HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/13/2012 - City Council - City Council Meeting Agenda Packet11 • • 131vi. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA NOVEMBER 13, 2012 6:30 P.M. Community Videos — Community Development Director Lori Barnett and Executive Secretary Teresa Allen. PUBLIC COMMENTS BUDGET ISSUES DEPARTMENT REPORT Finance Director Nick Gerde — Financial Report for the month of October 2012. MAYOR'S REPORT CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, October 27, 2012 2. Consideration of Payables and Payroll PUBLIC HEARING 3. 12-11-01 A public hearing to consider whether the City of East Wenatchee should create a Transportation Benefit District ("TBD"). The proposed TBD would include the entire boundaries of the City of East Wenatchee, would have the authority to impose a $20 car -tab fee without voter approval, and would use the collected revenue to fund and complete transportation improvements that preserve, maintain and operate existing infrastructure of the city consistent with the requirements of chapter 36.73 RCW. (Steven C. Lacy, Mayor) ORDINANCE 4. 12-11-02 First reading of an ordinance creating and establishing the East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit District and adding Chapter 4.42 to the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. (Steven C. Lacy, Mayor) 5. 12-10-06 A- Second reading of an ordinance authorizing the regular property tax levy to be collected in the 2013 tax year and authorizing any increase which may be allowed in the amount under new construction, improvements to property and the State assessed property provisions of State Law regarding property taxes in the proposed 2013 East Wenatchee Budget. (Nick Gerde, Finance Director) B- Second reading of an ordinance authorizing the regular property tax levy to be collected in the 2013 tax year, an increase of one percent in the regular property tax levy, an increase of $85,567.25 in the regular property tax levy resulting from previously banked capacity, and authorizing any increase which may be allowed in the amount under new construction, improvements to property and the State assessed property provisions of State Law. (Nick Gerde, Finance Director) Continued on next page ......... In compliance titiith the Americans with Disabilities get, if'you need special assistance to participate in this tneeting please contact the On, Clerk at 509-884-9515. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting; will enable the City to snake reasonable arran,,etnents to ensure accessibilitn to this tneetltt,. Pagel of 2 C- Second reading of an ordinance regarding property taxes in the proposed 2013 East Wenatchee Budget authorizing an increase of one percent in the regular property tax levy to be collected in the 2013 tax year. (Nick Gerde, Finance Director) • ACTION ITEMS • 6. 12-09-06 Approval of an Employment Contract with Devin Poulson for services as City Attorney. (Steven C. Lacy, Mayor) 7. 12-11-03 Approval of a Contract with Corban Security for the City Hall Master Key / Proximity Project. (Don McGahuey, City Engineer) COUNCIL REPORTS EXECUTIVE SESSION Ongoing litigation ADJOURNMENT In compliance 01h the Americans with Disabilities Act, if'you need special assistance to participate in this meeting please contact the Citv Clerk at 509-884-9515. NotiFcation 48 hours prior to the tneeling will enable the City to make reasonahle arran•,emenls to ensure accessibility to this meeting. Page 2 of 2 4` • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING OCTOBER 23, 2012 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember Tim Detering Councilmember George Buckner Councilmember Chuck Johnson Councilmember Frank Collings Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember Sandra McCourt Councilmember Wayne Barnhart EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard Police Chief Randy Harrison Municipal Court Judge Chancey Crowell . City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde City Engineer Don McGahuey Executive Secretary Teresa Allen Clerical Assistant Shawn Murison • PUBLIC COMMENTS Nathan Scott, PO Box 3142, Wenatchee, East Wenatchee resident, spoke in opposition of the Transportation Improvement District and believes it should be up to the voters to decide by placing the car tab fee issue on the ballot. BUDGET ISSUES Finance Director Nick Gerde, reviewed the agenda items discussed at the Budget Committee Meeting held on October 17, 2012, which included; Employee Contracts for the City Attorney and the City Engineer, employee contributions for health insurance premiums, operating revenue and operating expenses, projects associated with the Storm Water Utility, and the 2013 Preliminary Budget. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Finance Director Nick Gerde, reviewed the 2013 Preliminary Budget worksheet by fund and the Capital projects summary for 2013. He also reviewed the 2013 Financial Budget and the 2013 Budget Assumptions and Highlights which included: thirteen sources of revenue; revenue for capital improvements; departmental costs; operating expenditure categories; capital expenditure categories; and primary assumptions for capital projects costs. Page 5 of 152 • CITY OF EAST WENATCBEE COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 23, 2012 MAYORS REPORT Mayor Lacy said there will be a public hearing at the next City Council meeting regarding the Transportation Improvement District (TBD). He noted that upon passage of an ordinance to approve the Transportation Benefit District the earliest that they could anticipate getting this entity set up, and meeting deadlines for collection of revenue would be sometime next year. Councilmembers discussed the memo submitted by City Attorney Devin Poulson regarding a Transportation Benefit District which included; history, formation, revenue sources, financial impact of $20 car tab fee, allowable uses of revenue, when can a TBD use the revenue it collects, benefits of establishing a TBD, and adverse consequences of establishing a TBD. Mayor Lacy said he wants to track what is going on with the Wenatchee Valley Visitors Bureau and the decision making process in order to determine whether an option still exists for tourism promotion. CONSENT CALENDAR Items listed below were distributed to Councilmember's in advance for study and were enacted in one motion. Council Action: A motion was made by Councihnember Buckner, second by Councilmember Raab, to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. The motion carried, 7-0. • 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, October 9, 2012 2. Consideration of Payables i. 2012 Payables — As of this date, October 23, 2012, Council does approve check numbers 36802 through 36805 and 36840 through 36908 in the total amount of $121,818.33. Payables check 36780 was voided. ii. 2012 Payroll — As of this date, October 23, 2012, Council does approve check numbers 36601 through 36637, and 36691 through 36739 for September 2012 payroll in the amount of $353,829.83. PUBLIC HEARING 12-10-04 A public hearing regarding property taxes in the proposed 2013 East Wenatchee Budget. Mayor Lacy opened the public hearing at 7:25 p.m. Nathan Scott, PO Box 3142, Wenatchee, spoke in opposition of property tax increases. Mayor Lacy closed the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. ORDINANCE 12-10-05 First reading of An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee Amending Ordinance Number 2011-14 amending the City's 2012 Budget. Presented by: Nick Gerde, Finance Director • Mayor Lacy elevated the ordinance to second reading. Page 6 of 152 A • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 23, 2012 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Buckner, adopting the ordinance amending Ordinance Number 2011-14. The motion carried, 6-0. ORDINANCE NO. 2012-11 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, amending Ordinance Number 2011-14 which set the City of East Wenatchee 2012 Budget. Mayor Lacy stated that the next three ordinances are three different options with respect to property tax. Mayor Lacy read first reading of the following ordinances relating to property taxes in the 2013 East Wenatchee Budget. 12-10-06 A- First reading of an ordinance authorizing the regular property tax levy to be collected in the 2013 tax year and authorizing any increase which may be allowed in the amount under new construction, improvements to property and the State assessed property provisions of State Law regarding property taxes in the proposed 2013 East Wenatchee Budget. B- First reading of an ordinance authorizing the regular property tax levy to be collected in the 2013 tax year, an increase of one percent in the regular property tax levy, an increase of $85,567.25 in the regular property tax levy resulting from previously banked capacity, • and authorizing any increase which may be allowed in the amount under new construction, improvements to property and the State assessed property provisions of State Law. C- First reading of an ordinance regarding property taxes in the proposed 2013 East Wenatchee Budget authorizing an increase of one percent in the regular property tax levy to be collected in the 2013 tax year. ACTION ITEMS 12-09-07 Approval of an Employment Contract with Don McGahuey for services as City Engineer. Presented by: Don McGahuey, City Engineer Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember Collings, to approve the Employment Contract with Don McGahuey for services as City Engineer. The motion carried, 7-0. 12-10-07 Authorization for the Mayor to sign a Memorandum of Agreement between the City of East Wenatchee and the 846-W addressing the wages of Associate Engineer. Presented by: Devin Poulson, City Attorney Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Detering, authorizing the Mayor to sign the Memorandum of Agreement. • The motion carried, 7-0. Page 7 of 152 ft CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 23, 2012 is ADDED Approve Transfer of Waste Oil Collection and Heating Equipment to the Eastmont School District. Presented by: Devin Poulson, City Attorney Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Detering, approving the transfer of Waste Oil Collection and Heating Equipment to the Eastmont School District. The motion carried, 7-0. RESOLUTION 8. 12-10-08 A Resolution, authorizing the Mayor to execute the Project Prospectus and Local Agency Agreement for the Citywide Safety Improvement Project for the Citywide Safety Improvement Project. Presented by: Don McGahuey, City Engineer Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Detering, second by Councilmember Barnhart, adopting the resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute the Project Prospectus and Local Agency Agreement for the Citywide Safety Improvement Project. The motion carried, 7-0. RESOLUTION NO.2012-23 • A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to execute the Local Agency Federal Aid Project Prospectus and the Local Agency Agreement for the Citywide Safety Improvement project. DISCUSSION 9. 12-10-09 A discussion regarding updating the City's Noise Ordinance. Presented by: Devin Poulson, City Attorney Following Council discussion, it was decided to have the City Attorney include limiting noise from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. in the ordinance. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Collings said he attended the Countywide Solid Waste Technical Advisory Committee meeting held last week in which they discussed replacing Ron Draggoo with a '/ time person. They also discussed bringing back the hazardous waste recycling program with a goal of having it in place by 2014. Councilmember Buckner submitted an article from the Wenatchee World regarding a National Report featuring the collaboration of two local groups the City of East Wenatchee supports. They include the North Central Washington Economic Development District and the North Central Regional Transportation Planning Organization. • Councilmember Detering asked City Engineer Don McGahuey to look at what would be required to increase the speed limit on I 11h Street from Eastmont Avenue to Baker Avenue from 25 mph to 30 mph as it now has sidewalks and bike lanes. Page 8 of 152 1 .r • • CITY OF EAST WENATCBEE COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 23, 2012 The following reports/minutes were submitted in writing prior to the City Council meeting. • Councilmember Buckner — minutes from North Central Washington Resource Conservation & Development meeting held July 11, 2012, and the North Central Washington Economic Development District meeting held on September 12, 2012. ADDTTIONAL INFORMATION Wenatchee Valley Animal Control — 3'd Quarter Report 2012. City Attorney Devin Poulson — Memorandum — Transportation Benefit District. ADJOURNMENT 8:25 p.m. Dana Barnard City Clerk Page 9 of 152 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CHECK REGISTER 2012 PAYABLES 13-Nov-12 ECK NUMBERS: 36913-36916; 36964-37025 OIDED CHECKS: 36862; 36904 DEPARTMENT/FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT 27846.95 8,288.17 901.97 491.81 1,009.98 - Current Expense Fund: 001 000 000 001 000 001 General Government Department Legislative Department 001 000 110 Municipal Court Department 001 000 120 City Clerk Department 001 000 140 Internal Services Department 001 000 141 Finance Department 001 000 142 001000 145 5,506.13 Civil Service 001 000 160 - Legal Service 001000,151 355.00 1,998.26 Central Services Department 001 000 180 Police Department 001 000 210 8,089.70 Detention (Jail Services) 001 000 230 2,520.00 001 000 250 - Engineering Services 001 000 315 722.91 Planning Department 001 000 580 204.53 Code Compliance Department 001 000 590 49.81 Agency Disbursements 001 001 000 994.00 59,031.72 reet Fund: NPDES 050 000 312-050 000 313 18,035.73 Street Maintenance 101 000 420 3,273.07 Street Administration 101 000 430 4,779.28 Street Construction 101 000 950 - Street Fund Total 26,088.08 Other Funds: Comm Dev Grants Fund 102 000 000 0.00 Library Fund 112 000 000 228.26 Stadium Fund 113 000 000 4,338.23 Drug Fund 114 000 000 - East Wenatchee Events Board 117 000 000 3,161.39 Street Improvement Fund 301-000-000 1,132.54 150,058.75 158,919.17 244,038.97 St Imp Bond Redempt Fund #3 202 000 000 Other Funds Total Grand Total All Funds 0 0 � Fund Transaction Summary Invoice Fiscals: 2012 - November - First Pay November 001-000-000- Current Expense $52.50 001-000-001- Sub -Department $27,846.95 001-000-110- Sub -Department $8,288.17 001-000-120- Sub -Department $901.97 001-000-140- Sub -Department $491.81 001-000-141- Sub -Department $1,009.98 001-000-145- Sub -Department $5,506.13 001-000-151- Sub -Department $355.00 001-000-180- Sub -Department $1,998.26 001-000-210- Sub -Department $8,089.70 001-000-230- Sub -Department $2,520.00 001-000-315- Sub -Department $722.91 001-000-580- Sub -Department $204.53 001-000-590- Sub -Department $49.81 001-001-000- Department $994.00 050-000-312- Sub -Department $17,724.04 050-000-313- Sub -Department $311.69 101-000-420- Sub -Department $3,273.07 101-000-430- Sub -Department $4,779.28 Library Fund $228.26 •112-000-000- 113-000-000- Stadium Fund $4,338.23 117-000-400- Sub -Department $1,990.64 117-000-500- Sub -Department $1,170.75 202-000-000- ST Imp Bond Redempt Fund #3 $150,058.75 301-000-000- Street Improvement Fund $1,132.54 Count: 25 $244,038.97 0 Execution Time: 1 minute(s), 41 second Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\tallen on Page 1 of 1 East Wenatchee - Fund Transaction Summary • N L E 0 4-0 O + z W > (B L 0- LL ^W N /1 N V O Z i 0 _N o N • d E d > O Z T m a LL L d E m O Z N 0 N o O O O o O O O O O O O Ln to to to N N N N d9 69 VT vi N Q C CO E m W 72 'Q ~ LL 0 O� H 2 �o LL O�� LU LU o a LL N M to M a LUtf) M W O O tV Z O O i O N N N CN N � N� N y O V 0 > m c V Y C O H N E (D > O Z T l0 a N LL 0) E a� O Z N 0 N O O O O cfl co to � V � N N N N N co M M M 69 6:T 619, W c 0 E Q Q W 06 n O O N (E m� >0) C R N rn O M Q 0 CM LO � LO Q w lf) p y LO L 00 O r 0 O TO QO O O O N N C m N O t) N `_ O N y O V 0 y c V _ C O H d E d > O Z T A a N LL 0) E (D O Z N (D N o O O O U') in to Ln N N N N U') Ln O Ln 6R 6F) tm 64 O Q) LO LO O LL O F- N rn O to M N w j0 C e- O M wC m y C L m CO (n d A O m 7 o Cl O o Ln Ln to Ln O O O O O cn t) M M M EA 6ri 69 Vj� w > 0) E E m moo L G) M CL N N Cl CL CL N L9 r-- m O O N C N N CN n Q) O O CD E O N N O N O O O N � T � N y O V y c ti Y c O H u d E d > O Z T f0 a y LL L d E (D O Z N 0 N O O 0 0 N N N N Vsi V> N U- c rn o N •� o N LO Q LO > O > O O O O '- O M CD V- CO O tto T cn � tti N O a v c6 N N O N n 0 c (U y0 w x L) a z ?W? 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Lo Lf� LO a lfi Z Lfi a00 Nj O �a N N O O Md N N OLn Od N O� M O 00 C) N N a) c M W N N W O O V N � O W r co O W V �� O W W N �") cY Cl) U O_ O dpC:) CD HC) r N P:0 N O O N O— J O VO O WO O JO N JO NLO JOO� JO O�? JOO O N LJ_,O N N O N O N � O N N O L= N H O l= N H O l` = W O N O C) N oD�oo� N o�� N ������� N >o o� o N N O V O U r U r U r U W O V N C y C d C y C y C 00 C 2 U W U_ O Y o Y O m O m O r C14 am+ O Y C H C H H C H= H 000 H H O L N00 C LOG tOD 0) 0) 00iiy00 O u O t C CD O N w F V—M j-•% M N m C 0) y L Y E ` C W F- Q L R d o w ` 4�5 ' W C LL 0) W f0 « f0 C u N w 0 YO O H LL L1 • • L71 v 000 00000 V f-_ I-_ M M N 00 Cl) Cl) p o 6.) M Ufl !i? Cl) M IH 69 W W U U ww� O coo (L O coo d F � N ..• Z LO ap Z U-)tLl a O o o d 06 0 Cl NaDUN N LO N U U L a) _ _ coo LL o - cD o o 0 (F! 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E ` R ` x § �� �2 0 Li (D O O O 0) O M O co 00 (O O CD (O N N N N O O O O (O O (D (D M M CO 00 00 00 M p 0 0 �o O O O O 't d' �IRT VI�r M Cl) M M Ln O 00 00 N • O O O O co 00 00 00 N N m 0 a) 0) co M�'cr w O O C O - Ln O LO O 69 611, Cl) Cl) O •7 I7 I st EA 69 6F> 6F? d9 69 H) 69 EH fR - V-: fA 61T (R 69 fR 6fT '� m a a N U U U U E E (6 E m c0 co > > N > Q) N J O O C O • Z >� a Z >. 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O O O O O O O O O O cd a CD 00 00 0) cei Cl) co co r-- co co m M cc of of m of oi � T N N N M 00 00 00 0 (D r- t` L- rf � LO LO LO LO _ -c p to I� 0 LC) Ln LC) U r 0 C O O r cl M cl (, fl i O M Cl) N N LO N N N N LO Cl) M M M CD N N N N N c 64 fA 69 6> 64 64 6'i 64 69 U4 64 69 6S 64 64 Ef3 64 e9. 64 69 W O O O O O O CDO O CDO CD O O O O O O CD - CD O O CD CD CD CD CD (DO CD CD CD (DO CDO O 0 0 .- OI O MI M 00 N (D -It VI u (`') O r r N Z C-1. d OO OOO OIO OIOO OIO OIOO OIO OIOO N E Uj LO O O LO O O O O O 0 0 O O O 0 0 O O O G ;C d' O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O r N N T D O rD U �cz 7 L O O O O O O O O O O O O OI O O O O O O O r, aj 0 0 LO Ui LO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \ 3 � c W O O e- W Lnl Ln N MIO B O O 00 W O O N W 00 0 U i Ln V W I� I� W 00 W W 000 00 (OD Q m m m m m m m O Qf u J: � QO OO OO OO 0) (o V U O V U O U U O (� V M M O O O O O d N d N a U a N a a C O H �- 0 CC F- m a) m N_ N H m N c E r _N O r G r, _N O r = N O O Z O r E O _I r N N .. N N .. .. •L N tV N .. 1� Li.l 7 C C a% C C m 7 � j = j j D! r _ _ N W O O W r O m W O O W `- O r� W O O W r O W O O W r O a)m'-umrL) unto u Jm�um�u �mrc�mrc� i= O O O O O 0 —� 0 O o 7 7 E ~ O� O� N m 0� O� N d 0� O� N= O� O� N v Z C a% N C C _ L. N '- C CV - C L N •C .. N •C C m GY C .. N •C C LL (n r (n (Q r (n r (n =5 (n r (n =3 rN r 7 CD Q CDO O p 0 m 0 0 O O O m O O O p 0 0 0 O U- Na- N 0- U N a N� U N d N 0-U m W N W Q �%'CY 0,,. CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE • COUNCIL AGENDA BILL* PRESENTER: POSITION: TITLE: 12-01-01 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AGENDA ITEM # 3 Steven C. Lacy AGENDA DATE: Mayor DEPARTMENT: November 13, 2012 Legislative City of East Wenatchee Notice of Public Hearing Creation of a Transportation Benefit District (TBD) The City of East Wenatchee notifies the general public that the East Wenatchee City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider whether it should create a Transportation Benefit District ("TBD"). The proposed TBD would include the entire boundaries of the City of East Wenatchee, would have the authority to impose a $20 car -tab fee without voter approval, and would use the collected revenue to fund and complete transportation improvements that preserve, maintain and operate existing infrastructure of the city consistent with the requirements of chapter 36.73 RCW. The City Council will conduct the public hearing on November 13, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at East Wenatchee City Hall, 271 91' St. N.E., East Wenatchee, Washington. The City Council invites all interested persons to attend this hearing. Please contact Dana Barnard at 884-9515 for additional information. Interested parties may also submit written comments to the City Council in two ways: 1) Send a letter via regular mail to "East Wenatchee City Council, 271 9`h St. N.E., East Wenatchee, Washington 98802' ; or 2) email a comment to dbarnard@east- wenatchee.com. A comment should include: "Transportation Benefit District" in the subject line, the commenter's name, and the commenter's mailing address. ACTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: Councilmember Bremmer Councilmember Johnson Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Barnhart Passed: Failed: Second By: Councilmember Raab Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Hendricks Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) Page 1 of 1 P r . . SIGN IN ONLY IF YOU WISH TO MAKE COMMENTS DURING THE PUBLIC HEARING A PUBLIC HEARING to consider whether the City of East Wenatchee should create a Transportation Improvement District (TBD). The proposed TBD would include the entire boundaries of the City of East Wenatchee, and the City would have the authority to impose a $20 car -tab fee without voter approval. November 13, 2012 PRINT NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 16 3 4 25 �. c ti' u�, CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE 0 is COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # PRESENTER: CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL 12-11-02 AGENDA ITEM # 4 Devin Poulson AGENDA DATE: November 13, 2012 POSITION: City Attorney DEPARTMENT: Legal Department TITLE: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee creating and establishing the East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit District and adding Chapter 4.42 to the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. BACKGROUND/ A Transportation Benefit District "TBD" is a quasi -municipal corporation and HISTORY: independent taxing district created for the sole purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, providing, and funding transportation improvements within the district. The proposed boundaries of the TBD are identical with the City limits. Statutory authority for Transportation Benefit Districts has existed for 20 years. However, until 2007 to establish a TBD required a vote of the people. In 2007, the Association of Washington Cites (AWC) worked with the Legislature to provide some relief to cities and counties for traffic congestion. AWC was successful in amending the law to allow some flexibility. A City (or County) may now implement up to a $20 per vehicle fee with City Council (or County Commissioner) approval under Chapter 36.73 RCW. The members of the legislative authority proposing to establish the district, in this case the East Wenatchee City Council, would make up the TBD Board. Members of the TBD Board are acting ex-officio and independently from City Council. I spoke with Juan Esparza of the Auditor's Office, who said the District could use its revenue for residential streets, as long as it had a methodology that showed a plan on how the revenue was to be used. He did express some concern if the District used the revenue solely for residential streets. The Public Works Department has developed a Street Overlay Program that identifies streets that need upkeep, repair, and maintenance that are not likely to be eligible for grant funding. If this Ordinance is passed, it is the intent of the City to use revenue collected by the TBD to fund the projects identified on the Street Overlay Program. EXHIBITS: 1 . Ordinance 2012-[#] 2. FAQ 3. Memo to City Council 4. Street Overlay Program Map S. Street Overlay Cost Evaluation Page 1 of 2 6. Proposed Interlocal Agreement between the City and the District .7 �L) • RECOMMENDED This Ordinance is on for first reading only. The recommended action is the ACTION: schedule a second reading at the next City Council Meeting. FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ N/A $ N/A $ N/A ACTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: ?-VLY-Y\6q-- Second By: \, �hnwn Councilmember Collings Councilmember Raab Councilmember Johnson Councilmember Buckner Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Detering Councilmember Barnhart Q Passed: �j I Failed: Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) 01 CLY"C:l�iI?n oG 105 v4 Pir-v,4— �pmr 10 G nti I.A., 6\n�,1i, 4 -1.Pi 4, Johr)�Svn/ M' ' 7/0 Page 2 of 2 0 City of East Wenatchee, Washington Ordinance No. 2012-[#] An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee creating and establishing the East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit District and adding Chapter 4.42 to the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. 1. Recitals a. Preamble. The City of East Wenatchee ("City") is a non -charter code City duly incorporated and operating under the laws of the State of Washington. b. By enacting chapter 36.73 RCW, the State Legislature authorized cities to establish a transportation benefit district for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, providing, and funding transportation improvements within the city that are consistent with any existing state, regional, or local transportation plans and necessitated by existing or reasonably foreseeable congestion levels. C. The Legislature's intent in enacting Chapter 36.73 RCW is to enhance the capability of cities, towns and counties to make and fund transportation improvements necessitated by economic development and to improve the performance of the transportation system; d. RCW 36.73.015 defines "transportation improvement" to mean a project contained in the transportation plan of the state, a regional transportation planning organization, city, county, or eligible jurisdiction as identified in RCW 36.73.020(2). A project may include investment in new or existing highways of statewide significance, principal arterials of regional significance, high capacity transportation, public transportation, and other transportation projects and programs of regional or statewide significance including transportation demand management. Projects may also include the operation, preservation, and maintenance of these facilities or programs. e. The transportation benefit district will include the entire City of East Wenatchee as the boundaries currently existing or as may be expanded upon annexation. f. The Council encourages the transportation benefit district governing board to amend its list of eligible projects annually in accordance with Chapter 36.73.050(2)(b). • City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2012-[#] Page 1 of 6 • 2. Authority. a. RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the City Council to adopt ordinances of all kinds to regulate its municipal affairs and appropriate to the good government of the City. b. RCW 35.21.225 authorizes the City Council to establish a transportation benefit district for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, providing, and funding transportation improvements, subject to the provisions of Chapter 36.73 RCW. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: Findings. The City Council makes the following findings: a) As required by RCW 36.73.050, the City published notice of a public hearing (attached as Exhibit A), which described the projects and activities to be funded by the transportation benefit district; b) As required by RCW 36.70 3.050, on November 13, 2012, the City Council conducted a public hearing; c) It is in the best interest of the City to establish a city-wide transportation benefit district consistent with Chapter 36.73 RCW, to protect the City's long term investments in infrastructure, to reduce the risk of transportation facility failures and improve safety, to continue optimal performance of the infrastructure over time, and to avoid more expensive infrastructure • d) replacement in the future; and The City's Residential Street Overlay Program must be annually updated to identify projects that constitute transportation improvements that may be funded by the TBD as funding becomes available Section 2: Adoption. The City Council adopts a new Chapter of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. Chapter 4.42 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code will read as follows: Sections: 4.42.010 4.42.020 4.42.030 4.42.040 4.42.050 4.42.060 City of East Wenatchee is Ordinance 2012-[#] Page 2 of 6 Chapter 4.42 TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT DISTRICT Formation. Boundaries. Transportation Benefit District Governing Board. Powers. Transportation Improvements Funded. Dissolution of District. • 4.42.010 Formation. As authorized by RCW 35.21.225 and by chapter 36.73 RCW, the City of East Wenatchee establishes and creates the East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit District (District). 4.42.020 Boundaries. The geographical boundaries of the District are the city limits of the City of East Wenatchee as they now exist or as they may be altered by future annexations. 4.42.030 Transportation Benefit District Governing Board. Consistent with RCW 36.73.0202(3), the governing board of the District is the City of East Wenatchee City Council acting in an ex officio and independent capacity. The governing board may exercise all statutory powers set forth in Chapter 36.73 RCW A. As required by RCW 36.73.160(1), the governing board must develop a material change policy to address major plan changes that affect project delivery or the ability to finance the plan. B. A required RCW 36.73.160(3), the governing board must issue an annual report. • C. Meetings of the governing board are governed by the procedural rules applicable to the meetings of the City Council. The governing board must take action in the same manner and follow the same procedure as the City Council uses to adopt resolutions. Whenever possible, the governing board will meet on a date scheduled for city council meetings. D. The first action the governing board must take is to nominate and elect a chair. The chair presides over all meetings of the governing board. E. As required by RCW 36.73.020(4), the city treasurer is the ex ofcio treasurer of the Transportation Benefit District. F. The East Wenatchee City Attorney is the legal adviser to the governing board, except where the District engages separate counsel or where the City Attorney has a conflict of interest. As r red by RCW 36.73.160 (1), the governing board must develop a :mate ange policy to address major plan changes that affect project delivery abili of the District to finance the plan. City of East Wenatchee 40 Ordinance 2012-[#] Page 3 of 6 • 'XUP The governing Board may authorize an Advisory Committee, consisting of & o seven city residents to advise the governing board as requested on matters relating to project priorities and material changes. An Advisory Committee member is nominated by the chair and confirmed by the governing board 4.42.040 Powers. The governing board has and may exercise any and all powers and functions provided by chapter 36.73 RCW to fulfill the purposes of the District. 4.42.050 Transportation Improvements Funded The revenues of the District must be used for transportation improvements that preserve, maintain and operate existing infrastructure of the city consistent with the requirements of chapter 36.73 RCW. Expenditures of District revenues must preserve, maintain and operate the city's previous investments in transportation infrastructure, reduce the risk of transportation facility failure, improve safety, or reduce congestion. The governing board may change or expand these authorized purposes only after notice, hearing, and other procedures described in RCW 36.73.050(b)(2). 4.42.060 Dissolution of District In accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 36.73 RCW, the District automatically dissolves when all indebtedness of the District has been retired and when all of the District's anticipated responsibilities have been satisfied. In addition to automatic dissolution of the District, the governing board has the right to cause the dissolution of the District for any legal reason. 4.42.070 Liberal Construction. As authorized by Chapter 36.73 RCW, this chapter is liberally construed to permit the accomplishment of its purpose. Section 3: Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision in this Ordinance to be contrary to law, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Ordinance. Section 4: Publication. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a summary of this Ordinance. The summary shall consist of the title of this Ordinance. Section 5: Effective Date. This Ordinance becomes effective five days after the date its summary is published. City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2012-[#] Page 4 of 6 • Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this day of 12012. 0 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON By Steven C. Lacy, Mayor ATTEST: Dana Barnard, City Clerk Approved as to form only: Devin Poulson, City Attorney Filed with the City Clerk: Passed by the City Council: Published: Effective Date: City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2012-[#] Page 5 of 6 • Summary of Ordinance No. 2012-[#] Of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington On the day of , 2012, the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington approved Ordinance No. 2012- , the main point of which may be summarized by its title as follows: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee creating and establishing the East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit District and adding Chapter 4.42 to the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. Upon request, the City will mail a full text of this Ordinance. Dated this day of , 2012. CITY CLERK, DANA BARNARD 0 City of East Wenatchee 40 Ordinance 2012-[#] Page 6 of 6 0 FAQ What is a Transportation Benefit District? A Transportation Benefit District (TBD) is a quasi -municipal corporation and independent taxing district created for the sole purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, providing, and funding transportation improvements within the district. Who may create a TBD? The legislative authority of a county or city may create a TBD by ordinance following the procedures set forth in RCW Chapter 36.73. The county or city proposing to create the TBD may include other counties, cities, port districts, or transit districts through interlocal agreements. What are the boundaries of the East Wenatchee TBD? A county or city may choose to have the TBD boundaries identical with the county or city, or just include a portion of the city or county. However, if a TBD chooses to exercise the tax authority that does not require a public vote, the boundaries of the TBD must be citywide. The proposed, physical boundaries of the East Wenatchee TBD are identical with the East Wenatchee City limits. Who governs the East Wenatchee TBD? The members of the legislative authority (county or city) proposing to establish the TBD is the governing body of the TBD. The East Wenatchee TBD Board will consist of all members of the East Wenatchee City Council. The legislative authority acts ex-officio and independently as the governing body. If a TBD includes other jurisdictions through interlocal agreements, then the governing body must have at least five members, including at least one elected official from each of the participating jurisdictions. Why create a TBD if the City legislative authority is the governing board? A TBD is a legal authority. Although a TBD has many of the powers of a city (imposes taxes, eminent domain powers, can contract, etc.), it is a separate taxing district. Additionally, by being a separate legal and taxing authority, TBDs are flexible. For example, more than one type of jurisdiction can be part of a TBD and the boundaries can be less than countywide or citywide. Can a TBD be created without imposing fees or proposing voter approved revenue options? No. The creation of a TBD must be through an ordinance. The ordinance must include a finding that the creation of a TBD is in the public's interest, the boundaries of the TBD, a description of the transportation improvements proposed by the district, and the proposed taxes and fee charges the TBD will impose to raise revenue to fund the identified improvements. Are TBD revenues required to be spent as they are collected? No, unlike impact fees, TBD revenues do not have to be spent in a specified time frame. The governing body must develop a plan that specifies the transportation improvements to be provided or funded by the TBD. is • What transportation improvements can be funded by a TBD? A TBD can fund any transportation improvement contained in any existing state or regional transportation plan that is necessitated by existing or reasonably foreseeable congestion levels. This can include maintenance and improvements to city streets, county roads, state highways, investments in high capacity transportation, public transportation, transportation demand management and other transportation projects identified in a regional transportation planning organization plan or state plan. If the TBD transportation improvements must be in a state or regional plan, does that mean only state and regional roads such as arterials, can be funded? No. The TBD statute originally limited the use of funds for city streets and county roads to 40% of funds generated. That limitation was removed to make the TBD an option for purely locally determined activities. What happens if a city imposes the $20 vehicle fee and then the county imposes a countywide fee without voter approval? The law requires TBDs to provide a credit for vehicle fees previously imposed by a TBD. For example, if East Wenatchee was first to create a TBD to impose a $20 vehicle fee and subsequently Douglas creates a countywide TBD imposing a $20 vehicle fee, the county TBD must provide a $20 credit against its fee for vehicles registered in East Wenatchee. As a result, no fee would be collected by the Douglas County TBD from vehicles registered in East Wenatchee. What other requirements should I be aware or Revenue rates, once imposed, may not be increased, unless authorized by voter approval. If project costs exceed original costs by more than 20 percent, a public hearing must be held to solicit public comment regarding how the cost change should be resolved. The TBD must issue an annual report to include the status of project costs, revenues, expenditures, and construction schedules. The TBD must be dissolved upon completion of the project(s) and upon the payment of any debt service. Can I "opt out" of the $20 Transportation Benefit District fee? No. The Transportation Benefit District Fee is mandatory for all vehicles subject to the fee under RCW 82.80.140, and renewing their tabs in the East Wenatchee City Limits. • CITY OFEASTWENATCHU MEMORANDUM To: Councilmembers Wayne Barnhart, George Buckner, Frank Collings, Tim Detering, Chuck Johnson, Sandra McCourt, and Harry Raab. And to: Mayor Steven C. Lacy From: City Attorney Devin Poulson Date: October 17, 2012 Subject: Transportation Benefit District History The information below outlines what a Transportation Benefit District is, formation requirements, the sources of revenue available to a district, the types of projects a district is statutorily allowed to build and maintain, the benefits for forming a district, and the criticisms of forming s district. Transportation benefit districts (Transportation Benefit Districts) are quasi -municipal corporations with independent taxing authority, including the authority to impose property taxes and impact fees for transportation purposes. RCW 35.21,225 governs formation by cities. In 1987, the Legislature created Transportation Benefit Districts as an option for local governments to fund transportation improvements. In 2005, the Legislature amended the Transportation Benefit District statute to expand its uses and revenue authority. In 2007, the Legislature amended the Transportation Benefit District statute to authorize the imposition of vehicle fees and transportation impact fees without a public vote. In 2010, the Legislature amended the Transportation Benefit District statute again to clarify project eligibility, the use of impact fees, and sales tax expenditures, and make Transportation Benefit District governance more flexible. Page 1 of 1 C:\US \dbt wd\AppDntn\Locel'�Mcr ft\Windows\Tnmpomrylnt=et Film\ComrntOutlook\IG1RG3UE\12-10-Olme .to Council Transportation Benefit District.docx Page 5 of 176 • Formation A city takes legislative action through the ordinance process to create a TBD. The ordinance creating the TBD may also specify and authorize what fees or revenues that the TBD may pursue. The TBD, acting in its own official capacity, has the authority to identify proposed fees or revenue options. If the City wishes to form a TBD, the City Council will need to: • Publish notice of a public hearing (at least once, ten days or more before the proposed hearing in a newspaper of general circulation within the proposed TBD). • The notice must enumerate the functions the TBD will perform. • Hold a public hearing (the legislative authority of the jurisdiction must hear objections from any person affected by the creation of the TBD). • Adopt an ordinance creating a TBD. The ordinance must include: • A finding that the creation of a TBD must be in the public's interest • The boundaries of the TBD • The functions and powers of the TBD • Description of the transportation improvements proposed by the district In practical terms, the governing board of the TBD will be the City Council and serve as a separate government, much like a water district. The TBD Board shall conduct business independent of a City Council meeting and have the authority to exercise the statutory powers set forth in Chapter 36.73 RCW. The treasurer of the Transportation Benefit District will be the City Finance Director. To the extent City employees work on TBD projects, the City will have to be paid. There are also additional administrative considerations. The TBD would need to have all of the same administrative functions, including but not limited to: approved procedures, clerk functions (meeting notices, agendas, minutes, records, etc.), finance functions (budget, accounting, auditing, etc.), and legal services. Revenue Sources A TBD has the following finance options available to it: • Sales and Use Tax (82.14.0455) o Up to 0.2%, with voter approval o Tax may not be in effect longer than 10 years unless reauthorized by voters • Motor Vehicle License Renewal Fee (82.80.140) o Up to $20 annual fee, without voter approval o Up to $100 annual fee, with voter approval o Vehicles of 6000 lbs or less • Excess Property Tax Levies (36.73.060) Page 2 of 2 C:\Usm\dbamard'ADDDataV.oca]Mcrosofl'•WindowslTemporary lntemet FilesTontmtOutlook\IG I RG3UD 12-10-0IM®oto Council Transportation Benefit District.docx Page 6 of 176 o One year, voter approved • o Multi -year for GO bonds • Tolls (36.73.040(2)(d)) o Tolls on facilities including state routes and local roads o Tolls on state routes must be administered by WSDOT o All tolls must be approved by Transportation Commission • Other Revenue Sources o Border Area Motor Fuel and Special Fuel Tax (RCW 82.47.020)(not applicable to East Wenatchee) o Late -comer fees (36.73.140) o Development fees (36.73.040(2)(c) and 36.73.120) o LID formation (36.73.080) Revenue rates, once imposed, may not be increased, unless authorized by voter approval. The TBD must issue an annual report to include the status of project costs, revenues, expenditures, and construction schedules. Financial Impact of $20 Car Tab Fee The vehicle license fee is administered by the Department of Licensing (DOL). The fee cannot be collected until 6 months after the fee is authorized by voters or the TBD goveming board. The fee is collected by DOL on vehicle renewals, remitted to the State Treasurer who will then remit the proceeds to the TBD monthly. If the City created a TBD and the TBD adopts a $20 vehicle license fee by early January, 2013, the TBD could expect to receive approximately $75,000 in 2013 for six months of revenue receipts (July -December). This is because there is a six-month delay from the date of authorization to the date the Department of Licensing starts collecting the fee. The TBD may expect to receive up to $150,000 for a full -year in 2014. The caveat is that this is only an estimate and is subject to change based on actual numbers from the Department of Licensing at the time fees are collected. Allowable Uses of Revenue According to RCW 36.73.015, "Transportation improvement" means a project contained in the transportation plan of the state, a regional transportation planning organization, or city. A project may include investment in new or existing highways of statewide significance, principal arterials of regional significance, high capacity transportation, public transportation, and other transportation projects and programs of regional or statewide significance including transportation demand management. Projects may also include the operation, preservation, and maintenance of these facilities or programs. is Page 3 of 3 C:\Uwm\dbamard\AppDataLLLoc&DMicrosoRNWmdo"\Tmporary 1nt=et Fila\Content.oudookUG I RGNE\12-I0-0I Memoto Council Transportation Benefit District.docx Page 7 of 176 My reading of this statute is that the revenue collected by a TBD cannot be used to directly fund • the repair or construction of a residential street because a residential street is not a project of regional significance. Other opinions define a "transportation improvement" more broadly. According to Washington's Joint Transportation Committee, the revenue collected by a TBD may be used to finance construction of, and operate, improvements to roadways, and other transportation management programs. According to the Association of Washington Cities (AWC), which was intimately involved in the TBD legislation, the definition of transportation improvements is broad. In developing criteria for a transportation improvement, it can include one or more of the following: reduced risk of transportation facility failure and improved safety; improved travel time; improved air quality; increases in daily and peak period trip capacity; improved modal connectivity; improved freight mobility; cost-effectiveness of the investment; optimal performance of the system through time; and other criteria, as adopted by the governing body. According to Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC), the definition is fairly broad and can be read to encompass residential streets. MRCS opines though it does although the statutory language emphasizes projects of regional significance, it does include the following language, "a project contained in the transportation plan of... a ... city." Once again, according to AWC, there are three threshold tests for transportation improvements in a TBD: 1) the type of transportation improvement contained within the boundaries of the TBD; 2) whether the improvements are identified in any existing state, regional, county, city transportation plan; and 3) The improvements are necessitated by existing or reasonably foreseeable congestion levels. The definition of "congestion" does not have a set standard in law; each TBD has the discretion to tailor and make its own determination of congestion levels when implementing its TBD ordinance. Although there is no statutory definition of congestion, not every street, road, etc. qualifies as a transportation improvement. When can a TBD use the revenue it collects? The governing body which creates a TBD must develop a plan that specifies the transportation improvements to be provided or funded by the TBD. As part of this plan, the TBD's governing board can indicate if the funds will be used immediately, or if they will be collected for a specified period, prior to spending the accumulated funds. Page 4 of 4 C.\Users\dbamard\APPData�Local\Mcrosoh\Window\Tcmporarylntemet Files\Content.Oatlook\IGIRG3UF\12-10-0IMemoto Council Transportation Benefit District.docx Page 8 of 176 Benefits of Establishing a Transportation Benefit District • Proponents claim that establishing a TBD: • Creates a funding mechanism where there is a clear nexus between a user group (drivers and vehicles) and use of the roadway network. • Revenues from a $20 vehicle license fee significantly reduce the annual General Fund subsidy of street maintenance and operation expenditures. • Funds from a City-wide TBD will be dedicated to maintain, preserve and/or construct City transportation infrastructure. NOTE: Revenue generated from a $20fee is not projected to be sufficient to fund any capital projects) listed on the City's 6 year capital improvement program including any street overlay projects. • Assists in maintaining current level of service for transportation infrastructure maintenance and preservation. • The establishment of an annual $20 vehicle license fee is a flat rate and will not increase, unless approved by voters. • The TBD must issue an annual report to include the status of project costs, revenues, expenditures, and schedules, thus providing accountability. • Vehicle license fee program is administered by the Washington State Department of Licensing. The State Treasurer will remit proceeds to the TBD on a monthly basis. Adverse Consequences of Establishing a Transportation Benefit District Opponents claim that establishing a TBD: • Creates one more layer of unneeded government. • Circumvents voter participation. • Creates a lack of visibility (Citizens may have a hard time determining which government is responsible for providing certain services to a community). • Revenue is used to fund increased administrative costs rather than transportation projects. • Undermines the idea of regional coordination of road projects. • Creates a regressive tax (A Kia owner pays the same as a BMW owner; a low -mileage driver pay the same as a high -mileage driver). • Creates an additional burden on citizens living on a fixed income. Page 5 of 5 C:\Uscnddb=ard\AppData'Local\N icrosofl\Wmdows\T=pormy Internet Fils�Contmt.oudook\IGIRG3UEU2-10-0I Memo to Council Transportation Benefit District.docx Page 9 of 176 q 1. 1�1 LI ( •�'^(s. � ~ Lei -. � 1\` �_�, a Priority Level 1- •2- a- 5- 6- 7- Street Overlay Program October 2012 t! .+ FL Transportation Benefit District - Pavement Preservation Residential Streets Proposed Overlay Segment Annual Priority Priority Year Street Length Total Cost Total Cost 1 2013 GROVER ST - 5:h to 8th 1305 $45,200 1 2013 N GROVER AVE - 10th to FRANCE 2370 $82.088 1 2013 FRENCH AVE 803 $27.813 $155,101 2 2014 6TH PL NE 929 $32,' 77 2 2014 N JONATHON AVE 1328 $45,997 2 2014 2ND ST NE 1163 $40,282 2 2014 S JUNE AVE 987 $34.186 $" 52.642 3 2015 ROLES CT 717 $24.834 3 2015 ROI_FS PL 727 $25.181 3 2015 S HOUSTON AVE 2044 $70,796 3 2015 9TH ST NE - IOWA to JENNIFER 757 $26.220 $147,031 4 2016 S .OWA AVE 2595 $89,881 4 2016 4TH ST NE 1632 $58,258 S148,139 5 2017 GALE PL 975 S33.770 5 2017 GARDEN CT 439 $15,205 5 2017 GARDEN PLZ 1569 $54,344 5 2017 N IOWA AVE 1332 $46,135 $149,455 6 2018 COLBY CT 526 $18;219 6 2018 DARWOOD AVE 617 S21.371 6 2018 N COLORADO AVE 3094 $"07,164 $146.754 6 Year Average $149.854 Non -Residential Streets 7 2019 19th Street NW - Cascade Ave to SR 28 1310 S53.700 7 2019 19th Street NE - SR 28 to Baker Ave 1273 S61,703 7 2019 1 1th Street NE - Valley Mall Pkwy to Baker 851 $33.191 $148,594 • Interlocal Agreement Between the City of East Wenatchee, Washington and the East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit District 1. Parties. The parties to this agreement are the City of East Wenatchee, Washington ("City") and the East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit District ("District"). 2. Recitals. 2.1. As authorized by Chapter 39.34 RCW (Interlocal Cooperation Act), local governmental units may cooperate to make the most efficient use of their powers and resources. 2.2. RCW 35A.11.020 and Chapter 35A.47 RCW authorize the City to operate, maintain, construct, and reconstruct, public street infrastructure within its city limits. 2.3. The City established the District by enacting City of East Wenatchee Ordinance 2012- *. By Ordinance, the District is authorized to fund any lawful purpose, to operate the District, and to make transportation improvements consistent with existing state, regional, and local transportation plans and necessitated by existing or reasonably foreseeable congestion levels pursuant to Chapter 36.73 RCW. 2.4. By enacting East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit District Ordinance *, the District authorized a $20 vehicle license fee. 2.5. By enacting East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit District Ordinance *, the District authorized certain projects to be funded. 2.6. The City and the District desire to better coordinate their efforts in order to pursue their individual, joint and mutual rights and obligations to fulfill the intent of Ordinance 2012-*. THE PARTIES ENTER INTO THIS AGREEMENT IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL BENEFITS TO BE DERIVED. 3. Purpose and Interpretation. The District has no employees and its officers are either City Council Members serving in an ex officio capacity. To use public monies efficiently, to avoid duplicating services, and to coordinate efforts, the parties have entered into this agreement. If an ambiguity arises, the interpretation of this agreement is governed by the following provisions, as they presently exist or are lawfully amended: Chapter 36.73 RCW, the Charter of the is District, the District's material change policy, the Governmental Accounting Act, -1- . and RCW 43.09.210. If a judge or arbitrator holds that a provision of this agreement is unlawful, that provision is severed from this agreement, and the remaining provision of this agreement remain in full force and effect. 4. Obligations of the District. The District agrees to: 4.1. Provide to the City all funding received from any and all lawful sources which the District in its sole discretion may levy for the purpose of completing the District's authorized projects. 4.2. Continue the annual provision of funding for the projects approved by the District, so long as the District remains in existence. Such funding must be in accordance with and limited by the provisions of Ordinance No. 2012-*, by the charter of the District, and by Chapter 36.73 RCW. By way of illustration and not limitation: 4.2.1. Before it levies any charge, tax or fee, the District must hold a public hearing as required by its charter. 4.2.2. The District may levy a charge, tax or fee only in accordance with law and ordinance. 4.2.3. The District must develop an annual work plan and designate projects within its jurisdiction for funding. 4.2.4.As required by its material change policy, the District must consider the impacts and appropriate remedies if transportation improvements contained in its annual plan exceed its original cost by more than 20%. Furthermore, the District must consider the input from public hearings and other sources as it determines how such cost changes should be resolved. 5. Obligations of City. The City agrees to: 5.1. Provide all staff and necessary related support to the District at no cost. 5.2. Pay for all costs associated with the preparation of an annual work plan, reporting, advertising, design, contracting, construction management, accounting, and any and all other actual charges associated with the proper application of the District's funding in accordance with law and ordinance. 5.3. Pay for overhead charges such as utilities, information technology, office supplies, and equipment necessary to achieve the parties' joint goals and objectives. 5.4. Maintain for the period established by the State Archivist retention schedule, financial records, kept in accordance with generally accepted Interlocal Agreement Page 2 of 4 iaccounting practice and governmental accounting requirements, as necessary to document that any and all funding received through the District is used only for the projects authorized in accordance with law and ordinance. 5.5.Immediately alert the District of any material changes in scope, schedule or cost increases of 20% or greater to improvements funded in part or in whole with District funds. 5.6. Utilize funding provided for projects shown on the District's annual work plan in accordance with the District's material change policy, law, and ordinance. 6. Ownership. Streets and related transportation infrastructure preserved and maintained with District funds are and remain the property of the City. No joint property ownership is contemplated under the terms of this agreement. 7. No Joint Board. No provision is made for a joint board. The District performs its functions in accordance with its charter. 8. Insurance; Indemnity. 8.1. The parties agree to participate in the Washington Cities Insurance MAuthority (WCIA) insurance pool in accord with their respective interlocal agreements with the WCIA. The charges or premiums for the District will be borne by City. If either or both cease to participate in the WCIA pool, the party or parties agree to obtain comparable coverage. 8.2. Each party agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the other party, its officers, agents and employees from any claim, loss or liability arising from or out the other party's negligent, tortious or illegal actions under this agreement. 9. Termination. This Agreement terminates or expires as follows: 9.1. A party provides the other party 180 calendar days notice that it terminating the Agreement. Within 150 days of receiving or sending a notice of termination, the City must complete a final reconciliation of costs, payment, and a current report of completed activities. 9.2. This Agreement expires on the date when the District is automatically dissolved in accordance with provisions of 36.73 RCW and Ordinance No. 2012-*. Interlocal Agreement Page 3 of 4 10.Effective Date. RCW 39.34.040 permits a public agency to list interlocal agreements on its website in lieu of having the agreement filed with the county auditor's office. Accordingly, the parties direct the City of East Wenatchee City Clerk to list this Agreement on the City's website as soon as practicable. Thus, this Agreement is effective after it is signed by both parties and after it is listed by subject on the City's website. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement on the date first written above. EAST WENATCHEE TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT DISTRICT President of the Board • APPROVED AS TO FORM Attorney for East Wenatchee Transportation Benefit District APPROVED AS TO FORM City Attorney Interlocal Agreement Page 4 of 4 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE Steven C. Lacy, Mayor • 011 V '►i COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # PRESENTER: POSITION: CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL 12-10-06 - A Nick Gerde Finance Director AGENDA ITEM # AGENDA DATE: DEPARTMENT: November 13, 2012 Finance Department TITLE: A ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee authorizing the regular property tax levy to be collecte in the 2013 tax year and authorizing any increase which may be allowed in the amount uncle %new construction, improvements to property and the State assessed property provisions of e Law. BACKGROUND/H Legal Considerations: • The City is allowed\inease ts property tax levy by up to the Implicit Price Deflator (IPD) or one perceis lower, from the highest lawful levy since 1985. • The City is allowedts property tax levy by any amount of previously banked capacity which mad by not increasing property tax by the allowable 1%. • The Ordinance mud by a majority of the City Council (four affirmative votes). • The Ordinance must specifically state the increase in terms of both dollars and percentage. • Prior to adopting the Ordinance, the ity must hold a public hearing to discuss the following year's current expense budg t. • The public hearing must include discuss n tax revenues. • The City Clerk must file the certified budget before November 30th. on the possibility of an increase in property estimate with Douglas County on or Financial Considerations: 1. The Council has received the annual communication om the Douglas County Assessor with schedules and calculations for the purpose of the *ty's deliberation in deciding whether to collect the additional property tax on new con ruction and the allowable additional 1 % increase limit. These materials will also be pr6vided at the Public Hearing held on October 23, 2012. 2. The City is allowed to collect the additional property tax on new construction and improvements to property. This amount is $6,228.30 for 2013. 3. The City is allowed to collect the additional property tax that may arise for the increase in value of state -assessed property. The amount of the tax will not be determinable until December 2012, but is estimated at $2,500 (last year's actual value was $2,516.07.) 4. The City is allowed to collect the additional 1 % for 2013 since the Implicit Price Deflator Page 1 of 2 • P-j exceeds the 1% limit (the IPD was 1.29596). This amount is $1 5,342.69 for 2013. 5. The City is allowed to collect all or a portion of the previously banked capacity. This amount is $85,569.00 for 2013. 6. The City Council has historically not chosen to increase the property tax by the allowable 1 %, but did so in 2011 as long as the increase was for specific use for street improvements (Resolution No. 201 1-18) The City Council has also historically not chosen to increase the property tax by any amount of the previously banked capacity. Based upon these factors, the attached ordinance has been developed assuming that the City Council desires to be consistent in annually authorizing the regular property tax levy and the increase resulting from the additional property tax on new construction, improvements to property and the estimated change in assessed value of State assessed property. These amounts total approximately $1,542,997 for collection in the 2013 tax year. EXHIBITS: Draft Ordinance for Consideration. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Second Reading of the proposed ordinance and action by the City Council. FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ 0 $ 0 $ 1,542,997 ACTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: Councilmember Collings Councilmember Johnson Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Barnhart Passed: Failed: Second By: Councilmember Raab Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Detering Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) Page 2 of 2 • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 2012- An ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, authorizing the regular property tax levy to be collected in the 2013 tax year and authorizing any increase which may be allowed in the amount under new construction, improvements to property and the State assessed property provisions of State Law. 1. Recitals. a. Preamble. The City of East Wenatchee ("City) is a non -charter code City duly incorporated and operating under the laws of the State of Washington; and b. The City Council of East Wenatchee ("City Council") finds that it is in the best interests of the City of East Wenatchee ("City") and its citizens to increase the amount of the City's regular property tax levy for 2013. C. Findings. i. The population of the City is more than 10,000; ii. The Implicit Price Deflator for 2012 exceeds 1 % (July 2011 to July 2012 change is 1.295%). • iii. The City Council has considered the City's anticipated financial requirements for 2013 and beyond, and the amounts necessary and available to be raised by ad valorem taxes on real, personal and utility property, including amounts resulting from new construction, improvements to property, and any increase in the assessed value of state -assessed property; iv. After proper notice, the City Council held a public hearing on October 23, 2012. At this public hearing, the City Council considered revenue sources for the City's current expense budget for 2013. V. After the hearing and after duly considering all relevant evidence and testimony presented, the City Council determined that the City does not have a need to increase property tax revenue from the previous year by the allowable 1 %, does not need to increase property tax revenue by collecting previously banked capacity, but does have a need for the increase in property tax revenue resulting from the addition of new construction, improvements to property, and any increase in the value of state -assessed property, in order to discharge the expected expenses and obligations of the City. vi. The City Council finds that the City has future substantial need to increase property tax revenue. C_J ORDINANCE NO. 2012- Page 1 of 4 • 2. Authority a. RCW 32A.11.020 and RCW 35A.2.190 authorize the City Council to adopt ordinances of all kinds to regulate its municipal affairs and appropriate to the good government of the City. b. RCW 84.55.12 authorizes the City Council to adopt a tax increase by ordinance. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: Purpose. The City wishes to establish its regular property tax levy for the year 2013. Section 2: Authorization. The City Council authorizes an increase in the general property tax levy, for the 2012 property tax levy on all real, personal and utility property authorized for collection in 2013, in the amount of zero dollars which is a percentage increase allowed under the provisions of state law, additional revenue resulting from the addition of new construction and improvements to property, plus any increase in the value of state -assessed property, and plus any additional amount resulting from annexations that have occurred and refunds made. Section 3: Estimate. As required by RCW 84.52.020, for budget purposes, the City Council estimates that the amount of property tax to be collected in the year 2013 will be approximately $1,542,997. The City Council estimates that the contingency property tax to be collected will be $50,000. • Section 4: Certification. As required by RCW 84.52.020, the City Council certifies to Douglas County's legislative authority that the City is requesting that the regular levy, in the amount of $1,542,997 be collected in 2013. • Section 5: Payment. The property taxes levied by this Ordinance shall be collected and paid to the City Treasurer at the time and in the manner provided by the laws of the State of Washington. Section 6: Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision in this Ordinance to be contrary to law, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Ordinance. Section 7: Publication. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a summary of this Ordinance. The summary shall consist of the title of this Ordinance Section 8: Effective Date. This Ordinance becomes effective five days after the date its summary is published. Section 9: Filing. The City Council directs the City Clerk to file this Ordinance with the legislative authority of Douglas County. ORDINANCE NO. 2012- Page 2 of 4 • Section 10: Short Title. This Ordinance shall be known as the 2012 Levy and may be cited as such. Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this day of 92012. By Steven C. Lacy, Mayor ATTEST: Dana Barnard, City Clerk • Approved as to form only: • Devin Poulson, City Attorney Filed with the City Clerk: Passed by the City Council: Published: Effective Date: ORDINANCE NO. 2012- Page 3 of 4 10/17/12 • • • Summary of Ordinance No. 2012- Or the City of East Wenatchee, Washington On the day of , 2012, the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington approved Ordinance No. 2012 — , the main point of which may be summarized by its title as follows: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee authorizing the regular property tax levy to be collected in the 2013 tax year and authorizing any increase which may be allowed in the amount under new construction, improvements to property and the State assessed property provisions of State Law. Upon request, the City will mail a full text of this Ordinance. Dated this day of , 2012. CITY CLERK, DANA BARNARD ORDINANCE NO. 2012- Page 4 of 4 COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # PRESENTER: POSITION: CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL 12-10-06 - B Nick Gerde Finance Director AGENDA ITEM # AGENDA DATE: DEPARTMENT: November 13, 2012 Finance Department TITLE: An ordi ance of the City of East Wenatchee authorizing the regular property tax levy, an e increase of onrcent in the regular property tax levy, an increase of $85 567.25 in the regular property tax levy resulting from previously banked capacityto be collected in the 2013 tax year, and author in any increase which may be allowed in the amount under new construction, improve ents to property and the State assessed property provisions of State Law. BACKGROUND/HISTORY: Legal Considerations: • The City is allowed to in rease its property tax levy by any amount of previously banked capacity which may have esulted by not increasing property tax by the allowable 1 %. • The Ordinance must be ap roved by a majority of the City Council (four affirmative votes). • The Ordinance must specifica y state the increase in terms of both dollars and percentage. • Prior to adopting the Ordinance, he City must hold a public hearing to discuss the following year's current expense b dget. • The public hearing must include dis ssion on the possibility of an increase in property tax revenues. • The City Clerk must file the certified bu get or estimate with Douglas County on or before November 30th. \ Financial Considerations: \ 1. The Council has received the annual commune ation from the Douglas County Assessor with schedules and calculations for the purpose f the City's deliberation in deciding whether to collect the additional property tax on w construction, the allowable additional 1 % increase limit, and banked capacity. ese materials were also provided at the Public Hearing held on October 23, 2012 2. The Assessor's communication also referred to the pos ible availability of banked capacity. 3. The City is also allowed to collect previously banked pro p�ty tax capacity, taxes which have accumulated from years in which the City was allowed but did not elect to increase property taxes by the allowable 1 % limit. 4. The balance of banked capacity thru the year 2012 is $8S,567�2S. The City may choose to collect all or a portion of the banked capacity in 2013. When added to the previous Page 1 of 2 E 0 9 year's actual levy of $1 ,534,269.12, the amount for new construction estimated to be $6,228.30, the current allowable 1 % increase of $16,198.36, and an estimate of the increased value of State assessed property of $2,500. the total property tax levy amount would be $1 ,644,763.03. 5. The City passed Resolution No. 201 1-18 on November 8, 201 1 approving the reserving of proceeds from annual increases of property tax levies resulting from the 1 % allowable increase and any banked capacity for specific use for street improvements. If approved, the total of the annual increase and the banked capacity of $101 ,765.61 will be segregated for that specific use. EXHIBITS: Draft Ordinance for Consideration. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Second Reading of the proposed ordinance and action by the City Council. FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ 0 $ 0 $1 ,644,763.03 ACTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: Councilmember Collings Councilmember Johnson Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Barnhart Passed: Failed: Second By: Councilmember Raab Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Detering Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) Page 2 of 2 • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 2012- An ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee authorizing the regular property tax levy to be collected in the 2013 tax year, an increase of one percent in the regular property tax levy, an increase of $85,567.25 in the regular property tax levy resulting from previously banked capacity, and authorizing any increase which may be allowed in the amount under new construction, improvements to property and the State assessed property provisions of State Law. 1. Recitals. a. Preamble. The City of East Wenatchee ("City) is a non -charter code City duly incorporated and operating under the laws of the State of Washington; and b. The City Council of East Wenatchee ("City Council") finds that it is in the best interests of the City of East Wenatchee ("City") and its citizens to increase the amount of the City's regular property tax levy for 2013. C. Findings. i. The population of the City is more than 10,000; • ii. The City Council has considered the City's anticipated financial requirements for 2013 and beyond, and the amounts necessary and available to be raised by ad valorem taxes on real, personal and utility property, including amounts resulting from new construction, improvements to property, the allowable 1 % increase limit, the availability of the banked capacity and any increase in the assessed value of state -assessed property; M. If the annual Implicit Price Deflator exceeds 1%, a city may increase its property tax levy in the amount not to exceed 1 % in a given year. Historically, the City council has not authorized an annual 1 % increase. As a result, the City has built up a "banked capacity" of$85,567.25. iv. The City's Finance Director recommends that the City needs to increase property tax revenue from the previous year by the amount of the banked capacity. V. After proper notice, the City Council held a public hearing on October 23, 2012. At this public hearing, the City Council considered revenue sources for the City's current expense budget for 2013. vi. After the hearing and after duly considering all relevant evidence and testimony presented, the City Council determined that the City requires an increase in property tax revenue from the previous year, the allowable 1 % annual increase, and the banked capacity, in addition to the increase in property tax revenue resulting from the addition of new construction, improvements to property, and any increase in the value of state -assessed property, in order to discharge the expected expenses and obligations of the • City. ORDINANCE NO. 2012- Page 1 of 4 • vii. The City council finds that the City has future substantial need to increase property tax revenue. 2. Authority a. RCW 32A.11.020 and RCW 35A.2.190 authorize the City Council to adopt ordinances of all kinds to regulate its municipal affairs and appropriate to the good government of the City. b. RCW 84.55.120 authorizes the City Council to adopt a tax increase by ordinance. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: Purpose. The City wishes to establish its regular property tax levy for the year 2013. Section 2: Authorization. The City Council authorizes an increase in the general property tax levy, for the 2012 property tax levy on all real, personal and utility property authorized for collection in 2013, in the amount of $85,567.25 which is the previously banked capacity allowed under the provisions of state law, the current allowable 1 % increase in the amount of $16,198.36, additional revenue resulting from the addition of new construction and improvements to property, plus any increase in the value of state -assessed property, and plus any additional amount resulting from annexations that have occurred and refunds made. • Section 3: Estimate. As required by RCW 84.52.020, for budget purposes, the City Council estimates that the amount of property tax to be collected in the year 2013 will be $1,644,763.03. The City Council estimates that the contingency property tax to be collected will be $50,000. Section 4: Certification. As required by RCW 84.52.020, the City Council certifies to Douglas County's legislative authority that the City is requesting that the regular levy, in the amount of $1,644,763.03, be collected in 2013. Section 5: Payment. The property taxes levied by this Ordinance shall be collected and paid to the City Treasurer at the time and in the manner provided by the laws of the State of Washington. Section 6: Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision in this Ordinance to be contrary to law, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Ordinance. Section 7: Publication. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a summary of this Ordinance. The summary shall consist of the title of this Ordinance Section 8: Effective Date. This Ordinance becomes effective five days after the date its summary is published. • ORDINANCE NO. 2012- Page 2 of 4 • • is Section 9: Filing. The City Council directs the City Clerk to file this Ordinance with the legislative authority of Douglas County. Section 10: Short Title. This Ordinance shall be known as the 2012 Levy and may be cited as such. Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this day of 12012. By Steven C. Lacy, Mayor ATTEST: Dana Barnard, City Clerk Approved as to form only: Devin Poulson, City Attorney Filed with the City Clerk: Passed by the City Council: Published: Effective Date: ORDINANCE NO. 2012- Page 3 of 4 10/17/12 0 Summary of Ordinance No. 2012- • • Or the City of East Wenatchee, Washington On the day of , 2012, the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington approved Ordinance No. 2012 — , the main point of which may be summarized by its title as follows: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee authorizing the regular property tax levy to be collected in 2013, an increase of $85,567.25 from previously banked capacity, an increase of the allowable annual 1 % totaling $16,198.36, and any increase which may be allowed in the amount under new construction, improvements to property and the State assessed property provisions of State Law. Upon request, the City will mail a full text of this Ordinance. Dated this day of , 2012. CITY CLERK, DANA BARNARD ORDINANCE NO. 2012- Page 4 of 4 • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # 12-10-06 - C AGENDA ITEM # 5 PRESENTER: Nick Gerde AGENDA DATE: November 13, 2012 POSITION: Finance Director DEPARTMENT: Finance Department TITLE: An ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee authorizing the regular property tax levy, an increase of one percent in the regular property tax levy to be collected in the 2013 tax year and authorizing any increase which may be allowed in the amount under new construction, improvements to property and the State assessed property provisions of State Law. BACKGROUND/ HISTORY: Legal Considerations: • The City is allowed to increase its property tax levy by up to the Implicit Price Deflator (IPD) or one percent, whichever is lower, from the highest lawful levy since 1985. • The Ordinance must be approved by a majority of the City Council (four affirmative votes). • The Ordinance must specifically state the increase in terms of both dollars and percentage. • Prior to adopting the Ordinance, the City must hold a public hearing to discuss the following year's current expense budget. • The public hearing must include discussion on the possibility of an increase in property tax revenues • The City Clerk must file the certified budget or estimate with Douglas County on or before November 30th. Financial Considerations: 1. The Council has received the annual communication from the Douglas County Assessor with schedules and calculations for the purpose of the City's deliberation in deciding whether to collect the additional property tax on new construction and the allowable additional 1 % increase limit. These materials will also be provided at the Public Hearing held on October 23, 2012. 2. The City is allowed to collect the additional 1 % for 2013 since the Implicit Price Deflator exceeds the 1 % limit (the IPD was 1 .295%). 3. The 2013 allowable 1 % increase amount is $1 5,342.69. The amount for new construction is estimated by the Assessor to be approximately $6,228.30. The city is also allowed to collect the additional property that may arise for the increase in value of state -assessed property, estimated to be $2,500.00. When added to the previous year's actual levy of $ 1,534,269.20 the total property tax levy amount for collection in 2013 would be $1 ,558,340.19. 4. The City passed Resolution No. 201 1-18 on November 8, 201 1 approving the reserving Page 1 of 2 • of proceeds from annual increases of property tax levies resulting from the 1 % allowable annual increase and any banked capacity for specific use for street improvements. If approved, the $1 5,342.69 will be segregated for that specific use. EXHIBITS: Draft Ordinance for Consideration. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Second Reading of the proposed ordinance and action by the City Council. FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ 0 $ 0 $ 1,558,340.19 ACTION TAKEN: _ Motion Made By: Piv C�-nIgY- Second By:'jolins Councilmember Collings e Councilmember Raab Council member Johnson Councilmember Buckner Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Detering Councilmber Barnhart (j Passed: 71 2 Failed: Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) Page 2 of 2 • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 2012- An ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, authorizing the regular property tax levy, an increase of one percent in the regular property tax levy to be collected in the 2013 tax year and authorizing any increase which may be allowed in the amount under new construction, improvements to property and the State assessed property provisions of State Law. 1. Recitals. a. Preamble. The City of East Wenatchee ("City) is a non -charter code City duly incorporated and operating under the laws of the State of Washington; and b. The City Council of East Wenatchee ("City Council") finds that it is in the best interests of the City of East Wenatchee ("City") and its citizens to increase the amount of the City's regular property tax levy for 2013. C. Findings. i. The population of the City is more than 10,000; ii. The Implicit Price Deflator for 2012 exceeds 1 % (July 2011 to July 2012 • change is 1.295%); iii. The City Council has considered the City's anticipated financial requirements for 2013 and beyond, and the amounts necessary and available to be raised by ad valorem taxes on real, personal and utility property, including amounts resulting from new construction, improvements to property, the allowable 1 % increase limit, and any increase in the assessed value of state -assessed property; iv. The City's Finance Director recommends that the City needs to increase property tax revenue from the previous year by the allowable 1 % limit; V. After proper notice, the City Council held a public hearing on October 23, 2012. At this public hearing, the City Council considered revenue sources for the City's current expense budget for 2013. vi. After the hearing and after duly considering all relevant evidence and testimony presented, the City Council determined that the City requires an increase in property tax revenue from the previous year, in addition to the increase in property tax revenue resulting from the addition of new construction, improvements to property, and any increase in the value of state -assessed property, in order to discharge the expected expenses and obligations of the City. vii. The City Council finds that the City has future substantial need to increase property tax revenue. 2. Authority 1* ORDINANCE NO. 2012- Page 1 of 4 • n U • a. RCW 32A.11.020 and RCW 35A.2.190 authorize the City Council to adopt ordinances of all kinds to regulate its municipal affairs and appropriate to the good government of the City. b. RCW 84.55.120 authorizes the City Council to adopt a tax increase by ordinance. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: Purpose. The City wishes to establish its regular property tax levy for the year 2013. Section 2: Authorization. The City Council authorizes an increase in the general property tax levy, for the 2012 property tax levy on all real, personal and utility property authorized for collection in 2013, in the amount of $15,342.69 which is a 1 % increase allowed under the provisions of state law, additional revenue resulting from the addition of new construction and improvements to property, plus any increase in the value of state -assessed property, and plus any additional amount resulting from annexations that have occurred and refunds made. Section 3: Estimate. As required by RCW 84.52.020, for budget purposes, the City Council estimates that the amount of property tax to be collected in the year 2013 will be $1,558,340.19. The City Council estimates that the contingency property tax to be collected will be $50,000. Section 4: Certification. As required by RCW 84.52.020, the City Council certifies to Douglas County's legislative authority that the City is requesting that the regular levy, in the amount of $1,558,340.19, be collected in 2013. Section 5: Payment. The property taxes levied by this Ordinance shall be collected and paid to the City Treasurer at the time and in the manner provided by the laws of the State of Washington. Section 6: Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision in this Ordinance to be contrary to law, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Ordinance. Section 7: Publication. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a summary of this Ordinance. The summary shall consist of the title of this Ordinance Section 8: Effective Date. This Ordinance becomes effective five days after the date its summary is published. Section 9: Filing. The City Council directs the City Clerk to file this Ordinance with the legislative authority of Douglas County. ORDINANCE NO. 2012- Page 2 of 4 • Section 10: Short Title. This Ordinance shall be known as the 2012 Levy and may be cited as such. Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this day of 12012. By Steven C. Lacy, Mayor ATTEST: Dana Barnard, City Clerk • Approved as to form only: • Devin Poulson, City Attorney Filed with the City Clerk: Passed by the City Council: Published: Effective Date: ORDINANCE NO. 2012- Page 3 of 4 10/17/12 • Summary of Ordinance No. 2012- Or the City of East Wenatchee, Washington On the day of , 2012, the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington approved Ordinance No. 2012 — , the main point of which may be summarized by its title as follows: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee authorizing the regular tax levy to be collected in the 2013 tax year, an increase of one percent representing the allowable annual increase, and authorizing any increase which may be allowed in the amount under new construction, improvements to property and the State assessed property provisions of State Law. Upon request, the City will mail a full text of this Ordinance. . Dated this day of , 2012. G CITY CLERK, DANA BARNARD ORDINANCE NO. 2012- Page 4 of 4 • • COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # PRESENTER: POSITION: 12-09-06 Devin Poulson City Attorney CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AGENDA ITEM* 6 AGENDA DATE: November 13, 2013 DEPARTMENT: Legal Department TITLE: Employment Agreement with City Attorney BACKGROUND/ Currently, the City Attorney has a four year contract with the City that expires HISTORY: December 31 , 2012. The proposed contract is once again for four years. There are four substantial changes from the previous contract. The corresponding areas in the Agreement have been highlighted. First, in 2013, the annual salary will increase $2,879.84. Second, the previous contract called for an automatic COLA increase of 2.5% each year. The proposed contract ties any COLA increase to the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) in Pacific Cities and U.S. City Average, September to September statistics for the preceding twelve months. The minimum increase is 1 % and the maximum increase is 3%. This a change requested by the Budget Committee. Third, presently, like it does for all other employees, the City pays 100% of the premium costs for the Attorney and his spouse. Beginning 2015, Attorney agrees to share the cost of medical insurance. After January 2015, the City will only pay 90% of the premium costs for the Attorney and his spouse. Based on current rates, this will save the City approximately $1 ,500 per year (or about $3,000 over the life of the contract). Fourth, the proposed contract has more specific language that makes it clear that the Mayor can fire the Attorney for cause. Also, some objections have been raised that the City Attorney receives personal leave instead of vacation leave and sick leave like other employees. Normally, upon termination, the City cashes out an employee for 100% of vacation leave and 25% of sick leave. As with the previous contract, the proposed contract sets forth that, upon termination, the City would cash out all of Attorney's personal leave at a rate of only 25%. EXHIBITS: Proposed Employment Agreement 2009 Employment Agreement RECOMMENDED ACTION: Page 1 of 2 FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ N/A $ N/A $ N/A ACTION TAKEN: I Motion Made By: Councilmember Collings Councilmember Johnson Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Barnhart _ Passed: 7t Failed: • 0 Second By: (�ar(� ha,(J— Councilmember Raab Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Detering Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) Page 2 of 2 • Employment Agreement for Legal Services 1. Parties. The Parties to this Employment Agreement ("Agreement") are the City of East Wenatchee ("City") and Devin Poulson ("Attorney"). a. The City: i. The City is a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Washington. b. Attorney i. Attorney is licensed to practice law in the State of Washington. 2. Effective Date of Agreement. This Agreement is effective January 1, 2013. 3. Recitals. a. The City desires to employ the services of Attorney as City Attorney for the City of East Wenatchee; b. The City desires to provide certain benefits, establish certain conditions of employment and to set working conditions of the position of City Attorney; c. The City desires to secure and retain the services of the City Attorney to remain in such employment, to make possible full work productivity by assuring Attorney's morale and peace of mind with respect to future security and to provide a just means for terminating Attorney's services at such time as Attorney may be unable • fully to discharge his duties or when the City may desire to otherwise terminate employment; and d. Attorney desires to accept employment as City Attorney for the City of East Wenatchee. e. This Agreement supersedes and replaces all prior contracts for employment between the City and Attorney. 4. Agreement to Employ. The City agrees to employ Attorney as City Attorney to perform the functions and duties outlined below and to perform such other legally permissible and proper duties and functions as the Mayor may assign from time to time. 5. Term. This Agreement is effective for a term of four years. 6. Compensation. a. 2013 Salary. Attorney's annual base salary in 2013 is $99,800. b. On January 1 st of each subsequent year, the City must increase Attorney's annual base salary by 100% of the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) in Pacific Cities and U.S. City Average, September to September statistics for the preceding twelve months. The increase, however, may not be less than 1% and may not be more than 3%. c. Travel Expenses. The City must reimburse Attorney for reasonable and customary expenses actually incurred in connection with the business of the City, including food, lodging, and travel expenses while away, provided that prior arrangements are made with the Treasurer. Page 1 of 5 \\ewsbsI ITublic\City Attomey\Contracts\City Attomey\2013 City Attomey-90%.docx • d. Professional Development. The City agrees to budget and pay reasonable expenses for professional dues, subscriptions, training and travel required for Attorney to meet the requirements imposed by the Washington State Bar Association to maintain his license to practice law in good standing. e. Medical Insurance. Full family medical coverage for Attorney's family is available through the City's insurance carrier. Until December 31, 2014, the City must pay the full premium for Attorney and for Attorney's spouse or first dependent, and the City must pay 50% of the premium for additional dependents. Beginning January 1, 2015, the City must pay 90% of the full premium for Attorney and for Attorney's spouse or first dependent, and the City must pay 50% of the premium for each of additional dependents. f. Dental Insurance. Full family dental coverage for Attorney's family is available through the City's insurance carrier. The City must pay the full premium for Attorney and for all his dependents. g. Orthodontia Insurance. Full family orthodontia coverage for Attorney's family is available through the City's insurance carrier. The City must pay the full premium for Attorney and for all his dependents. h. Vision Insurance. Full family vision coverage for Attorney's family is available through the City's insurance carrier. The City must pay the full premium for Attorney and for all his dependents. i. Long Term Disability Insurance. Long term disability insurance is available to Attorney through the City's insurance carrier. The City must pay the full premium for Attorney. j. Personal Leave. Beginning January 1, 2013, Attorney accrues 18 hours of personal leave per month. Beginning June 1, 2016, Attorney accrues 20.67 hours of personal leave per month. k. Leave Without Pay. The Mayor may grant leaves of absence without pay for absences from work not covered by any other type of leave. 1. Jury and Witness Leave. The City will grant Attorney time off with pay to serve on a jury or as a witness in a judicial or quasi-judicial proceeding. This benefit will be in addition to any other leave offered by the City. in. Arbitration Leave. If Attorney is selected to serve as an arbitrator pursuant the provisions set forth in RCW 7.06, the City will grant Attorney time off with pay to serve as an arbitrator. This benefit will be in addition to any other leave offered by the City. n. Administrative Leave. The City may place Attorney on administrative leave with or without pay for an indefinite period of time, as approved by the Mayor to be in the best interest of the City, during the pendency of an investigation or other administrative proceeding. o. Holidays. The City recognizes the following holidays: New Years Day, Martin Luther King's Birthday, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day After Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, and a Floating Holiday. p. Longevity. The City will add longevity pay to Attorney's base monthly salary as follows: 0 Page 2 of 5 \\ewsbsI ITublic\City Attomey\Contracts\City Attomey\2013 City Attorney-90%.docx • i. Effective January 1, 2013, longevity pay is one percent of Attorney's base monthly salary. ii. Effective June 1, 2016, longevity pay is two percent of Attorney's base monthly salary. 7. Duties. Attorney will perform all duties of the City Attorney as set forth below and other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Mayor. a. General Purpose. This is a professional position that plans, directs, and coordinates comprehensive legal services for the City; provides counsel to the Mayor, Council, staff, committees and commissions; provides legal advice to guide City policies, decisions and activities; represents the City and supervises and directs representation of the City at various court levels and tribunals in criminal and civil litigation and in administrative hearings; drafts and interprets City ordinances and resolutions; negotiates real property acquisitions; provides advice, counsel and representation to protect the City's interests; participates in the City's short and long range planning to assure proper consideration of legal issues. b. Supervision. Attorney works under the direction of the Mayor. c. Essential duties and functions. i. Plans and coordinates comprehensive legal services for the City; attends meetings and provides ongoing legal advice to the Mayor, Council, and staff, represents and supervises and directs representation of the city at civil and criminal misdemeanor matters and in administrative hearings. • ii. Reviews documents prepared by staff to assure proper legal principles and procedures are followed and to assure that legal advice to city clients is accurate, responsive, and sensitive to political and policy considerations. iii. Prosecutes violations of the City's municipal code. iv. Prosecutes and/or defends, in courts of original jurisdiction, and on appeal, civil actions brought by or against the city, or against officials, officers, and/or employees in their official capacity, including, but not limited to, condemnations, local improvement districts, zoning regulations and jurisdictional disputes, and issues not sounding in tort and referred under the City's liability insurance program. v. Provides legal advice to guide city policies, decisions and activities; drafts and interprets city ordinances and resolutions, deeds, contracts, and other legal documents; provides advice, counsel and representation to protect the city's interests. vi. Attends city council meetings, and special meetings when needed, and provides legal advice as requested; reviews legal propriety of documents under consideration by the council or city administrative officials. vii. Participates in proceedings for the vacation of streets, condemnation of lands for municipal purposes, for land acquisitions, and for related legal transactions. viii. Participates in the drafting and review of letters, ordinances, contracts, resolutions, policies, real estate documents, and other legal documents enacted by the city to assure proper wording, limit the city's liability, Page 3 of 5 \\ewsbsI ITublic\City Attomey\Contracts\City Attomey\2013 City Attomey-90%.docx • assure they carry out the city's intent, assure they comply with applicable laws, and protects the city's interests; drafts opinion letters as required or requested. ix. Evaluates and makes recommendations to the Mayor on awards of legal contracts to outside counsel; assigns, directs and coordinates outside counsel work to assure compliance with specifications, time lines, and legal requirements. x. Tracks legal and policy issues of importance to the city; reads legal journals and utilizes networks to establish contacts and sources of information relevant to the city. xi. Reviews proposed and enacted state and federal legislation for impact upon the city; recommends appropriate responses where necessary to protect the city's legal interests; analyzes legal trends and developments impacting the city and recommends appropriate city responses of action. xii. Directs and coordinates outside counsel retained by the city in specialized litigation and other matters. • 8. Termination. a. By City. If the Mayor elects to terminate Attorney without cause, the City must give Attorney written notice at least 180 days prior to the date of termination. Alternatively, if the City wishes to terminate Attorney immediately, the City must pay Attorney 180 days severance pay. If the Mayor elects to terminate Attorney for cause, as defined by Washington common law, no notice or payment is required. b. By Attorney. If Attorney terminates his employment with the City, he must provide the City not less than 30 days prior notice of the effective date of such termination in order to afford the City a reasonable opportunity to find a replacement for Attorney. If the City finds a replacement who is able to commence employment prior to the expiration of the 30-day, the City may terminate Attorney prior to effective date provided in the 30-day notice. c. Compensation upon Termination. Upon termination for any reason, the City must pay Attorney a lump sum payment of any accrued, but unused, personal leave at a rate of 25%. 9. Performance Evaluation. The Mayor must evaluate Attorney's performance on or before August 15, 2013 and then at least once every 12 months thereafter. 10. Professional Liability. The City agrees to defend, hold harmless and indemnify Employee from all demands, claims, suits, acts, errors or other omissions in legal proceedings brought against Attorney in his individual capacity or in his official capacity, provided the incident arose while Attorney was acting within the scope of his employment. 11. Modification. The parties agree that this agreement cannot be amended or modified without the written concurrence of both parties. Page 4 of 5 \\ewsbsI ITublic\City Attomey\Contracts\City Attomey\2013 City Attorney-90%.docx • 12. Severability. If any provision or portion of this agreement is held to be unconstitutional, invalid, or unenforceable, the City has the -right, at its option, to declare the agreement void and enter into negotiations with the Employee for execution of a new personal services agreement. • 13. Notice. Any notices required to be given by the City to Attorney or by Attorney to the City must be delivered to the following parties at the following addresses: City of East Wenatchee Mayor's Office 271 Ninth Street NE East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Devin Poulson 1622 Orchard Ave. Wenatchee, WA 98801 Any notices may be either delivered personally to the addressee of the notice or may be deposited in the United States mails, postage prepaid, to the address set forth above. Any notice so posted in the United States mail will be deemed received three days after the date of mailing. CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE By Steven C. Lacy, Mayor Date Devin Poulson Date Page 5 of 5 \\ewsbsI ITublic\City Attomey\Contracts\City Attomey\2013 City Attomey-90%.docx • Employment Contract 1. Parties. The Parties to this Employment Contract ("Agreement") are the City of East Wenatchee ("City") and Devin Poulson ("Attorney"). a. The City: i. The City is a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Washington. b. Attorney i. Attorney is licensed to practice law in the State of Washington. 2. Effective Date of Agreement. This Agreement is effective January 1, 2009. 3. Recitals. a. The City desires to employ the services of Attorney as City Attorney for the City of East Wenatchee; b. The City desires to provide certain benefits, establish certain conditions of employment and to set working conditions of the position of City Attorney; c. The City desires to secure and retain the services of the City Attorney to remain in such employment, to make possible full work productivity by assuring Attorney's morale and peace of mind with respect to future security and to provide a just means for terminating Attorney's services at such time as Attorney may be unable • fully to discharge his duties or when the City may desire to otherwise terminate employment; and d. Attorney desires to accept employment as City Attorney for the City of East Wenatchee. e. This Agreement supersedes and replaces all prior contracts for employment between the City and Attorney. 4. Agreement to Employ. The City agrees to employ Attorney as City Attorney to perform the functions and duties outlined below and to perform such other legally permissible and proper duties and functions as the Mayor may assign from time to time. Term. This Agreement is effective for a term of four years. 6. Compensation. a. 2009 Salary. The City agrees that Attorney's compensation in 2009 shall be $90,000 annually. b. 2010 Salary. The City agrees that Attorney's compensation in 2010 shall be $92,250 annually (2.5% increase). c. 2011 Salary. The City agrees that Attorney's compensation in 2011 shall be $94,556.25 annually (2.5% increase). d. 2012 Salary. The City agrees that Attorney's compensation in 2012 shall be $96,920.16 annually (2.5% increase). e. Travel Expenses. Attorney shall receive reimbursement for reasonable and customary expenses actually incurred in connection with the business of the City, Paget of 5 \\Ewsvrl\public\City Attorney\ConUacts\City Attorney\City Attomey-2009.doc . including food, lodging, and travel expenses while away, provided that prior arrangements are made with the Treasurer. f. Professional Development. The City agrees to budget and pay reasonable expenses for professional dues, subscriptions, training and travel required for Attorney to meet the requirements imposed by the Washington State Bar Association to maintain his license to practice law in good standing. g. Medical Insurance. Full family medical coverage for Attorney's family is available through Asuris Northwest Health, Plan A. The City shall pay the full premium for Attorney and for Attorney's spouse or first dependant. The City shall pay 50% of the premium for additional dependants. h. Dental Insurance. Full family dental coverage for Attorney's family is available through Washington Dental Services, Plan F. The City shall pay the full premium for Attorney and for all his dependents. i. Orthodontia Insurance. Full family orthodontia coverage for Attorney's family is available through Washington Dental Services, Plan V. The City shall pay the full premium for Attorney and for all his dependents. j. Vision Insurance. Full family vision coverage for Attorney's family is available through Vision Service Plan, Option 1, Full Family- no deductible. The City shall pay the full premium for Attorney and for all his dependents. k. Long Term Disability Insurance. Long term disability insurance is available to Attorney through Standard Insurance Long Term Disability, Option 2. The City shall pay the full premium for Attorney. 1. Personal Leave. Attorney shall accrue vacation leave as follows: i. 0-5 years of employment: 14.67 hours/month ii. 6-10 years of employment: 18.00 hours/month iii. 11-15 year of employment: 19.33 hours/month iv. 16+ years of employment: 21.33 hours/month Attorney has the option of applying accumulated personal leave towards early retirement. To qualify for this benefit, Attorney must give the City at least 60 days written notice of the last date that he will perform his duties for the City. Alternatively, the City will cash out Attorney's personal leave at a rate of 25% in. Leave Without Pay, The Mayor may grant leaves of absence without pay for absences from work not covered by any other type of leave. n. Jury and Witness Leave. The City shall grant Attorney time off with pay to serve on a jury or as a witness in a judicial or quasi-judicial proceeding. This benefit shall be in addition to any other leave offered by the City. o. Arbitration Leave. If Attorney is selected to serve as an arbitrator pursuant the provisions set forth in RCW 7.06, the City shall grant Attorney time off with pay to serve as an arbitrator. This benefit shall be in addition to any other leave offered by the City. p. Administrative Leave. The City may place Attorney on administrative leave with or without pay for an indefinite period of time, as approved by the Mayor to be in the best interest of the City, during the pendency of an investigation or other administrative proceeding. q. Bereavement Leave. Upon approval of the Mayor, the City shall grant Attorney 3 days of bereavement due to the death of an immediate family member. 40 Page 2 of 5 \\Ewsvrl\public\City Attorney\Contracts\City Attomey\City Attomey-2009.doc • r. Holidays. The City recognizes the following holidays: New Years Day, Martin Luther King's Birthday, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day After Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, and a Floating Holiday. 7. Duties. Attorney shall perform all duties of the City Attorney as set forth below and other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Mayor. a. General Purpose. This is a professional position that plans, directs, and coordinates comprehensive legal services for the City; provides counsel to the Mayor, Council, staff, committees and commissions; provides legal advice to guide City policies, decisions and activities; represents the City and supervises and directs representation of the City at various court levels and tribunals in criminal and civil litigation and in administrative hearings; drafts and interprets City ordinances and resolutions; negotiates real property acquisitions; provides advice, counsel and representation to protect the City's interests; participates in the City's short and long range planning to assure proper consideration of legal issues. b. Supervision. Attorney works under the direction of the Mayor. c. Essential duties and functions. i. Plans and coordinates comprehensive legal services for the City; attends meetings and provides ongoing legal advice to the Mayor, Council, and staff, represents and supervises and directs representation of the city at civil and criminal misdemeanor matters and in administrative hearings. ii. Reviews documents prepared by staff to assure proper legal principles and procedures are followed and to assure that legal advice to city clients is accurate, responsive, and sensitive to political and policy considerations. iii. Prosecutes violations of the City's municipal code. iv. Prosecutes and/or defends, in courts of original jurisdiction, and on appeal, civil actions brought by or against the city, or against officials, officers, and/or employees in their official capacity, including, but not limited to, condemnations, local improvement districts, zoning regulations and jurisdictional disputes, and issues not sounding in tort and referred under the City's liability insurance program. v. Provides legal advice to guide city policies, decisions and activities; drafts and interprets city ordinances and resolutions, deeds, contracts, and other legal documents; provides advice, counsel and representation to protect the city's interests. vi. Attends city council meetings, and special meetings when needed, and provides legal advice as requested; reviews legal propriety of documents under consideration by the council or city administrative officials. vii. Participates in proceedings for the vacation of streets, condemnation of lands for municipal purposes, for land acquisitions, and for related legal transactions. viii. Participates in the drafting and review of letters, ordinances, contracts, resolutions, policies, real estate documents, and other legal documents enacted by the city to assure proper wording, limit the city's liability, Page 3 of 5 \\Ewsvrl\public\City Attomey\Contracts\City Attomey\City Attomey-2009.doc assure they carry out the city's intent, assure they comply with applicable laws, and protects the city's interests; drafts opinion letters as required or requested. ix. Evaluates and makes recommendations to the Mayor on awards of legal contracts to outside counsel; assigns, directs and coordinates outside counsel work to assure compliance with specifications, time lines, and legal requirements. x. Tracks legal and policy issues of importance to the city; reads legal journals and utilizes networks to establish contacts and sources of information relevant to the city. xi. Reviews proposed and enacted state and federal legislation for impact upon the city; recommends appropriate responses where necessary to protect the city's legal interests; analyzes legal trends and developments impacting the city and recommends appropriate city responses of action. xii. Directs and coordinates outside counsel retained by the city in specialization litigation and other matters. 8. Termination. a. By City. In the event that the Mayor elects to terminate Attorney, each termination shall be subject to the following condition: Attorney shall be given not less than ninety (90) days prior notice of the intent to terminate him, or ninety (90) days severance pay at the option of the City. • b. By Attorney. In the event Attorney shall terminate his employment with the City, Attorney agrees that he shall provide the City not less than thirty (30) days prior notice of the effective date of such termination in order to afford the City a reasonable opportunity to find a replacement for Attorney. In the event a replacement is found who is able to commence employment prior to the expiration of the 30-day, the City may terminate Attorney prior to effective date provided in the 30-day notice. 9. Performance Evaluation. The Mayor shall evaluate Attorney's performance on or before January 1, 2010 and then at least once every 12 months thereafter. 10. Professional Liability. The City agrees to defend, hold harmless and indemnify Employee from all demands, claims, suits, acts, errors or other omissions in legal proceedings brought against Attorney in his individual capacity or in his official capacity, provided the incident arose while Attorney was acting within the scope of his employment. 11. Modification. The parties agree that this agreement cannot be amended or modified without the written concurrence of both parties. 12. Severability. If any provision or portion of this agreement is held to be unconstitutional, invalid, or unenforceable, the City shall have the -right, at its option, to declare the agreement void and enter into negotiations with the Employee for execution of a new personal services agreement. Page 4 of 5 \\Ewsvrl\public\City Attomey\Contracts\City Attomey\City Attomey-2009.doc • 13. Notice. Any notices required to be given by the City to Attorney or by Attorney to the City shall be delivered to the following parties at the following addresses: City of East Wenatchee Mayor's Office 921 Ninth Street NE East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Devin Poulson 1622 Orchard Ave. Wenatchee, WA 98801 Any notices may be either delivered personally to the addressee of the notice or may be deposited in the United States mails, postage prepaid, to the address set forth above. Any notice so posted in the United States mail shall be deemed received three (3) days after the date of mailing. is CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE El By Steven C. Lacy, Mayor Date Devin Poulson Date Page 5 of 5 \\Ewsvrl\public\City Attomey\Conuacts\City Attomey\City Attomey-2009.doc • This page intentionally left blank • • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2009 • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING JANUARY 13, 2009 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present: Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Raab and Mayor Lacy. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Bremmer, to excuse Councilmember Buckner from this meeting. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Brandon Mauseth, Devin Poulson, Lori Barnett, Joan Sims, Nick Gerde, Randy Harrison, and Catalina Garibay. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS BUDGET ISSUES Mayor Lacy said he has added the item Budget Issues to the Council Agenda. He said he would like to establish a budget committee as a permanent standing committee of the City allowing us to remain up to date on issues as they arise. He added that by placing the Budget Issues as a standing agenda item we will be able to review aspects that could impact the budget. DEPARTMENT REPORT City Clerk Department City Clerk, Dana Barnard, said one of the items reviewed while processing a taxicab driver's license is to complete a background check to ensure that the applicant does not have any felonies or convictions within the past five years as stated in the East Wenatchee Municipal Code. Until January 1, 2009, the East Wenatchee Police Department was able to conduct the background checks to review the criminal history by using a purpose Code E through the Washington State Patrol website. However, staring January 1, 2009, all agencies wanting to use Purpose Code E must use the Washington Access Criminal History WATCH Program. Ms. Barnard said an account has been set up with the WATCH Program enabling the City to request information. She added there is a cost to the City in the amount of $10 to $35 depending on whether you are requesting the information over the internet or by mail. She said she would like to charge these fees back to the applicant so that the City is not out any funds as the City will be billed for using the WATCH program. Ms. Barnard said the Finance Department has set up an expenditure account to pay those fees, and a revenue account to receipt those fees back to the City when accepted by the applicant. She asked Council to approve a motion enabling the City to adopt these fees. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember McCourt, to adopt a fee specifically to reimburse the City for each time an application is submitted requiring a background check. The motion carried, 6-0. 0 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2009 Street Department Street Superintendent, Brandon Mauseth, said the Street Department accumulated approximately one hundred thirty hours of overtime with regards to snow plowing. He added that snow berm removal is done during normal working hours and does not get removed on any overtime schedule. He said as of this date the approximately forty hours of overtime have been accumulated for January. He added that after the wind storm which melted much of the snow, the crew was not working on snow removal as they switched over to stormwater maintenance to open storm drains and also assisted the Police Department with delivering sandbags. Mayor Lacy applauded the Street Department crew for their work in keeping the streets cleared. Mr. Mauseth reported that during the recent snow storms, and the wind storm on January 7, 2009, the City Hall building suffered damage from snow and ice. He said an ice dam formed in a valley over the kitchen which leaked under the roofing material saturating the soffit, which then fell down. He said there is water damage in the kitchen and in the library. He added Blodgett Construction is working on the repair. Mayor Lacy asked Mr. Mauseth how the overtime and comp time issues he addressed compare to his budget for 2008. Mr. Mauseth said the year-end budget figures are not available until the 2008 year has been closed out. However, he has discussed the issue with Finance Director Nick Gerde and the line item would remain within the budgeted amount due to the fact that some of the employees take comp time rather than overtime. . Mr. Mauseth said the East Wenatchee Water District (EWWD) has allowed the Street Department to use the EWWD truck when the Street Department does snow berm removal or restocks the sand pile. He said this has been a tremendous help to the City as the City does not have to take that equipment off City trucks and then turn around and put it right back on in order to do this work. Councilmember Bremmer asked Mr. Mauseth if there was a way he could schedule the crew to do snow plowing based on whether a snow storm is expected to occur so that no overtime would be necessary for snow plowing. Mayor Lacy said it is an idea in which he will consider as he is the one in control of that type of scheduling. He added it might be difficult to predict the weather and by changing the schedule it could lessen the hours needed for other jobs that would still need to be completed as part of the regular work schedule. Councilmember Johnson asked if the City had a policy on when to start snow plowing based on the amount of snow accumulation. Mr. Mauseth said there is not a written policy or guidelines. He said the Street Department relies on the Police Department to call out our snow plow drivers when the conditions are warranted. He added a two inch snow accumulation is a good gage to use, as to when to start plowing the snow. Finance Department City Treasurer/Finance Director, Nick Gerde, said following adoption of the 2009 East Wenatchee Budget which included the implementation of utility taxes he made notice to Douglas County P.U.D, Cascade Natural Gas, and fifteen different Cable, Telephone and Wireless companies by way of certified mail regarding charging that tax. He added he has been working with Community Development Director, Lori Barnett, with regards to using the Graphic Information System (GIS) to identify and ensure those Utility Companies have an accurate list of addresses within the City limits. 0 • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2009 Mr. Gerde reported on the financial closing status for the year stating that the State Auditor's Office advises that the books are left open for a time after the end of the year in order to pay invoices which were budgeted for the year 2008, but not received until 2009, allowing the City to record those payments as if they were paid in 2008. He added this also applies to the revenue side of the budget. The City has a capital project, the Rock Island Road Project, in which the Transportation Improvement board (TIB) owes the City $197,000 on that project. These funds were included in the revenue forecast for 2008 and we expect to receive those funds by January 20, 2009. Therefore, he is not able to close the books until that process ends. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council (WVTC) has been working hard to meet a deadline to submit a list of transportation projects in Chelan County and Douglas County that might qualify as ready to go types of projects that could qualify if there was an opportunity to receive money administered through the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO). He said the list of prioritized projects that was developed at the WVTC meeting was included in the Council packets. He added this is the Economic Stimulus package that as of now is not even in existence, but rather something that President Elect Barack Obama is going to lobby for when he comes into office. He said at the State level there is optimism about getting these funds, so these funds may or may not develop, and if they do develop they may not be administered through the MPO, but if they are administered through the MPO, which would be an effective way of doing this, we are in a position as a group of jurisdictions as a MPO to have a list in place to work from. Mayor Lacy said he was pleased with the objective criteria developed by all the representatives of the various jurisdictions, which lead to the ranking of these projects. He said the East Wenatchee Grant Road pavement preservation project from Eastmont Avenue to Kentucky Avenue received a fairly high rating. Mayor Lacy said in the future when we have dollars available we might like to consider, having some design work done with right -of way -acquisitions acquired for City projects in case these kind of opportunities continue to come up, we would be in a better position to compete for funding. Councilmember Barnhart asked if the design work had been completed for the Kentucky Avenue Project. Mr. Mauseth said the City does not have the design work or the right-of-way acquisitions for that project. Councilmember Hendricks asked if Public Utility District No. 1 of Douglas County (P.U.D.), the East Wenatchee Water District (EWWD), and the Douglas County Sewer District (DCSD) received copies of the City's Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) in order to coordinate projects. Mr. Mauseth said the City does coordinate with those entities with regards to those projects that are scheduled and planned, such as the Grant Road Overlay that we are combining with Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT); the EWWD will be replacing a main 12 inch line just before the City starts the overlay project. Mayor Lacy suggested sending the Six -Year TIP to those entities. Mayor Lacy said he would like to finalize Council Assignments for 2009. He said he would like to add the Budget Committee to that list as he would like this to be a year-round committee for the 2010 budget. He asked which Councilmembers were interested in serving on this committee. Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember McCourt, and Councilmember Bremmer showed an interest in serving in the Budget Committee for 2010. Mayor Lacy said he can appoint three Councilmembers to this committee and since Councilmember Johnson and Councilmember Bremmer both served on the 2009 Budget Committee he will appoint Councilmember Barnhart, and Councilmember McCourt to serve on the standing budget committee for 2010. A coin toss was done between Councilmember Bremmer and CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2009 0 Councilmember Johnson for the third position. Councilmember Bremmer won the coin toss and was appointed to the 2010 Budget Committee. Mayor Lacy said he would prefer the budget committee meet at least quarterly and if there are issues that come up he may ask the committee to meet more often. Mayor Lacy made the following changes to the Council appointments: Councilmember Johnson will serve as the alternate to the Chelan -Douglas Regional Support Network; Councilmember Bremmer will serve as alternate to the East Wenatchee Events Board; and Mayor Lacy will serve as representative with Councilmember Buckner serving as the alternate to the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council. Mayor Lacy thanked Councilmember Raab for serving as Mayor Pro-Tem. He asked Councilmembers if anyone was interested in serving as Mayor Pro-Tem. Councilmember Barnhart was nominated by Councilmember Bremmer. Councilmember Johnson also expressed an interest to serve as Mayor Pro- Tem. A coin toss was done between Councilmember Barnhart and Councilmember Johnson. Councilmember Johnson won the coin toss and was appointed as Mayor Pro Tempore for 2009. The following is a list of Council Assignments for 2009: Abbr. Or anization Representative Alternate Chelan - Douglas Health District Councilmember McCourt Mayor Lac RSN Chelan -Douglas Regional Support Network Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Johnson COG Council of Governments Councilmember Barnhart Councilmember McCourt Douglas Coup Regional Council Mayor Lacy Councilmember Raab EWEB East Wenatchee Events Board Mayor Lacy Councilmember Bremmer EDD Economic Development District Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Johnson Housing Authority of Chelan County & the City of Wenatchee Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Hendricks LINK Link Transit Councilmember Johnson Councilmember Raab NCRTPO North Central Regional Transportation Planning Organization Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Hendricks RC&D Resource Conservation and Development Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Johnson SWAC RIVERCOM 911 dispatch) Solid Waste Advisory Committee Councilmember Barnhart Councilmember Raab Councilmember Bremmer Councilmember McCourt SWU Storm Water Utility Councilmember Raab Brandon / Lori TAC Technical Advisory Committee SWAC Executive Councilmember Raab Councilmember McCburt WVCC Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce Councilmember Buckner Mayor Lac WVCVB Wenatchee Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau Mayor Lacy Council member Bremmer Wenatchee Valley Museum & Cultural Center - reorganization Councilmember Buckner Mayor Lac WVTC Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council Metropolitan Planning Organization Mayor Lacy Councilmember Buckner Mayor Pro-Tem Councilmember Johnson N/A Watershed Planning Lori Barnett N/A Budget Committee Councilmember Barnhart Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Bremmer N/A N/A N/A 0 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2009 • Mayor Lacy said the City received a report from the City of Wenatchee which serves as the lead agency for the Chelan Douglas County Homeless Housing Program. He said the report gives an update of the activities being funded with the Homeless funds. He added if Council wishes to review the report to contact City Clerk, Dana Barnard. Mayor Lacy the said City owns property located at 3`a Street NE that was purchased for the Central Business District (CBD) Project. He said the City no longer has a need for the remaining portion of that property and the idea came up that we might be able to raise some capital for the City if we were to authorize and select a method for disposing of that property. He asked Council if they wish to surplus the property. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Johnson, to surplus City owned property located on P Street NE. Mayor Lacy said without objection he will consider the surplus of the property unanimous. No objections were heard. Mayor Lacy said the next step would be to decide on how to dispose of the surplus property and asked City Attorney, Devin Poulson, to make a recommendation. Mr. Poulson said the property can be auctioned either by sealed bids or opened bids, and it can also be listed with a realtor. He added that an appraisal of the property would need to be completed prior to moving forward with the sale. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Bremmer, to obtain an appraisal of the City property located on 3`a Street NE. The motion carried 6-0. Mayor Lacy said he would table the issue until the appraisal has been completed. Councilmember Barnhart asked if City Attorney Poulson could find out information regarding the cost and process to do a public auction. Mayor Lacy reported that when the budget was adopted a figure was set for the Animal Control contract and he was authorized to negotiate a contract within the confines of the budgeted amount. He said a contract was negotiated for an amount that was approximately $3,000 less than the budgeted amount. He informed Council that he did sign a contract with the Wenatchee Valley Humane Society in the amount of $63,633.52 for 2009. He added the original amount was over $67,000. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, December 9, 2008 2. Consideration of Bills Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Raab, second by Councilmember Johnson, to approve the consent calendar as presented. The motion carried, 6-0. Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded in a listing, which has been made available to Council. 0 • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2009 2008 Payables As of December 30, 2008, Council does approve warrant numbers 21018-21105 in the total amount of $209,541.53. Warrant numbers 20966, 20991, 21051, and 21072 were voided. 2009 Payables As of this date, January 13, 2009, Council does approve warrant numbers 21106-2110 in the total amount of $52,667.02. ACTION ITEMS 09-01-01 Approval of an Employment Contract with Devin Poulson to serve as City Attorney for the City of East Wenatchee. Councilmember Hendricks asked why this employee has a contract and none of the other employees do. Mayor Lacy said he would like to hire an attorney under circumstances where the Attorney is committed to the City for a specific number of years. Whereas, employees of the City are all at will employees. He added, when the City instituted the idea of hiring a City Attorney it was based on escalading costs as we were hiring Attorney's by contract and at the time the City was spending approximately $156,000 a year for the contracted legal services. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Raab, to approve the Employment Contract with Devin Poulson to serve as City Attorney for the City of East. The motion carried, 5-1. (Hendricks) • 09-01-02 Acquisition, installation and implementation of the New Vision Municipal Solutions Software and the impact on payroll conversion to semi-monthly payrolls. City Treasurer/Finance Director, Nick Gerde, said this software was budgeted for in 2008 and was not purchased. He added this is a new program developed by Vision Municipal Solutions Software and was to be installed at several Cities in 2008 and he felt it would be a good idea to allow time for the program to be in use for a period of time in order to work out any problems associated with the new program before the City made a commitment to purchase the program. He said Council had approved semi-monthly payrolls in August 2008, and at that time the Finance Department believed they would be able to purchase the software allowing them to move towards doing a semi-monthly payroll. However, the City found that they were significantly short of what their anticipated resources would be in 2008 and the software was not purchased. Mr. Gerde said as a recommendation by the budget committee, the software program was not implemented into the 2009 budget to avoid capital costs. He added Vision Municipal Solutions has an easy payment plan with no interest for a five year purchase agreement. This would allow the capital expense to be spread out over an extended period of time if the City decided to make the purchase in 2009. Mr. Gerde said that changing to semi-monthly payrolls using the old software system would be a significant process that would cost a fair amount of money and time. He recommended that a decision to purchase the software not be made at this time. However, during this budget year if we fmd that we are financially sound and the revenues are coming in on the new utility taxes this could be a decision to entertain at a later date. He added the total cost of the software program is $18,880 which includes • licensing fees. Mr. Gerde said he was not asking for a decision by the City Council this evening but rather • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2009 to inform them that the City will not be going to semi-monthly payrolls until the new software system is purchased. Mayor Lacy said the first quarter of 2009 will end on March 31, 2009, and the carry over from the 2008 budget would at that time be finalized. He recommended reviewing those numbers and then making a decision if the City is in a position to spend the additional $18,880 for the software. 09-01-03 Approval of a Final Contract Acceptance and Original Contract Amendment No. 2 for the Kenroy Improvement Project. Street Superintendent, Brandon Mauseth, said the City has began closing out the project. He said the total cost of the project was $228,418 and the original contract amount was $213,000, giving us a shortfall of $15,113. He said the reason for the shortfall is that the Greater Wenatchee Irrigation District line ended up being directly under the footing of the block retaining wall, there was additional fill material needed alongside a residence to stabilize the block wall, additional irrigation repair, and additional hot mix asphalt due to faulty sections in the road that we decided to take care of at the same time. He said this information is submitted for consideration of final acceptance of the contract. Mr. Mauseth said the original agreement with RH2 Engineering was not to exceed $40,000. He said the Interlocal Agreement between the Eastmont School District and the City of East Wenatchee, the City agreed to design and pay for the construction engineering involved with the project. He said when the City started closing out the project that amount was exceeded with RH2 Engineering due to some paperwork deficiencies from a sub -contractor as they refused to sign the intent to pay prevailing wage and also the affidavit of prevailing wage. Mr. Mauseth said the reason for that was a punch list was submitted . to the Contractor, Doug Jones Concrete, which consisted of some outstanding fence items on the punch list that were not completed. Doug Jones Concrete was not successful in contacting the sub -contractor who was responsible for the fence so they made those repairs themselves and then billed the sub- contractor for that work. When the sub -contractor received the bill they refused to sign the necessary paperwork for the City to close out the project. Mr. Mauseth recommended approval of the final acceptance of the project and then approval of the supplement to RH2 Engineering. He said he would then contact the School District to see if they are willing to participate in the additional cost. Mayor Lacy suggested tabling the issue until we can determine whether we have a legal basis to claim that our obligation does not exceed $40,000. 09-01-04 Authorization to utilize up to $100,000 Real Estate Excise Tax in the Capital Improvements Fund 314 at the end of 2008 for use to offset costs of the Rock Island Road Project. Mr. Gerde explained the limitations of how Real Estate Excise Tax dollars may be spent and said that funding for the Rock Island Road Project was expected to be provided by the Transportation Improvement Board, funding partners, and the City through allocations of property and sales taxes. Monies from Real Estate Excise Taxes (REET) can legally be spent on street improvement projects like the Rock Island Road Project, but the City has not evaluated allocating REET monies for this project. He said that with the City's current and projected cash position, he is recommending that the REET that are restricted for these types of projects be allocated to the Rock Island Road Project, as opposed to general revenues like property taxes and sales taxes. He added this would allow needed cash management flexibility during 2009 and avoid a potential problem of inadvertently spending restricted funds inappropriately. 0 • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2009 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember McCourt, to authorizing the utilization of up to $100,000 Real Estate Excise Tax in the Capital Improvement Fund 314 at the end of 2008 for use to offset costs of the Rock Island Road Project. The motion carried, 6-0. RESOLUTION 09-12-04 A resolution amending certain fees relating to animal control services. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Barnhart, second by Councilmember Johnson, to adopt the resolution amending certain fees relating to animal control services. The motion carried, 6-0. The resolution title reads as follows: RESOLUTION NO.2009-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CERTAIN FEES RELATING TO ANIMAL LICENSES AND ANIMAL SERVICES AND REPEALING RESOLUTION NUMBER 04-01. 09-01-05 A resolution designating a voting representative and an alternate to the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council for the calendar year 2009. Mayor Lacy said this item was addressed during his report. Therefore, if there are no objections the resolution is adopted. No objections were heard. • The resolution title reads as follows: RESOLUTION NO.2009-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, DESIGNATING A VOTING REPRESENTATIVE AND AN ALTERNATE TO THE WENATCHEE VALLEY TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2009. 09-01-06 A resolution designating a voting representative and an alternate to the North Central Washington Regional Transportation Planning Organization for the calendar year 2009. Mayor Lacy said this item was addressed during his report. Therefore, if there are no objections the resolution is adopted. No objections were heard. The resolution title reads as follows: RESOLUTION NO.2009-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, DESIGNATING A VOTING REPRESENTATIVE AND AN ALTERNATE TO THE NORTH CENTRAL REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2009. 09-01-07 A resolution of the City of East Wenatchee adopting a new Manual of Personnel Policies 0 and Procedures. CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2009 • Mayor Lacy recommend changing this item to discussion only as opposed to taking action as there have been additional changes made to the manual presented in Council packets. Mayor Lacy gave a background as to how the current Employee Manual was created and adopted by resolution in 1999. He said over the past several years issues have come up requiring amendments to be made. Councilmembers discussed combining the sick leave and vacation time to personal time; they questioned maximum number of hours that can be accrued for personal time; sick leave pay upon retirement; restricting the use of chewing tobacco; Councilmembers not being listed on the Salary Schedule; longevity pay; and performance evaluations. Mayor Lacy said that through this discussion he has an idea of the changes needing to be made. He said these changes will be incorporated into the draft Employee Manual and come back for additional revision or adoption at the next City Council meeting. ORDINANCE 09-01-08 First reading of an ordinance amending Chapter 4.18 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code, imposing an additional quarter percent Real Estate Excise Tax. Mayor Lacy exercised his option to elevate this ordinance to second reading. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Raab, to adopt the ordinance amending Chapter 4.18 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code, imposing an additional quarter percent Real Estate Excise Tax. The motion carried, 4-2. (Hendricks, Bremmer) The ordinance summary reads as follows: ORDINANCE NO.2009-01 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, AMENDING CHAPTER 4.18 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE, IMPOSING AN ADDITIONAL QUARTER PERCENT REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX, CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Johnson submitted minutes from the North Central Washington Resource Conservation & Development meeting held on December 10, 2008. Mayor Lacy submitted minutes from the Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council meeting held on December 11, 2008, and on December 18, 2008. Councilmember McCourt submitted minutes from the Regional Support Network Governing Board meeting held on December 1, 2008. ADJOURNMENT — 8:50 p.m. 0 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2009 Dana Barnard City Clerk • is 10 ��C%, 0. It !i X ��� -41 0 COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # PRESENTER: POSITION: CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL 12-11-03 AGENDA ITEM* 7 Don McGahuey P.E. Public Works Director AGENDA DATE: November, 13 2012 DEPARTMENT: Public Works Department TITLE: Contract with Corban Security for the City Hall Master Key / Proximity Card Reader Project. BACKGROUND/HISTORY: As part of the 2012 budget, East Wenatchee City Council approved funding to complete a re -key project for all City Hall main access doors and doors to all staff personal offices. The project also included upgrading the electronic key code access for the exterior doors on the Police Station to a proximity card reader for access control. $3,500.00 was appropriated in the 2012 budget for this project. The City's Small Works Roster was utilized to request bids, an invitation to bid was submitted to the three companies listed below; 1. Corban Security, Wenatchee-------------$3,176.21 2. Keyhole Security, Wenatchee ---------- $3,896.51 3. Basin Lock & Security, Moses Lake — Did not submit bid EXHIBITS: Proposal from Corban Security City of East Wenatchee Contract # 12-02 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Award contract to Corban Security and authorize the Mayor to sign and execute. FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $3,493.83 $ 3,500.00 $0 Includes 10% contingency ACTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: �(+/-� Second By: Councilmember Collings Councilmember Raab Councilmember Johnson Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Barnhart Passed: .� 0 Failed: Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Detering Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) Page 1 of 1 • • Contract for Project Number 12-02 City Hall Masterkey / Prox Reader Project Between The City of East Wenatchee 271 9' St. NE East Wenatchee, WA 98802 (509) 884-9515 And Corban Security P.O Box 3755 Wenatchee, Washington 98807 (509) 888-2008 This Contract consists of the following documents: 1. Contract for Project Number 12-02, City Hall Masterkey / Prox Reader Project. 2. Bid Proposal. Contract for Project Number 12-02, City Hall Masterkey / Prox Reader Project Page 1 of 8 • TABLE OF CONTENTS • L� 1. Parties.................................................................................................................................3 2. Purpose...............................................................................................................................3 3. Authority............................................................................................................................3 4. Recitals...............................................................................................................................3 5. Representations..................................................................................................................3 6. Term and termination of Contract.................................................................................... 3 7. Scope of Work....................................................................................................................3 8. Compensation....................................................................................................................4 9. Independent Contractor....................................................................................................4 10. Property and Confidential Information........................................................................5 11. Indemnification.............................................................................................................. 5 12. Contractor to Direct Work............................................................................................5 13. Insurance........................................................................................................................ 6 14. Audit...............................................................................................................................6 15. Mediation and Arbitration.............................................................................................6 16. General Provisions.........................................................................................................6 Contract for Project Number 12-02, City Hall Masterkey / Prox Reader Project Page 2 of 8 • 1. Parties. The Parties to this agreement are the City of East Wenatchee ("City") and Corban Security. ("Contractor"). a. The City: i. The City is a non -chartered code city in the state of Washington. b. The Contractor i. The Contractor is Corban Security. 2. Purpose. The purpose of this agreement is to secure services of the contractor to rekey the locks on all access doors for the East Wenatchee City Hall, rekey the locks to all personal offices and to upgrade the two pin -code access locks on the East Wenatchee Police Station exterior doors to a proximity card reader system. The improvements will be completed at the East Wenatchee City Hall. 3. Authority. RCW 35.23.352 authorizes and requires the City to contract for public improvements. 4. Recitals. a. The City selected Contractor through a small works roster process, which was approved by the City Council on August 28, 2012. 5. Representations. Contractor represents and warrants that it has the requisite training, skill and experience necessary to perform the scope of work set forth in this Contract. Contractor further represents that it is appropriately accredited and licensed by all applicable agencies and governmental entities, including a business license with the City of East Wenatchee. In consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants, and performance of the scope of work set forth below, the City and Contractor mutually agree as follows: 6. Term and termination of Contract. a. Term. All work within this contract must be completed by December 1„ 2012 at 5:00 pm. b. Termination. The City may terminate this Contract without cause upon written notice. If terminated without cause, the City will pay work -in -progress on a prorated basis to the date of the termination notice. 7. Scope of Work. Contract for Project Number 12-02, City Hall Masterkey / Prox Reader Project Page 3 of 8 in Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment for City Project Number 12-02, City Hall Masterkey / Prox Reader Project. The project consist of rekeying all main access doors, all City Staff personal office doors and installing two proximity card readers on the Police Station exterior doors. The contract also includes any necessary training on how to use the system for selected City of East Wenatchee Staff. Furthermore, at Contractor's expense, Contractor shall provide all materials, labor, carriage, tools, implements and conveniences, and things of every description that may be requisite for the transfer of materials and for constructing and completing the work provided for in this contract and every part thereof, except such as mentioned in the specifications to be furnished by the City. The obligations set forth above are described as "Work" in this Contract. 8. Compensation. a. Total Compensation. In consideration for the work performed by Contractor, as set forth in paragraph 7, the City shall pay Contractor the total sum of $3,176.21 and shall be full compensation for all material, equipment, and labor costs to complete the contracted work as specified. The City further agrees to pay Contractor for any alterations or additions to the work covered by this contract and every part thereof and any force account work that may be ordered and to pay for the same under the terms of this contract and the attached bid proposal. • b. Disputed Work: Notwithstanding all above, if the City believes in good faith that some portion of Work has not been completed satisfactorily; the City may request Contractor to correct work prior to the City payment for such Work. In such an event, the City must clearly and reasonably provide to Contractor an explanation of the City concern over the Work and the remedy that the City expects from Contractor. The City may withhold from any payment otherwise due an amount that the City in good faith is under dispute, or if the Contractor does not provide a sufficient remedy, the City may retain the amount equal to the cost to the City for otherwise correcting or remedying the work not properly completed. c. Method of Payment. Contractor shall submit an invoice for the compensation after Work has been performed. This may be a monthly invoice after work has been performed, or may be a single invoice after project completion. An itemized billing statement in a form approved by the City will be submitted to provide a detailed description of the Work performed during the month, the number of hours spent performing such Work, and any reimbursable costs and expenses incurred in connection with such Work. d. Invoices. Contractor shall submit invoices to the following address: The City of East Wenatchee 271 Ninth St. NE East Wenatchee, WA 98801 Attention: Public Works Director 0 9. Independent Contractor. Contract for Project Number 12-02, City Hall Masterkey / Prox Reader Project Page 4 of 8 • The parties intend and understand that Contractor is an independent Contractor and that the City is neither liable for nor obligated to pay sick leave, vacation pay or any other benefit of employment, nor to pay any social security or other tax that may arise as an incident of employment. The Contractor shall pay all income and other taxes as due. Industrial or other insurance that is purchased for the benefit of the Contractor shall not be deemed to convert this Contract to any employment contract. It is recognized that Contractor may or will be performing professional Work during the term for other parties and that The City is not the exclusive user of the Work that Contractor will provide. 10. Property and Confidential Information. Contractor shall not, without the prior written consent of The City, disclose to third parties information that is not otherwise subject to public disclosure unless: a. The information is known to Contractor prior to receiving the same directly or indirectly in connection with the Work; b. The information is in the public domain at the time of disclosure by Contractor; or c. The information is received by Contractor from a third party who does not have an obligation to keep the same confidential. 11. Indemnification. Contractor releases and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents and volunteers for any and all claims, demands, losses, negligent acts or omissions, and liabilities (including costs and all attorney's fees) to or by any and all persons • and entities, including without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from, or connected with this Contract to the extent caused by the negligent acts, errors or omissions of Contractor, its partners, shareholders, agents, employees, or by the Contractor's breach of this Contract. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, this shall apply. However, this shall not require Contractor to indemnify the City against any liability for damages arising out of bodily injury or property damages caused by or resulting from negligence of the City. The City shall protect, defend and indemnify and save harmless the Contractor, its representatives and other employees all costs, claims, judgments or awards of damages arising out of the negligent acts or omissions of the City, its officers or employees. Further, in the case of concurrent negligence of Contractor on the one hand and the City on the other hand, each party shall be required to indemnify the other only to the extent of the negligence of the party. Contractor releases and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City from and against all claims, cost, liabilities, damages, expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorney fees) and royalties based upon any actual or alleged infringement or misappropriate of any patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark, or other intellectual property right by any Work. Further, if any Work infringe or misappropriates any patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark or other intellectual property right, Contractor shall either (a) procure for the City the right to use such Work; or (b) modify Work so that it no longer infringes or misappropriates any such right. 0 12. Contractor to Direct Work. Contract for Project Number 12-02, City Hall Masterkey / Prox Reader Project Page 5 of 8 . Contractor shall control and direct the performance of the work of Contractor pursuant to this Contract, subject to oversight by the City. The City reserves the right to inspect, review and approve the work of Contractor to assure that it has been completed as specified, before payment. 13. Insurance. Contractor agrees to maintain in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement the following insurance coverage with regards to work performed for the City under this Agreement: 1) Commercial General Liability insurance with limits for bodily injury and property damage of not less than $1 million per occurrence; 2) Commercial Automobile Liability insurance with limits of liability for bodily injury and property damage but not less than $1 million per occurrence; 3) Workers' Compensation insurance and statutory limits and with and employers liability limit of at least $500,000. Contractor has the right to be self -insured where permitted by state law or to provide such coverage subject to its deductible or self -insured retention. Upon request, Contractor will provide the City with a certificate of insurance describing the coverage provided in accordance with these provisions. 14. Audit. Until at least 12 months following final payment, Contractor shall provide the City prompt access to (and the City shall have the right to examine, audit and copy) all of Contractor's books, documents, papers and records related to the work performed under this Agreement. 15. Mediation and Arbitration. Should any dispute arise between the parties, the disputed matter shall be submitted to mediation using a mediator from JAMS (Seattle office), and following the mediator selection process and mediation rules followed by JAMS. The parties shall each pay their own costs associated with mediation and shall each pay one half of the JAMS and mediator's fees. If the mediation is unsuccessful, then the matter, at either party's request, shall be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with the Uniform Arbitration Act, Chapter 7.04A RCW. The substantially prevailing party shall be entitled to recover their costs and attorneys fees incurred in the arbitration, and the substantially non -prevailing party shall pay the cost of the arbitration, including the arbitrator's fee. 16. General Provisions. a. Assignment., Neither the Contractor nor the City shall have the right to transfer or assign, in whole or in part, any or all of its obligations and rights hereunder without the prior written consent of the other party. No delegation or subcontracting of performance of any of the Work, with or without the City's prior written consent, shall relieve Contractor of its responsibility to perform the service in accordance with this Contract. Contractor shall be fully responsible for the performance, acts and omissions of Contractor employees, Contractor subcontractors and any other person who performance or furnishes any Work. b. Authority. Each individual executing this Contract on behalf of the City and Contractor represents and warrants that such individuals are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Contract on behalf of the Contractor or the City. Contract for Project Number 12-02, City Hall Masterkey / Prox Reader Project Page 6 of 8 • c. Compliance with Laws. Contractor, at its sole cost and expense, shall perform and comply with all applicable laws of the United States and the State of Washington; and all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, and other requirements, in effect, of any governmental entity (including but not limited to such requirements as may be imposed upon the City and applicable to the Contract). Contractor shall furnish documents as may be required to effect or evidence such compliance. d. Conflict of Interest. Contractor represents that Contractor does not have a business interest or close family relationship with any City officer or employee who was, is, or will be involved in the Contractor's selection, negotiation, drafting, signing, administration or evaluation of Contractor's performance. In addition, Contractor confirms adherence to the City policy regarding conflict of interest, and the City Ethics Code. e. Construction of Contract. The parties agree that each party materially contributed to the preparation of this Contract. Accordingly, this Contract shall not be construed more strictly against one party as the draftor. f. Entire agreement. The documents identified on the cover page to this Contract constitutes the entire agreement concerning the subject matter, and superseding any prior or contemporaneous communications. g. Executory Contract. This Contract will be considered valid once signed by both parties. h. Governing Law. This Contract shall be interpreted, construed, and enforced in all respects in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. i. Modification. Neither party may alter or modify this Contract without the express, written agreement of both parties. j. No Gifts and Gratuities. Contractor represents that it did not offer, nor did any City employees accept a gift, gratuity, loan, trip, favor, special discount, work, or anything of economic value in conjunction with the City's business practices. k. Nondiscrimination. In addition to the other nondiscrimination provisions of this Contract, in all hiring or employment made possible or resulting from this Contract, there shall be no unlawful discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment because of sex, age, race, color, creed, national origin, marital status or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical handicap, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification. This requirement shall apply to but not be limited to the following: employment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. No person shall be denied or subjected to discrimination in receipt of the benefit of any Work or activities made possible by or resulting from this Contract on the grounds of sex, race, color, creed, national origin, age except minimum age and retirement provisions, marital status, or in the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap. 1. Performance. Time is of the essence of this Contract in each and all of its provisions in which performance is a factor. in. Remedies Cumulative. Any remedies provided for under the terms of this Contract are not intended to be exclusive, but shall be cumulative with all other . remedies available to either party at law or in equity. Contract for Project Number 12-02, City Hall Masterkey / Prox Reader Project Page 7 of 8 • • n. Severability. If a court with personal and subject matter jurisdiction holds any provision of this Contract to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the remaining portions will remain in full force and effect and the parties will amended this Contract to give effect to the stricken clause to the maximum extent possible. o. Titles. The titles to the paragraphs of this Contract are solely for the convenience of the parties and are not an aid in the interpretation of the instrument. p. Waiver. No waiver of any breach of this contract shall be a waiver of any other breach, and no waiver shall be effective unless made in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the waiving party. CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE Signature: Steven C. Lacy, Mayor Date: ATTEST: Corban Security Signature: Title: Owner Date: 1 16 I2 if Federal Employee ID No.: S I-() 5,99 0-0 Contract for Project Number 12-02, City Hall Masterkey / Prox Reader Project Page 8 of 8 • • City Hall Masterkey/Prox Readers City of East Wenatchee Prepared by: Michael Blakley <michael@corbansecurity.com> Prepared for: Brandon Mauseth <bmauseth @ east-wenatchee. co m > 0 Goals, Objectives and Solution The City of East Wenatchee needs the locks on the building rekeyed, and also needs the two existing stand-alone pin -code access locks on the police station doors upgraded to a proximity type system. We recommend a Kantech stand-alone proximity reader (see attached documents). Fee Summary (Qty. 2) Kantech Prox Readers and Prox Fobs $824.00 These are stand-alone proximity and/or pin code access control panels • Up to 5,000 card users • Use integrated reader, keypad or both • Integrated or external ioProx proximity reader • Read range of up to 16.5 cm (6.5 in) • Easy programming from the keypad • Higher security provided by a concealed door relay module Auxiliary relay to • arm/disarm an alarm system • Audit trail on the unit • Duress function available • 20 proximity keytags included • Six languages programmable from keypad Rekey Locks $762.50 • Main access doors to City Hall. • General City Staff Offices • Downstairs City Staff Offices • Police Department Offices This includes the desired sets of keys listed in the Invitation To Bid. Cable/supplies $125.00 Cables, connectors, straps, supplies 9 Permit $24.00 Page 2 of 4 • Electrical Permit Labor & Training $1,200.00 Labor to install a complete and functional system. This includes training on how to use the system for selected City of East Wenatchee staff. Sales Tax $240.71 Washington State Sales Tax (East Wenatchee 8.2%) Project Total $3,176.2i Fee Schedule The above pricing is effective through November 25, 2012. Project fees shall be due upon project completion in accordance with the Terms and Conditions described by The City of East Wenatchee in • "Contract for Project Number 12-02, City Hall Masterkey / Prox Reader Project". Terms and Conditions See Terms and Conditions provided by City of East Wenatchee titled "Contract for Project Number 12-02, City Hall Masterkey / Prox Reader Project". Next Steps To proceed with this project, City of East Wenatchee is required take the following steps: 1. Accept the proposal as is or discuss desired changes. Please note that changes to the scope of the project can be made at any time, but additional charges may apply. Once these steps have been completed we will call to set up an installation date. Project Timeline • This project would moste likely be completed in one day. Page 3 of 4 • Proposal Acceptance • 0 This proposal is accepted this day of , 2012 by: (Sign and Print Name) , City of East Wenatchee (Sign and Print Name) AJI IJ Corban Security Page 4 of 4 RIVERCOM 911 RiverCom Administrative Board Wenatchee City Council Chambers, 129 South Chelan Avenue, Wenatchee, WA 98801 Meeting Minutes Wednesday, October 10, 2012 Administrative Board Members Present. DRAFT Keith Goehner, Commissioner, Chelan County (Chairman) Dale Snyder, Commissioner, Douglas County (Vice -Chairman) Tony Veeder, Councilmember, City of Wenatchee Wayne Barnhart, Councilmember, City of East Wenatchee Phil Mosher, Operations Representative, Chief, Chelan County Fire District #6 Ex-Officio Members Present: Tom Robbins, Chief, Wenatchee Police Department John Wisemore, Undersheriff, Chelan County Sheriff's Office (Substitute for Brian Burnett) RiverCom Personnel Present: Criselia Grupp, Administrative Services Manager Jerry Corder, IT Manager Josh Humphrey, Radio Systems Technical Manager Staci Engler, Confidential Administrative Assistant Others/Audience Present: Dee Gutierrez, RiverCom 911 Jim Brown, Wenatchee Police Department Juan Sanchez, Douglas County Dennis Matzen, Athena Networks CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Goehner called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM. Dee Gutierrez led the Pledge of Allegiance. Chairman Goehner welcomed those present; attendees introduced themselves. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: The agenda was approved as presented. A re -formatted agenda was provided to the Board for consideration. It was the consensus of the Board to use the new agenda as presented starting at the next meeting. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES AND VOUCHERS: The following items were presented to the Board for approval: • Meeting Minutes for September 12, 2012 • September Payroll and Benefits in the amount of $251,909.75 • Accounts Payable Vouchers in the Amount of $241,785.07 for October 10, 2012. RiverCom 911: Administrative Board Meeting —October 10, 2012 Pagel Maintenance and Operations Account $ 39,169.37 Capital Account $ -0- User Equipment Replacement Account $ -0- General Communications Tax Account $ 8,954.45 Communications Tax Capital Projects Account $ 193,661.25 Total Vouchers: $ 241,785.07 Board Member Mosher noted that he reviewed vouchers and recommended payment. A MOTION was made by Board Member Mosher to approve September payroll and benefits in the amount of $251,909.75 and Vouchers in the amount of $241,785.07 for issuance on October 10, 2012. Board Member Veeder seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. A MOTION was made by Board Member Snyder to approve the September 12, 2012 Board meeting minutes with a correction: Under "Approval of Meeting Minutes and Vouchers" on Page 2, strike Mosher and replace with Barnhart as the Board Member who reviewed and recommended payment of the September vouchers. Board Member Veeder seconded the motion as corrected. The motion passed unanimously. BOARD CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: There was no report. 40 DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Interim Director Grupp reported on the following items: Radio Site Report Radio Systems Technical Manager Humphrey provided a short report on the status of work being conducted at radio sites. The simulcast radio cut -over is on schedule for October 17, 2012. Work will begin at 6:00 AM. RC Lower Badger Property Boundary At the Board's request, Interim Director Grupp contacted Mike Bromiley to discuss a property line adjustment to the newly purchased property at Lower Badger (Crown Castle); Mr. Bromiley will further discuss the matter with the group of owners who own the neighboring property. A meeting is scheduled for the week of October 22 to further discuss the matter. Steve Crossland will be available to assist with any change to property documents. Carpet Replacement Anti -static carpet replacement is scheduled for October 28-30, 2012. RiverCom does not expect any disruptions in service. Athena Networks Audit Report Dennis Matzen with Athena Networks reported on the follow-up equipment audit he is currently conducting at RiverCom October 8 —11. He met with DC MIS Juan Sanchez and will be meeting with Fred Hart at Chelan County to process equipment diagnostics. RiverCorn 911: Administrative Board Meeting —October 10, 2012 Page 2 • 0 RiverCom Equipment Room The Board discussed how to proceed with questions involving user agency equipment attached to RiverCom equipment specifically in the RiverCom equipment room where power is limited. The Board directed RiverCom Staff to develop and prepare a policy and bring back to the Board at the November meeting for review. Personal Services Agreement - Tirapelle A Personal Services Agreement between RiverCom and Mildred Tirapelle was provided to the Board for review; Tirapelle to provide work for the Director hiring process and RiverCom to compensate Tirapelle for such work. A MOTION was made by Board Member Barnhart to approve the Personal Services Agreement between RiverCom 911 and Mildred Tirapelle as presented. Board Member Veeder seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Staffing Report Confidential Administrative Assistant Engler reported on the hiring processes for the positions of Emergency Services Dispatcher and Director. The Director hiring process is on schedule as planned. A discussion took place about the order of the hiring process. The Board asked RiverCom Staff to check with legal counsel about the order of background checks in the hiring process. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES MANAGER REPORT: Financial Reports were provided in Board packets. Interim Director Grupp reviewed the following: Financial Reports and Budeet Summa 2012 YTD Expenditures: As of September 30, 2012, actual expenditures recorded as follows: Maintenance and Operations Account Capital Projects Account Equipment Replacement Account Communications Tax Account Dollar Amount % of Budget $ 2,416,211 63.49% $ -0- 0% $ 26,587 82.47% $ 1,701,550 58.00% Total: $ 4,144,349 61.20% 2012 YTD Revenue: As of September 30, 2012, actual revenue received recorded as follows: Outside Revenue and Grants Local E911 Excise Tax Agency Assessments Communications Tax Revenue Site Leases Dollar Amount % of Budget $ 247,579 82.99% $ 754,982 77.04% $ 1,817,005 75.76% $ 1,433,338 75.34% $ 10,747 107.47% RiverCom 911: Administrative Board Meeting —October 10, 2012 Page 3 Outside Revenue and Grants (Capital) $ 757 0% • Tota 1: Fire Simulcast Grant Audit $ 4,264,408 76.24% Assistant State Auditor Kathleen Lince has completed the audit for the 2009 DHS Firefighter Assistance Grant project and conducted pre -exit meeting at the end of September with Director Tirapelle and Administrative Services Manager Grupp. The final Exit Audit Conference is expected to take place at the end of October. CAD Redundancy Equipment The Board was provided with two (2) quotes for CAD Redundancy Equipment for review. Due to the disparity in cost, Interim Director Grupp recommended to move the purchase of equipment to 2013 and give RiverCom IT Manager time to evaluate each quote and identify the most cost effective and efficient system to meet RiverCom's needs to provide services. The available funds from the M & O could be transferred to the Capital Projects Account and then purchase the equipment from the 2013 budget. It was the consensus of the Board to delay the purchase to the year 2013. Resolution 2012-7 — Account Transfer of $151,000.00 Resolution 2012-7 authorizing RiverCom to transfer funds in the amount of $151,000.00 from the Maintenance and Operations Account to the Capital Projects Account for future capital expenditures was provided to the Board for review. • A MOTION was made by Board Member Barnhart to approve and adopt Resolution 2012-7. Board Member Snyder seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Presentation of 2013 Annual Budget The 2013 Annual Budget was provided to the Board for final review. The budget amount for all accounts total $6,512,441. There were no further questions or comments. Resolution 2012-8 — 2013 Annual Budget Resolution 2012-8 adopting an Annual Budget for the year 2013 was provided to the Board for review. A MOTION was made by Board Member Barnhart to approve and adopt Resolution 2012-8 establishing an Annual Budget for the Year 2013. Board Member Snyder seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. OPERATIONS REPORT: Operations Manager Jones was out on Vacation Leave. Interim Director Grupp reported on the following items: Determinate- Based Dispatching Trial Determinate -based dispatching software has been downloaded on a training laptop and is up and running. RiverCom personnel have not yet been able to conduct enough testing to provide an accurate report. RiverCom 911: Administrative Board Meeting —October 10, 2012 Page 4 Parking Security Alert • An audio alert message has been recorded for RiverCom-Wenatchee Police Department parking lot security. Dispatchers will have the ability to play the recording to alert suspicious visitors that they are being recorded. Oktoberfest Staffing RiverCom is up -staffing by one (1) person on Saturday nights during Oktoberfest dates in Leavenworth. A discussion took place about how calls were tallied for the event and the cost of additional personnel. The Board asked RiverCom Staff to research billable calls and additional staffing for Oktoberfest and bring the information to the November Board meeting. RIVERCOM 911 OPERATIONS GROUP REPORT: Board Member Mosher briefly reported on the RiverCom Operations Group meeting that took place on October 9, 2012. He noted that agencies are programming radios in preparation for the radio cut -over on October 17. X9187!Z611WL061 d»: A • A CBS "48 Hours" film crew was at Wenatchee Police Department and RiverCom last week to film a piece on the Mackenzie Cowell homicide investigation that was initiated in 2010. The segment is expected to air on October 27, 2012. . • Fire Chief Fenton at Douglas County Fire District # 2 is retiring on October 31. His departure will create a vacancy for the Ex-Officio Board position representing the North Central Washington Fire Chief's Association. Board Member Mosher will follow-up with the Fire Chief's. • Interim Director Grupp will be out of the office October 15-18 to attend State E911 meetings and the October APCO Forum in Yakima, WA. The State E911 Office will be providing a GIS presentation. RiverCom MSAG/GIS Coordinator Lynn Palmer will be in attendance representing Chelan County and Amanda Taub will attend the GIS presentation representing Douglas County. The State E911 Office has approved additional funds and will be reimbursing RiverCom for the cost of Palmer and Taub to attend the event. State E911 Office — GIS Introduction State E911 Technical Manager Corey Sulenes and GIS Manager Dan Miller arrived at the meeting and provided a GIS introduction to the Board. Following the meeting, they plan to visit RiverCom to review and evaluate Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) and Geographic Information System (GIS) equipment and capabilities in preparation for NG911 implementation. The NG911 system will enable IP-based technology to be used by Dispatchers for digital applications. GIS functionality is a primary and central element of the NG911 system; NG911 is built on a GIS data -base platform that utilizes complex data layers. • Because the change to NG911 technology will be expensive, the State is looking at how NG911 infrastructure can be implemented in the most cost-effective manner and is seeking to RiverCom 911: Administrative Board Meeting —October 10, 2012 Page 5 represent many points of view. The State E911 Office is also working with Alta Vista, a State - contracted company hired to evaluate possible HUB/Remote and Vender Hosted solutions to identify the most cost effective and efficient way of providing 911 services for each county in the State of Washington. Representatives from Alta Vista will also be at RiverCom today conducting a similar evaluation of equipment and gathering input from the Administrative personnel of the needs and concerns moving forward. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business, the regular meeting of the Board was adjourned at 10:32 AM. Minutes Respectfully Submitted, Staci L. Engler Confidential Administrative Assistant RiverCom 911 ATTEST: Criselia Grupp, Interim Director Date Secretary to the Board . RiverCom 911 Administrative Board Members: Chairman Keith Goehner, Commissioner, Chelan County Vice -Chairman Dale Snyder, Commissioner, Douglas County Tony Veeder, Council Member, City of Wenatchee Wayne Barnhart, Council Member, City of East Wenatchee Phil Mosher, Chief, Chelan County Fire District #6, RiverCom 911 Operations Group RiverCom 911: Administrative Board Meeting —October 10, 2012 Page 6 19 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE 9 October 23, 2012 East Wenatchee City Hall 27191h Street East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Dear Mayor Lacy: NOV 01 2012 RECEIVED By :.1.-- I am writing as a citizen of East Wenatchee to all council members and the Mayor in regards to the City Council meeting on October 23, 2012 about the discussion on the noise ordinance and the handling of this procedure. The issue of the noise ordinance is an obvious attempt to (shut down) the Chelan/Douglas Relay for Life. I am very concerned on the handling of this process as it seems that Councilwoman McCourt has brought it in front of the City Council on her own behalf. It appears that she is using her position to get her own agenda accomplished without the other council members looking into the whole issue. I know it was said at the meeting that it doesn't matter the event or reason for changing the ordinance, but from what is happening I do not believe that is the case. It seems like the city council should be looking into the Relay for the sake of the public, not just for the position of the one member who has brought it to the council. I have been involved in Relay for Life for over 10 years and know that it has been at Eastmont High School for over 20 years. Up until 2 years ago we have never had the problems that have arisen since a new neighbor moved into the area of Eastmont High School. Some of those problems include an individual dropping nails and screws on the ground in front of the entrance way to cause damage to property. The City Council needs to know that the reason the issue was brought to the school board was not to get the noise controlled but to have our event removed from the facility completely. It was stated that if that did not happen they were going to go back to the City Council to get an ordinance to ban all overnight events in the city limits. I believe the City Council needs to know there is more important information than what is being communicated to the City Council. I was very concerned with some of the comments and ideas that were being said at the meeting. If you do not know about the event, how can statements and comments can t • be made without more information? The one comment that really stuck out was by Council member Johnson. He said that kids should not be out or at the track between 11pm and 7 am. These kids and students are there to remember family members that have lost their battle with cancer or to celebrate the ones that have won their fight. They are there to help raise awareness and funding to help more people celebrate birthdays. The public takes our event very seriously as we have over 700 registered participants and over 200 participating survivors. These numbers do not include numerous non -registered participants that come to the event. Just last year our event raised over $140,000 that goes to programs and resources in our communities along with helping fund research. The main point that should be noted is that we are a one night a year event (always on Friday), not a continual monthly or weekly event. An all- night Relay for Life is not exclusive to the Chelan/Douglas community. There are over 4 million people in over 20 countries that take part in this global event. I do feel the City Council needs to look at getting more information than just Mrs. McCourt's. am informing all involved that myself, along with other citizens and participants will be speaking at the next City Council meeting. We are also putting a letter in the newspaper letting the community know what is going on in regards to our event. This way they can • also participate in the City Council meeting. Letting you all know what exactly goes on and correcting some of the inaccurate information that has been mentioned. From a East Wenatchee Citizen Marcia Maloney 292 N Joseph Ave East Wenatchee, WA 98802 0 • • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE Nov 0 9 2012 REC D Isy: Mayor Steve Lacy 300 Eastmont Ave E Wenatchee, WA 98802 Mayor Lacy & members of City of E Wenatchee City Council: Fran Maloney 292 N Joseph Ave E Wenatchee, WA 98802 October 30, 2012 I am writing this letter concerning the Relay for Life Event that is held at Eastmont High School track field in June. First off, I am upset that the person who filed the complaint did not show up at the meeting to state his case. It should have been removed from the docket. Secondly, Sandy McCourt should not have been allowed to speak on this issue from her seat as council member. This is a large conflict of interest and never should have been allowed. The person who filed the complaint had already gone to the school board and it was dismissed. Since he has lived there he has complained about the football games, and other school activities, for being to noisy. He has only lived there for a few years, and Relay for Life has used the facility for over 20 years, and the school has been there a lot longer. If it bothers him so much why can't he (and the McCourts) go somewhere on that one Friday a year. That's seems like it would be a very easy solution if it is such a problem to these people. This location has been used for years by various clubs, and organizations, because of the security( with fencing and gates) plus the location and availability. There was, also, an incident last year where an unknown person put tacks and nails in the entrance to the track to actually do damage. I don't know who did it but it does seem rather suspicious that it happened at the same time this individual was calling the police department with multiple complaints from the time Relay for Life was setting up getting organized and started. Relay For Life is a community event. It is not an event for a limited group, it is for everyone, survivors of cancer, family members of cancer victims, and anyone that has been touched by this horrible disease in some way or another. If you have never come down just to walk the track on Friday night or Saturday morning you really need to. It is both amazing and touching to see the representation by so many people -no matter age, color, or gender. Young children make cookies and trinkets to sell, teenage boys dress up as girls to have pictures taken for a fee, kids pushing wheelchairs for the elderly that have gotten tired walking the track. These young people donate their proceeds to Relay for Life. It is really and truly amazing to see this. Some people don't understand the dedication, but if you people would take the time to walk the track for just a little bit and see what it represents and does for the community • you would be impressed. The whole community sponsors this event. It doesn't count the individual groups and business that set up tents and stays all night( I have attached a list of those participants that sponsor & set up tents). It starts with a cancer survivor walk that honors the people that have beat the disease. There are off duty police officers there for security purposes, and everything quiets down for the time of the noise curfew. This is reinforced by the committee members of Relay for Life and the officers. Last year I believe there were approximately 200 of us that started the walk. Then when night comes, there are lighted candles and a silent walk remembering all the friends and family that cancer has taken away from us. This event has I am surprised and shocked that the City Council didn't stop this before it got this far. I will see you at the next meeting to express my feelings. Thank you. Sincerely, 11�JAQ-- AS� Fran Maloney (509)670-8116 • Cc: Wayne Barnhart, Chuck lohnson,Harry Raab ,Frank Collings, George Buckner, 'fim Detering, Sandra McCourt 0 • List of Sponsors: Goodfellow Brothers (they also do a raffle drawing for a Hawaii trip) Soroptimist of Chelan Wenatchee Valley Medical Center Fred Meyer Key Bank Sea -Port Airlines Olive Garden Hearthstone Cottage Colonial Vista Valley Tractor & Rentals Wenatchee World Alcoa Millgrandt Vineyards Pacific Aerospace & Electronics First Choice Collision Associates in Physical Therapy Waste Management Dynamic Tints Action Rentals Food Pavillion Les Schwab Tires Cashmere Valley Bank • All Seasons RV (donated use of a travel trailer for an office) List of Tent Participants: US Post Office Holy Apostles Church Les Schwab Tires Cascade Auto Center Walgreens Stemilt Wenatchee Valley Medical Center Goodfellow Brothers Wal Mart Fred Meyer Food Pavillion Soroptimist of Chelan Plus a few others I have forgotten There, also, are a couple of coffee vendors that stay through the whole event. Plus East Wenatchee Kiawanis sets up to fix dinner on Friday and breakfast Saturday morning. CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE NOV 13 2012 RECEIVED By MISAWA CITY HALL 1-1-38, Sakura-cho, Misawa City, Aomori Prefecture 033-8666, Japan November 6, 2012 Honorable Mayor Steve C. Lacy City of East Wenatchee 271 Ninth Street N.E. East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Dear Mayor Lacy: I hope this letter finds you in excellent health this late autumn. The weather this autumn has turned chilly and the changing leaves have turned our mountains in the Tohoku Region many beautiful colors. We have learned through an email, lightning caused a forest fire in the Wenatchee Valley. I imagine the fire must have frightened many residents in the area. I would like to offer my heartfelt sympathy to the residents of Wenatchee Valley. Upon returning to Misawa, our delegates informed me the fire is still smoldering in some areas and the smoke has affected the visibility in the area. I am relieved to hear no one was injured during the fire and no homes were lost, and it would not have effects on the daily life of the citizens. Thank you for your warm welcome given to the Misawa Sister City Delegation during their stay under such circumstances. Our delegates spent a memorable time flying in a Cessna Aircraft and visiting an apple factory. At the same time, they felt the human interact over the past few decades has contributed to making a strong bond and friendly relationships. The delegate members suggested me, to extend future economic exchanges. Once again, I have decided to visit Wenatchee Valley with our delegates next year. Best wishes to you, your family and the citizens of Wenatchee Valley. I hope you all enjoy continued health and happiness. Sincerely, Kazumasa Taneichi Mayor of Misawa City RIVERCOM 911 • RiverCom Administrative Board Wenatchee City Council Chambers, 129 South Chelan Avenue, Wenatchee, WA 98801 Meeting Minutes Wednesday, October 10, 2012 DRAFTAdministrative Board Members Present: Keith Goehner, Commissioner, Chelan County (Chairman) Dale Snyder, Commissioner, Douglas County (Vice -Chairman) Tony Veeder, Councilmember, City of Wenatchee Wayne Barnhart, Councilmember, City of East Wenatchee Phil Mosher, Operations Representative, Chief, Chelan County Fire District #6 Ex-Officio Members Present: Tom Robbins, Chief, Wenatchee Police Department John Wisemore, Undersheriff, Chelan County Sheriff's Office (Substitute for Brian Burnett) RiverCom Personnel Present: Criselia Grupp, Administrative Services Manager Jerry Corder, IT Manager Josh Humphrey, Radio Systems Technical Manager Staci Engler, Confidential Administrative Assistant Others/Audience Present: Dee Gutierrez, RiverCom 911 Jim Brown, Wenatchee Police Department Juan Sanchez, Douglas County Dennis Matzen, Athena Networks CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Goehner called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM. Dee Gutierrez led the Pledge of Allegiance. Chairman Goehner welcomed those present; attendees introduced themselves. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: The agenda was approved as presented. A re -formatted agenda was provided to the Board for consideration. It was the consensus of the Board to use the new agenda as presented starting at the next meeting. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES AND VOUCHERS: The following items were presented to the Board for approval: • Meeting Minutes for September 12, 2012 • September Payroll and Benefits in the amount of $251,909.75 • Accounts Payable Vouchers in the Amount of $241,785.07 for October 10, 2012. RiverCom 911: Administrative Board Meeting —October 10, 2012 Pagel 4ilr SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: • President's message • Wenatchee World Article • Welcome reception speech from Mr. Yamamoto • Pictures from the August delegation trip • to Misawa A note from the editor • WVMSCA Business Members ANNUAL MEETING Thursday November 8th 7:00pm John & Pauline Sweeney home (boardmember) 142 Springhill (off 31 st) E. Wenatchee • A message from your president Dear Sister City Supporters, This has been quite a year for us! We have gotten back on schedule with two visits from Misawa Delegations and our - summer trip to Misawa. The Sister City relationship has continued to be strengthened by outstanding representa- tives from both Misawa and the Wenatchee Valley. We've had great support from local businesses as well as our membership. Thanks goes to Olive Garden for excellent meals and service both spring and fall. Thanks to Fujiyama for hosting our - Japanese guests this fall. Thanks to Liberty Orchards for their regular gifts of Aplets & Cotlets. Thanks to Town Toyota for always let- ting us use vans to transport our guests. Thanks to the Cider Mill, Orondo, for tours Trivia Quiz and treats. Thanks to the Wenatchee Valley Museum for use of their great facility and group sessions. Thanks to the Wenatchee Wild for con- tinued support. Thanks to r r It yw+' NINO JN 0 `► j i0j, Sumo in training. McDougal and Sons for tours of their packing plant, Len Pugsley especially. Thanks to the Miss Veedol flyers for - flying our guests over the Valley, always a highlight of their stays. Thanks to all the families who have shared their homes with Japanese guests. And, thanks to the hardworking Sister City Board. It is the efforts of volunteers that keep our Sister City Association active and vital. This spirit of volunteerism is very impressive to our Japanese friends, yet typical of the Wenatchee Valley. I look forward to another great year in 2013! David Kelts Imperial Palace, Tokyo I . What is the name of the air base located in Misawa? 2. What is the name of the plane piloted in the first successful nonstop trans -Pacific flight landing in East Wenatchee? 3. What is the official tree of Misawa? 4. Name one of the two people who completed the first successful nonstop trans -Pacific flight in 1931? 5. What is the average snowfall in Misawa each year? 6. Wenatchee has the Apple Blossom Festival each May. What is the name of the festival held in the City of Misawa each August? 7. What year was the sister city relationship with Misawa established with East Wenatchee? Trivia Answers: I. Hisawa Air Base. 2. Miss Veedol. 1. Pine. 4. Hugh Herdon or Clyde Pangborn. S. 140 Inches. 6. Misawa City Festival. 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JaisiS EMEsIW /aIIeA aayaleuaM ay1 2unuasauda.j aie8alap I Z 'isnSny ul •zlun)l jue i j puE /aeq ana1S s ioAew yilM laaw Ipm uope8alap ayi -AilJ eMeslW .10; uolSlnld suonElab IeuoilEwlawl ;o Ajuianas se put aie8alap ilnpe ue se 8ulu_inlaa Mou si ayS -I OOZ w (@pen .ino of aie8alap luapnls e sum '-it@/ siyi eMeslW wouj saleBalap a41 ;o uayioue 'o)IuAiW Iwn/PW •iyolauel uo/uW s,eMes1W $ulivasa.ida.i 'uoile8alap ayi }o aaptal ayi si oiowewe;, l4olEA .oia 'ueo aiuone; -Ila4l o1 Agdoui e SwpueMe put 8ul8pnf 'Aallen ay-4 nano slg8l4 aueld hews 'iueld 8uhioed put pueyouo aldde ue Sulunoi 01 p.iEM.aoj 8w)joo1 @_lam ,(ayi •sawo4 aienl.id ui sleaw uoj suagwaw /1p ualsls ulof put 'ea.le ayl ul saoeld i(uew unoi put aasiy8is of paUUEld oslE i(ayl •salllnlioe Ienpsa} sla@4M ig sBuIM i(uew ui ulof o1 i(Epsunyl anl.a_Ie 01 paloadxa auaM 'utduf 'eMeslW wo.i} saiugalap ano j saIu03IaM aapieualw IsI!j Z 3 D V d I • • E Mr. Yamamoto's speech at the Welcome Reception at East Wenatchee City Hall Dai Buddah, Kama- kura, Japan. My name is Yaichi Yamamoto. I am a Misawa City Council member. I am serving as the group leader of Misawa Sister City Friendship and Goodwill Delegation. I brought with me Mr. Susumu Nakanowatari, Director of Misawa City Economic Affairs Department, Ms. Masako Yamamoto, a citizen representative and Ms. Mayumi Miyako, a staff member of Misawa's International Relations Department. We owe the friendship and goodwill between Misawa and the Wenatchee Valley to so many people who have been playing significant roles. I certainly hope that our visit with you this time will live up to their expectations, and that it will be a fruitful one, strengthening our relationship further. I wish to express my great respect to East Wenatchee. You started, and are continuing, your own festival, the Wings and Wheels. Any community is the stage for each resident to play the protagonists role in his/her life. And we all live only once. The future of a community depends on the wisdom, passion, courage and practice of each of its members who call the community their home and love it. Each community member needs to be keenly aware that he/she is part of the source for vitalization of the community, and needs to take initiative with the spirit of independence and self-help. In this regard, the Wings and Wheels festival serves as a linchpin and the software for community building as it provides the people here with romanticism, adventures and nostalgia for the history and traditions of the community. r_ -.._. 'Editor's Note by Jeril Hansen I'll take a little literary liberty to share some of my thoughts about the most recent delegation trip to Misawa. I can do this because #l. 1 went on the trip. And #2. 1 put the newsletter together this month so there's no one to tell me I can't do it! So maybe they won't ask me to do it again..... Just let me say, if you have an opportunity to go to Misawa, GO! It was one of the best things I've done in my life. The friends made, the sights seen, the sounds heard, the food savored, was simply beyond anything I imagined. Visually, Japan was stunning and has been on my bucket list of places to go for as long as I can remember. To think I was able to stand in front of the places I had only seen in At the same time, the festival is a place for communications where people come together seeking shared feelings. It's a place for unification and solidarity between senders and receivers of messages that deliver humanity, sociality and a sense of participation to the people. We, the Misawa Sister City delegation, wish to learn from the East Wenatchee festival, its significance and the value underlying the history and culture of the Wenatchee Valley, and incorporate what we learned into the community building back in the City of Misawa. In closing, I wish for further prosperity of the City of East Wenatchee.. And I thank you in advance for all the opportunities to meet and become friends with as many people as possible during our stay here. Thank you. photographs was simply overwhelming. The people everywhere in Japan were all so welcoming and kind. My homestay in Misawa was with Ms. Yoneko Nakano. She owns a karaoke school right next to her house. In the evening, when we had some free moments, I sang Elvis and Beatles songs with my new Japanese friends whom I knew I would never see again —so what did I have to lose. I was just another American who can't sing! Wow, could she sing though! It was a hoot! For me, however, the best part of my trip was my afternoon at one of their Elder care homes. I know it sounds odd, but this has been my work for over 30 years and to have the opportunity to visit Sky care home was an amazing opportunity. The residents and staff PAGE 3 "The future of a community depends on the wisdom, passion, courage and practice of each of its members who call the community their home and love it." were lovely. A 98 year old resident sang a special song for me. It was so touching and joyous! The hours went by too fast. Life is to be lived. Live it r i well! Don't let ' another year �! go by without experiencing .y'•� everything•M:ti►�,: 1, Misawa and Japan has to offer. Go! Go now! Find your joy! Or invite one of the next Misawa delegates into your home for a few days. Lets give them what they gave to us. JOY! • • JawaJ Ieuo4eUJalul EMes!W Z I OZ isnSny (;6uimoiB dooM s,}91) (anogE'8 OSZ$) 13A31 (3109 aoq:)iEuaM IsE3—asnoq�uaiS uul zzn8 (OOZ$--Os I $) 13A31 U3A11S ulo:)U q p-lod unno I VdD Ia>luaH PW aag»euaM IsE3—� uEB X@IleA aaawgsE:) 32alloJ Aallen aaga3EuaM jue8 1sna1 uoiSuigseM Dggd kiaspuaQ ziangaS aaluaD uo!s!llOD aaiogD IS-Ild dqq w.113 nneq I!aUJV 's!nEQ :)qqd Auedwo:) �9 aagaN 'llapaoD a:)uuingwy p-julleB au1 '142113 an!lnaax3 (001$ of dn) 13A31 3ZNOb8 SHAHWAK SSINISIO V)SWA E S.io-emx!s!i.uAallenaaq:);euaM . :qaM aq4 uo aa,aM ' 1 I I 1 s 1 wo3-aaq:)jeuam-;spanuallej :I!pw3 E 1 LOSb-988-60S :auogd 1 E 1 Z0886 VM 'aaq:)IFuaM 4se3 1161 aago;:)o E ui uopuaaH gSnH pup u.iogsupd apAl, Aq lgS!I} I :)yupd sup. j_ do4s-uou asay aq; ;o a:)up:)y!us!s 1pa!ao;slq aq; Su!aagljn; o; pa;e:)!pap si uo!ae!:)ossb aql •aSueq:)xa lean;ln) Su!;oLuo+d Aq aaq:);euaM Isp3 pup aaq:);puaM 'umesiW ;o salj!a aq; uaann4aq d!gspua!a; ;o a;ewil:) aqa uaga8uans o; s! uoi;puossV Al!:) aa;slS ennes!W AalIVA oaq:)IpuaM ag; jo uolss!w aql E :;uawaapag uo!sslW 1 3N ;S 446 1 LZ I ualiV esaaal :ujjV I aagP4euaM 4sE3 jo Ali: 1 :ssa.ippv SulpEw i