVTC MEMBERS City of Wenatchee • City of East Wenatchee • City of Rock Island • Chelan County • Douglas County • Port of Chelan County • Port of Douglas County • WSDOT North Central Region • Link Transit Housing Authority of Chelan County & the City of Wenatchee •1555 S. Methow Wenatchee, WA 98801 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER October 24, 2013 Regular Meeting The meeting was called to order at 8:39 a.m. Commissioners present were: Lisa Romine, Alan Beidler, John Bryant, Lalla Przespolewski and Jesse Lane. Commissioners Al Schuster, Sandy McCourt, Bill Dronen and Carolyn Case were excused. Staff representatives present were: Executive Director, Alicia McRae; Assistant Director; Marty Stierlen and Accounting Specialist, Toni Peterson. Phil Johnson and Vicki Carr were in attendance as a guests. II. PUBLIC COMMENT (none) Board members introduced themselves to Vicki Carr, a board candidate from the City of Chelan. 0 A. MINUTES The minutes of the September 26, 2013 regular meeting were approved on a motion by Alan Beidler and seconded by Lalla Przespolewski. B. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Toni noted that all properties cash flow had improved. On a motion by John Bryant and seconded by Jesse Lane, the board unanimously approved the financial statements for September, 2013. Toni informed the board that during the government shut -down all reserve expenses had to be paid from the operating account. C. VOUCHERS Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing made available to the Board. (See attached). As of September 30, 2013, on a motion by John Bryant, seconded by Lalla Przespolewski and carried unanimously, payment was approved for the vouchers included in the above referenced list and further described in the following table: ACCOUNT From To TOTAL General Operating S8 HAP Checks & ACH # 50967 2889 51190 3000 352,242.59 EFT September 1 September 30 $ 120,490.63 TOTAL 1 $ 472,733.22 MSP Operating Checks # 3560 3566 $ 11,191.60 MSP EFT September 1 September 30 $ 395.83 MSP Reserves $ - TOTAL $ 11,587.43 Bello Rio Operating Checks # 10798 10807 $ 11,446.37 BR EFT September 1 September 30 $ 731.57 BR Replacement Reserves 1016 $5,112.45 TOTAL $ 17,290.39 WII Reserve 25499 $ 1,090.76 HG Reserve 25497 $ 3,840.02 CG Reserve 25500 $ 1,408.85 GG Reserve 25496, 25501 $ 3,935.92 CB Reserve 25498 $ 2,228.75 TOTAL $ 12,504.30 Total $ 514,115.34 IV. REPORTS A. Chairperson's Report (none) B. Directors Report Marry and Alicia provided an update on the KCHA acquisition project. Marry noted that negotiations continue with Banner Bank as members of the development team are not satisfied with the restrictions surrounding the reserve account requirements and the pre -payment penalty. Marry and Alicia will be meeting with the Banner Bank public finance representative later in the day. Marty solicited for bond council and should have a recommendation at the November meeting. The team is currently working on the transfer of the HAP contract with HUD. • 0 Executive Session I* At 8:57 a.m., Chairperson Lisa Romine called for a 10 minute Executive Session to discuss matters relating to the performance of a public employee. The regular meeting resumed at 9:03 a.m. Alicia elaborated on Toni's earlier comment about reserve expenses during the government • shut -down, stating that we are now processing those requests through RD for reimbursement to the operating accounts. Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, it was determined that the November board meeting will be held on November 19, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. C. Finance/Asset Manager/Occupancy Report John Bryant complimented staff on the fact that unit turns are happening faster. C. Development Report Marty reported that she sent out an RFP for a 504 Transition Plan for the Applewood. A walk-thru of the plumbing project at ManSun Villa was held on October 23ra Marry updated Vicki Carr on what properties are located in the Chelan/Manson area. At Vicki's request, board members shared why they participate on the Housing Authority board. ADJOURNMENT • The meeting was formally adjourned at 9:20 a.m. Alicia McRae, Secretary Approved as Written: 0 Board Signature Here 0 MINUTES LINK TRANSIT BOARD OF DIRECTORS • October 15, 2013 3:00 p.m. Link Transit Operations Base, 2700 Euclid Avenue, Wenatchee, WA ATTENDANCE Board members: Chair Larry Meyer, Vice -chair Jim Fletcher, Bill Haven, Joyce Huber, Ken Stanton, Harry Raab, Dale Snyder, Lyle Markhart, Russell Clark, Doug England, Bob Goedde, Ron Walter, and Jim Bailey Link Transit Staff: Richard DeRock, Nick Covey, Todd Daniel, Lynn Bourton, Howard Johnson, Bruce Phillips, and Maria Hansen Absent/Excused: None 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Larry Meyer called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. With ten voting board members and one non -voting member present, at that time, a quorum was established. Alternate board members Bill Haven from Entiat, and Harry Raab from East Wenatchee attended the meeting, which helped ensure the achievement of a quorum. 2. BOARD ADMINISTRATION & COMMUNICATIONS Operations Manager Howard Johnson introduced two new Operations Supervisors: Jennifer Therien, who has worked at Link Transit since 2003, she began as a Coach Operator and most recently has been an Operations Dispatcher. The second new supervisor, Mike Barrett, has worked as a Coach Operator since 2006. Howard Johnson noted that these two employees had successfully demonstrated their leadership abilities and are now working through the supervisor training process. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT (Comments are heard; speakers are limited to 3-minutes per person) No public comments were given. 4. CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda items were submitted for approval: • Minutes of the September 17, 2013 board meeting • Accounts Payable Vouchers from September 2013, totaling $436,452.53 • Payroll Vouchers from September 2013, totaling $308,644.39 Board Action: There were no requests for corrections or changes to any of the Consent Agenda items. Dale Snyder moved to approve all Consent Agenda business items as presented. Russell Clark seconded the motion. VOTE: All in favor with ten voting board members present for this vote. Motion Carried Ron Walter and Jim Bailey arrived at 3:08 p.m. With their arrival, 100% board attendance was achieved. Link Transit Board Meeting & Budget Workshop October 15, 2013 Page 1 of 5 5. DISCUSSION / ACTION ITEMS There were no items that required board "action" for this October 15, 2013 meeting. 6. STAFF REPORTS Project Updates: • Monitor Pull-out Bus Stop on Highway 2 Bruce Phillips reported that the highway stop & pullout has been constructed and today the electric components are being installed by McCandlish Electric. He stated that the Monitor stop should be operational by next week. Valley North Bus Stop Area Phillips reported that an Agreement between Link Transit and Center Investments, the owners of the Valley North Mall, is close to being completed for signature. However, some of the preliminary "layout" work has begun based on the verbal commitments given by Center Investments. Once the Agreement is formalized and signed, full construction can begin. Phillips said he anticipated the mall bus stop zone to be completed and operational within a two week period. The new mall bus zone will eliminate all of the existing bus stops that are located on both the East and West side of the Valley North Mall; all stops will be combined into one central location that will enable the buses to easily enter and exit the Mall property. The buses will no longer have to make u-turns on west -side of the Mall, which will eliminate the wear and tear of the parking lot pavement that Link Transit has paid to repair over the past several years. The new bus zone will also help mitigate operational issues that have occurred on Springwater Street in the Lewis and Clark Elementary school zone area. • E-bus Project Todd Daniel reported that E-bus is now paying project delay costs based on the fact that the project has fallen so behind from its original schedule. Daniel also noted that operational issues continue and E-bus has been sending some of its personnel to Wenatchee to try to address the issues. Richard DeRock noted that he was not pleased to report that the project has continued to experience bumps and issues. Monthly Financial Report Nick Covey presented the report of the Agency's financial activity through September 2013. Covey noted that increased sales tax revenues that come in during this 2013 year have seen the highest, most positive growth since 1991, when Link Transit began its first year of operation. 2013 Sales Tax: ♦ September 2013 sales tax (earned in the month of July 2013) $ 822,476 ♦ Over budgeted amount for the month by 17.7% $ 123,679 ♦ YTD Sales Tax Collection $ 4,913,309 ♦ YTD budget amount $ 4,146,032 ♦ Over YTD budgeted amount by 18.51% $ 767,277 ♦ Last year's YTD sales tax amount $ 4,234,493 ♦ Over last year's YTD sales tax amount by 16.0% $ 678,816 2013 Operating Budget -to -Actual: ♦ Budget year elapsed = 75% $ 7,693,733 ♦ Operating budget spent = 72% $ 7,432,878 Link Transit Board Meeting & Budget Workshop October 15, 2013 Page 2 of 5 • ♦ <Over> Under Budgeted Amount $ 260,855 2013 Fares Collected: ♦ Fares collected $ 67,342 ♦ YTD fares collected $ 549,010 ♦ Under YTD budget by 5% $ (26,222) ♦ Under YTD 2012 fares collected by 8.1 % $ (44,818) Cash Accounts: ♦ Cash w/Treasurer — 2013 over 2012 $ 608,960 ♦ Investments — 2013 over 2012 $ 301,541 ♦ Vehicle Reserves - 2013 over 2012 $ 713,999 ♦ Facility/Equipment Reserves - 2013 over 2012 $ 79,566 2013 Capital Expenses: ♦ Projector/TV Conference Room $ 3,176 Score Cards, Monthly System Performance Report Richard DeRock presented the score card report, which provides an overview of the System's performance each month, beginning in January 2013. This report is used to measure how the Agency is meeting the annual performance goals that have been set by the Board through the annual budgeting process. Chair Meyer stated that a resident of Leavenworth had contacted Link Transit to indicate her desire to make a $500 contribution to the Agency. The Leavenworth resident is blind, uses Link Transit extensively and she wishes to help others use the bus system as well. Chair Meyer said that he had the opportunity to meet with the lady to talk about her proposal. He reported that she is so happy and pleased with the services that she receives from Link Transit that she wished to make a contribution to Link Transit that could be used to help others also use the System. Meyer noted that Link Transit staff has spoken with her and with legal counsel and subsequently a special "helping hand" program is being developed where the donated funds will be used to help purchase a bus pass for someone who is low income and could use some help to purchase a bus pass to access their workplace or other important life services. General Manager's Report Richard DeRock said that he has been spending a significant amount of time reading the proposed new federal rules that were recently released by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). A National Transportation Safety Plan is currently being drafted and FTA is currently taking comment on the draft rules, which, as proposed could present a fundamental shift in how transit systems operate at the local level. The comment period on the current proposed set of rules will be held throughout 2014 with a final Plan and Set of Rules adopted in 2015. The new proposed regulations are a result of a horrible rail system accident that occurred in Boston, MA where their set of safety systems and infrastructures failed. Additionally, DeRock has also been reviewing the federal charter service regulations to try to determine if Link Transit could respond to some of our local community's requests, especially 40 the requests that have been submitted by the Wenatchee Chamber and Downtown Link Transit Board Meeting & Budget Workshop October 15, 2013 Page 3 of 5 • Associations. DeRock said he will bring back more information to the Board once he completes his review and confirms items with the FTA. 7. BUDGET WORKSHOP The regular monthly business of the board was completed and at 3:40 p.m. the meeting continued as a workshop session to review the proposed 2014 budget. The purpose for the workshop was to provide the Board an opportunity to review the draft 2014 budget proposal and provide staff with direction to further develop and prepare a final budget proposal that will be provided for the board and public to review during a budget hearing that will be scheduled in November or December 2013. Nick Covey began the workshop session with a PowerPoint presentation, which demonstrated that the budget was developed using the Board approved 10-year sustainability plan as the primary guideline. (AttachmentA to the minutes.) Upon completion of the PowerPoint presentation, Covey continued leading the budget review by distributing sets of worksheets. Set #1 addressed the following: (Attachment B to the minutes.) • 2014 Revenue Projections • 2014 Operating Budget Summary, which included System Performance Goals for 2014 (based on fully allocated costs) • 2014 versus 2013 Expenditures by Category • 2014 Capital Budget Set #2 demonstrated the 10-Year Sustainability Plan, which consisted of two spreadsheets: (Attachment C to the minutes.) • • Operating Cashflow Projects for Years 2013 — 2023 • Capital Cashflow for Years 2013 — 2023 The Board carefully reviewed the 2014 Budget proposal and 10-Year Sustainability Plan, asking questions about proposed expenditures and/or services. One concern that several board members noted was the fact that the large road construction projects that have been happening in Douglas County throughout the 2013 year will be completed. Subsequently, sales tax revenues could potentially take a significant dip in 2014. Staff affirmed that the proposed 2014 budget was based on sales tax revenues increasing at only two -percent (2%), which was much less than this year's (2013) actual "bubble" in sales tax growth. Everyone agreed that 2013 has been the "exception" and not "the norm" for sales tax revenue growth. Careful review and discussion also focused on the Capital Budget and long term vehicle replacement plan. Maintenance & Computer Systems Manager Todd Daniel stated that Link Transit's large bus fleet is aging and while the budget allows for vehicle "rehabs" to begin in 2014, a vehicle can only be "rehabbed" once. Thus, planning to replace aging buses with new vehicles within the next ten years is essential. Another factor that must be considered is the ever changing federal regulations on diesel fueled vehicles; and, even as new technologies emerge the cost of vehicle replacement will continue to be a major component of the Capital Budget. Richard DeRock and Nick Covey both noted that this budget and the ten year plan consist of maintaining what Link Transit currently owns and operates today. It does not allow or anticipate any growth in service levels or expansion of fleet or facilities. The current 10 Year Sustainability Plan fully funds Link Transit at the same service level that it operates today — over the next ten • Link Transit Board Meeting & Budget Workshop October 15, 2013 Page 4 of 5 • years based on the presumption that no major changes will occur. Nick Covey noted that over the coming years as sales tax revenues come in - if they continue to come in positively - then those revenues could be applied towards funding the Agency's long-term vehicle replacement needs. Ron Walter stated that it is important to carefully review and adjust up the amount of dollars that are transferred each year to the Reserve Accounts to ensure that these accounts are maintained at an appropriate level to each year's actual operational need. Walter noted the importance of maintaining a disciplined attitude toward future growth or expansion of the system to ensure its long term viability and sustainability. Walter stated that Link Transit's contingency fund balance may be adequate to maintain a two month contingency at today's service levels. However, operational costs increase each year; subsequently, it is important for the Board to consider how any extra revenues that are earned over the next few years should be saved or distributed between the operating and reserve accounts. Walter asked if, by resolution, the Board could put on record the long term 10-Year Sustainability Plan that clearly demonstrates the discipline of containing expenditures over time. Staff affirmed that such a resolution would be developed for the Board to consider at their November 19, 2013 meeting. Recapping the budget discussion, Covey noted the updates that he would make to the 2014 Budget proposal: • Assumptive sales tax revenues for the upcoming years would remain low, keeping between 2% and 3% projected growths. • 2014 health insurance rates will be updated to actual cost, which staff had just received before today's workshop. • A spreadsheet demonstrating changes from the 2014 to the 2015 budget based on the • retirement of two Operations Supervisors who were scheduled to retire during the 2014 year. 9 Board members thanked staff for their diligence to develop a solid budget proposal that demonstrated restraint and fiscal planning for future years. Staff was directed to prepare a final 2014 budget proposal for public review and comment, and for potential board adoption, at a public hearing that would be held as part of the regular board meeting on November 19, 2013. 8. ADJOURNMENT As the meeting drew to a close, Chair Meyer said that he wished to begin the process for the annual evaluation of the General Manager this month. The evaluation form was distributed and board members were asked to return their completed forms using the attached addressed envelope which would be gathered by the Clerk for the Board Chair to open and begin the review process. All business listed on the Agenda had been addressed and with no further business to conduct, Chair Larry Meyer adjourned the meeting at 4:55 p.m. Minutes Submitted by LA'2 Ma ' Alejandra ansen, Clerk of the Board Link Transit Board Meeting & Budget Workshop October 15, 2013 Page 5 of 6 Dana Barnard I rom: Trautmann, Cara <Cara.Trautmann@charter.com> SSent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 11:37 AM Subject: Upcoming Changes - Charter Pricing I Charter Dear Community Leader, Charter Communications is committed to improving the overall experience for customers in your community and is delivering more value with new and existing products & services. This letter is to inform you about upcoming changes to our customers' pricing and packaging. We work hard to manage our business expenses, however, at this time we find it necessary to make adjustments to our pricing that reflect cost changes in the marketplace. January customer statements will reflect adjustments made to pricing for customers in your community. Customers currently on promotional pricing will not see a change in this portion of their fee during the promotional period. Effective on or after January 1, 2014: • Broadcast TV Surcharge, which reflects charges assessed to Charter by broadcast TV stations, from $2.15 to $3.50 • Limited Basic from $25.99 to $26.99 • Expanded Service from $39.00 to $38.00 • Limited Basic & Expanded Service from $64.99 to $64.99 • For Legacy service offerings, Interactive Guide Services from $5.99 to $6.99 • For New Product Pricing offerings, Set -top box, including Interactive Guide Services from $5.99 to $6.99 • Digital Home from $65.99 to $66.99 • Latino View from $5.00 to $6.99 • Latino Package from $34.99 to $39.99 As a reminder, if you are receiving franchise a fee payment from Charter, there is a quicker alternative to receiving checks via the U.S. mail. You continue to have the option to sign up for an electronic direct payment process assuring a more efficient and timely manner of receiving your funds. If you would like to opt into the electronic payment process, please contact me at the number below. We believe this convenient method will be of significant value to you. If you have any questions about these or any other changes, please contact me at 360.258.5104 or cara.trautmann@charter.com. Sincerely, Cara Trautmann N 1 Charter Cara Trautma#On' I Government Affairs - NW KMA 1360.258.5104 222 NE Park Plaza Drive, Suite 231, Vancouver, WA 98684 LFA NOTICE/RATElrEMP B • • •