HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/24/2012 - City Council - City Council Meeting Agenda Packet• • 4 • • �v v Y tit. 1 ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PROCLAMATION Kiwanis Children's Cancer Cure Month PUBLIC COMMENTS BUDGET ISSUES DEPARTMENT REPORT CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA JANUARY 24, 2012 6:30 P.M. Community Development Director, Lori Barnett — Update regarding the Downtown Planning Project MAYOR'S REPORT CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, January 10, 2012 2. Consideration of Payables RESOLUTION 3. 12-01-02 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee authorizing the Mayor to sign an addendum to the Professional Services Agreement for the Municipal Court Judge. (Chancey Crowell, Municipal Court Judge). 4. 12-01-03 A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, appointing the Mayor to the Douglas County Solid Waste Advisory Committee. (Steven C. Lacy, Mayor) ORDINANCES 5. 12-01-01 Second reading of an Ordinance amending East Wenatchee Municipal Code Chapter 4.34 to establish rates for utilities provided to senior citizens, to low-income citizens, and to disabled citizens. (Devin Poulson, City Attorney). DISCUSSION 6. 12-01-04 A general discussion regarding Solid Waste issues. (Steven C. Lacy, Mayor; Devin Poulson, City Attorney; and Lori Barnett, Community Development Director). 7. 12-01-05 A discussion regarding the Manual of Personnel Policies. (Steven C. Lacy, Mayor) COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Raab — Bridgeport downtown area ADJOURNMENT In conipliance i+iih the Arnericans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Go, Clerk at 509-884-95I5. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting iaill enable the City to make reasonable: arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. Page 1 of 1 • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING JANUARY 10, 2012 6:30 P.M. OATH OF OFFICE Steven C. Lacy, Mayor, was sworn into office by City Clerk Dana Barnard. Frank Collings, Council Position l; Harry Raab, Council Position 2; Sandra McCourt, Council Position 5; and Tim Detering, Council Position 6; were sworn into office by Mayor Lacy. ROLL CALL Mayor Steven C. Lacy Councilmember George Buckner - Excused Councilmember Harry Raab Councilmember Frank Collings Councilmember Chuck Johnson Councilmember Wayne Barnhart Councilmember Sandra McCourt • Councilmember Tim Detering EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Devin Poulson City Clerk Dana Barnard Police Chief Randy Harrison Community Development Director Lori Barnett City Treasurer/Finance Director Nick Gerde Public Works Director Don McGahuey Municipal Court Judge Chancey Crowell Executive Secretary Teresa Allen Clerical Assistant Shawn Murison PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENTS Stan Morse, Attorney at Law, presented each Councilmember with a book titled "Circling the Earth in a Wheelchair". He said he distributed the book as he is considering running for a seat in the legislature. If he decides to declare his candidacy he will be back to talk about important issues, such as the Public Works Trust Fund that needs to be sheltered from a sweep by the legislature. Mr. Morse also submitted three documents relating to the Town Toyota Center which he said spoke for themselves. Nathan Scott, 918 Manzanal Street, said asked if the Mayor and Councilmembers knew that they • appointed someone with a bankruptcy to the Public Facilities District governing board, that the Mayor hired someone with a bankruptcy to lead a City department that lost lots of money, did they know and agree with an appointment of a Councilmember with a bankruptcy to the Budget CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 10, 2012 • with an employee in this position or whether we consider doing this by contract. He said the advantages of a contract for the duties or functions of coordinating the events for the City are that we would not have to worry about issues of overtime or issues of designation in terms of whether or not that individual was a union member or not. We would not pay benefits for the contracted position He said that he was open to some thoughts on this matter as he needs to either fill the open position fairly soon or perhaps we need to go in the direction of drafting a contract that could be approved by the Council to offer the position on a contract basis. He said he was expecting or hoping to get some input. Councilmember Detering asked if it was a full time position, and how much time was devoted strictly to the main community events. He asked if there would be benefits of having a staff person who was able to not only do the specific events that we have such as the Wings and Wheels festival and such, verses having somebody on staff that may be able to fill in other areas for instance maybe volunteer coordination, assistance with overflow work from other staff members. He asked if that had been considered in the past or if had been done in the past. Mayor Lacy said the first question that was asked was what this person's relationship or what do they do with respect to all of our events, and his answer to that is that when Dawn was in the • position she ran all of the events, obtained sponsorships, and was responsible for coordinating all volunteer efforts on behalf of the City. In answer to the second part of his question as he understood it was that in the past, before we had a legal opinion that we believed required us as a Council to take events in house from a stand point of employment. He said prior to that, we had a contract with the East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce and they would hire someone to put on the events. He said that when we first started, for example Wings & Wheels, we had all volunteer staff and the person that was heading it up, at least initially, was not employed by anyone. He said that as these events have grown significantly and we have gone past the point where we could find anybody that would be willing to volunteer to do this without a contract, because, it is a full time position. He said that the answer is that whoever does this, if they stay an employee, is not likely to have a lot of time to do other things for the City at least that has not been their experience in the past. He said that we do have a part time employee in the Events department that had been working with Dawn and she is still employed. He has not given much thought to how her situation will work if we decide to contract out the position, but it probably would be going to some kind of a contractual relationship as well. He said that it would be a little difficult to manage to have an in house part time employee and then have a contractor running the coordination. Councilmember Barnhart said that he was one of the original Committee members as well as Chairman of the committee and said that it could be done with part time help, but our validity and our credibility skyrocketed when we had an employee doing it. He said that he is not • particularly fond of doing away with the position, and suggested continuing the employee position this year, and discuss these options go through the budget cycle for the following year. 3 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 10, 2012 • Mayor Lacy appointed Councilmembers to represent the following organizations: Abbr. Oreanization Chelan - Douglas Health District Representative Councilmember Collings Alternate Councilmember McCourt RSN Chelan -Douglas Regional Support Network Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Johnson Douglas County Disability Board Councilmember Barnhart Mayor Lacy Douglas County Regional Council Mayor Lacy Councilmember Raab EWEB East Wenatchee Events Board Mayor Lacy Councilmember Detering EDD Economic Development District Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Johnson Housing Authority of Chelan County & the City of Wenatchee Councilmember McCourt None LINK Link Transit Councilmember Johnson Councilmember Raab NCRTPO North Central Regional Transportation Planning Organization Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Johnson RC&D Resource Conservation and Development Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Johnson RIVERCOM (911 dispatch) Councilmember Barnhart Councilmember Collings SWAC Solid Waste Advisory Committee Councilmember Raab Councilmember McCourt SWU Storm Water Utility Councilmember Collings Brandon / Lori TAC WVCC Technical Advisory Committee (SWAC Executive) Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce Councilmember Raab Councilmember Detering Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Buckner • WVCVB Wenatchee Valley Visitors Bureau Councilmember Johnson Councilmember Detering WVTC Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council Mayor Lacy Councilmember Buckner Budget Committee 2013 Councilmember Buckner N/A Councilmember Detering N/A Councilmember Collings N/A Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McCourt, second by Councilmember Raab, to appoint Councilmember Johnson as Mayor Pro Tempore during 2012. The motion carried, 6-0. CONSENT CALENDAR Items listed below were distributed to Councilmember's in advance for study and were enacted in one motion. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Barnhart, to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. The motion carried, 6-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, December 13, 2011, 2. Consideration of Payables i. 2011 Payables — As of this date, January 10, 2012, Council does approve check numbers 34737 through 34808 in the total amount of $97,497.82. ii. 2012 Payables — As of this date, January 10, 2012, Council does approve check numbers 34809 through 34823 in the total amount of $54,882.82. iii. 2011 Pamoll — As of this date, January 10, 2011, Council does approve check numbers 34645 through 34736 in the total amount of $357,137.56 for the month of December 2011. E CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CHECK REGISTER 2011 PAYABLES 31-Dec-11 ECK NUMBERS: 34862-34880 VOIDED CHECKS: NONE DEPARTMENT/FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT _ _ 0.00 46.45 4,651.15 666.85 Current Expense Fund. 001 000 000 General Government Department 001 000 001 Legislative Department _ 001 000 110 001 000 120 001 000 140 001 000 141 001 000 142 Municipal Court Department City Clerk Department - 979.26 - - Internal Services Department Finance Department 001000 145 Legal Services 001 000 151 - 001000 160 - Central Services Department 001 000 180 - Police Department 001 000 210 9,137.02 Detention (Jail Services) 001 000 230 2,040.00 001 000 250 - Engineering Services 001 000 315 883.04 Planning Department 001 000 580 1,369.21 Code Compliance Department 001 000 590 40.79 Agency Disbursements 001 001 000 75.00 Current Expense Fund Total 19,888.77 reet Fund. NPDES 050 000 312-050 000 313 2431.69 Street Maintenance 101 000 420 7,324.97 Street Administration 101 000 430 64.62 Street Construction 101 000 950 Street Fund Total 9,821.28 Other Funds: Comm Dev Grants Fund 102 000 000 Library Fund 112 000 000 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund 113 000 000 Drug Fund 114 000 000 East Wenatchee Events Board 117 000 000 Street Improvement Fund 301-000-000 Capital Improvement Fund 314-000-000 Other Funds Total - Grand Total All Funds 29,710.05 U 0 1 Fund Transaction Summary • Invoice Fiscals: 2011 - December - 3rd pay December 001-000-001 Sub -Department 001-000-110 Sub -Department 001-000-120 Sub -Department 001-000-141 Sub -Department 001-000-210 Sub -Department 001-000-230 Sub -Department 001-000-315 Sub -Department 001-000-580 Sub -Department 001-000-590 Sub -Department 001-001-000 Department 050-000-311 Sub -Department 050-000-313 Sub -Department 101-000-420 Sub -Department 101-000-430 Sub -Department Count: 14 $46.45 $4,651.15 $666.85 $979.26 $9,137.02 $2,040.00 $883.04 $1,369.21 $40.79 $75.00 $400.00 $2,031.69 $7,324.97 $64.62 $29, 710.05 Execution Time: 6 second(s) Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\tallen on Page 1 of 1 East Wenatchee - Fund Transaction Summary E ♦'�+ L ) V � 0 A ' W A L (° iZ 1 _0 M L � E V � 0 > o N • Cp co r-- r.- ao o rn rn O O rn C) It a r` r• r-- r- N N Ln O N N r- r� - 7 M M O O CD CD O C) Ln (D CD O O O Lo Ln L() CSC) CIOCD w 00 O O - O O � ty N N 69i Ow LO LA EA 4'i N N O El-? 44 Eft 69 M M EA 4) EA 64 Hi 69 d3 431 Ln O v b4 4'? 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DES Street Maintenance Street Administration Street Construction Street Fund Total Other Funds: Comm Dev Grants Fund Library Fund Hotel/Motel Tax Fund Drug Fund East Wenatchee Events Board Street Improvement Fund Capital Improvement Fund Other Funds Total CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CHECK REGISTER 2012 PAYABLES ACCOUNT NUMBER 001 000 000 001 000 001 001 000 110 001 000 120 001 000 140 001 000 141 001 000 142 001 000 145 001 000 151 001 000 180 001 000 210 001 000 230 001 000 250 001 000 315 001 000 580 001 000 590 001 001 000 050 000 312-050 000 313 101 000 420 101 000 430 101 000 950 102 000 000 112 000 000 113 000 000 114 000 000 117 000 000 301-000-000 314-000-000 AMOUNT 16.43 0.00 910.00 1,392.95 425.00 2,520.00 63.45 ',.Art 3,658.82 14,773.50 20.86 72.00 23,859.11 2177.97 104.41 519.00 2,801.38 0.00 79.32 1 79.321 lGrand Total All Funds 1 1 26,739.81 0 • • Fund Transaction Summary Invoice Fiscals: 2012 - January Second�Paynuary 001-000-000 Current Expense $16.43 001-000-110 Sub -Department $910.00 001-000-120 Sub -Department $1,392.95 001-000-140 Sub -Department $425.00 001-000-142 Sub -Department $2,520.00 001-000-145 Sub -Department $63.45 001-000-180 Sub -Department $6.10 001-000-210 Sub -Department $3,658.82 001-000-230 Sub -Department $14,773.50 001-000-590 Sub -Department $20.86 001-001-000 Department $72.00 050-000-312 Sub -Department $2,110.47 050-000-313 Sub -Department $67.50 101-000-420 Sub -Department $104.41 101-000-430 Sub -Department $519.00 117-000-400 Sub -Department $37.69 117-000-500 Sub -Department $41.63 Count: 17 $26,739.81 Execution Time: 6 second(s) Printed by EASTWENATCHEE\tallen on East Wenatchee - Fund Transaction Summary Page 1 of 1 0 • J • WON 0 LL W U J Q r r r Lr) Lr) Ln In LO In r r r EA fA V> 44 V) Q) (1) LL 0 7 v 0 6 v 2 OLO Q N_ O N Q � M o N N r r r �Ooo r (Z _ N N Z) O r 3 0 N r m d � U r .O y c 0 w c O H U z C� Z Z Q W J U J co c Q U X W co O O 2 CO H 0 M 9° U W 0 U z J J Q W J R d ~ Q M M M M K3 V� t,H V► Y U) W N J U U c O } .V F J >, U U) W c W .c LL =5 W m c Z w0 U (1) J (n C c W LL _z U) m LL OOo W o Oo O wed > v O M r aLLoa O CD r r O N C)D0Co r LL — N O O r N C1 y r U 0 m c — 0 w c O H O O O O O O O O O O 6 Q) r r r LO M tl9 Lr) O� Z c 02 U z H N W H J O xo 06 J Qrna � M Z d 2 < Lo d a 6 r Or N O O r r r N N O M N � O> y r U r O mc U — > c 0 H O O Cl O O O O O O O O O N N N N r r r N R U c .Z 7 U) T � R C a 0 c W w O U N J O` Oa L a. 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On January 24 I will be City Legislative Action Conference (CLAC) with AWC. On February wife and I will be on vacation and unavailable. Thanks, Chuck Johnson meetings on in Olympia at the the 14 and 28 my • 12 December 2011 Mayor Steve Lacy City of East Wenatchee 271 Ninth Street N.E. East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Dear Mayor Lacy: This letter is to request excused absences for the City Council meetings scheduled for 27 December 2011(if a meeting is held), 10 January 2012 and 24 January 2012. I will be out of the State for an extended period but will return on 25 January 2012. . Marie and I wish you, the Council and all City Employees a Joyous Holiday Season and a Prosperous New Year! With best regards, r George J. Buckner Position 4 Councilperson Hand Delivered • ggy-R34Z Don Hainline 0 Lieutenant Governor Division 52 0OY\ 44,m 1, Y1L Jc,�( Urr 2012 Apple Valley Kiwanis 509-884-9342 glodon@wenval.com mbership... Awareness... Service ff lOM El 10 NHnM M, 014AIM 0 KMZ99-60s 'aayr{Yua� -and. �aa[t�}@uam -N TOZ laaoH ia�ua� aa�a�@ua� lo—D aLL ��tv ;Y PIE) pU. ava do{aan% Y�l #@ Y OE•tl �Y .S@Dean .liana augaaW 10896 VM'aa43+ouaM $1091, xog 'O'd siuomiN Aaeon aiddy 604alou8M • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 271 9TH STREET NE ' EAST WENATCHEE, WA 98802 PHONE (509) 884-9515 ' FAX (509) 884-6233 Proclamation Whereas, Kiwanis International was founded on January 2, 1915; and Whereas, since its inception, Kiwanis International has grown in over 90 countries worldwide; and Whereas, the Men and Women of the Pacific Northwest District of Kiwanis International have exhibited a deep sense of pride in Community by serving the needs of family and children worldwide; and Whereas, the Pacific Northwest District of Kiwanis International has, effective October 1, 2010, initiated the multi -year District wide Service Project, Kiwanis Children's Cancer Cure Program; and • Whereas, this Program will fund the Kiwanis Children's Cancer Fellowships, allowing physicians to seek cures for currently untreatable forms of cancer; and, 0 Whereas, the Kiwanis Clubs of the pacific Northwest will collaborate with Doernbecher Children's Hospital in Portland, the Seattle Children's Hospital and the Vancouver, B.C. Children's Hospital; and Whereas, the local Kiwanis Clubs are the epitome of their defining statement "Kiwanis is a Global Organization of Volunteers Dedicated to Changing the World One Child and One community at a Time". Now therefore, I, Steven C. Lacy, as Mayor of East Wenatchee do hereby proclaim February 2012 as "Kiwanis Children's Cancer Cure Month" and encourage citizens to celebrate the many contributions made by the members of Kiwanis Clubs of the Pacific Northwest. Mayor Steven C. Lacy City of East Wenatchee 0 Professional Services Contract for «Scope_of Work>> 1. Parties. The Parties to this agreement ("Agreement") are the City of East Wenatchee ("City") and «Contractor» ("«Shorthand»"). In consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants, and performance of the scope of work contained herein, as attached and made a part hereof, the City and «Shorthand» mutually agree as follows: 2. Scope of work. «Shorthand» shall provide the services specified below. These services shall be termed "work" herein. «Shorthand» shall perform the following services that: a. Provides timely, reliable, and cost effective service; b. Under the direction of the Mayor, coordinate all events operated by the City with city employees, volunteers, and outside sponsors; ensure efficient, well organized and profitable events; and meet regularly with the city Council and the East Wenatchee Events Board to ensure continued satisfaction with the events operated by the City; and c. Perform the task outlined in Exhibit A. 3. Term of Contract. The effective date of this contract is «Start_ ofContract)). This contract expires on «End_ of Contract» . The City may terminate this Contract without cause upon written notice. Work in progress will be paid, on a prorated basis to the date ordered to stop. If Contractor terminates this contract without any breach of the contract by the City, Contractor will pay the City $3,000.00 as liquidated damages. 4. Compensation. a. Total Compensation. The City shall pay $* for performing the work set forth in paragraph 2. b. Disputed work: If the City believes in good faith that some portion of work has not been completed satisfactorily; the City may request that «Shorthand>> correct the work before the City pays for such work. In such event, the City must reasonably explain to «Shorthand>> its concern over the work and the remedy that the City expects from «Shorthand>% The City may withhold from any payment otherwise due an amount that the City in good faith is under dispute, or if the «Shorthand» does not provide a sufficient remedy, the City may retain the amount equal to the cost to the City for otherwise correcting or remedying the work not properly completed. c. Method of Payment. «Shorthand» shall submit a monthly invoice for compensation. The monthly invoice shall contain a detailed description of the work performed during the month, the number of hours spent performing such work, and any reimbursable costs and expenses incurred in connection with such 40 work. Professional Services Contract for «Scope_of Work» Page 1 of 9 L:\Civil\Events Coordinator ConVaa\Professionai Services ContraU.docx 4VWOd -o inraa - - Ass►s4 ,•-i- Pose D', xoop PWIUOJ S=!.vag jWO!ssa;ad\j3enUOD IoiVU!pJOOJ s;uana\I!^!J\:'I 6 Jo Z aft'd «xaom io adoaS» aoj 13viluoD saoiniaS jnuoissadoi l •1ouzluoD sigljo iloua.Tq s,«puugljoilS» oqj Xq io `saa,Kojduia `sjua�?u `szaploilaauils `sjauwd sil `«puugiiogS» 3o suoissiuTo ao siam `s ou juo2ijOau oqj Xq posnuo lualxo agl of 13LlluoD spp -Ilion paloauuoo io `Tuoid iutllnsaz `TuoTd OuTSIaL `sanTIeJuasaidaT jo `saasuaoil `slua2u anlToadsaj Iiagj `uoijLjiuiij inoi llm Ouipnjoui `saililuo puu suosiad Iju puu AuL Xq zo of (soaj s,/iauzouu Iju puu sisoo Ouipnjoui) saililiqutl puu `suoissiuio ao slou jw2iloau `sossol `spuuuiap `Swluio IIL PUL, Xuu Joj saaalunlon puL Su30L `saaXolduio `szaoWo `sluiogjo pajoaja sli STD aTI1 ssajTumq Ploq puL XiiuWapui pu3jop Iluils puu sosualal «Puuilliogs)) •uoijuagiuuiapuI •8 •IL,! uopuuoo cures oqj dooN of uoiju2ijgo uu anLTj you saop oTjnn XaaLd pziil1 L Tuo�� «puuTj�iogS» �q paniaoaa sI uol1uuziodui aTjZ o ao `«puLTlliogS» ,iq amsolosip jo ouip oqj ju uiuuiop oilgnd oqj ui si uoilLl uaojui agL •q `31a0nn all glint uoijoouuoo ui Xpoaiipui 30 f,j1oazlp aureS 3111 OuinTaoaa of IoiId «puLgljogS» Ol umou?l si uoiluuuojul OU L :ss3pm aznsolosip oilqnd of joafgns ostAuaglo you si jugj uoiluuuojui soiliud pnT T of asolosip `XI3 ogljo juasuoo u3n!j A joiad 0111 moil!! `jou IILTIs «puLgljogS» •uoi�um.iojul jui;uapguoj puu f4.iado id •L i•apinoid Iiim «puuTlyiogS» jugj alaom 3ql jo aasn anisnloxo 3qj jou si A4!D oql jugj puL saipud .Tagjo aoj uzi31 ailj 2uimp 31aom luuoissajoid 2uiuuojiod aq IlyA To XuTu <pu-egpogS» jugj azuj2ooa.i soipud oql �oux�uoo juotuKojduza jo adXj puL ol louiluoD si .qj lcanuoo jou IILTIS «PuugpogS» alljo lgauaq oqj ioj pasvgomd oomunsui jaglo ao juiijsnpui XuV •anp su soxuj iogjo puu auiooui IIu Xud IILgs «PuugpogS» quom(olduia jo jgouaq aatgo Xue ao `luotuXoldwo jo juapioui uL su osuL XLTu TUIP xel xx4io .To fijimom Iutoos ' Cud uoiTLoun `anuaj 3131S :,(Ld of paluOilgo aou `cod ojgLij iaTljiau oq Ilvgs X4iD oqj juqj puLIszapun puu puajui a3Tlp3 soiliud oq L •.zolouiluoo juopuadapui uL oq jluTls «puuTjliogS)) Imp puulsaapun puu pualul sailiLd oqL uolaua;uoD luapuadapul •9 'SOIJ!Jua JUJU uuaano2 puL saiouaiiL alquoilddu Iju Xq posuaoil pup pajipaioou Xjajuiidoaddu si puu Moon apinoid of Xiussaoau aouauadxa puL lliNs `Ouiuieil ollsinboi oqj suit jugj sluuuum puu sjumaidaa « puuq:pogS» •suoiluluasaadag •S u311V Lsa131 :uoiluauv I0886 VAA `aaTloluuarn Isug HN IS Tj UIN I LZ aaTloTuuaM Isug 30 XID OU :ssaappu Ouinmolloj oqj of saoionui Iiuigns IILTIs «puuTjjToijS» •saoionuj •P To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, this shall apply. However, this shall not require «Shorthand» to indemnify the City against any liability for damages arising out of bodily injury or property damages caused by or resulting from negligence of the City. the City shall protect, defend and indemnify and save harmless the «Shorthand», its representatives and other employees all costs, claims, judgments or awards of damages arising out of the negligent acts or omissions of the City, its officers or employees. Further, in the case of concurrent negligence of «Shorthand» on the one hand and the City on the other hand, each party shall be required to indemnify the other only to the extent of the negligence of the party. «Shorthand» releases and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City from and against all claims, cost, liabilities, damages, expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorney fees) and royalties based upon any actual or alleged infringement or misappropriate of any patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark, or other intellectual property right by any work. Further, if any work infringes or misappropriates any patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark or other intellectual property right, «Shorthand» shall either (a) procure for the City the right to use such work; or (b) modify work so that it no longer infringes or misappropriates any such right. 9. Work Product. All work product, including records, files, documents, plans, computer disks, magnetic media or material which may be produced or modified by «Shorthand» while performing work shall belong to the City. At the termination of this Contract, «Shorthand» shall deliver copies of files containing the written record of <<Shorthand>>'s work. Until at least 12 • months following final payment, «Shorthand» shall provide the City prompt access to (and the City shall have the right to examine, audit and copy) all of <<Shorthand>>'s books, documents, papers and records related to the work. • 10. Evaluation and Monitoring. «Shorthand» shall control and direct the performance of the work of «Shorthand» pursuant to this Contract, subject to oversight by the City. The Mayor, or his designee, will oversee <<Shorthand>>'s work. The City reserves the right to inspect, review and approve the work of «Shorthand» to assure that it has been completed as specified, before payment. «Shorthand» shall cooperate with and freely participate in any monitoring or evaluation activities conducted by the City that are pertinent to the intent of this Agreement. 11. Performance Bond. At the time of execution of this agreement «Shorthand» shall provide the City with a performance bond in the amount of $50,000. The City shall select the bonding company and pay for the cost of this bond in an amount not to exceed $ 12. Non -Discrimination. During the performance of this contract, «Shorthand», for itself, its assigns and successors in interest agree as follows: a. Compliance with Regulations. «Shorthand» shall comply with the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the United States Department of Transportation ("USDOT"), Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21, as they may be amended from time to time. Professional Services Contract for «Scope_of Work» Page 3 of 9 L:\Civil\Events Coordinator ContractTrofessional Services Contract.docz xoop ioejlooj =!Al2S pmoissa3mg\pe.4uo3 j0leu!pIo03 Sluang\[tn!3\:'j 6 Jo V 32nd -I.tom jo odooS>>aoj iouguoD saotn. OS InuotssNo.zd agj gutniAins sn parulsuoo zo pajaadzalui aq Kjquosua.z Xvut gojgm `ivauiaaj-�iv stgl Jo suoistnoid IIu aapun « puugltogS>> jo uoijniilgo aqZ �ilignntnanS p •139ga pup aojoj lin3 ut utnutaa Iings suotstnozd gututnutai age `pilnnut pazuloap si 13naluoD sigh jo uoisinoid j(uu jI •13apg put, 55ao3 iin3 0 •soilmd gloq jo suoiTu&lgo ogioads puu « pupgj togs» pup [4tD agp uaan4aq digsuoi�pIoj 2ugjom oqj sogioads sjuautgonuu Ilu Butpnlout JonaIuoo atiluo sigZ '13MIuoD agp .zano Iiunaid Iluqs sluauzgouuu puu umpuoppu `sjummoop oql u33mloq Souudamsip 3o Juana age ul •Tuoutrulsut Ml4uoo s.qj jo pud u oq llugs pun `aoua ojoi stq} Sq utataq paivaodioom on umpuoppu puu slumxpullu IIH •soiwd aqj uooAA4oq `suotjipuoo pun sluautaazOn `sastutozd `sIuuuanoo 3111 Jo IIu uuoJ sjuou gon4u Ilu puu jou4uoD siq L quoutaa V IIn3 'q uo urgsnm jo olelS oqi jo snnnl oqj ipm oouupz000u ui sjoadsai iip ut paoaojua puu `pontlsuoo `popicI ajui oq llugs iouuuoD sign •nnuZ utLuanOD u •suoisinoaa ivaauaf) '£I -wd ut .to ologm ui `lon.tluoodo uoisuodsns io `uotluuiuual `uopejjooupD •u . `zo/pun `soildutoo « puugjrogS» I!Iun loutluoo age iapun « puutlpogS» of sjuou-Laud jo Suiploggjtrn •I :ol paltutil you inq `Outpnlout `ajut.tdozddu oq of outuuopp Suez .I.OQSfl oql to 1! su suoilouns jouzluoo Bons osoduu Ilugs satouaft outlonaluoo age `jonuuoo sigldo suoistnoid uotlnummostpuou agl gJIM oouutldtuoouou s,«pungI.togS» agj jo Juana agj uI -30UPTjCiUlO0UOU JOJ suotTouuS •p 'uotiuuuojui oqj utulgo of opnut onm svojja iugm gPoj Tas iiugs puu `alnudoiddu sn LOQSfl oqi jo ioas c1 of xjipao os Iings « puntlltogS» `uot�uutzojut siq� L situnj of sasnjat zo slip3 oTIm .taglouu jo uoissossod antsnloxa oql ut si « puugpogS» jo paitnbaa uotuuojui Xup ataqAA, 'suotorulsut puu saapto `suotluln�ia21 guns gllm oounildutoo utultaosu of luouipod oq of Xmo& luaap33 alutadoiddu aqT zo f,oua0n outlontluoo oqj Xq pauiuttalop oq Xuut su satlilioud sit pun uotluuuojui jo sooznos iogjo io `sjunoo `spjooaz `slooq siq of ss000n 1iuuod Iluils puu 1013Jaq} luunsind pansst santIoanP .zo suotluln23Zl aql Xq paunbaa slzodo.z uoiluuuojui IIu apinozd Iings «PungpogS» •sio all pun uot}nuuojul •suoijulni?a2l oq} jo S'IZ uotlooS Xq paligigotd uotluumMostp oqi ui )illoonpui ao S1130.11p ngjia aludtoilred jou Iings «PungpogS» •juautdinba jo sosual pun slupoluut jo luautatnooid 2utpnl3ut `s.toloutluoops jo uoilualaz puu uopoalas aql ut utiiuo • Iuuotjuu to `xas `toloo `oomp spunoB oql uo aInututuostp IOU Ilpgs «pupg7.totlS>> `<<puugltogS>> Xq pouuopad IItonn aqi of gIirn 'uotWputuuaostpuoN •q • completion, termination, or cancellation of this Contract, shall survive the completion, termination, or cancellation of this Contract. Executory Contract. This Contract will be considered valid once signed by both parties. f. No Waiver. If the City fails to or delays in declaring a breach or default, the City does not waive its right to declare a breach or default. If the City fails to declare one breach or default, it is not waiving its right to declare another breach or default. g. Authori1y. Each individual executing this Contract on behalf of the City and «Shorthand» represents and warrants that such individuals are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Contract on behalf of «Shorthand» or the City. h. Performance. Time is of the essence of this Contract in each and all of its provisions in which performance is a factor. Remedies Cumulative. Any remedies provided for under the terms of this Contract are not intended to be exclusive, but shall be cumulative with all other remedies available at the City at law or in equity. • j. Titles. The titles to the paragraphs of this Contract are solely for the convenience of the parties and are not an aid in the interpretation of the instrument. k. Contractor Obli ag tion. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, «Shorthand» shall furnish all that may be required to provide the scope of work as described in the contract and incorporated documents, including any personnel, labor and supervision, technical, professional and other work, equipment and supplies. Details of the any supplies, equipment, or installation or same, that are necessary to carry out the intent of this Contract, but that are not expressly stated, shall be performed or furnished by «Shorthand» as part of the Contract, without any increase in the compensation otherwise payable under this Contract. 1. Binding Effect. The provisions, covenants, and conditions in this Contract apply to bind the parties, their legal heirs, representatives, successors, and assigns in. No Gifts and Gratuities. «Shorthand» may not offer, nor may City employees accept gifts, gratuities, loans, trips, favors, special discounts, work, or anything of economic value in conjunction with the City business practices. «Shorthand» and the City employees must strictly adhere to the statutes and ordinances for ethics in contracting and purchasing, including the City Ethics Code, RCW 42.23 (Code of Ethics for Municipal Officers) and RCW 42.52 (Ethics in Public Service). This is applicable to any business practice, whether a contract condition, bid practice, or at any activity related to the City business. Professional Services Contract for «Scope_of Work)) Page 5 of 9 L:%Civil\Events Coordinator ContracBPrOfessional Services Contract.docx xaop'lavluoD saal.vaS p<uo!ssq{oid\t3ailo03 io1M!pIooZ) swang\I!^!J\:'I 6 do 9 32ud <gjom jo adooS» .Toj;ouiTUOD saoTAIOS luuolssajojd :smolloj su aindsip aTll o; uoilnlosaj fjoloupi;us-XIIvn;nuT u al-ep2au of;duiauu;sxg IIugs s3i: jmd oqL •uoT;uTjo 5fq •u pjumu uoqujjTgju TTu Tuujuoo jo aojoJua o; pue aloiljv sigjjO SuoTSInoid 3qT Trim aoumIduioo ladmoo o; sl-moo oqj o; ss000u lln3 anvil XuTu Xawd Xue `kum japan sI uoTTuj;igju/uoTluipaTu ;ou jo j3glo IM •sajnpaoojd Ouimolloj oql Trim aouepj000u uT jauuuuT fuipuTq puu IuuTd u uT Panlosaj oq llugs `3oojQq jaum rofgns aqj ol;oadsaj gjIm o;anq sQil-md Q-qj uaam;aq ao `uoTjousuejj SiTIj 2uin10nuT sa;ndsip lIu `XI uipj000V •uopeoilTI o; ljosai inotplm puu uol;uiad000 IuninuT Xg `juauiaaj2V siTl� jopun fuisiju salndsip llu jo uoT;nlosaj anisuodxauT puu IuTujojuI aTI; a;u;iliouj o; salnpaoojd Tlsilguisa o; pualuT XIlurTlnTu salaiud aTI I •uot;niosag a;ndsiQ •91 • £ TldujBujud ui ;no ;as poijad;uauiaaji?V otpjo uoisnlouoo 3ql lu a;uuiuual llegs `;uauiaajSV sill; Xq pa}ualo suoT;u&lgo puu sdigsuoijulal llu `uanT� sI uoiluuTuua; jo ooTlou ou jI « puugpoTIs»aTI; gig pauuojjad f,Isnoinajd 3Ilom jo ;Insaj aTI} su padolanap uol;uuuojTTi alqultunu upleuz uI X;TD aTI; Aq pauiu;al .IajJuaIaTlj .IapZnoid nouns Niue TI;Tm XIquuosuaI a;und000 of SaajBu «puuq:pogs» `uoTluuiuU31 Jo;uana aTI; ul •uoT;uuiuua;do 31up aTI} o; loud pauuojjad puu pazijoTl;nu XIsnoinajd }Isom Ilu joj anp s;unom, IT « puuTll.TogS» Sud Ilugs f}TD aTlj;uana Tlons ul •a;up Tlons o; joijd sXup f,;Inll;sual Ju JO3.I3 l; a;up aniIoajja ;Dtp OuT fgioads `uoT;uuiuua} Tlons do aoi ou uauum Buipinojd Xq aTU.1 �fuu;u }uauiaaj � sigj aluuiuum; Xrm Xvud mgjjg •;uaTuaaa2v jo uoiluuiuTaal, •Si • •;uauiaajov sTTI; XjipoTu jo jail, XuTu Xljud jaTlliau `sapjud Tlloq jo juasuoo uailijm a p Tllim;dooxg •soijmd o-qj uaampg;uauiaajBu aipw 3qj sain;I;suoo luauiaoBV slgl •uo►;uampoW III ;oujjuoD sill; Trim uolloouuoo /m, uT Io uiajaTl opuuT uoTluluosajdal jo;uauza;u;s Xuu Ion jou `poildtui jo ssajdxo iogjogm pauiuluoo uialog l3viluoD jo IuLuanoo Xuu jod algisuodsaj io alguil Xum Xuu uT oq XIiD aDgj jo ;uo2u .To `aa,�olduia `Iaot o `Iuio �o �fuu IluTls Juana ou uT;uTI; aal�u saT�Iud aTII �iligui I luuosiod d •oouuildwoo Tlons aouapina jo 133dja of pojinbaj aq Sm su slummoop Tlsiujni IluTls «pueT jogs>> •(joulTuoD QqJ of alquoilddu pue XITD otp uodn posodTui oq kew su sluamwinbaj Tlons o; pallmil ;ou ;nq ffuipnloui) Xillm IuJuauuuanof? Niue Jo `;oaJJa uT `STuauiajinbaj J3gTO pLTu `sjopjo `suoTjuln2w `solnj `saouuuipio `smut alquoilddu llu puu `.uoj2uigsum jo ajujS aTIl puu sajujS pallufl ogljo smut alquoilddu Ilu Trim Xlduioo put Tujojiod llugs `osuadxo puu;soo olos sll/jail/sill ju `«putgljogS» •smurl Trim aouuil TuoD •o •snoinajd pauiuu su AA D-d otp puu `opoD soTTgg XITD z)ql `Isaja}ui Jo;oTlluoo Ouiple aj saloTlod s��T� aTl� o� ajaTlPu tiim ail �eLl� sa�palmoTT}Iou « pTTUTI�.TOq `uoij!ppu ul •aouuuuojjad s,<cpTIUTIjzogS» ogljo uoijunluna jo uoTIulIsiuTUTpu `Duiui?iS `i3UIIJUjp `TIoTluTlol3aTT `uoiloalas «pueTlpOgS» Oqj uT Panlonui aq Ilim jo `ST `sum oqm as,Kolduia jo jooTdjo f4TD Xuu Trim drgsuoTlelaj Xl!wuj osolo jo ;sajajuT • ssaT.usnq u ;DALq jou soop aTI jugj sjuosxidw « pTTugljoTlS» •1sonjul Jo JOIUUOD u • i. The complaining party shall notify (in the manner required in this Agreement) the other parties of the alleged dispute, controversy, claim or breach of contract (hereinafter "Dispute') by explaining in writing the nature of the Dispute, and referring to the relevant paragraphs of this Agreement upon which it bases its position regarding the Dispute. The complaining party shall also set forth in such notice a proposed solution to the Dispute; ii. The parties receiving such notice shall respond by notice individually to the complaining party within twenty (20) days of the effective date of the complaining party's notice, with an explanation of its defensive position, if any, including references to the relevant paragraphs of the Agreement and a response to the proposed solution; and Within twenty days following notice of this defensive response, the parties shall meet and discuss options for resolving the Dispute; the complaining party must initiate the scheduling of this resolution meeting. In the event a parry fails to cooperate in scheduling the resolution meeting, then the complaining party may elect to skip the negotiation and mediation procedures and immediately proceed with arbitration. b. Mediation. If the parties are unable to satisfactorily resolve the Dispute through • such negotiation, mediation must be held within thirty days of an unsuccessful resolution meeting. The mediation will be governed by and under the then - applicable rules of JAMS/Endispute ("JAMS") in Chelan County. The complaining party must contact JAMS to schedule the mediation. The parties may agree on a mediator from the JAMS panel. If they are unable to agree, the parties shall request JAMS to provide a list of three available mediators, and each side shall strike one; the remaining individual shall serve as the mediator. In the event a party fails to cooperate in this mediation process in a timely manner, then the complaining party may elect to skip the mediation procedure and immediately proceed with arbitration. C. Binding Arbitration. If the dispute is not timely settled by mediation as set forth above, then the parties agree to submit the dispute immediately to JAMS for final and binding arbitration as follows: i. A single arbitrator shall be used. The parties may agree on an arbitrator from the JAMS panel. The complaining party may initiate arbitration by providing notice of intent to arbitrate to all parties and to JAMS: The notice must contain a description of the Dispute, the amount involved, and the remedy sought. If the parties are unable to agree on an arbitrator, the parties shall request JAMS to provide a list of three available panel members and each party may strike one; the remaining individual shall serve as the arbitrator. If the parties agree, the individual that served as the mediator may serve as the arbitrator. Professional Services Contract for «Scope_of Work)) Page 7 of 9 LACivil\Events Coordinator Contract\Professional Services Contract.docx x]Op 13911UOJ M"S p UO!SSQ3o>d\13eiNo:) JOIBUiplOOD slvana\i!^!J\:-1 6 do g 32ud x.iom jo adooS» aoj loealuoD saoinzaS iuuoissajoid :« wOlDv—dlmOD» :FIFIHDINat1c1.LSVFI AO AID D •ola.tati s3uopu2ts Qqj jo juautaat u ua Li noaiij Lions aq ol pajuls ssalun juautaatSu snit jo suuo atll jo um 3gipotu u aq of pan cjsuoo aq jou Timis puu tiouajq io linupp luonbasgns io joud .tatpo Xun Jo .ianrenN n aq of potuaap oq you Ilutis juauzaaafu sitil jo Liouatq ao 11nujap ,puu jo aantum •Ianiuns-uoN '6I •juautaafi?V otil jo suotlupuoo pue suml iuiutuutaa atij loajju jou Ilutis uopuutuualap Lions `InpAuiun oq of luauzaa.12V sMi jo uotltod .to uouloas ,puu sauiuualap nnul jo :pnoo lualadutoo u 3I •,�4iPqu ianaS '81 •Outpaaootd .to uotjutjtgm `uotlou jutil ui paunout sisoo j;Dglo puu saaj s,Xauiojju olquuosuaz aanooat of paligua aq iiugs Xind 011111unaad Xlluijuujsgns ;Dql `JuautaatOV suit JO suotstnoid olpjo Xuu Li}inn uopauuoo ut uotIuluasatdatsutu .to `llnupp `Liouaig `alndsip pagallu uu jo osnuoaq io `juawowOV sigl jo luauuaojojito oql .toj lgOnoaq si Ouupaaoo.id zatilo jo uoilou tu2al Xuu3I •saa3 s,gauaouV 'LT •stsuq a�md -xo uu uo paaalua aq Xutu .to}u4!gau oql Xq pamjuo ptumu jo uotstoap fu-v to • •,ijuss000u3i p -emt, flut, jo uotjuut_tguoo jo juauuaozoJua aoj ltnoo ati1 uopilad Auut ,(Wd u lugl papinojd :jatlaa antjounfut puu oouuuuop3d ogioads `33tl3z antjuuuuUu zatijo `s32uuuup JOJ p.zennu uu 2uupnl3ut `Jatla.I antlutuzlUu aatilo ButjuujO ao `alndstQ atij Suuluotpnfpu uoisioap u aajua of f4potiInu antsnloxa anug hugs JOlu4!gxe ails, •n -saBuuzup antliund .to Xnlduxaxo pxemv of aamod aril anuq jou liutis aoluzltgau aq L •paluviS si jailaz Lions zajp, .to KIjuaunouoo palpuuii aq iluiis Liottinn opiaiil loadsaz gl.tA uot�u�jtgiu 2uiputq puu Iuu j altstnbat oql of joafgns `,Llajutpauzun anuloajja aq Iltgs Lloigm `japunamq pipet olqultnba zatilo .to antlounfut s,.zoluzltq-e ao IuioipnfKuu Juanaad .To Xulap of su os Xlddu jou Ilutis uoilut}tgtu Lions jegj `Janannoti `papinoad •nt •atuul jo pouad Lions pualxo of Ouilpm ut astnnaaLijo aaz2u sat:.tud oql ssolun `opiatll loodsw ql!m sOutpaaooid Saoluoipnfpu ,puu jo uopnitlsui oql of .tuq ajniosqu uu olMllsuoo Iletis pouad aua,S-auo Iutil ti!gl!m uoipoS sail Lillm oouepz000u uT uouiniosoi aindstp oluplut of ainliuj oql jutil puu tkpud Bufutuiduuoo all Xci jowatil S.tanoostp atil (ti) ao `goeatq patutulo ails 3o aoua.un000 ;Dqj Q) jo jonul oLp aauu tuax (1) auo ulgllm pajuplut oq jsnLu uoiluillyu jugj aatfu swpud oql •tut •sompaooid puu saln-d SW,Vf ul?m oouupz000u ut uotjujj!gzu oql jonpuoo Xllduuoad of 33Bu smpud • a)qj `kpud ,puu Xci oputu si uopv ijigau ioj puuutap u Lions uogm puu jI I! • Signature: Signature: • • Steven C. Lacy, Mayor Title: Date: ATTEST: IIn Date: Federal Employee ID No.. Professional Services Contract for «Scope_of Work» Page 9 of 9 LACivil\Events Coordinator ContractTrofessional Services Contraadocx • Exhibit A Scope of Work January — Easter Egg Hunt Sell event sponsorships Hold Committee Meeting Classy Chassis Sell event sponsorships Sell trophy sponsorships Send Dealer sponsorship letters Finalize registration form Confirm with Dale Roth as DJ Hold Committee Meeting Post vendor information on website _ Send out vendor application packets Contact Meaghan Vibbert at PUD re: Classy Chassis insert Wings & Wheels Sell event sponsorships Sell Schedule of Events publication sponsorships • Hold Committee Meeting Confirm Davis Shows NW Confirm with Dale Roth as DJ Post vendor information on website Send out vendor application packets February — Easter Egg Hunt Hold Committee Meeting Send donation letters (include JoAnn, Eastmont Pharmacy, Hooked on Toys, etc.) Take donation request form to Target Get flyer approved at both school districts Meet with Sunny FM Post on NCW Events website Classy Chassis Have PUD inserts printed Have registration forms printed _ Have posters printed Mail registration forms Hold Committee Meeting Take registration forms & posters to Les Schwab Meet with Sunny FM • Order merchandise Post on NCW Events website • aTW ipyA do-las =juoo Apuuo log siauuuq do lnd OuilDOW aallpumOD PION ;unH 22g aa;seg — ludV sutd ladul japio snq allings :QJ ulSIA lu!uOIOD Imui-g sOuq atpooO si_ssugo o ioj suuoj •Saa/pauolsod alupdn Buuaayg aalltu MOD PION slaagM 2Y s2mA, kmH of is PE uxoj molap zoj duui oVW saillod-uWod aapao szallal uoiluujuoo ung asuo AuldsiQ oQ guq alpoo2 aoj swall ifulloolloo uo xzoM sossud sissugD Assulo and szallal uouuuuguoo alupdn sossauisnq of .zonal alupdn sluopisaz loo4S uzozooD of .zonal alupdn • SM of aallai alupdn xuj amsolo puo-a alupdn salou noX TmgjL oQ lonuq alupdn soluld gsuQ aaPTo saallal auD Aaulp !Cl W `AmIalCl `mug IutaadS puaS dno uzpay�I aanrg uzqumloo lu zalgoig anuQ louluoo OzPu2I 7133zo duagD it, anall1w APU' lauluoo OutlaaW aallpuuzoo PIOH sissuga Assul� soxoggsuo xoj liuignS ssaxd azzduzg W plzom aagoluuam of sVSd puaS sloogos of szaAll nmioQ Tml puu suoolluq uo }loagD saauuuq .zoj s# la2l of axon Iluo suzall 2uq azpooB zapao 01pu2l 10a D kmu lu aualim APuv louluoD TV PION it, ulIUV louluoo polTid sj3,Kg log 2uR3OW aallpumOD PIOH lunH 22g aa;sug — gaauW • OuilaaW aalltuuuoo PIOH sloaqAj, 78 s2uiAA • Take items to EMPD office & pick up key Get cash for cashboxes Load trailer and van *Both staff members Do on -hold message Do volunteer list Do Thank You notes Hold recap meeting Classy Chassis Hold Committee Meetings Place ABF section ad with Wenatchee World Submit Donation Request form to Pepsi for pop & water Order stage cover Print Dignitary signs Print Special Entry Passes Print VIP Passes Print Peoples' Choice Ballots Do sponsor gifts Do Dealership ballots Do Mayor's ballot E-mail sponsor list to DJ Send Dealer confirmation letters & passes Finalize goodie bag items • Place final merchandise order Send letters to Georgia Street residents Send letters to businesses Send confirmation letters Do Dignitary clings Confirm vendors ++ Send vendor information to Health District Deliver sponsor gifts Order cash for cashboxes; contact Vickie @ Banner Bank Order plaques and trophies Do Winner Tally Sheet Confirm Dignitary Drivers Determine Parade Line-up & discuss with committee Fax Road closure Notice to various agencies Send letter to EHS Put goodie bags together Do park layout Get zip ties and 9 cans of marking paint Change office phone message the week of the event Print vehicle registration cards Do volunteer schedule Pick up cash for cashboxes . Pick up trophies and plaques Print alphabetical registration list • sBuTIsTl s3uo103aTQ W slunTIs33 InugnS sissuga Sssuia —;sn%nV i?uiPOW 03:41MMoD ploH saluid rIsuQ aaPaO slaaqA*, V s%u'A4. - Smr saalsod put, sluaAHdo olnp3goS ainq!4sTQ 311sgam uo aalsod Ind MN MOLLS STAPa 01 sI.uaAHdo olnpog3S p w uolsop s,auas }xou uo 3laoM uoissnuTuoD 2ulIqumD o} uoTTuoTlddu agpi uT puaS OuT�aaW OQUI umOD PIoH slaagM 2ffl s2uiAA, u2Tsap s,nQX lxau uo xzom sissuq� �fssui� — ounr smoM aalsuugl=D ol uollmuodut iltugnS (upuuuO of puns `.aulzesuw �U!ZrUD of 000` I PuaS) suuod uollansi2w slaaq& W swim ino puaS aalsod juTad W Iuuuod of fuquTad luioaaMMOD it, UO3S }Isv Pu VAA, uORVuTTsa(l :aa sPV Ia310IN W MIUV PuluoD • lzasul :aa Cnd lu :pagq!A u'gSVOW ToMuoD 2u!TaaW 00MIMo0 PIoH siaagM ag sJuiAk 3Izoma3dud uorssm uo-) ilu.IqurLo Ino Ilia VSIl OJ o} &33d puaS uoijuagalaO W duond PIoH saaquraW aaujimoD and sjjjB lag suolluilAul duaag puaS salou noA TmU puaS osvD kejdsiQ uvwp axuZ sanldo.4 puu sonbuld :aa spauolsod uana aaadu puaS slssug3 Xssu13 — f.nIV suuod U01TWIsTSaa luud ou-113ow aaUra MOD PIoH slaagtA V s2uiAt. aATap gUlnTlj uo JsTl uoMIaIsT2aa IuuT,j Ind Isil uoTILMsT0aa aaIsuur luuu juTad ssulo ,iq suoTjuaisT5aa alt3 loogs 1I101 IT.Ttad sapllul-a MUM DOJego • URA PUB aalruaI puoZ �s.1 uoTju4sTlaa ssulo juud • Wings & Wheels Hold Committee Meetings Print trophy sponsorship letters (if requested) Submit information to NW Events Pick up Dash Plates Take stuff to Les Schwab stores Submit Festivals & Directories listings Contact Kathy Asher at the Wenatchee World re: ad Get flyer approved by both school districts E-mail ads to Sunny FM Contact Dave Eichler at Columbia River Media Group Contact Andy Millette at Cherry Creek Radio Do on -hold message Contact Chris Hansen at KWCC TV Order plaques & trophies Have kids' activities flyer printed Wings & Wishes Advertise for Christmas Tree September — Classy Chassis Hold Committee Meeting Wings & Wheels • Hold Committee Meetings Do Display Case Order porta-potties Order stage cover Confirm with vendors Send vendor information to Health District Contact Merchant Patrol Place final merchandise order Submit payment for cashboxes, DJ, etc. Deliver gift basket to Apple Blossom Festival office Contact sponsors re: booth space Pick up plaques and trophies Distribute Kids' Activities flyers to schools Contact Anita at Nickel Ads re: ads Confirm stage cover Confirm booth and wheels with Les Schwab Order cash for cash boxes; contact Vickie @ Banner Bank Do sponsor gifts Get cash for cashboxes Get pop & water for volunteers Hand out vest and shirts to volunteers Send park layout to Mike Martz • Deliver sponsor gifts Send sponsor list to DJ . sloogos }uou4seg of sioSU ajngLi siQ spn :az olpn2l 3100J3 kuou lu ouallyw xpuv 1373luoD spn :aa A-1M V salgotg anU(j JoUJuoD spu :az W j XuunS 13muoZ) PIJOA, aauoltuam in aagsV ApuN ol pu puaS spn :az spV I3310iN In 141uv ToUIuoD OuRaaN aaUtun OD PIoH siagao V uoi}on.RsuoD no5poig of noA 3puq,L puaS sagsim 28 s2uim ajnpagoS I.uanH un-d POW sSno poop joj uoiluuuojut jiuxgnS uoi�nuuoJat sJuangJo znpualnD V21JAk puaS plzornuam In .xagsV AWN 01 Pn aptnjD a011siA HAMA PuaS 2upoW aautunuoD PIoH sjuauzaa 27a/sia:aal digszosuods Ino puaS sjaagm 28 sNuim olnpagoS Iuang un21 po-d sXno poop zoj uolluuuojut lltugnS uouVuzzoJut sIuanH Jo aL'pualnD VHAM IlLugnS anptunu pun uolpoilddn Juana jUV ItuignS pIaoAkuaA'i }n Jags ' AgTL'X 04 pt'opmo aoltsiA 9AAA1 puaS OuuaaW QQUlmuzoo PIoH sjuauzaaz2n/s.za:3l dzgszosuods Ino puaS • sisst;q� Assuio — .iagmaeoN Ougured moputm olnpagoS sJuanH MON uo Isod pa}uud sjo, lU jaD IVnoiddt, aoj QSH of joSU puaS j3XU alnpdn surd pue s}loils molt aapzo iiutPaW 031.1uzuz0o ploH sM!Alt IR swim gnlo JuD A1N PUBM ol uotituuojut l?tugnS uopV.TgalaD pule dnoa2l PIoH salou noA TmgZ oQ podaz dVDSV oQ siaagm T swim gnlD -mD AWN punlul ol uozltluuojui jnugnS 2ut103W 00:4tuzauOD PIoH sissega Sm,13 — .iagolao spn :az plaoAA, 001131nuam Tn aagsV XTUM IonMOD i?u113aW 33PIMMOD PIoH sagsim a8 sIJutm • afnssow piog-uo oQ alnpagos aounouuB off. SHH W XauJtW 3I.znW NSV • Do Display Case Help decorate tree in Rotunda Do on -hold phone message December — Classy Chassis Hold Committee Meeting Wings & Wheels Hold Committee Meeting Wings & Wishes Put glow bracelets together Get stanchions from Mall Get refreshments Get tablecloths, napkins, and cups Get gift for Santa Put red velvet ribbon on green garbage cans Do Thank You Notes 0 0 COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # PRESENTER: POSITION: CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL 12-01-02 Chancey Crowell Municipal Court Judge AGENDA ITEM # AGENDA DATE: DEPARTMENT: 3 January 19, 2012 Municipal Court TITLE: A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee authorizing the Mayor to sign an addendum to the Professional Services Agreement for the Municipal Court Judge. BACKGROUND/ HISTORY: See attachment. EXHIBITS: Background/History Attachment Proposed Resolution No. 2012- Current Professional Services Contract for Municipal Court Judge Proposed addendum to Professional Services Contract for Municipal Court Judge. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Pass the proposed resolution to allow the contract amendment consistent with the proposed 2012 Budget. FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ 18,000.00 $ 18,000.00 $ None - In Budget ACTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: V3 - Councilmember BFeffrner Councilmember Johnson Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Barnhart Passed: 5 0 Failed: • Second By: te4V-,`►A Councilmember Raab Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Fis1Fs Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) Page 1 of 1 • Back Ground/History Attachment To Proposed Resolution No. 2012 - In December, 2009, the City of East Wenatchee and Chancey C. Crowell entered into a professional services contract for Municipal Court Judge based on the represented and perceived case load. The contract provided for $3,0000.00 per month compensation and no benefits or vacation. The contract further required that in the event the Judge took time off for any reasons personal to the Judge, i.e. sick leave or vacation, that the cost of a Judge Pro Tern substitute would be deducted from the Judge's salary. In 2011 the Judge took one day vacation on a court day and hired a pro tern rather than reschedule all cases or leave defendants in jail at $70/day. The City deducted the cost of the Pro Tern, $637.50, from the Judge's salary. A full time municipal court judge receives a salary of $141,710.00, per year or approximately $11,800.00 per month. Contrary to the presumptions made in 2009 when the parties entered into the contract, the case load, as determined by the State of Washington, proves that the East Wenatchee Municipal Court has been operating for the last two (2) years at between 70% and 73% of a full time equivalent court. Therefore, if the position were compensated accordingly, the annual salary would be $99,197.00, or approximately $8,300.00 per month. In addition, full time Judges receive health insurance, vacation, sick leave, retirement and other benefits. In 2011 the Court conducted more jury trials than the Court had conducted in the past five (5) years combined. Based on the actual work load, the Judge requested a raise for 2011 and again for 2012. No raise was granted for 2011. In the budget process during 2011 for the 2012 year, the Judge requested a salary of $6,000.00 per month plus benefits. The budget committee approved and presented a budget to the Council allowing for an additional $1,500.00 per month for the Judge's salary for the year 2012 and did not approve any benefits. The budgeted salary for 2012 is $4,500/month and the contract should be amended to reflect that amount. This resolution would allow formalization of the amendment to the contract to implement the budgeted salary amount. • • City of East Wenatchee, Washington Resolution No. 2012- A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee authorizing the Mayor to sign an Addendum to Professional Services Contract for Municipal Court Judge. 1. Authority. a. RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the City Council to organize and regulate its internal affairs and to define the powers, functions and duties of its officers and employees. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: Authorization. The City Council authorizes the Mayor to sign the contract attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A. Section 2: Effective Date. This Resolution becomes effective immediately. • Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this day of 12012. CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON By Steven C. Lacy, Mayor ATTEST: Dana Barnard, City Clerk City of East Wenatchee Resolution 2012 Page 1 of 2 • Approved as to form only: • Devin Poulson, City Attorney Filed with the City Clerk: I Z. Passed by the City Council: Effective Date: City of East Wenatchee Resolution 2012 Page 2 of 2 Exhibit A • Addendum to Professional Services Contract for Municipal Court Judge As authorized by Paragraph 24 of the Professional Services Contract, the parties modify the original contract as set forth below. Paragraph 7.a. of the Professional Services Contract is replaced by the following language: a. Total Compensation. The City shall pay $3,000/month for performing the work set forth in this Agreement. From January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012, the City shall pay $4,500/month for performing the work set forth in this agreement. CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE: Signature: Steven C. Lacy, Mayor . Date: ATTEST: By: • CHANCEY C. CROWELL: Signature: Chancy C. Crowell Date: Federal Employee ID No.. • • • RECEIVED DEC 2 9 2009 Ogy pF EASTWENATCHEE Professional Contract for Municipal Court Judge RErf--IVED M9 CITv i WENATCIJEE 1. Parties. The Parties to this agreement ("Agreement") are the City of East Wenatchee ("City") and Chancey Crowell ("Crowell"). 2. Recitals. a. As authorized by Chapter 3.50 of the Revised Code of Washington ("RCW"), the City has established the East Wenatchee Municipal Court. Such Court has jurisdiction and shall exercise all powers vested in municipal courts, as are generally conferred upon such courts in the State of Washington, either by common law or by express statute or ordinance. b. Chapter 2.14 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code ("EWMC") and Chapter 3.50 RCW authorize the City to appoint a Municipal Court Judge to preside over the hearings and proceedings of the East Wenatchee Municipal Court. c. Crowell has sought the appointment to the position of Municipal Court Judge for the City of East Wenatchee Municipal Court. This is a part-time position. d. The Mayor has deemed Crowell qualified to hold such position and has appointed him to serve as the City's Municipal Court Judge, effective January 1, 2010, for a four year term pursuant to EWMC 2.14.110(B). e. In accordance with the appointment, the City should enter into an Agreement with Crowell to provide for the services of the position and to identity the compensation to be paid to Crowell for such services. In consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants, and performance of the scope of work contained herein, as attached and made a part hereof, the City and Crowell mutually agree as follows: 3. Employment of Judge. The City agrees to employ Crowell as the City's Municipal Court Judge to preside over the Municipal Court in accordance with the ordinances of the City and statutes of the State of Washington, including Chapter 3.50 RCW. 4. Independent Judicial Branch. The Municipal Court is a part of an independent branch of government and Crowell must act in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Judicial Conduct and Washington State Court rules. 5. Scope of work. Crowell shall provide the services specified below. "These services shall be termed "work" herein. Crowell shall perform the following services that: a. Crowell shall serve as Municipal Court Judge for the City. He shall supervise the court staff and shall make or be responsible for all of the administrative decisions regarding operation of the court in conformance with state law and EWMC. Administration of Court personnel shall be in conformance with City policies and with the concurrence of the Mayor. Administration of Court financial or budgetary functions shall be in conformance with City policies and standard accounting procedures, BARS and JIS and with the concurrence of the City Professional Services Contract for Municipal Court Judge Page 1 of 6 lsF.wlTuhlic%riry AmmefforincssVMunicipel Cma Judge 13.ISlCrmve112010.201} doc Treasurer. No contract shall be signed by Crowell without approval of the City Council. b. Additionally, if designated by the chief law enforcement officer of the City, Crowell shall serve as administrative hearing examiner and shall conduct hearings as the administrative hearing examiner for purposes of RCW 69.50.505 SEIZURE AND FORFEITURE, as amended. It is understood and agreed that the City shall defend, hold harmless, release and discharge Crowell from all claims, demands or actions arising from his employment and/or duties as such administrative hearing examiner. 6. Term of Agreement. The effective date of this Agreement is January 1, 2010. This Agreement expires on December 31, 2013. 7. Compensation. a. Total Compensation. The City shall pay $3,000/month for performing the work set forth in this Agreement. b. Additional Compensation. The City agrees to pay for Crowell's membership in the District and Municipal Court Judges' Association.. This provision takes into account state law requiring that said membership fees be paid by the jurisdiction served by Crowell, and not by Crowell personally. No other benefits shall be • provided other than those specifically stated herein. c. Method of Payment. The monthly consideration provided herein shall be paid as wages to an employee. The City shall withhold all state and federal taxes. The amount due shall be paid to Crowell at the end of each month without the submission of a claim or invoice by Crowell to the City. 8. Time Requirements. Crowell shall administer the court, and sit as judge and hearing examiner as required for a minimum of two days per week. There shall be two days per week for regular court calendars and hearings. Should these activities, or the administrative demands of the court, require more than two days in any week, Crowell shall not be entitled to additional compensation from the City. 9. Pro Tem. Judges. From time to time the use of pro-tem judges will be necessary in the court. Should such usage be necessitated by Crowell's absence from the court for personal reasons, the cost of such usage shall be deducted from Crowell's salary. Otherwise, payment for such usage shall be made from that sum budgeted for payment for pro-tem services. In the event a pro-tem judge is used because of a conflict of interest on Crowell's part, or because of the filing of an affidavit of prejudice, Crowell shall not be excused from fulfilling any other administrative or calendar duties as may be necessary during such usage. In the event it is determined by appropriate third -party authority having jurisdiction over Court activities (such as the Commission on Judicial Conduct or the Washington State Supreme Court) that the use of pro- tem judges resulted from the wrongful acts of Crowell, then Crowell shall be responsible and • liable for the costs and expenses incidental to the use of such pro-tem judge(s). Professional Services Contract for Municipal Court Judge Page 2 of 6 AEwsvr1\Pub11c1Chy AttomeyTontractsWunicipal Court Judge 13-12\Crowell 2010-2013.doc • b. The information is in the public domain at the time of disclosure b Crowell; or p Y C. The information is received by Crowell from a third party who does not have an obligation to keep the same confidential. 19. Interdepartmental Cooperation. Crowell shall endeavor to administer the court at all times so as to comply with any reasonable request made by another City department, by the Mayor, or by the City Council, so long as complying with a reasonable request does not impair the necessary independence of the court. 20. Administrative and Financial Matters. Crowell will comply with written directives from the Mayor, which apply to administrative and financial matters. The directives will not apply to judicial issues. 21. Indemnification. Crowell releases and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents and volunteers for any and all claims, demands, losses, negligent acts or omissions, and liabilities (including costs and all attorney's fees) to or by any and all persons and entities, including without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from, or connected with this . Agreement to the extent caused by the negligent acts, errors or omissions of Crowell or by the Crowell's breach of this Agreement. . 22. Insurance. Crowell shall provide Professional Errors and Omissions Liability insurance which shall provide coverage for any negligent professional acts, errors or omissions for which Crowell is legally responsible. Crowell shall furnish a certificate of insurance to the City at the time of execution of this agreement. 23. General Provisions. a. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed, and enforced in all respects in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. b. Full Agreement. This Agreement and all attachments form all of the covenants, promises, agreements and conditions, between the parties. All attachments and addendum are incorporated herein by this reference, and shall be a part of this Agreement. In the event of discrepancy between the documents, addendum and attachments shall prevail over the Agreement. This entire Agreement including all attachments specifies the working relationship between the City and Crowell and specific obligations of both parties. C. Full Force and Effect. If any provision of this Agreement is declared invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. d. Survivability. The obligations of Crowell under all provisions of this Agreement, which may reasonably be interpreted or construed as surviving the completion, • Professional Services Contract for Municipal Court Judge Page 4 of 6 \\Ewsvrl\Public\City Attomey\Contracts\Municipa1 Court Judge 13-12\Crowe112010-2013.doc • termination, or cancellation of this Agreement, shall survive the completion, termination, or cancellation of this Agreement. Executory Contract. This Agreement will be considered valid once signed by both parties. f. Authority. Each individual executing this Agreement on behalf of the City and Crowell represents and warrants that such individuals are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of Crowell or the City. g. No Gifts and Gratuities. Crowell may not offer, nor may City employees accept gifts, gratuities, loans, trips, favors, special discounts, work, or anything of economic value in conjunction with the City business practices. Crowell must strictly adhere to the statutes and ordinances for ethics in contracting and purchasing, including the City Ethics Code, RCW 42.23 (Code of Ethics for Municipal Officers) and RCW 42.52 (Ethics in Public Service). This is applicable to any business practice, whether a contract condition, bid practice, or at any activity related to the City business. h. Conflict of Interest. Crowell represents that he does not have a business interest or close family relationship with any City officer or employee who was, is, or will be involved in the Crowell selection, negotiation, drafting, signing, administration or • evaluation of the Crowell's performance. In addition, Crowell acknowledges that he will adhere to the City's policies regarding conflict of interest, the City Ethics Code, and the RCW as named previously. • 24. Modification. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. Except with the written consent of both parties, neither party may alter or modify this Agreement. 25. Venue. The venue for any legal dispute regarding this Agreement shall be Douglas County Superior Court. 26. Attorney's Fees. if any legal action or other proceeding is brought for the enforcement of this Agreement, the substantially prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees and other costs incurred in that action. 27. Severability. If a competent court of law determines any section or portion of this Agreement to be unlawful, such determination shall not affect the remaining terms and conditions of the Agreement. 28. Non -waiver. Waiver of any default or breach of this Agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other prior or subsequent default or breach and shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of this agreement unless stated to be such through written agreement of the signatories hereto. Professional Services Contract for Municipal Court Judge Page 5 of 6 1\Etvsvr1\Pub icTity Attorneff ontractsNunicipal Court Judge 13-12%Crowell 2010.2013.doc e 0 • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE: n Signature: ' Stele C. Lacy, Mayor Date: l�CC ATTEST: H,r: CHANCEY C. CROWELL: J• Signa e• / 1 t Chancy C. Crowel ^� Date: ,L C Federal Em to ee ID i No.:� Professional Services Contract for Municipal Court Judge Page 6 of 6 \Twwr1%Pab1W..ity AttomeyTortroctsxXtunicipsl Court Judge 13-121Crowell2010.2013.doc n COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # PRESENTER: POSITION: 12-01-03 Steven C. Lacy Mayor CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AGENDA ITEM # AGENDA DATE: DEPARTMENT: w January 24, 2012 Legislative TITLE: A Resolution of the City of East Wenatchee appointing the Mayor to the Douglas County Solid Waste Advisory Committee. BACKGROUND/HISTORY: EXHIBITS: Resolution RECOMMENDED ACTION: Pass the resolution. FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ N/A $ N/A $ N/A ACTION TAKEN: \ Motion Made By: �X�ric-1 Councilmember Bier Councilmember Johnson Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Barnhart Passed: S Failed: Second By: kAe-4- Councilmember Raab Councilmember Buckner Councilmember MQR&IEks Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) Page 1 of 1 • RESOLUTION NO. 2012 - 01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, APPOINTING THE MAYOR TO THE DOUGLAS COUNTY SOLID WASTE ADVISORY COMMITTEE. WHEREAS, the Washington State Waste Management -Reduction and Recycling Act (RCW 70.95.040) allows for the creation of a Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC), and WHEREAS, the City Council has the authority to appoint a representative to sit on the Solid Waste Advisory Committee, and WHEREAS, the Solid Waste Advisory Committee member will represent the solid and hazardous waste interests of the citizens of East Wenatchee and provide recommendations to the East Wenatchee City Council on solid and hazardous waste planning, administration and program implementation, and WHEREAS, the Douglas County Solid Waste Advisory Committee Members Manual specifies that the Mayor of the City of East Wenatchee is to represent the City of East Wenatchee and provide the Solid Waste Advisory Committee recommendations to the East Wenatchee City Council, and • WHEREAS, the citizens of East Wenatchee have chosen to elect Steven C. Lacy as their Mayor, C: NOW THEREFORE, the City Council, of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, hereby resolve that Steven C. Lacy is the duly appointed representative on the Douglas County Solid Waste Advisory Committee, and that the term of appointment is valid through January 31, 2016. RESOLVED this 24th day of January 2012, by the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington. ATTEST/AUTHENTICATED: Dana Barnard, City Clerk Filed with the City Clerk: Passed by the City Council: Resolution No.: 2012 - 01 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE Steven C. Lacy, Mayor • E CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # 12-01-01 PRESENTER: POSITION: Devin Poulson City Attorney AGENDA ITEM # AGENDA DATE: DEPARTMENT: 5 January 24, 2012 Legal TITLE: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee amending East Wenatchee Municipal Code Chapter 4.34 to establish reduced rates for utilities provided to senior citizens, to low-income citizens, and to disabled citizens. BACKGROUND/HISTORY: The City recently negotiated a municipal solid waste collection contract with Waste Management. As part of this contract, Waste Management agreed to give senior citizens, low-income citizens, and disabled citizen a discounted collection rate. The proposed Ordinance updates the City's Municipal Code to eliminate inconsistencies between the Code and the new contract. Previously, only senior citizens and low-income disabled citizens were entitled to a reduced rate. Under the proposed Ordinance, senior citizens and low-income citizens, and disabled citizens are entitled to a reduced rate. EXHIBITS: Ordinance Recommendation: Adopt the ordinance. FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $0 $0 $0 ACTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: 4-ei' i- rl C, Second By: C d l <�ey_ Councilmember Bremer Councilmember Raab Councilmember Johnson Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Barnhart Passed: 51 0 Failed: Councilmember Buckner Councilmember H"*cks Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) Page 1 of 1 • City of East Wenatchee, Washington Ordinance No. 2012-01 An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee amending East Wenatchee Municipal Code Chapter 4.34 to establish reduced rates for utilities provided to senior citizens, to low-income citizens, and to disabled citizens. 1. Recitals a. Preamble. The City of East Wenatchee ("City") is a non -charter code City duly incorporated and operating under the laws of the State of Washington; and 2. Authority. a. RCW 35A.11.020 and RCW 35A.12.190 authorize the City Council to adopt ordinances of all kinds to regulate its municipal affairs and appropriate to the good government of the City. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is to establish reduced rates for utilities • provided to senior citizens, to low-income citizens, and to disabled citizens. Section 2: Amendment. The City Council amends East Wenatchee Municipal Code Chapter 4.34 as set forth in Exhibit A. Section 3: Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision in this Ordinance to be contrary to law, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Ordinance. Section 4: Publication. The City Council directs the City Clerk to publish a summary of this Ordinance. The summary shall consist of the title of this Ordinance Section 5: Effective Date. This Ordinance becomes effective five days after the date its summary is published. Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on this day of , 2012. City of East Wenatchee Ordinance Pagel of 3 • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON By Steven C. Lacy, Mayor ATTEST: Dana Barnard, City Clerk Approved as to form only: I*Devin Poulson, City Attorney Filed with the City Clerk: Passed by the City Council: Published: Effective Date: 12/09/2011 • City of East Wenatchee Ordinance Page 2 of 3 • Summary of Ordinance No. 2012 - 01 Of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington • On the day of , 2012, the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington approved Ordinance No. 2012-01, the main point of which may be summarized by its title as follows: An Ordinance of the City of East Wenatchee amending East Wenatchee Municipal Code Chapter 4.34 to establish reduced rates for utilities provided to senior citizens, to low-income citizens, and to disabled citizens. Upon request, the City will mail a full text of this Ordinance. Dated this day of 12012. CITY CLERK, DANA BARNARD City of East Wenatchee Ordinance Page 3 of 3 • Chapter 4.34 RATE FOR SENIOR CITIZENS, LOW-INCOME CITIZENS, AND LOW MCOME DISABLED CITIZENS Sections: 4.34.010 Purpose and findings. 4.34.020 Definitions. 4.34.030 Rate reduction — Applicable utilities. 4.34.040 Application for reduced rate. 4.34.050 Penalty for false information. 4.34.010 Purpose and findings. The city council of the city of East Wenatchee finds that it is appropriate for the city of IEast Wenatchee to establish reduced rates for utilities provided by the city to senior citizens residents, to low-income citizens, and to isabled citizensresidents of the city. (Ord. 09-13 § 4, 2009; Ord. 97-2 § 1, 1997) 4.34.020 Definitions. A. "Senior citizen" means a person who: 1. Resides within the city of East Wenatchee; • 2. Is 62 years of age or older; 3. Receives utility services from the city of East Wenatchee; and 4. Is the head of a household. B. "Disabled citizen" means a person who: 1. Resides within the city of East Wenatchee; 2. Is the head of a household; and 3. Qualifies for special parking privileges under RCW 46.16.381(1)(a) through (f), or a blind person as defined in RCW 74.18.020, or a person who qualifies for supplemental social security benefits due to a disability. C. "Low-income" is defined as follows: 1. Every single person whose combined disposable income as defined in RCW 84.36.383(5), as it now exists or is hereafter amended, is less than the qualifying amount set forth in RCW 84.36.381 (5)(b)(ii), as it now exists or is hereafter amended. 2. Every married couple, constituting a marital community, and whose combined disposable income as defined in RCW 84.36.383(5), as it now exists or is hereafter amended, is less than the qualifying amount set forth in RCW 84.36.381(5)(a), as it now exists or is hereafter amended. (Ord. 97-2 § 1, 1997) 4.34.030 Rate reduction — Applicable utilities. A. A utility rate reduction shall be applied to the residential monthly utility bills of senior citizens, of and of low-income citizens, and of disabled citizens, in accordance with the terms of this chapter. • B. The amount of the utility rate reduction for garbage and refuse collection, including any adjustments to said rate, shall be as established by city ordinance and is subject to amendment by • future city ordinances. The utility rate reduction for garbage and refuse collection as of the date of passage of the ordinance codified in this chapter is set forth in Ordinance 2011-08. (Ord. 09- 13 § 5, 2009; Ord. 97-2 § 1, 1997) • • 4.34.040 Application for reduced rate. A. Applications for utility discounts shall be obtained from and filed with the city clerk, or his or her designee. The application shall be on a form prescribed by the city clerk, and shall contain the information necessary to evaluate the applicant's qualification for reduced utility rates. B. Submission of an application for a utility discount shall constitute a verification by the applicant that all information provided in such application is true and correct to the best of the applicant's knowledge. C. Once approved by the city clerk, the application shall become effective the next billing cycle following 30 days after approval of the application. D. Each application approved for low-income citizens disabled residents is effective for 12 months commencing the first month the reduced rate becomes effective for the applicant. It shall be the sole responsibility of the low-income disabled applicant to re -apply for successive 12- month periods of eligibility for reduced utility rates. E. Each application approved for disabled citizens is effective for 12 months commencing the first month the reduced rate becomes effective for the applicant. It shall be the sole responsibility of the disabled applicant to re -apply for successive 12-month periods of eligibility for reduced utility rates. I EE. Each application approved for a senior citizen will be effective commencing the first month the reduced rate becomes effective for the senior citizen applicant. 4.34.050 Penalty for false information. Any individual willfully providing false information to the city in an application for reduced utility rates shall forfeit his/her eligibility for future reductions in utility rates and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable as set forth in EWMC 1.20.010, as the same now exists or is hereafter amended. Additionally, the individual shall be required to repay the amount of any utility discount received based upon such false information, together with interest at the rate of 18 percent per annum until repaid in full. (Ord. 09-13 § 7, 2009; Ord. 97-2 § 1, 1997) 4.34.030 Rate reduction — Applicable utilities. • COUNCIL AGENDA BILL* PRESENTER: POSITION: CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL 12-01-04 Steve, Devin, Lori Mayor, City Attorney, Director TITLE: A general discussion regarding Solid Waste issues. BACKGROUND/HISTORY: EXHIBITS: None RECOMMENDED ACTION: Hold Discussion AGENDA ITEM * 6 AGENDA DATE: January 24, 2012 DEPARTMENT: Legislative, Legal, Community Development FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ N/A $ N/A $ N/A ACTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: Councilmember p emnser Councilmember Johnson Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Barnhart Passed: Failed: Second By: Councilmember Raab Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Hands Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) �1 1 '5 0, ud/j, 0-r-� Page 1 of 1 0 COUNCIL AGENDA BILL* PRESENTER: POSITION: 12-01-05 Steven C. Lacy Mayor CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AGENDA ITEM # AGENDA DATE: DEPARTMENT: As: TITLE: AdSi A discussionla draft revision of the Manual of Personnel Policies, BACKGROUND/HISTORY: EXHIBITS: Draft version of Manual of Personnel Policies. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Hold Discussion 7 January 24, 2012 Legislative FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ N/A $ N/A $ N/A ACTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: Councilmember BwarAw Councilmember Johnson Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Barnhart Passed: Failed: • Second By: Councilmember Raab Councilmember Buckner Councilmember HeadsiciEs Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) b S CC"A � C Page 1 of 1 Sub•ni d 6 (wo�oc /�3�Gkner y ,_ • 11 NORTH CENTRAL WASHINGTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (NCW EDD) MEMBERSHIP MEETING December 14, 2011 232 E. Wapato Street Chelan Fire Station 8:45-10:15 AM Gail Howe called the meeting to order at 8: SO a. m. MEMBERS PRESENT Gail Howe, City of Pateros Kyle Desautel, Colville Confederated Tribes Bill Haven, City of Entiat Chuck Johnson, City of East Wenatchee Craig Larsen, Port of Chelan County Roni Holder-Diefenbach, Economic Alliance Arnie Marchand, Carbon Cycle Crush Dave Acheson, Town of Winthrop Chris Branch, City of Oroville Steve Jenkins, Douglas County Mark Botello, City of Cashmere Russell Clark, City of Rock Island Susan Driver, SMD Solutions, LLC Mark Spurgeon, Port of Douglas County Lisa Parks, Port of Douglas County Jim Reinbold, City of Chelan Wendy Isenhart, City of Chelan Kevin Stennes, Cascade Crest Organics Jim Detro, Okanogan County STAFF and GUESTS PRESENT Jennifer Korfiatis, NCW EDD Dayla Culp, NCW EDD Carol Cowling, South Central Conservation District Bonnie Waude, NCWEDD Maureen Scheimo, Chelan 9 NCW EDD Meeting Minutes Approval of Minutes The following changes were made to the minutes: • Mark Spurgeon was added to the Members Present o Dave Acheson moved to approve the amended November 9, 2011 meeting minutes, Craig Larsen seconded and the motion was carried. Administrator's Report EVI: Submissions for the EVI Art Contest have been sent to the committee for review. Jennifer met with Ron Johnston Rodriguez and an action plan has been compiled and is up for review by the membership. WAEDD Updates: The NADO assessment, commissioned by WAEDD has been shared with partners. Jennifer had copies available for EDD membership review. Entrepreneurship/Innovation: GWATA is holding an event for those interested regarding small business and cloud computing. EDD has been asked to partner to make this event a webinar. The webinar will then be posted on the EDD Website. The cost will be $200. • Susan Driver moved to approve NCW EDD providing $200 to host the Cloud Computing webinar, Chuck Johnson seconded and the motion was carried. Jennifer is meeting with a gentleman interested in starting an Angel Network in the region. 60 possible Angels have been identified and a meeting will be held in March with them to determine their interest in participating in such a program. EDD is offering support only at this time. • Jennifer will be participating in a conference call in the future to discuss the possibility of participating in an event called "Startup Weekend". These events have been held throughout the world, including Seattle and consist of bringing together entrepreneurs in the region and allowing them to flush out ideas and plans for business ventures. Bonnie Waude: The mentorship program is moving forward with people beginning to sign up. The Entrepreneurship website development is going well and will house information and applications for the mentorship program on it. There is still a need for mentors. North Central Homebuilders Association: EDD was approached to explore a need for continuing education classes for the construction industry. To determine the need a survey was created and circulated. Preliminary results from the survey should be available sometime in mid - January. Project Selection: From the Letters of Interest, the committee asked two organizations to submit a full application. These applications have been distributed for review by the project selection committee. Letter of Support: A letter of support was submitted for the City of Wenatchee to the American Institute of Architects for a sub area plan of South Wenatchee. Jennifer stated that this project was accepted by the American Institute of Architects and will begin in early 2012. Holiday: Jennifer will be out of the office from December 19, 2011 until January 2, 2012. Rural Sales and Use tax letter: A draft letter to Senator Parlette regarding the Rural Sales and Use tax (.09 funding) was circulated for discussion. • Chuck Johnson moved to approve sending the letter to State representatives, Wendy Isenhart seconded and the motion was carried. New Members: Three organizations have contacted NCW EDD to become members. Per by-laws, these members will be presented at one meeting and voted on at the next membership meeting. Information on these organizations was circulated to the membership. • SO Alliance: Associate membership ($150) • Cairncross & Hempelmann: Associate membership ($150) • Wenatchee Downtown Association: Associate reciprocal Membership: The Washington Economic Development Association (WEDA) membership dues are up for renewal. The cost of membership is $400 a year. • Russell Clark moved to approve the payment of $400 to WAEDD for 2012 membership dues, Chris Branch seconded and the motion was carried. Conflict of Interest Policy: A copy of the conflict of interest policy was distributed and a signing sheet was passed. Committee Sign up: A sign-up sheet was passed around for those interested on participating on the various • committees within NCW EDD. Member Presentation: Lisa Parks, Port of Douglas County, gave a presentation on Pangborn Memorial Airport. Treasurer's Report ■ Steve Jenkins moved to approve the November treasurers report, Russell Clark seconded and the motion was carried. New Business/Public Comment: The contract between NCW EDD and the NCW Resource Conservation and Development for the Administrative Assistant and Accounting support was circulated for discussion. The only change to the contract is found in Article II, Section 2.01 and changes the dates to January 1, 2012 to June 30, 2012. • Steve Jenkins moved to approve the contract pending approval by NCW EDD, Chuck Johnson seconded and the motion was carried. Roni Holder-Diefenbach spoke about the IRIS Summit and shared copies of a newsletter with the membership. Roni Holder-Diefenbach shared a presentation that was given at a recent Economic Alliance meeting regarding a new fish hatchery being built at Chief Joseph Dam and the impact the • project will have on this region. Maureen Scheimo presented an idea to the membership on hosting an Economic Summit for the state in this region. The goal she sees for this summit is to look at the macro and micro economics and determine steps for recovery. The membership suggested submitting a formal request with desired outcome for discussion. Adiourn ■ The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 a.m. to move to Annual Meeting. • • NORTH CENTRAL WASHINGTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT • (NCW EDD) ANNUAL MEETING 11 0 December 14, 2011 232 E. Wapato Street Chelan Fire Station 10:00-10:15 AM Gail Howe called the meeting to order at 10: 00 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Gail Howe, City of Pateros Kyle Desautel, Colville Confederated Tribes Bill Haven, City of Entiat Chuck Johnson, City of East Wenatchee Craig Larsen, Port of Chelan County Roni Holder-Diefenbach, Economic Alliance Arnie Marchand, Carbon Cycle Crush Dave Acheson, Town of Winthrop Chris Branch, City of Oroville Steve Jenkins, Douglas County Mark Botello, City of Cashmere Russell Clark, City of Rock Island Susan Driver, SMD Solutions, LLC Mark Spurgeon, Port of Douglas County Lisa Parks, Port of Douglas County Jim Reinbold, City of Chelan Wendy Isenhart, City of Chelan Kevin Stennes, Cascade Crest Organics Jim Detro, Okanogan County STAFF and GUESTS PRESENT Jennifer Korfiatis, NCW EDD Dayla Culp, NCW EDD Carol Cowling, South Central Conservation District Bonnie Waude, NCWEDD Maureen Scheimo, Chelan • Election of Officers: The following were presented as nominations for the 2012 NCW EDD Officers and Executive Committee: • NCWEDD Officers o Chair: Dave Acheson o Vice Chair: Mark Spurgeon o Secretary: Wendy Isenhart o Treasurer: Russell Clark • NCWEDD Executive Committee o Chair: Dave Acheson o Vice Chair: Mark Spurgeon o Secretary: Wendy Isenhart o Treasurer: Russell Clark o Board of Director from within Okanogan County: Andrew Lampe o Board of Director from within Chelan County: Mark Botello o Board of Director from within Douglas County: Steve Jenkins o Board of Director from the Colville Tribes: Kyle Desautel o Board of Director representing a Minority: TBD NCW Hispanic Chamber o Immediate Past Chair: Gail Howe • Craig Larsen moved to approve the nominations for 2012, Russell Clark seconded and the motion was carried. • Annual Budget: • Craig Larsen moved to approve the NCWEDD Annual Budget, Chuck Johnson seconded and the motion was carried. Adiourn• The NCW EDD Annual meeting was adjourned at 10:06 am. 0 NORTH CENTRAL WASHINGTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MEETING Membership Meeting January 11, 2012 • Chelan Fire Station- 232 E. Wapato AGENDA 8:45-8:50 Open meeting and Introductions Dave Acheson 8:50-8:55 Action Item: Review & Approve the following minutes: • December membership meeting Dave Acheson • Annual meeting Motion for consideration: Move to approve the December membership and Annual meeting minutes 8:55-9:15 Administrator's Report: • Entrepreneurship/Innovation implementation project- information o GWATA webinar partnership o Angel Network o Start -Up weekend o Bonnie's report • Construction industry education project- information • SeaPort Airlines- Pangborn Memorial Airport- information • Project Selection Committee update- information • WDA Board of Directors- information • IEDC membership- recommendation • Committee sign-ups • Okanogan County transportation update- information • Via 97 committee update- information 9:15-9:20 Presentation of the following member: • • Winthrop Chamber of Commerce 9:20-9:25 Action Item: Approval of the following Associate members: • SCJ Alliance: Associate ($150) • Cairncross & Hempelmann ($150) • Wenatchee Downtown Association: Associate (reciprocal) Motion for consideration: Move to approve the outlined Associate memberships 9:25-9:50 Presentation: Nell's Cafe, Grizzly Bait and Tackle and Big River Laundry 9:50-9:55 Action Item: Review & Approve Treasurer's Report Motion for consideration: Move to approve the Treasurer's Report 9:55-10:15 New Business/Public Comment Jennifer Korfiatis Dave Acheson Dave Acheson Nancine Hawkins Carol/Russell Clark Dave Acheson 10:15 Action Item: Adjourn Dave Acheson Motion for consideration: Move to adjourn the January NCWEDD membership meeting Next meeting: Wednesday, February 8 KEY FOR ACROYNMS: NCWEDD: North Central Washington Economic Development District RC&D: North Central Washington Resource Conservation and Development Council EVI: Electric Vehicle Initiative EDA: Economic Development Administration CEDS: Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy WAEDD: Washington Association of Economic Development Districts NADO: National Association of Development Organizations SBA: Small Business Administration • Jan, 11, 2012 Today I attended the NCWEDD and RC&D meeting for George in Chelan. My very brief report of each follows. I am sure George will give us the official minutes in February. NCWEDD The Angel project and Startup meetings were put on hold. It was reported that there was a need for First Aid ; CPR and computer training in the construction trade industry. given. A report on Seaport air, the new airline service to Yakima and Portland was The Okanogan transportation improvement committee is trying to meet. Progress is being made on establishing plug in stations on 1-97 between the U.S. and Canada. Discussions are taking place and a conference is being planned for May. A lady from Bridgeport gave a very enthusiastic report on how the city council, citizens. Indian tribes and the CORPS of Engineers have and are COLLABORATING to improve the cities appearance and what activities it can offer citizens and hopefully • tourists. I have provided you newspaper that contains an article about tree carving in Bridgeport. They are planning their first fishing Derby for this spring. This paper also contains articles about other activities in different communities. A new business, CARBON CYCLE CRUSH, is opening in Oroville. A copy of their hand out is included. Sorry it didn't copy better. After the treasures report the meeting adjourned. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RC&D -- They have lost funding for their coordinator and the office lady had questions on what she should do on several topics and what her job description was now? What authority does she have? They spent most of the meeting trying to prioritize the groups goals. They are sponsoring an art contest in March that will update their Web -site logo. It should promote the RC&D Councilman Harry Raab 0 n L • a R n o a, POPE" co >1 (0) U rn Y v LnE N L Ln ^ O L y 3 7 a O u E c rn O ro s Ou ai O Ln sn 3 ro aJ 3 v oo ao i u o L O O ?' w 2 O` C Q o T v O ?� v u u u O n w U o ? O C O Q to .Q aJ +' @ O � L f0 rLo 7 rp _Q L y p C O � p y n N Q U Coa1 y M Nf1xv Ln YLn i ar 'c 3 O u Ln a ow 1 L Ql N > T CD m O N O � L W Ln C. 111 N d ? N O n +� ._ L L 4-- aJ u �O GA aJ '� __ aJ S Lu N aJ _ 4 C C O aJ � � C L O. a O bn Q O a Q _ _ _ GA al rO L v O C _0 o� a1 C dA a U +--� r0 O' N E C ru dA ro O O L S ll3 O aJ C— vi n �— a) L O O y N a) C O a1 O a+ L aJ E Q CiA L L O 4- L C) O" N 'O 4-- C Ln O v- 4+ m O ] u O aJ u O ro C as �J 'J U O to 6 p rU ?` u j C O L C O M en O— aJ @ E o ctxo aJ Q C u 3 p 0 cE-0 � u 2 axJ '' o u o Q u u u ..x I ^,- I 1. cL v o, u o m` u bCa 7 3 C ra O.� !a u N L 4! O. Y>cu a! -se > 3 L m ro c v Y o. T C O O 7 L v y N a) M o v? 3 0 cu c(LI X v w • a Qj in O co 3 N 7 -C -0 a �n L N u C a, o v o a,> on E -o : Q v c oo c ro 27, E ,� mu a� > y °' s o v o a u U O U oD Oa U L 0 Q L O a 7 L y Q v U L O 0 w- m s L O ° o= °' C a = oo a m a v Y T 3 no.c EE c E � ° > 3 E > *' E m* o m —aa, o ac, o L a c a ° r` c o° E L ro :3 0 3 o Q1 3 0 E a L Y >° a Qj O p O L — O C ro m ru u H m uo ra QJ U Qj N a•' O C aj >a _O bD to O a O— 7 , .� ra v v �; 3 3 O V O >, '� O Q u E E O as O ro �^ ra 3 E .O O oq N aJ L C -O .� ro a, O U +' c � a) bD p = O O a, L - u N EO E a/ >O up w 'a >. m d vci ro c c= $ a, o ro w y a O O N L �. QJ a s O +L+ 3 - u a a » c E c ro a C C o p 0 C c r'Jv m O Y m O C in a' jo a`, E 3 Y x i>'}o to v ° p co a > a � s s ac O u m on ,° Y 3 3 2 o tll a a a, 3 ° fa Lpa u ?> N a1 C � _ '� i ,� ra w a1 • W ++ y ha yL,, O y i .0 O O/ c C O N a/ al ro O as Y L N L "O a1 O O V1 a L a O C. 7 -p al N a •C v a ) •C 3 ra c Y N m 3 ° °� �° m 3 0>> a v n a v o a u o © ro mE0 O o a E'o mn (n UC a1 u-E+= ,vi L •rn 41 O_ i O C ] L vi C O aj > Oa = YO E N L O C u N y O Q, o .� E ai o ro E -o aj u -Q ao ra v 5 3 = u "3C v O +�+ u O O O 3 7 N N Q '� rOo a, z o a ^ fu ru v o E> a) 3 c t o 'E (ura O= u z] 3 c n no a) v o E E v a Q C m a1 � Y ra (o cm: oa L V y ' 17 - u ro 3 u O - QJ O U a L Cis 7 T U 7 O bD j U 0— O yr aJ Q U t6 O O a, �CCn r6 y 6- O L E L C 'm L (J p o c c • o c a'� v C ro o in c0 a H o a� t w u a� aon Y CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 2011 ANNUAL REPORT I. INTRODUCTION The office of City of East Wenatchee Land Use Hearing Examiner was created in 2008 by Ordinance 1206. I have been serving as the City of East Wenatchee Land Use Hearing Examiner since March 28, 2008 and my current contract shall continue until mutually modified or terminated by either party. I report, in writing, to the Mayor at least once per year. The purpose of this report is to review the administration of the City's land use policies and regulating resolutions, as well as reporting on the number and type of decisions rendered since the prior report. City of East Wenatchee land use hearings are generally at City Hall on an as needed basis. So far this year, decisions have been rendered on three Conditional Use Permit application decisions. In 2010 there was 1 Conditional Use Permit and one Shoreline decision. This report is on all actions from January 1, 2011, through November, 30, 2011. During this time frame I have rendered one decision. My billings in 2011 were $450 per hearing item. II. ANALYSIS Conditional Use Permits There was three (3) Conditional Use Permit decision this year. This application was submitted by the City of East Wenatchee. A Conditional Use Permit application was brought by the Eastmont School District for building improvements and modernization of the Grant Elementary School. This application was approved on June 201h, 2011 subject to 21 conditions of approval. Another Conditional Use permit brought by the Eastmont School District was for the placement of portable classrooms to house students during construction in various district schools. This related to property where Sterling Intermediate School is located. This application was approved on June 20`h, 2011 subject to 15 conditions of approval. The last Conditional Use Permit also included a variance application. These were applications submitted by Columbia Valley Community Health for the construction of a medical clinic at 900 Eastmont Ave. This is the Northwest corner of the intersection of 40 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER ANNUAL REPORT Page 1 Z ased I'dodas livamNd 'IHN AJVXH 0Ml'd d3H 3Sfl aNV I adH3lVN3M ISVU AO AID suns aouajuoo sill ' i i OZ `aagolop ui uol2uigsem `uBIogo ui plag sum sill 'uolSU gsBm Jo olulS all utlltM uauiuuuxa Suueag asn puul Ilu jo uoilutoossu ue si slut •uol2uigsLM jo uoiluToossV s.Tauluzuxg 2uu30H agl Jo aoua.laJuoo apTMaluls agl papualle AIluaoaa I •alels sTgl uT gjjoj las Se SMeI aql gIIM Iu3ISISU00 ST IT Su Buol os `pi000i agl olui papnloui aq of gsim Aogl XUOUITISal pue aouapina agl luosaid of oilgnd agl jo siogwouu Ile Mollu of Alnp Au jo Ippd IuBpodim ue IT iapisuoo I Iegl pug Ilion noA •Suuuag u puallu of noA alTnui pinoM I •l.Tnoo aagSiq Cue uuoij auu of pouinlai uaag aA.eg STTQISIoaD Auij O. I?'zp MOLT_I Qn.I `paleadcie uaag aneTl?A sTgl TUToz siiatsToap Auu jo XUB aaglagm Moml IOU op I al qAk •siseg Xlauuil u uo pwopuai uaag aneq suoistoop uallTat A, •uoigsuj X113p.10 uu uT pa.zagleO aouapina pue ploq uaag aneq s0uTjuaH •sonssi ssouzTud jo aoupaeaddegsaaalui 3o loiliuoo Niue of onp nuiuuexg 2uuuaH u se JIasAuu anouuaa of pazinboi uaag aneq iou `aauiuuexg Suiluou u su JIasAuu anouua.i of palsonbaa uaag IOU aneq I `ueaA sigl lnogSno ql •ss000id 2uTIlTuu3d .Tauiuuexg 2uuuaH all glint ivoX puooas slT 2upolduuoo sT aaloluWAk Isug Jo 40 AiOISIirlaRoa 'III •po.ioliuouu AlaluT.ido.iddu ag uuo lugl puu suzaouoo Iunlou3 oql ssaappe Illm Iugl uoilipuoo a3o afenguel oql }Iun of,CI!ITgisuodsQi Auu uagl si lT `aleiidoadde AIIe20I pue Allunlouj am suoTlipuoo 3I •uoilipuoo u jo qua would Imuum AliuBol PUB xIlun4oe3 IITM sunouoo asogl IOU io zaglagnn of su uoiluuiuualap Iunlouj u aNuw lsnuu I `uoiluoilddu liuuad asn luumlipuoo ninoiliud u of oilgnd aqI Ag swomoo aie angl uogM •paluauualduui onjJuls Suiuuuld puu apoD 5uiuoZ oql Ag pasodoid se suoTlipuoo all puu asn zelnnpud all of uoiloaCgo ou si oiagl suoiluoilddu Auuuu uI •sassaulTM.CuI io/puu slaadxa .iaglo puu sluouoddo `suazilio IenpinTpuT `sluauulredop AlunoD `jjuls Ag polsa2iins aau Imp suoTlipuoo ag Aeuu Aolgl ss3ooid 2uueaq all Suiinp pollTuugns si legl aouapina aqI uodn suoTlipuoo osogl asrq I `IeAQTddp jo suoTlipuoo alP_IJdoudde.?uTpioap uagAA 'eaTp agl jo xljoejtTga aqI puu apoD SuiuoZ aqI pue ueld anisuagaidwoo aql glint asn all jo Aouolsisuoo amsui of paluauuolduui ag uuo lugl suoTlipuoo ou on, ajagl ssolun auoz ivinoip-ed e ulgliM pannollu aiu lugl sasn on sasn Ieuoillpuoo •ssaooid uoisioap asn puul aqI UT sem, SuTsuoliugo pue 2uTlsaialuT Isouu all jo auo ag of anuiluoo siluuod asn IeuoilipuoD I i OZ `,i,6Z joquuaoaQ Xq opuuu ag of uoisioap uallT.im Auu gITM i i0Z `y,t,i-IaguzaoaQ.ioj palnpagos a.ie s2uTluaq asogZ •ioogoS aleTpauualul 2?ull.131S Put' IoogoS q&H luouulsug le sluauuanoiduu of alula.z suoiluoilddu osoll •loulsTQ loogoS luouulsug all Ag suoiluoilddu ITuuod asn Ieuoilipuoo luuoilippu oMl uo s2?uiuuag auu aiojag polnpagos oslu si a-agl lugs olou pinogs I `XIIuui j Iunwddu jo suoTlipuoo tZ of loo fgns i i OZ `,1,8Z aun f 3o uoisioap uoll!im Xw Ag panoiddu seM uoiluoilddu sill •loofaid mqd aazgl p si IoaCoid all laaals 6 puu luouulsug r • held over two days. At this conference I was elected Secretary/Treasurer of the Hearing Examiners Association of Washington In 2011, I also served as Hearing Examiner for Chelan County, Kittitas County, Douglas County, Garfield County, Grant County, Columbia County, Whitman County, City of Chelan, City of Mattawa, City of Wenatchee, City of Entiat, City of Leavenworth, City of Cashmere, City of Coulee City, City of Grand Coulee, City of Kittitas, City of Rock Island, Town of Waterville and the City of Quincy. I also serve as Hearing Examiner for Chelan -Douglas Health District. I would like to commend the City of East Wenatchee Department of Planning and Community Development Director Lori Barnett and her entire staff for their professionalism in the preparation and presentation of their staff reports and their conduct at hearings: Their 'di_i gence and hard work male my job easier as they piresent the application materials and preliminary evidence in a succinct and easily comprehensible format. It allows me to do my job on a more efficient basis which saves the City money. They are always prepared and always professional at hearings. In short, we have a Department of Planning and Community Development of which the entire City can be proud. I would be happy to meet with you and the City Council at your convenience in order to discuss policies and implementation of those policies and any other items that may • be of interest to you or the City Council. In summary, the Hearing Examiner process continues to be successfully implemented in City of East Wenatchee. Respectfully submitted this 14`h day of December, 2011. CITY OF EAST WE A EE JvAND USE HEARING EXAMINER ew L. Kottkamp CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER ANNUAL REPORT Page 3 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of � Wenatchee January 10, 2012 Public Services Center 1350 McKittrick Street, Suite A FF (509) 888-3200 P.O. Box 519 CtT1'Ox 509) 888-3201 Wenatchee, WA 98807-0519 EAST WENATCHEE To: Chelan County Commissioners City of Wenatchee Mayor and Council Douglas County Commissioners City of East Wenatchee Mayor and Council Re: Chelan -Douglas County Homeless Grant Programs JAN 17 2012 RECEIVED This letter provides an update on the Chelan and Douglas County Homeless Grant Programs to all parties of the Interlocal Agreement recorded December 19, 2011. This letter is meant to serve as fulfilling item (4.4) of the agreement as each jurisdiction reviews the activities being funded with County Homeless, Consolidated Homeless Grant, and Housing Essential Needs funds. If any jurisdiction would like a meeting convened with all parties or would like a presentation of this information, please contact me with the information provided. In accordance with the 2011 Interlocal Agreement, the City has agreed to be the lead entity for is administration of funds for the implementation of (1) the "Ten -Year Plan to Reduce Homeless in Chelan and Douglas Counties," (2) The "Consolidated Homeless Grant," and (3) the "Housing and Essential Needs Grant". In accordance with Chapter 43.185 RCW, the City maintains participation of the Homeless Housing task Force and oversees the expenditures of the homeless grant funds. The 2011-2012 Homelessness Work Plan, identifying approved projects and funding amounts, has been enclosed. If I can elaborate further on these Chelan -Douglas Homeless Grant Programs, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, wma Monica Libbey Planning Manager 509-888-3252 cc: Allison Williams, Executive Services Director Cathy Mulhall, Chelan County Administrator C? � ur�e►lr�,�.► ors LDY� Apple Capitol of the World • • 0 2011-2012 Homelessness Work Plan 2011-2012 Homeless Projects ENTITY PROJECT ;FUNDING AWARD Chelan County Regional Justice Center Community Recovery Program Operations and Rent $ 50,000.00 Solomon's Porch Aslan's Refuge Teen Crisis Shelter Remodel Upstairs $ 11,754.00 Lighthouse Christian Ministries Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen Supplies and Operations $ 40,000.00 Women's Resource Center Parkside Place Housing Rehabilitation $ 90,000.00 Hospitality House Ministries Cooler and Freezer Replacement $ 64,873.00 TOTAL $ 256,627.00 k 2012 Homeless Projects �..' ENTITY PROJECT FUNDING AWARD Chelan County Volunteer Housing Justice Project, Renter $ 6,000.00 Attorney Services Eviction Legal Services Chelan County Regional Community Recovery Inmate Release $ 51,000.00 Justice Center Program Chelan -Douglas Community Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re- $ 90,000.00 Action Council Housing Program Lighthouse Christian Soup Kitchen and Pantry $ 22,000.00 Ministries Hospitality House Ministries Kitchen Rehabilitation $ 55,000.00 Solomon's Porch Aslan's Refuge Teen Crisis Shelter $ 74,900.00 Construction Recovery Innovations, Inc. P.O.R.C.H Program Client Assistance $ 1,100.00 $ 300,000.00 TOTAL • 11 0 Consolidated Homeless Grant/Homeless Projects AGENCY/PROGRAM FUNDING AWARD Community Action Council - Rents $ 35,220.00 Community Action Council - Transitional Housing $ 20,965.00 DSV Crisis Center $ 40,482.00 First United Methodist Church $ 3,942.00 Hospitality House, Haven of Hope $ 44,386.00 Mid Point Place $ 19,111.00 Salvation Army- Rents $ 46,294.00 Women's Resource Center $ 55,620.00 YWCA of Wenatchee $ 32,833.00 Chelan County Regional Justice Center $ 19,111.00 TOTAL $317,964.00 Housing,and Essential Needs Grant MEN ENTITY PROJECT FUNDING AWARD Community Action Program Administration & $ 37,859 Council Operations Community Action Homeless Rent/Utility, $ 110,193 Council Assistance Community Action At Risk Rent/Utility Assistance $ 127,758 Council Community Action Essential Needs Assistance $ 16,847 Council TOTAL $ 292,657 9 or r •W W S U a z W HUMANE society Animal Control Hours CrW OF EAST w-NIATCHEE JAN 13 2012 RECf IVED By: City of East Wenatchee 4th Quarter 2011 October 126.75 November 176.25 December 149 Total 452. • Number of investigated incidents g Investigations of Interest g October 93 Citations Issued 5 November 66 Dangerous Dogs 0 December 59 Potentially Dangerous Dogs 0 Total 218 Animal Bites 2 Number of Animals Received Stray Dogs 36 Stray Cats 56 Stray Others 6 Owned Dogs 28 Owned Cats 20 Owned Others 4 Total 64 Total 76 Total 10 PO Box 55, 1474 So. Wenatchee Ave. Wenatchee, WA 98807-0055 Phone - 509.662.9577 Fax - 509.665.7612 wvhs@wenatcheehumane.org www.wenatcheehumane.org Mr W ! •W W S U a z W 3 HUMANE City of East Wenatchee society 2011 Animal Control Hours 1883.50 Number of investigated incidents Investigations of Interest • Citations Issued 34 Dangerous Dogs 0 Potentially Dangerous Dogs 1 Animal Bites 15 1074 Number of Animals Received Stray Dogs 158 Stray Cats 218 Stray Others 30 Owned Dogs 96 Owned Cats 76 Owned Others 12 Total 254 Total 294 Total 42 PO Box 55, 1474 So. Wenatchee Ave. Wenatchee, WA 98807-0055 Phone - 509.662.9577 Fax - 509.665.7612 wvhs@wenatcheehumane.org www.wenatcheehumane.org CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE REPRESENTATIVES 2012 Abbr. Organization Representative Alternate Date Time Location Chelan - Douglas Health District Councilmember Collings Councilmember McCourt Monthly - 3rd Monday 4:00 p.m. Healt District - 200 Valley Mall Pkwy RSN Chelan -Douglas Regional Support Network Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Johnson 1st Monday 4:00 P.M. 140 19th St NW, East Wenatchee COG GounG61 of GOVOIFIRIMeRtS GOURGLImembeir l3arnha CounrAmem MG"rt Quarterly--3rd-Thursday &00 122= East-Wenatshae Gity Hall Douglas County Disability Board Councilmember Barnhart Mayor Lacy as needed Douglas County Fire Dist. No. 1 Douglas County Regional Council Mayor Lacy Councilmember Raab EWEB East Wenatchee Events Board Mayor Lacy Councilmember Detering Monthly - 3rd Thursday 6:00 p.m. City Hall - Basement EDD Economic Development District Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Johnson Monthly - 2nd Wednesday 9:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M. City of Chelan - Fire Station Housing Authority of Chelan County & the City of Wenatchee Councilmember McCourt None 4th Thursday 8:15 A.M. 1120 9th Street - Wenatchee LINK Link Transit Councilmember Johnson Councilmember Raab 3rd Tuesday 4:00 - 6:00 P.M. 2700 Euclid Ave, Wenatchee NCRTPO North Central Regional Transportation Planning Organization Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Johnson Bi-Monthly 2nd Wednesday 1:00 - 3:00 P.M. City of Chelan - Fire Station RC&D Resource Conservation and Development Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Johnson Monthly - 2nd Wednesday 11:00 A.M. - 12:00 F.M. City of Chelan - Fire Station RIVERCOM (911 dispatch) Councilmember Barnhart Councilmember Collings 2nd Wednesday 9:00 A M Wenatchee City Hall SWAC Solid Waste Advisory Committee Councilmember Raab Councilmember McCourt Quarterly - 1st Thursday 1:30 -3:00 P.M. 140 19th St. NW, East Wenatchee SWU Storm Water Utility Councilmember Collings Brandon / Lori Monthly - 3rd Thursday 8:30 a.m. 140 19th St. NW, East Wenatchee TAC Technical Advisory Committee (SWAC Executive) Councilmember Raab Councilmember McCourt Quarterly - 3rd Thursday 1:30 - 3:00 P.M. Waterville Courthouse WVCC Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce Councilmember Detering Councilmember Buckner Monthly - 3rd Monday 12:00 - 2:00 PM Chamber of Commerce WVCVB Wenatchee Valley Visitors Bureau Councilmember Johnson Councilmember Detering Monthly - 2nd Wednesday 5:30 - 7:00 PM Various hotels in the valley WVTC Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council Mayor Lacy Councilmember Buckner Monthly - 2nd Thursday 9:00 - 11:00 A.M. Columbia Station PFD Public Facilities District Board of Directors Tim Cetto Town Toyota Center Mayor Pro-Tem Councilmember Johnson None Watershed Planning Lori Barnett None Budget Committee 2013 Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Detering Councilmember Collings N/A N/A N/A Submi ik!� "7 : 34we Laq Minutes • Board of Health Meeting Chelan -Douglas Health District December 19, 2011 Keith Goehner, Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. The Chair, Russ Clark, Doug England, Karen Rutherford, Ken Stanton, Peter DeVries, and Steve Jenkins provided a quorum. Consent Agenda Ken Stanton, Douglas County Commissioner, made a motion to approve the consent agenda that included the November 21, 2011 Board of Health meeting minutes, November Payroll in the amount of $144,836.41, November Benefits in the amount of $40,055.56, approval of Voucher No. 20110624 through 20110668 in the amount of $22,492.93, and Consolidated Contract Amendment C16878. Steve Jenkins, Douglas County Commissioner, seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Program Update None • Board Discussion None None None Public Comment New Business Unfinished Business Barry Kling, Administrator, presented the final 2012 Budget and Fee Schedule for approval. Ken Stanton, Douglas County Commissioner, made a motion to approve the budget and fees as presented. Peter DeVries, Leavenworth City Council, seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The Administrator reported that the state auditor's office confirmed that the only way to purchase the Ford Escape AWD on the Washington State contract is to purchase it through the Longview dealership. The state auditor's office said the only way the Health District can purchase a vehicle off a Chelan or Douglas County call for bids is if the call for bids stipulates that multiple government agencies will be eligible to purchase vehicles from the bids. The Chair recommended that Diane Forhan, Associate Administrator, Support Services and the Administrator contact Chelan County for information to sell the surplus pool vehicles on line rather than storing them until the Chelan County auction next summer. 112111 aagoluuaM agI Ir gluap Buiumo.zp Iuaoa.r aql jo uoilOpsanui otp jap papodai 2uitM 4=q jjrls asn purl oql Xq asn zoj pui)l sigl jo Isil palupdn uu Suidolanap si urrz20.zd alsrM PHOS 0141 JO apXH uaznS Solis guns jo XJOIUanui uu pug jjuls asn puul mo ji Injdloq aq pinom Ir Imp Ino poluiod aaugaog nuoissituuroO `Ior3 sigl posolosip anrq pinogs iadolanap oql g2noglly Ijunoo oql olio sn of sigl osolosip Iou pip Inq `dump posolo r jo Izud .Iano splaU uirzp tualsXs oildos could of posodozd oqm J;Ddolanap u gjim wolgozd r prq Xlluaoaz am jugj palou aoloaziG IRIraH Irluatuuo.Iinug/IOIL,.rlsiuruzpd aqZ •3I.iom uorl16,zrlr2rp gjrm 2uolu `tum2oid sigl zoJ sluatuanozdtui XIrlunb uo Oursnooj ui2oq uoos Igm aM •.iuoS Isul puigoq s2ul 1Iinilou alup-of-.read mo puu ui Ias xaluim oql su posuazoap mou suq Inq `jogojoO puu aaquraldaS `Isn2ny wimp m;DX Isul jo puaqu Xljg2ils uui urez2oid asn puuZ/ajis -uo aql ui Xlinilou Iugl papodai `aoloaziG glluaH IuluauruoJrnug/JOIL'zlsmltupd `Outi}l XXWEI •f"Ouaoaawo ,Kliuzrj u of onp puajlu of olquun sum `sooitaoS jjoddnS `,zojwjsiuiurpd alrroossV `uugio3 ouuiG •alo)(o Iouxluoo MOO anrg Ixau aql .io3 suuld 3lJOm ?IdgHd mo iiuiplmq ui23q lllm om `sllnsar lag am sy •llu3 sigl urez2ojd 2ldgHd oql ui sis.�Iuur dry populap u uo pajoluao uaaq suq Isom Iugl poliodai oslu IIrmS kmW •uosuos ssaulli Arad otp oq of pojrdiotluu si X.reruga3 •moI SJOA suretua.z XIrntlor Inq `solrls O£ ui nU jo uoilruuUuoo qrl si a,zagl Iugl pajioclw `ssaupomdazd puu gjlraH AjnzntutuoD `JOIL'JIsiutuzpv aluioossd `iiuu s X.M • uoilruxzojui ojoldwoo joB of sloogos glim ouop si dn-mollo3 oluil /.ran `sanssi OuIUMS HOG jo asnuoag Inq `mul Xq pwinbaz on spodai osogl jrtp polroda-I HOG •slzodaj alaldtuoour ptm olul OuipxeBw HOG glim uorlus.ranuoo u puq oslu aqS •spodai imp litugns of uzagl puiuu.z of sloi.rlsip guiumtuai aqj polouluoo srq roloaiT guismu agZ •sjrodai magj liurgns V tuolgozd aql loouw of Xmruq;) j Igun tuagl BuinrS sr oqm HOG palouluoo anug XOU •osuqulup oiuozjoala .nagl room ulup uorjrziunurtui Builorxjxo olgnorj Oumuq sr IorrlsrG loows Iuounsrg •palsanbai su `spodw .nagl jo ,�doo r IoizlsiG glluaH agl paxuJ oslu anuq sloogos L£ IId •svodo.r .riagj pajliuzgns anug L£ `umpipsimfmo unp!m sloogos 5930 •spodw uoijuziununui loogos gurp.r23.1 HOG qj!m do -mollo3 uo Izodw XIgluotu s,Joluurp.IooO MAO.rd uoiluzlunuruzl all pa.rugs .1olanip Ouismu aqZ LI •sjuailo agl of Isoo ou It auiooun aqj aajjo of uoilulndod sigl anaas Iugl suoijuzruaio 14junwwoo ft ouluoo aq 1pm aM •uorlulndod pz uosiapun mo of zajdo of sasop OS pazapio aM •s.raptnozd ;)I IS uolOuigsr , of luuuaprzlul auozn13 aag paaajjo `dnojq siluanV-gouuS Jo uoisinip sauiooun agI `majsud uouuS •slisrn alis aapinozd I IOZ .zno aoj Ouiuruxl lisin airs ommldww O3A Jo uorjaldwoo polrodaz `zoloaua BuismN `IIgON nag slio all •joriluoo alrlso IuaJ luouno aqI uo mw Isaaalul aql fur.zamol olui joago of zolu.rlsiuiurpd oql palowip aiugD aqZ •sisoo Ouiplmq oonpai of sstm possnosip pzuog OT41 £ 3o Z 02ud I IOZ `6I zaqutaoaQ salnu'W $u'IQO l glluaH Jo p.irog Board of Health Meeting Minutes December 19, 2011 Page 3 of 3 • School pool is on hold pending the school's internal investigation, which we expect to answer most or all of our questions. They have closed the pool for classroom use until after the first of the year and we plan to finish our work with them before the pool reopens. Our role is to assure that they have clearly identified and implemented measures needed to assure that such an incident cannot happen again. We are receiving valuable help from the DOH coordinator of the Water Recreation Program. The Administrator reported that Mary Selecky, Secretary of Health, Washington State, has gone to bat for local health jurisdictions to continue receiving 5930 funds, MVET backfill funding and local capacity development funds. Barry Kling reported that the Health District usually receives all of their 5930 funding in January. This year the funding will be dispersed quarterly due to the possibility of cuts. Adjournment Russell Clark, Mayor, City of Rock Island, made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:40 p.m. Ken Stanton, Douglas County Commissioner, seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. • Keith Goehner, Chair 0 Dana Barnard •From: Betsy Mates <betsyvls@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 5:26 PM To: Dana Barnard Subject: Letter to mayor and city counsel re. Town Toyota Center Please forward this message to the mayor and city counsel members. Thank you! To the Mayor and City Counsel: I am a resident of East Wenatchee and I am writing to ask you to support the proposed sales tax increase to provide debt relief for the Town Toyota Center. The tax increase will have minimal impact on individual households (less than $100 per household per year) but the loss of the Town Toyota Center will have a huge negative impact on the greater Wenatchee area if it is shut down. The economic losses will be substantial and it would be very short sighted to underestimate the amount of money spent by visitors in our area when they come to events here. The Town Toyota Center has brought the Wenatchee Wild Hockey team and great enthusiasm for our beautiful valley. They bring people from all over the region every month who spend money in our restaurants, gas stations, hotels, and shops. The players are also wonderful ambassadors in our schools & communities. They are role models for our young men & women which is something we •desperately need in this day & age when drugs and alcohol strongly influence our teenagers. The Center provides many athletic opportunities for our children such as figure skating and hockey which also bring teams and events on a regular basis. The value of having our children participate in sports is well known to everyone here and hockey and ice skating are just as important as youth soccer, baseball, and basketball which we do so well here. We have been fortunate to see some amazing concerts and shows because of this beautiful venue, drawing people from all over the region. Please work with the other city counsels & compromise with them so we can keep the arena alive. Thanks for your attention to this urgent matter. Elisabeth Mates 2860 Riverwalk Place East Wenatchee, WA 98802 509-886-7091 0 • W January 12, 2012 City of East Wenatchee 271 NE 91h St East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Attn: Dana Barnard WASTE MANAGEMENT P.O. Box 1440 711 A North Wenatchee Ave. Wenatchee, WA 98801 (509)662-4591 (509) 662-5675 Fax CITY OF EAST WEMTCHEE JAN 2 0 2012 RECEIVED By. --L-6 --- Enclosed is the annual report for the 2011 calendar year. Throughout the City of East Wenatchee, Waste Management has 7 MSW employees serving the City's needs, and 2 Recycle drivers. There were a total of 16 complaints for the year. 5 Driver Complaints and 11 Non Driver complaints • Residential billings are mailed quarterly, while commercial billings are sent out on a g q Y g monthly basis. Separate sheets will detail the MSW and Recycle information. If you have any questions, Please give me a call at 665-6185. Sincerely, Lew arver District Manager of Central Washington Enclosure 0 RECYCLING INFORMATION CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE • 2011 1 st quarter 2nd quarter COMMODITY TONNAGE COMMODITY TONNAGE NEWSPAPER 84.18 NEWSPAPER 76.98 ALUMINUM 3.02 ALUMINUM 5.27 GLASS 11.62 GLASS 13.43 MIXED WASTE 23.67 MIXED WASTE 27.20 TIN CANS 4.51 TIN CANS 4.20 PLASTIC 18.21 PLASTIC 19.86 CARDBOARD 63.91 CARDBOARD 51.45 TOTAL 209.12 TOTAL 198.39 3rd quarter 4th quarter COMMODITY TONNAGE COMMODITY TONNAGE NEWSPAPER 64.69 NEWSPAPER 72.12 ALUMINUM 4.81 ALUMINUM 2.21 GLASS 13.96 GLASS 30.51 MIXED WASTE 31.73 MIXED WASTE 40.70 TIN CANS 3.16 TIN CANS 2.70 PLASTIC 17.24 PLASTIC 6.72 CARDBOARD 45.30 CARDBOARD 39.57 TOTAL 180.89 TOTAL 194.53 ANNUALTONNAGE NEWSPAPER 297.97 ALUMINUM 15.31 GLASS 69.52 MIXED WASTE 123.30 TIN CANS 14.57 PLASTIC 62.03 CARDBOARD 200.23 TOTAL 782.93 • • 0 0 N O ^� LL 0 Q m CE N U U O J Q p z U fA U cc = a� E N w LV = V � a y co z Lu F- O E U a W LV /Y LV 0 U 4) LL O' a C) D �z .o U a 0It(o0uor Cf) Lij LO N (D N CY O T (D CLO Q Z T Z O .J a z z Q rt000000 ui C7 CO N It C4 00 Z T N CO It II a m z O U [0 J N N N N N N LO LO Cn LO Lr) m U) a_ Y U a_ U- O O z m rO 0 mN Z 0 LO c c�*� O U U Q U- O 0 z J Q H W w i O O (2) (n CC a� m m o 0 o W � o 0 0 � 0 0 0 J 000 a 0) � ~ Ln It 0 C*J CO N .r c d W d W c 2 � U I- U) a � zUJ oc E o 0 �a o W .a W LL U -2 0 z U a W r M LO M I- I- �t 00 LO O (fl O r f- N "T LO CO (fl CO (D (fl 1- O O) (fl r- OD CO (.O I- O O 00 O LO Cl) r� O) O) N LO �t 00 It O CO (D 00 Cl) N N It C7 N 00 CO I-- LO (D N Cl) 't N Q Z Z O Q D z z Q W OO (.D O O O 1- ',1- O M LO "t dt It M 00 O) O m 00 CO r r (fl CO OO 00 OO N (D rt W co CD (O N d (D (� MO MN N N N N N V r (1 M Lo 0 1- CO M CO MM I'- (D z r N ('') ,-- r C7 N ('O ('7 �t '�t "t � CO 00 (0 (D (fl N N M M I' r- r- r- � LOM r N C`') f N Q F- z O U_ m U) W N N N N N N N N N N N It N (D O N t N �t (D N N It N N It (D CO N N N LO LO LO LO LO LO (f) m LC) UO M O LO O LO Co LO O Lo O L() LO O LO O U) LO O LO O LO Ln LO Y N N U O O N r r N LO I-- r CO O .- d N OO .- M CO r( O O O t- O d N N �- (D CM co mN Cl)� ((v Z O U U Q O O z Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 Y Y Y Y O O O N O O (U O N O N N N O O N N O N (U O O O O O O O .Y O N O O N N N O 4) 4) O N 4) O N O 4) O N O O [U N O O O O 4) N 4) Q1 N 0) O O N 0 0 0 W U � > Q cn U U U 0 0 C C C U C C C C C C C o U O U C C C C 0 U C 0 U C 0 U C 0 U C 0 U C 0 C 0 C o C o C o C 0 C 0 O (ll N o N o (ll 5-2 U U -0 "O U U U U U U UV U U O O O M M 'O U U 'O U U 'a U -O U_ D U U 0-0 -0 a a 'p -0 o0 -p -2 -p -p J C C C -2 RS M m O) m (0 m m m m (d mLr) Q U U CO 0 0 cZ O0 m m m (0 m m(fl m (D r CD (D (D (D CO 00 OO CO 00 m CO Qr N �t r N C) r .- N N C') C7 ���(D CV N C) Cl) It = = = I r I N I N Cl) �- rn 0 Cl)