HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/26/2010 - City Council - City Council Meeting Agenda PacketCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA JANUARY 26, 2010 6:30 P.M. George Buckner — Position 4 ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS BUDGET ISSUES DEPARTMENT REPORTS Finance — State Audit 2007-2008 Finance — December 2009 Financial Report Legal — U-turns at Robert E. Lee Elementary School MAYOR'S REPORT CONSENT CALENDAR • 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, January 12, 2010 2. Consideration of Bills RESOLUTION 10-01-03 3. A resolution approving the East Wenatchee Annual Financial Plan for 2010. (Nick Gerde, Treasurer/Finance Director) ACTION ITEMS 10-01-04 4. Approval of a Contract for Services with Ralph Aiken, III, for the City's Information Systems Support Services. (Devin Poulson, City Attorney) 10-01-05 5. Approval to support Douglas County's proposal to defer service charge with their expanded Stormwater boundary until 2011. (Lori Barnett, Community Development Director) 10-01-06 6. Approval to proceed to race in the 2010 season. (Dawn Collings, Events Director) EXECUTIVE SESSION Collective Bargaining Session — RCW 42.30.140(4) COUNCIL REPORTS ADJOURNMENT • In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. �Iwou need special assistance to participate in this meeting. please contact the Citv Clerk at 509-884-9515. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Citv to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. Page 1 of 1 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 12, 2010 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR STEVEN C. LACY, PRESIDING JANUARY 12, 2010 6:30 P.M. REVISED OATH OF OFFICE Chuck Johnson — City Council Position No. 3 and Wayne Barnhart — City Council Position No. 7, were sworn into their positions with the oath of office given by Mayor Lacy. ROLL CALL Councilmember's Present: Councilmember Johnson, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McCourt, Councilmember Barnhart, Councilmember Bremmer, Councilmember Raab and Mayor Lacy. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Raab, to excuse Councilmember Buckner from this meeting. The motion carried, 6-0. Staff Present: Dana Barnard, Devin Poulson, Brandon Mauseth, Lori Barnett, Dawn Collings, Catalina Garibay, Ralph Aiken, III, and Nick Gerde. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION East Wenatchee Events Board Director, Dawn Collings, gave a presentation regarding the possibility of a new event in East Wenatchee. She said the United States Sprint Boat Association (USSBA) is looking at the Wenatchee Valley as a potential site for a new race track. She said they would need a minimum of twenty acres of land for this event. She reviewed a list of items the USSBA would provide with the $6,000 fee they charge to put on an event, the items the Event Promoters would supply, the track specifications and the racing schedule. She added fees paid to USSBA are recouped by the Event Promoter with ticket sales, vendor fees, parking fees, camping fees, pit passes and VIP packages. Ms. Collings showed a video of an actual Sprint Boat Race. She said the USSBA are requesting a proposal from the Wenatchee Valley. She asked Council for the approval and support to have the opportunity to pursue this further and put together a proposal for the USSBA to consider. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by, Councilmember McCourt to support the submission of a proposal to the USSBA. The motion carried, 6-0. BUDGET ISSUES City Treasurer/Finance Director, Nick Gerde, gave a status report of the 2009 Financials. He said the Budget Committee approved the 2010 Annual Financial Plan during the January 5, 2010, Budget Committee meeting. He said the plan was then delivered to the remaining Councilmembers for their review. He said the plan meets all the requirements included in Resolution No. 2009-06, adopting the City of East Wenatchee Finance and Budget Policy. He added a resolution approving the 2010 Annual • Financial Plan will be placed on the January 26, 2010, council agenda. • (uosutlo f `sxoupuaH `quv-d `pn000W) •t,-Z `paliuj uotlotu aqL -OIOZ ui ajoduuas oil ioXuW su an.tas oI Moll uaH siuuaQ aagtuatultounoo aluuituou of Iat'tltuug .tagtuotupounoD `,Cq puooas `jaurtuaag aagtuauuliouno3 Xq opmtu suns uoilow d moijaV llaunoj 0 i OZ joj ajodwojL oad aoXuW joj suoiluuituou .toj xooU atp pauado ,foul .toAuW •lonaluoo atp ssnosip of uotssas antlnoaxa ut' oq Ilion atagl goiyA ui Ouilaatu pounoD Ixau atp of imid nnatnaJ of saagtuauzliounoD 1o3 Ino situ puas Ilion ,fauzoUV 40 aul plus aH •sapis tlloq Xq panAalnaa pat' poz,fluuu aq of loualuoo pasodaid u palaldtuoo Xagl Sunlaatu uoilupoSau louquoo mun Iuaoaa Ism agl wimp plus ,fot'rl Jo,ft'W 'sltm000u Itutu-a alunud siagtuautliounoD of Itutu-a puas of Iou palonalsut uaaq suq jjuls st' `os op of Iunoom ltutu-a X4lD t' .toj do pougis Iou anug ognn sjagtuatuliouno3 paputtuaa ,CouZ .zo,fuw •lod spiooa-d oilgnd alt'ls agI zapun atnsolosip oil gnd of Ioafgns Sulaq Iluut-a .tagtuatuliounoD 2uipauSai XautouV ,44i0 atp Xq do Ionoiq uaaq sug IutII anssi a p salusodtooui goignn I,L aBud jo Moo u ip!m Suolu `uol8uigsum jo jaluaD saoiniaS V g3auasa21 IudioiunW puu "otq `saillD uol2uigsuAA, 3o uoiluioossV Xq poonpotd 3Ioogput'H Vagtuaugiounoo agl jo Moo Iuauno u gjIm papino.zd alarm sjagtuatuliounoD plus ,fou-I ao,fuW •snldzns Iunlou io sis,fluuu joj Isil ,tut' uo papnloui aq Iou Munn jo-jqS! j *mq Isua oqj Imp slsonbw `puotutuuH ulnud `alulS 30 ,Ctulatoas oI Iuas Sulaq .tallal agl pappu aH •uBls oI ,fou-I .to,fuW puu uoluulS aauolssiu mOD aoJ pa:gt,jp uaaq suq jallal t' put' §uilaaui aul Suunp snsuasuoo u It' pani.rtt' allaijud aoluuaS puu ,flunoD `f4!D aul plus aH •uoilultodsut'ts jo ,fMasoaS alulS uolSuigsuM atp tllinn uoilisod Iulof mo Suiluotuntutuoo of sptu2aa ulltAoVl of ss000jd lugnn Suipre8a.z `allalaud — swung uptn-I `.ioluuaS aluls put' sIauoissitutuoD ,flunoo sul2no(I agl qjpA latu aq `t'atu Iiu1.L auilajogS apislsug aqj jo lt'sodsip It'nluana of Ioadsaj tllinn Indus aniaoaa of Ioafoad Iiujj, d uugjL atoW aql SuiptuSat ssaooid agI Stnnnollo3 plus ,fou-I io,C W •p.reatl aaam suopoafgo oM •saa3 dttlsaagtuatu atpjo Iuaut,ft'd anotddu Ilion all uoiloafgo ou st a.zagl jt plus ,Cow -I .io,fuW •dtgsiagtuatu 2uinuiluoo s,,fllD agl:poddns SlInj pinonn puu `,flluntutuoo ssouisnq agl of sa2uluunpu It'aB s tajjo DRAM atp plus uosugo f jagtuawpounoo *0I OZ joj mall palai?pnq u si goigm 099$ si aagoluuaAk Isug 30 f4I0 aql of digs.tagtuatu agl jo Isoo aql pappu aH •DDAM agl oI ditlsaagtuatu jiaul anuilum of pagsim,Catpj! Ilounoo pa3isu aH •stua,f Iutanas JOJ (ODAM) ao tawwoD jo aagwvgD ,faIIVA aagoluuaM OT Jo .tagwaut u uaaq sug ,f110 agI plus ,Court ioXLW IH0daH S,HOAVW ',c4iiiln aouuualuiuw u .ioj of XI!D atp toj alquliunt' Il wpw pinonn alnluls u aiojaq amlt'lsiSal agl Xq passed aq of anuq pinonn 819Z Iiig asnoH lugl paM.tt'lo ,fot''I IOXuW -XBalutls a,uasaa t' of aingi.tluoo of satltunpoddo woldxa puu sail?Iigissod 3o sad,fl asatll jo aaunnu aq of pounoo ajq Pinonn all plus aH •uoiluntasatd put' aouuualu!utu laa.4s gsildtu000u puu punj of ,flluollioads ,,,flilllfl aouuualuiuW laa.RS„ u oluaao of saII!D .Ioj smoilu goignn 8I9Z iiig asnoH IJUJP glinn IiounoD paluasaid aH -aalugs antasaa u dolanap puu ptennaOJ an,otu oI SUMS si ,fl!D aql nnog oI su saSuaiit'go suq uui(I Imoumid tunuuv Oi OZ awl plus apaa f) -JW 010z `ZI A2lvnxvf SaIfllMW'IIDMnOD 33HDIVX3M LSdg 10 AIID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 12, 2010 • Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McCourt, second by, Councilmember Raab to nominate Councilmember George Buckner to serve as Mayor Pro Tempore in 2010. The motion carried, 4-2. (Bremmer, Barnhart) Mayor Lacy appointed Councilmember Buckner to serve as Mayor Pro Tempore for 2010 and asked Councilmembers if they wished to change their assignments. Hearing no requests, Mayor Lacy said there will be no other changes to Council assignments for 2010. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes — Regular Session, December 8, 2009 Special Session, December 15, 2009 2. Consideration of Bills Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Johnson, second by Councilmember Barnhart, to approve the consent calendar as presented. The motion carried, 6-0. Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded in a listing, which has been made available to Council. 2009 Payables As of this date, January 12, 2010, Council does approve warrant numbers 22511 through 22613 in the • total amount of $209,224.23. Warrant numbers 22197, 22534, 22552-22553 and 22560 were voided. 2010 Pavables As of this date, January 12, 2010, Council does approve warrant numbers 22614 through 22624 in the total amount of $41,774.83. November 2009 Payroll As of this date, January 12, 2010, Council does approve payroll warrant numbers 503 through 519 for advances and direct deposits, and payroll warrant numbers 27976 through 28055 in the total amount of $323,779.78 paid December 3, 2009, for the month of November 2009. I�i1:3�1 Cam: ��R 71�Ce; 10-01-01 A public hearing regarding an amendment to the Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program for the ensuing years 2010-2015. Street Superintendent, Brandon Mauseth, said in the original approved resolution adopting the Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) the Grant Road overlay was split into two projects. The funded portion of Grant Road from SR28 to Eastmont Avenue was listed as project number 7 and the upper portion of Grant Road from Eastmont Avenue to Kentucky Avenue was listed as our number 1 priority. However, that portion was unfunded, then in November the City received Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds allowing for full funding of the entire project. Therefore, we are amending the Six - Year TIP and updating the grant funding as well as our local funding requirements and identifying the project as one project. Mayor Lacy opened the public hearing at 7:29 p.m. Hearing no comments Mayor Lacy closed the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. • '0-9 `Pailmo uoi;out ags •opoo uSiS au; of Suilulai apoD Indioiuny�l aagolnuaM IsnH aq;3o bZ'ST P bL'LI ia;degD Suipuoum aouuuipio au;;dopn o; `uosugof .iaqutatuliounoo Xq puooas `puqurug ioqutatuliounoO Xq opnuz suns uoi;out d :uoi;av liaunoj �uilaauz `600Z `8 taguiaoaQ agl �uunp possnosip soon aounuipio slip pins pion -I ioxuw •opoO ui?iS agl of guilulai opoD ludioiunW aagolnuaAk IsuH agl Jo tZ'SI Puv tL'LI aaldngD fuipuouin aounuiplo un jo Suipnai puooaS ZO-Zi-60 II L�'Q gAI LOg33g XV JNIHSI'Ifld.LSH (INV `aSfIV ID ALI'IIgV-daAUS d JNINIVINOO `•d" I `SNOILVOINfIMOO OaGIA NOD It'd Ol gSIHONHu3 3'I9'O RA"ISfl IOXIINON d DXI LNV-ag `NO.LJNIHSVAk `aaHaLvxam isva d0 A.LIO Diu 30 aoxvxIQ2I0 N`v' I0-0I OZ *ON HONVNIQuO kintutuns aouuuipio aip pros Xon7 ioXLW '0-9 `Pai.uno uoiloui oql `•d•H `suoilnoiuntutuoO oapiA uooln3 01 asiiiouui3 algno aAIsnloxa-uou u Suiluut$ aounuip.io agl Idopn of `vnoOoW .iagtuatuliounoD Xq puooas `uosugof aagwowliounoD Xq opuui suns uoiloui d :uoi;aV liaunoj •Tauungo paluoipap u apinoid Ilion Xatp `•d•-I `suoiluoiuntuuioD oapiA uoolud of aoilou luaiogjns OAl2 pun olnpagos 2uiurtunt2oid u sogsilgnlsa XliO otp aouo pius • aH 'iaUUL'go ( )gd) luautuianoD luuoilnonpg oilqnd u 01 ssaoou X4iO atTl sIMB li pun s.ivaX uanas of s,ivax ang uto.g luauiaai&I aql Jo tuaal agl Suipualxa opnloui g3lq n `saSungo onnl Wm "d• l `su0ilu3iuntuuI0D oapiA u03lu3 Blinn png sng f4D agl luatuM2B au ns atp si sigl pins `uoslnod utAaQ `Xautolld A4iO •suoiluoiunuiuioD .iauugD su unnou3i Xlinooi `"d"I `suoiluoiunuiuioD oapiA u03lu3 01 asigouug algno anisnioxa-uou n SuiluuB aounuip.io uujo Suipuaa puooaS i I-T i-60 S3ONVMCrdO 'NOIDNIHSdM dO 31VIS JHI 1IO3 CrdVOH INaWHAOddWII NOI,LV,LXOdSNHu.L all L QNd NOI LV L?IOdSNd2I.L 10 AldVla2IOgS all L HIM NOIJ fl'IOSHU SIHI TII3 Ol NU IO AID gH L JNI LOguIQ QNd WV'dDO'dd LXaW3AO ddWI NOIIV.L'dOdSNV-d L dVaA-XIS Sll JNlGNgwv `NO,LDNIHSVA1 `IIIIIIO.LVMaM IS` 9 10 AID allJL d0 NOI.Lfl'IOSaU V 10-01 OZ *ON I oilfYIOSgu :snnolloj su spnaa allp uoilniosai ags '0-9 `Pai=o uoilotu aql •BIZ .ivaA-xtS agl Suipuaure uoilnlosai agl Idopn of `.io utuaig aaqutatuliounoD Xq puooas `uosugof taquiaugi3unoD Kq opuw snnn uoilout V :uoi;av Iiaunoj S i OZ-0 i OZ sioaX gumsuo agl .iO3 UMBO id IuaWanoadtul uoilul.zodsunaZ naA-xiS n Suildopu 80-600Z '0N uoilnlosa-H Suipuauin uoilnlosa i V ZO- i 0-0 i • NOlifizosau OiOZ `Zi A-avnNdf SHIfINlW'IIONnOO aaHDIVN3AA .LSdg d0 AID CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 12, 2010 • Mayor Lacy read second reading of the ordinance. ORDINANCE NO.2009-02 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTERS 17.74 AND 15.24 RELATING TO SIGNS; ADDRESSING INTERNAL INCONSISTENCIES, PERMIT PROCESSING, SIGN SIZES, ELECTRONIC READER BOARD STYLE SIGNAGE, VARIANCES, ABATEMENT OF NONCONFORMING SIGNS, GENERAL TEXT UPDATES AND TO AMEND THE FEE STRUCTURE FOR SIGN PERMITS, CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 09-12-03 Second reading of an ordinance amending Chapter 17.70 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code relating to Wireless Communication Facilities. Community Development Director, Lori Barnett, said Councilmember Barnhart contacted her asking her to contact Millie Tirapelle, Director, RiverCom 911, regarding adding language relating to broadcast and relay towers, reserving space for emergency service providers. Ms. Barnett said her concern with changing the ordinance at this point is that it was not a consideration that was brought up during discussions with the Planning Commission. She added there is also a preemption to put some condition on a private party that makes them provide something for free. She said during her conversation with Ms. Tirapelle she suggested reviewing this at a later date and look at whether the issue should be an amendment made to the code. Ms Barnett recommended adopting the ordinance as presented. • Ms. Tirapelle said she is concerned that in the ten year plan they have in place to provide public safety communications to the City of East Wenatchee they need to be looking at any tower space that RiverCom might be able to access, and ensure they are not going to develop something that is going to cause any additional interference on the public safety radio frequency. She said RiverCom is coming into an era of narrow banding later this year and there will no longer be wide band radio available to them. She said once they go to narrow banding they will need twice as many towers to actually provide the same level of communication that they have today. She said she would like to work with Ms. Barnett on language to be added to the code at a later date. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Barnhart, to adopt the ordinance amending Chapter 17.70 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code relating to Wireless Communication Facilities. The motion carried, 6-0. ORDINANCE NO.2010-03 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 17.70, WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES, TO ADD ADDITIONAL EXEMPTIONS INCLUDING AMATEUR RADIO TOWERS UP TO 70 FEET IN HEIGHT, CHANGE REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS FOR ATTACHED WIRELESS FACILITIES, AND GENERAL TEXT UPDATES, CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. • Builaaui plt,og SUTUJ3AOD I.ioddnS It,uoTSa2I svj2noQ-ut,lagD `600Z `L joquiaoaQ auI pun Sullaaui gllt,aH jo p jog sujSnoQ-ut,lagD `60OZ `91 .iaquianoN auI uio4 solnuTui poultugns linoDoW iaquiauilTounoD 3lt,uaq s,,(ITD auI uo 3lt,30Ap161 oI UI!q 01TI p1nom ITounoD sanssT Xuu are aiag13T nnou3I of aiii p1nonn au pTt,s p tog (oMd) soij!D uolSu!gst,AA, jo uogRt3ossd agl of .iaquiaui u su uosuuo f aagwowlTounoo SIHOdau 'IIJNf100 •ui•d 01:8 It, pauQAuooa.z ITounoo •uoTIuSTIil Im ualod SuTpsuSai uoissas aAilnoaxa olnuTui ual t, pailua Xou-I loxvw 'iii'd 00:8 Id NOISSdS 3AIIfIJdX3 •0-9 `pal.ut,o uoiloux ag.L •siatuolsno auI oluo sSuTAus asoul ssud put, alt,a IdD auI uo posuq saaj asugMS ast,aioap of `uosuuo f .iaqu owpounoD Xq puooas `sNoTapuaH jaquiauzlTounoD Xq opuuz sum uoiloui d :uoTlod ITounoD •onuana.z 21111oX3aa auI 0ATa331 of anuTluoo put, 60OZ st, auit,s aill salui auI dowl uuo Caul so `saATaoa.i f4TD auI onuaAaa 5uiloX3aj It,nuut, auI of asuanop t, aq oslu Plnom gaTuM saauiolsno auI of uo sBuTAus aul sst,d puu IdD pasuaaoap Iuauno auI asn uuo X41D oql plus aH '(I (RID) xopul ooi.id aauinsuoD auI of asuanop auI duip.iugaa oVI of pagsim f4!D aql uoTlTsod lugm 2uptst, 11lassn2I IpAA, `.iaSuuuW suoTlt,aad0 IngsTQ Iuauza2uuUW alst,M uio.iJ PRIU-a uu paATaoa,i )4TD auI plus °apJag 313TN `1013011(l 03ut,ut3/.iajnsvojL • •aauolt,uam INVOID Jo IuauzaSuuuW alst,M Put, cjTo auI uaannlaq put, Xq `LOOZ `6 Xjunuuf palt,p `Iot,.iluoD auI 3o `«solud Jo uoTlt,03T OM, `L•Z gdujBu red .iapun uoilt,oijTpoW almd It,nuuy IuatuoSvut,y�I alst,M, tl0- i 0-0 i Wall N10113v '9.L`d(I dAI.L09dd3 Nd JNIHSI IE[VISd QNd `WIWID A.LI'II9V'd3AHS V JNINIVIN00 taWl L (INV 3.LV(I 9NI.L3ai NOISSIWWOD 9NINNdId ?IWInJ U alu JNIJNVHO HQOO 'IddIOINM 9aHDLVXaIc1 IS`dd allL d0 0b0'0£'Z NOI.L03S JNIQNaid `NOIDNIHSdM `HaHDIVN9M .ISV9 d0 ALIO 9M 40 30NdNIGHO Nd b0-OI OZ 'ON aoxvNicrdo aout,uip.zo au13o SuTpt,ai puooas pua.i ,fot,ri Jo uW '0-9 `Paureo uoTloui ag L •s8uilaaui uotssiuiuIoD Suiuut,ld aT 3o aural put, alt,p SuTlaaui auI SuTpuauit, aout,uTp.zo auI ldopu oI `uosugof jaquxauilTouno:) Xq puooas jounuaig jaquiauullounoo Xq opuw Bunn uoilow d :uoilaV ITauno:) •p.it,aq a.iann suoiloofgo oN •Suipua.i puooas oI aout,uip.io Siul alt,naia IITA', au suoTlaafgo ou glTnn pTt,s Xot,Z aoXtIW •sBuilaaui uoisslwt uoo • 21auuuld au13o owil put, alt,p Suiloauz auI Suipuauit, aout,uip io uu jo 2uipuol sill £0- I0-0I 010z `ZI A2idfINvf SaIfIMW IIDNnOO gaHDI` M99M .LSV9 ci0 ADD CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 12, 2010 • Mayor.Lacy submitted minutes from the December 10, 2009, Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council meeting. ADJOURNMENT — 8:15 p.m. Dana Barnard City Clerk • 40 r ul a a m LU 0 U o w � - _ CO � r r 0 0 0 O Scm Lo E2 m m °? = to ocmo 0 � 2 m m � a) ca L M 0 0 w � 0 U C 00 O U 0 N r- c C) c 0 c O 3 M L f- N ccr U L d cn F- m lL ~ U rn O �' O �' O I— 00 F- 0 0 w U 0 I- O T O 0 0 0 0 7 O - rn 0 7 E? 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Dated this Z0 -ow day of 2010 Nick A. Ger reasurer/Finance Director 0 Inn CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WARRANT REGISTER 2009 PAYABLES 31-Dec-09 JVARRANT NUMBERS: 22625-22627; 22629- VOIDED WARRANTS: 22427; 22640 DEPARTMENT/FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT _ 0.00 Current Expense Fund. General Government Department 001 000 000 001 000 001 800.97 - Legislative Department 001 000 110 Municipal Court Department 001 000 120 1,162.50 City Clerk Department 001 000 140 861.30 Internal Services Department 001 000 141 - Finance Department 001 000 142 - 001 000 000 - Legal Services 001 000151 - Civil Service 001 000 160 - Central Services Department 001 000 180 1,868.93 Police Department 001 000 210 6,884.07 Detention (Jail Services) 001 000 230 25,081.75 001 000 250 - Storm Water Utility 001 000 310 - 001 000 311 - 001 000 312 - Engineering Services 001 000 320 518.00 Planning Department 001 000 580 43.19 ode Compliance Department 001 000 590 Agency Disbursements 001001000 1,492.37 Current Expense Fund Total 38,713.08 Street Fund., Street Maintenance 101 000 420 8,945.36 Street Administration 101 000 430 1,277.92 Street Construction 101 000 950 - Street Fund Total 10,223.28 Other Funds: Fund Comm Devel Grants Fund 102 000 000 0.00 Library Fund 112 000 000 148.36 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund 113 000 000 7,163.05 Drug Fund 114 000 000 - D.A.R.E. Fund 115 000 000 - Criminal Justice Fund 116 000 000 - East Wenatchee Events Board 117 000 000 146.72 Bond Fund 202 000 000 - Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund 501 000 000 - Other Funds Total 7,458.13 Prepays: Current Expense 001 000 000 18.30 Street Improvement Fund 101 000 430 155.34 Comm Development Grants Fund 102 000 000 - und Stadium Fund 113 000 000 - vents Board Fund 117 000 000 - Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund 501 000 000 - Prepays Total 173.64 Grand Total All Funds 56,568.13 • . O H H H M m rn OD co OD M � Ln Ln -i a a o O w O ..]] N .] O .j W 0) Q a m Q m Q Q rA w E. F w E. E. 0 0 F o 0 OF o 0 O E. 0) w [[[ L w F M U rn U N U O d' � O rn O rn O O > U o 0 2 0 UQ � H 3 m H :3: N H 3 P: O O O O O O O O O i r-4 H O O O r-4 i O N .. 01 W a U1 O r W z O N 0) x o a s w x w UFN E E. W \ Q ON N U F W Q El wv� o " a w 0 O w x d ry cq m H ro N F cr E- U w u w z 41 a O, H 4 a a 0 a W W Q N F N N w E^ �m o� Cl o~' H O q Ul m rn rn U H H \ \ \ O N N N N rl H i N rl H O W H a F m qxq F z a H w a � a aa o W �J z u z w w m o N x a > F�j O W H a a 3 � w w w o a Ri Ri h LI) 00 O w Ln r in W o c o0 V1 N N W c Ln 'EJ+ z N lIl lf) z R ui C r {LrQY�t w N N N �0 lD 1D N N N N N N 0 0 '1 H 0 O O 1r 1' M M O CO ao Ln in r1 i In In r-1 H w En z w x a w W [� Q W W 0 0 w U En 0 0 o o a -4 w H w DI o o Q o .-1 F O F 0 0 0 0 o in • n o o r r r r r r m� in o 0 o N N N r r N r r m M M M O 0 0 00 0 0 0 014 H H o 0 0 0 0 0 ao OD ao 00 o co m oo w OD w . w w co M M M N N N LnU) M M 00 M M M r r r H fi H r r r O H Lf)1n r M M M OD OD OD r r M M O w w W H H rA Ln V) V) ri ri H r N N N U) a N N (N O O N O O O O O O O O 0 W O µ' W W W O F4 O W i N ry W 01 W W M W OD Y a' ri M F� OD FL FL OD W m M F F r F F o E+ o F+ F 1n E+ F+ N F F o F+ El r F F r r F r E. 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W G. f�. o r Do r 0 Oa pa Oz z z z 00 O O N N W N F N O O O O N O O o \ \ x \ m \ U U U U \ N N N H H H H H ("1 rrl r+1 r+1 (+1 \ \ \ \ \ N N N N N H H H H H U � C H El W H [� 0 El U w z 124 O U Q F W F v m U) q m z O m x o a a O O oo L p o o m H o o rn o o p H o o M r rn ao m m y N N N N O H N w w w w a iD �o � io N N N N N N N N N N N U) w H H H O 0 04 o o 0o a IX r m 0 m x rn EN w C9 w RC N H N a m a m a UN w a o a W N F \m m H N H r r o o m v� w m m r r w r w w io 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o M M M w w w o • l0 10 N N M d' V� u1 LnH rl N N d: N r 0 O O 0 0 0 0 O O O m m m . m m m O o M M O O N Oo 1b a' v d' v In 1n N m r r co m N N N N N N �"� M M M In M r r r m m d' d' N I N m N N Na) m m N No) m m m N N N H r r m v H In r C7 Q H H 'A a 0 0 o H o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O O o O o O r� o O o 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 Wo m a Q O Q H Ft H O Q M F w F F M F M F M F M F El'r w F va F a' F c El w F ElH F c, F F o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O r F M F F o f o f o f O E. F o 0 F M ElM F M E. F F O F F. f F. in 1-1 o Ln -A Lnw w � � o M o w w w w w w w w w w w W w N U N U M U di U r U M U CO N U N U N U N U N U r U M U v Q.'IrH OU o> H>> >> H>> n H H>H r H>> C H>> H>> P H>> to H iO Ln �O i O Ln O iiO �O Ln O i n O O>idno 01n 0 H OO0In 0 0OOcOH> ain0 o> o> 1 O U N H N H 3 M H C H H H M H OD O H N H N H N H N H 3: O H 3: M H �t O r-4 r-4 V' r-1 O v v C -IV ri -IV O O O O O O O 00 O O 0 O O O H O O O O O O 00 O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o H 11 ri 11 r .--1 H N H H 11 1-4 r r-4 ri O O O O H O O H O O O o f-1 O O ri H f-1 O H H O H ri H H H H H O Ln to • m 0 a m w o m o W a m m ON m m 7 O CA W O O O O [x] O U N W O H H H H z f'1 r1 N 11 '-1 N za H 0 U W W H z O O O 0 0 0 -4 H H rj H H H > x O z O O O O F 0 o U m W U F N m ri \ N r m NZ lf) M \ F+ 0 \ W H N m U) O (n ao cn co co m v o O In ry m z fk U) RC W o U In w w W w W m W r-4 W m m F m U) m In 3 W W m U) o 7 N H N In U) Ln H w H m H V H ri c} N In Y N [� M CQ H V Ff O W 1-0 r 3 m (-F m .] O .] 1-4«a Ln ..1 H H r-1 U N N W x -I m W ao 3a14 a, mI. x a Lna ra r-1a m m0 0) m0 m W a �C7 ri W O 'D W kD (.'I m a r-4 a 1-1 a N a ri r-1 U H FD H£ H WSJ U a H F F H N U N H m x o x o x O x to 0 w w\ a w W] N W m m U) d m cn rn .] w co Ln U) In m In U) H H z ri z H cn ri q cn V) W W W q W W m u u u u m W mu m[.q m C4 a .,i p4 W O F a H H H o O H o S4 U ' Or-4 r4 G. O k. OO Q O >� N G. N F N O ID a cn cn \ O 0 O O -'0 \ cn \ H O Q U] M M M M M U H H \ \ \ \ \ O (V N (N N N N H H H H H O N 0 z H a z E.OU W H U Q U) H aC.y7� a z U a w 0 a o Q 0 w w w Q z Q 0 > 44 F. W G4 qq 0 a U) F 9 p4 CZ'. M 0 w O M o w o 0 m o O (a [q o o m o z o In m i t- W O H d D N ��->++ z V' W V' W 1n m m 0 • W d' N V' N In to ko D ko N N N N N N N N N N • [� o 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 in in in r r r In In in W W W W M M M M r M M M O O O O O O O O O N N N lIl fl l l fl o o r W W 01 O, M M M lfl In l71 lf1 aZ O OD W W W W Vr O O 0\ 0) m 0) 01 0; M M M M M N N w 1D M M w w M r r r N H r-1 H H H In ID w H H r W V I, w w r r M M lD w M M V' V In H H r-4 N W w w w H H H w ID W OD W W r r r M m m a O O O O O ,--4 O O O O O O In o 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 .7 0 a aa aa o W Q M Q M 4 Q H Q 0l Q o Q H H 1 1 W Q H o Q a oM a aq F o f o ElE w E v F F M E E w E El(n E M E w E.M F w F F F F w £ O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O D El o f o f F o Elo El El w F Elo f ElO F o E. o f o f o f F w F E o z o o H H w M H H o w in w w w w w w w w w w w w w F U w u w u r+ U W U N U U 1-4 U w U w U N U 2a H W W N -w O ii O �O iO�O H O O In OU O O O O O o ON U H O H O H 3: -1 H W H 3 N H 3 O H 3 H H V' H H H V' H M H 3 N H N Q O o N H V O N H (V r-I v V' r-4 H H O O O O O O o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o o O O o O O O O O O O O O O rA H 1-1 r-4 r-4 M H ri r-4 H r-1 H H o O O O O r-4 O O O O O O O O O o O H H O O O O H r-1 O Ln In 0 W x O O W OPO W O 0\ N 0. U H N z W H £ Ul N .Yi El U' Vl ",G O U N UI N UI M Ui W N H U O o H H W O �" f .7 N H H H w H H H r • W \ O £ W a co N Ho U o o [Y, q N N N .7 r .a w .] M OD w 3 x H \ H\ H\ Ul x M Q N a ODa ri a In CL4 a W N w Wo E-F MF ME N c, W U] Na ]C Ma Ma wa wa wH o m E F H H W H W H 0 Ui Q f\ F 4 Ol 7 01 Ol Ol 'a m U H 0 E. u) H w N m Ul m u) ul m m cn m U1 m Ul .7 w c� 4-) w W w u) °x a w w w w w m m W q a a a M m C9 m W Ol O 01 u U U U x Ol 01 "i O W pG O W O O H H H H H O Q O O it o U U O O oW O N CL r. G. O Q O a W N U Q (V N O N N N Gu Ga N O N oa 14w �w �0 0 0 o u �x H O !n M M M M M M U r-1 H \ \ \ \ \ \ O N N N N N N 5r N H H H H H H O N O a o z x o F m Q (a El U z iW-1 H qq qx O x a a u a a Q � 0 u a O W � Mo L -4 m q pa O O o In in w z N w 00 N N N w M M M w W W x H N M V' In w 4q w N w N w N w N w w N N 3 N N N N N N • r [� o 0 0 0 0 H 0 w 0 o m H m m aZ �n o o Ln 1 ,-i � tn �n � �i a O N O O N w 'D 10 O O o m m f1 'I'N w w DO w w ID N N N -I. -w V' al W N N N d' d' v N a tn a tn 'n o 0 0 opq 0 a 0 0 w � .� O O O O O E. O O O F o E. E. o E+ F o E+ E. o f F �z�'++ `n W w w [[[777���yyy r W H W F ,Z. H H H N 2 H C H 'n H El.O o O !r (paz� O o Ua H rNi H N H W H $ c H � O Ln O O o O O o O O O O O H H H ri O O O o O O H o o a o W Fq m W ^�jawy. o o uH cov z a N Q !VA o U F w W w vN o m u) two Z u ar)u �� w uw El E�UI U1 'C7 H F H W N W H U7 Q U] h a W m m m u o a i �Q7 z z o 0 0 o w W Fa O O N O N N W a V V N cq O H O Q Ul (n rn M V H H O N N N N H H H O N O zz a o m w u x x qO u u W aaa z a W m M. a H o a w a LL' fk o Q Pw0 z N N a, 7 w d' Ol l71 U1 0) a r ao m • W 'n 'n 'n N N N N N N �1:z 0- co O U P O W \ • 3 W o W H v W C 0 a H O V H 51: N 0 N O 0 �+ roorlrinomr W ,DN W as InLn InrN m o M m o r O H r� o M m N ri ri o o m .-A r v� Pz O O N H W 'ZrH OD M NM In r rn OD W rq rq N d� ID d' O lD ID w W W r-4 1� m r-4 v r N V' v %D W O d' -w m W OD W o In V' r m N N r-I r-4 H H ri .--1 m rl rl 1D lf7 ,1 o OD H o r r �D N m H In m w Z � W m W w q z W H 100000000 00 W o oq 0InEl O N V� W H M N W O N m f O W O a w u a w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 00 q 0 q 0 q o o q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Pz a H H H H r-4 H H H H r r CV W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -4 H li q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ri 1-4 H r-4 H r-1 O E+ CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WARRANT REGISTER 2010 PAYABLES 26-Jan-10 ARRANT NUMBERS: 22628; 22660-22688 VOIDED WARRANTS: NONE DEPARTMENT/FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT Current Expense Fund: General Government Department 001 000 000 0.00 001 000 001 44.45 Legislative Department 001 000 110 1,706.00 Municipal Court Department 001 000 120 1,231.03 City Clerk Department 001 000 140 575.00 Internal Services Department 001 000 141 1,263.14 Finance Department 001 000 142 235.80 001 000 000 - Legal Services 001 000 151 - Civil Service 001 000 160 - Central Services Department 001 000 180 2,365.09 Police Department 001 000 210 5,685.28 Detention (Jail Services) 001 000 230 - 001 000 250 - Storm Water Utility 001 000 310 - 001 000 311 - 001000 312 - Engineering Services 001 000 320 - lanning Department 001 000 580 55.00 e Compliance Department 001 000 590 - gency Disbursements 001 001 000 - Current Expense Fund Total 13,160.79 Street Fund: Street Maintenance 101 000 420 6,646.93 Street Administration 101 000 430 135.00 Street Construction 101 000 950 - Street Fund Total 6,781.93 Other Funds: Fund Comm Devel Grants Fund 102 000 000 0.00 Library Fund 112 000 000 205.65 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund 113 000 000 - Drug Fund 114 000 000 - D.A.R.E. Fund 115 000 000 - Criminal Justice Fund 116 000 000 - East Wenatchee Events Board 117 000 000 2,030.00 Bond Fund 202 000 000 - Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund 501 000 000 82.90 Other Funds Total 2,318.55 Prepays: Current Expense 001 000 000 4,060. 00 Street Improvement Fund 101 000 430 - Development Grants Fund 102000000nd Stadium Fund 113000000ents rvmm Board Fund 117000000uipment Rental & Replacement Fund 501000000epays Total 4,000.00 Grand Total All Funds 26,261.27 • d' o 0 0 0 O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o O 0 w A w� QH H a qO z W as a ow o q pq O z Ln Lo a m 0 W N Pq �o az N • 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 g o CO, a o w v w U) z W a x W o a 0 0 0 w • O O O O� 01 Oi O O O O O 0 0 O O O 01 m vw v N N N N N N N N N N O O O O O O N N N O O O 00 0 0 O O O O tD r r r r r r r r r r O O Ol O O O Ln Ln Ln m m m r r r 00 00 O o o in Ln O o ri H H H H m m yr In Ln O O O N N N m m m V' v vr to !n m W O r r V� v w v' v'r W ID m N N In In 1n N N N H H H H H N m N In In ul ul r H H WN N N O N O O O O 0 0 O O O O H O O .� a O O ,.Q O O O O O O O O O O rah O fwA -,r E E w F F m F F r F a E w F El ww E. F. F w E a� F w w F F vF O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Clf E o E. F O F E p F o f o f F o o E E v El�r Elw E. w E CDElE+ o f H in in in m .-� in � �o �o 'o rH H W W W W W W w w W W W w W H U H U N U N U N U N U m N U N U N U N U N u H U v' U H H N H H H 1-1 H 1-1 H '-4 H r-I r H -W H I'll H v H I*- H NH H H �n 0 in >O Ln >O in O in O> in O In in O In >O> in >O in >O> Ln >O> in >O Ln O OU o z o z o z o o z p O o 0 2 o z p 2 o z CDz o V H H $ H H $ N H 3 N H N H N H 3 m O H $ N H N H N H N H H H V' H H H r-1 ri O V' v v N H O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O H ri rH r-I H H H N H H H H H rH O O O O O O O H O O O O O O O O O O O O O H H r-I r-4 r-I O O H H O (!' O W O O O O O W ri W O1 H U H r-I H H H Gj O O O H H H r-I rH [rwa W ''77yy O H W O O N O O O O O W f[ H O W N H O x PPG4G o N w O i w N 10 m r rH a u F N N O O m m O N H H N m d• lfl Uj O H m In ul In U1 Wv\pia�i]] W ,a N m0 mE m oo� m g mU pq •3 W ri rb7� a W z 3 N � w m m W oo W m W m W m H H virEn d H FD Ada r) xx mx ulx (N Ln� LnX uo� mZ m93, mH� FC H O W W q U) Cl) Cn u \ w t� +' «a a oG a; a E. E+ E. E m W q o o U o W O W W w o W o w w w w G. PG -rl H O H ri (U(��' ri w m w aQ ri ri O Q W (x (x77 N O N f4 N] N W W W r`7 0 (V E, � Ela c [V Q fj ,E E u U1 m In m a [Q H O Q U1 N N N N N N ry U H H \ \ \ \ \ \ \ O H H H H H H H 3 N O O O O O O p rH N rn \ F H a o O U W x E- r-4 O w w W1U-1 E+ E W H E O m m Fz-1 z�7, O 3 W E a w ° H z o El ww o u rn z > 0 U En Z x � �a QQ A > O W o o Ln un � o O o Rt o m w O o O O p m 0 w Lnm m W Ln m m H in m > z H H H H N N ry R: o rH N m a to �D G1 b l0 lD \O l0 (p N N N N N N N ry a z N N N N N N ry • N [-+ O O O O 1n D) O w w o O 0 0 o O O O O O o H .-- I U1 In w w CD 0 O �.77. Cl Cl Cl o a� m m ri m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o m m m o 0 0 0 ,1 H r r m m m o 0 0 V lf7 O O O w f"1 N H H In In to (V N N Ln In 1f1 In In O O w w m m m m H In Ifl In N lf1 In 4l w r-I m w w In In N m m m m m !+1 H -1 m f') ID w r r N N r N N rl W Cl H N N N m m r r r N N N o 0 0 O .-I ri UI In N N m w w w WH H N N o O 11 m O Cl O N H H H 1-1 O O r.� a 0 0 -W aa O a a o a a O aa a H r-I a a o o O ] O a W Q 01 tS Q H N O r( Q r ft; !� O Q w w !� N Q N Q N Q Q F w H E Ln w �D E. H w H H w F El O E. w w F EF w E' w E.w H H o f H O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O E o f H o o o H El o f E m H H H E+ o o H F o ff o f o E+ E o E-F E+ H r co O H %D N m m H r-1 H w H U m w w U m U N U w V r r U H U I U .-1 U w U rl H N Ha) H !f1 H w H H H In Ul H N H N H N H H" In O ui in In 0 In O m O In O o in O m O m O m O un 0^� OU O ,, O o o cV O O O O O 0 U 3 ri H o w O H 3 m H $ NH $ w H 3 O O H 3 .-I H f-I H H H 3 w H $ H O In w r-4 m w [V N N H O O O O O O O o 0 O O O O O o 0 0 O O O o 0 O O O O O Cl o 0 O O o O O O O O o H H H H ,-4 H H r r H H r1 .-4 O O o o O O o H H o O o o O o o U7 O H O H H o O o O a El[c1 W 0 2 Do o E. o II -i H H H a w m w w w oo 00 o o \ o o U m U o u N N N N E H DN %� O H O H N u 7+ W 7+ W 5+ W o 0 X O O w 0 D: ryry;; aazz a ax w HW ow oa oww 0 Q q a [x z F o w q �D w \ cD \ amoq O hx F7 FAh W hF i-7 r.Cu oU o0 o0co Oq� a ca H 0 W W W 'O-I [WA O -4 H EUn H 1H-1 H H lii H r4 4 q o� o0 o(Q o0 o ocn o,.] N W (V X N a N H N :-1 N H N O W W N m E a k w a I Q w � au u m U] N N N N N N N N H H rl H H H H H 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 z 0 rz Px qO W zm w u O U] m U Q z w H p[ a Ef) W m m 0 U u a H a O H a � U w C7 A pwq U 7. U) O0 R: H H H En C7 U) 3 W H 0 z A H x a z-1 O 3 q a r F 18 W Q z z 0 1zi Q F H x U O q q F x W U1 z .] U a U] F > 3 O N H 0 O N N O 0 o p o o H o p o O o o O p o 0 N w m In o o Ln m m H H w ID m ry m M w w w w w In r m m o .-4 N ID ID w r r r r, cD W W %D w w lD W cl c`7 N N N N ry ry N N N N cV N N N • m . . r r " o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ln Ln Ln 00 0 00 0 Ln Ln tn w ko ko M ri rn r•i 1D w o 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 o H ,-a H o 0 0 0 0 o w ar a rn fn r1 rn M O r r 1D 1D w 0 0 0 o o o to In Ln m m m r4 H ri o o o co co DD r r r o o LD W w w r-I H r-I ri N N N M Cr) M w w w w w w 00 0 m m m r r r o 0 w w rn rn ao ri '1 ra r-I ri H w w w m m m Do CO OD 0 0 0 w w rs N N N N 1n to a 0 0 o O O o 0 0 0 0 0 I.X0 0 ] o M -Wa O 0 O o �] 0 �] �] o O o �] O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O 0 O o f o ElElo E+ F o E+ E O ElE+ O E E O F E+ O E+ F o-1 El W El 0 Elrn rn r-Ir� vD O ri r-I �q kD o W W W w W W W W W W W N U N U r-i U r--I U M U 'D U r-I U r-I U r-I U N U �D U ri H r-I H r-1 H N H w N m H ri H ri H N H w H m H an 0O �n �O ui O ui O rn O rn O vi 'O rn ,O in O rn O w O U N H N H 3 " H 31 '1 H g v g H H � o ff � H H � ry H o Q ri H H N w ri r-I H c4 w N o o O O O O O O O o o O o O o o O O o o O O O O O O O O O o O O o H 11 H H r-I .-4 H r-I H r--I ri O O O o O O O O o O o 0 o O O H o O O O H O ri r-i o o N E. 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O F o f F o 0 O oO H U ry U a' U H U O N H dr H H H N H E. O U '$ FC N d� H N O O O O O O O O O O O O H H H O O O cD O O H O O H H tp R1 H o W W o o C4 N o u] W i H H W ri aa o o u W q W o p H RC W U ?ap; 3 Ln zCxWW� {�� r� �ap+; H 1 O FC� via FCU t o •HEW-oa aHv �z "'H �— �w r-4 pW', .C4 o f � Q -1 R a w�Q�77 N0 No Nw Nz F a U U a W H FC m H O Q U] ry N N N U o H 4 o 1 3 N o 0 0 0 N O u z H W W H W a F, F w cn z ] a H a O O H��jj74. 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W o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'i 'i 'i 'i H ri 'A ri O In • F4 O 0 cri (3) 14 0 s� c� a� b .� a� w 0 a� Cd 0 Cd Cd co 0 0 co .d I J J T • 10 b c� b 4-4 44, U) s� c� O 0 U 0 P4 94 y0 �.11! 4 0) Cd CH 441 Cd N W w O W • 1/14/2010 City Clerk, Mayor, City Council, This is request to be excused from the City Council meeting on January 26. I will be in Olympia with AWC. This is also a request to be excused from the City Council meeting on February 23. I will be on vacation in Arizona. Thanks, Chuck Johnson • 0 • January 19, 2010 Mayor and City Council Ref: request to be excused I would like permission to be excused from the January 26, 2010 council meeting. I will be in California and unable to attend. Thank -you for your consideration: Wayne Barnhart 64 5 Council member 0 0 • COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # PRESENTER: POSITION: TITLE: Sprint Boat Racing CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL IDIOM Dawn Collings Director AGENDA ITEM # AGENDA DATE: DEPARTMENT: 2 January 26, 2010 EVENTS BACKGROUND/HISTORY: At the January 121h Council Meeting, Events Coordinator Dawn Collings was given approval by Council to pursue the opportunity of bringing sprint boat racing to East Wenatchee. Since that time, Dawn has had conversations with representatives of the US Sprint Boat Association, the owner of Webb's Slough in St. John, prospective property owners, prospective event partners, local businesses, local people who have attended races in St. John and Horn Rapids (this track is no longer in use), and local people who would like to see sprint boat racing come to East Wenatchee. She has also met with the Events Board. EXHIBITS: Additional information will be presented at the Council Meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION: The East Wenatchee Events Board recommends that the City Council proceed to race in the 2010 season! FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ Presented at Council Meeting $ N/A $ N/A ACTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: Councilmember Bremmer v Councilmember Johnson Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Barnhart Passed:�Z Failed: Second By: ]u a b Councilmember Raab Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Hendricks KAv Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) APV c ov&k -ate vgve [brwax--1 avNa PI, 4-,or 2 rc,.-ces as Ib"5 as 4fAs%j; lj-btj Page 1 of 1 mar Zola • • 0 N -1 (-4 O O 00 e-i N 1--� O N tO 00 N �--I O O O 1.0 c I N Il to O O N O Lr t0 N M t1? O O N l0 t0 00 Q) r/) to C Q) E N C L O m m a nC U 4- U C N LT f6 +.. L O U i +••' u m Q C U m f0 U Q _ Q Z > c C E L l0 l6 N L> > H = H I H tLo O C: m v 4- c i L O m Q N O `:) O N O 3 c L T o O N u !6 L m > o E N .c E u U O C N O c O u cu U' W L U c }+ L O c w c -0 O Q: m Q� E N U O w a Page 1 of I Dawn Collings • From: Bikerstown USA [bikerstownusa@nwi.net] • • Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 9:31 AM To: Dawn Collings Subject: sprint boat racing Hi Dawn, Sorry I can't make it to the meeting but I would like share that my wife and I and several friends attended the Sprint Boat Races in St. John, WA this past summer. We all enjoyed the races and were very impressed with how well it was presented. One problem though, was the lack of accommodations in St. John and we made our overnight stay in Colfax. I feel East Wenatchee would be a great place to host this type of event provided an adequate location is found. The popularity of this sport seems to be growing fast and is just coming into it's 3rd year in our state. Now would be the time to make our valley into a prominent location for the sprint boats before some other area is chosen. Thank you, Tony LaChapelle owner of Bikerstown USA in Wenatchee. 509-663-4500 Sprint Boat Racing St. John, WA 1 /22/2010 • To Whom it May Concern: I and my husband are lifelong Wenatchee/East Wenatchee residents and Business owners here in the Valley. We are extremely excited that there is a possibility for the Sprint Boats to have facilities in East Wenatchee and see no possible way it would not benefit the valley!!! We have been to these races and they are amazing. This is an action packed family event that would attract people from all over the state and eventually other states as it is growing in popularity very quickly. From everyone that I have talked to I hear nothing but good and excitement out of their mouths. The motor sports that are featured at Town Toyota Center like the Ice Races and recently the Motor cross drew huge crowds and that was the first time each event had even been held in the Valley. Easily the Sprint Boats would draw a crowd of that size and it would just keep growing race by race. I will help in anyway that I can and many people and businesses I have spoken to are willing to lend a hand. Sincerely, Scott & Tricia Prazer More Supporting businesses and people: Prazer Construction Sand Storm Performance Parts DJ Shelda H & H Construction The Harley Shop Wenatchee Honda Marine RV Precision Waterjet Star Rentals Andy Feil Ryan and Tennille Vickery And many more! ! ! ! -FKL 0L:K�-ems, - � 4 � . To whom it may concern: When I read in the newspaper that the Sprint Boat Racing Association wants to see if East Wenatchee would consider the possibility of bringing this event into the Wenatchee Valley I was excited. My family and I have attended many events in Horn Rapids. It is fun, fast, exciting family event. The Valley's restaurants, campgrounds, hotels could use the revenue as well. Please give this much consideration. You won't be disappointed. The McIntosh Family • 0 Wenatchee Recreation 10 314 S. Wenatchee Ave. Wenatchee Wa 98801 January 23, 2010 Taber Murphy To Whom It May Concern: The proposed Sprint Boat races coming to the Wenatchee Valley will be a great economic boost in these difficult times. With agricultural and housing revenues down, lets get some entertainment dollars into the economy. Look at the recent Arenacross race at the Town Toyota Center, there was two nights with a packed house. Many of the people in attendance spent the whole weekend here in town. That is a lot of hotels and restaurants generating revenue. We are in a great location to expand our Motor Sports based entertainment. The Wenatchee Valley is in the geographic center of the state that makes it an easy draw to both major metropolitan areas in Washington. We as a community need to capitalize on any way to bring people (dollars!) in to the Valley. We all need to support an organization that is willing to bring Motor Sports into the valley. Thank you for your time and please feel free to contact me. Taber Murphy is Event Requirements Property Owner Requirements: • Track Area Approximately 4 acres, which would include fence setback. • Water usage- approximately water needed is 750,000 gallons. Pit area for boats and support equipment- Approximately 1 acre. • Parking area and possible camping area. • Spectator seating (grandstands optional). Sufficient bathroom facilities (quantity based on county or city requirements). • Gate personal and wristbands- general admission one color, pit area/VIP area another color. • Multi channel communications, radios for race officials and announcing tower. Multi channel communications, radios for crowd control personal. • Volunteers- 8-12 safety personal (track infield) 2 EMT certified safety personal (tack infield) Security (track owners call) Spotters, 1 backup • Pit board time recording person (track owner provides). a Waiting manned ambulance on track at all times during race day. • Liability Insurance. 0 Start and finish banners. • 5 pound fire extinguishers- .3 in pit area 6 on the track 2 on the boat launch • 2 golf carts or 4 wheelers for race officials. • PA system and an announcer station. • Minimum 2 elevated platforms for media use (scissor lifts, scaffolding, etc). • Programs (optional). Concessions. Generators where power is not available • Launch vehicles (jeep club, utility vehicles, pickups, etc. if possible). • Prize Purses supplied by Track/Promoters. 0 US SBA Requirements • Race liability insurance/$1,000,000 provided by the USSBA- The track and/or partners are named as additional insured. • Electronic timing eyes and clock reader board. • Race officials- Race controller Lead safety coordinator (trains your volunteers for track safety) Technical inspector 1 Technical inspector 2 Lead timer Backup timer Pit coordinator Launch master Race announcer Lead spotter • To Be Determined- Safety fencing and crowd control fencing. 0 • The above listed is covered in the USSBA fee of $6,000, per race event. 0 0 • Sprint Boat Racing Expenses USSBA Fee $6,000 _ Lease Payment on Property _ Trenching $11,500 (one time fee) Water Fencing Event Supplies Prize Purses $5,000+ _ 1 st, 2nd & 3rd X 3 categories Porta-Potties Media Platforms (minimum of 2) Generators PA System and Announcer Station Disposal of Contaminated Oil Launch Vehicles Jeeps, Utility Vehicles, Pickups Golf Carts or 4 Wheelers (2) Multi Channel Radios (10) Fire Extinguishers (11 Start & Finish Banners Potential Revenue Per Race Gate Fees 1,750 x $15 (adult) $26,250 _ �- 750 x $12 (youth 6 - 12) $9,000 Fees j _V_endor 15 x $100 $500 Parking Fees 875 x $2 $1,750 Dry Camping 50 x $10 $500 Total $38,000 I Pit Passes $3 - $5 on top of gate fees VIP Packages Example: $2,500 for special section, 100 tickets, catered meal, tables, chairs, _ canopy, etc. Hotel Rooms & Meals Race Teams, Spectators, etc. I - -r - Promotions _ Event promoted on all USSBA related websites USSBA will work with local media Racers would bring boats to car shows, etc. to promote upcoming race Racers would have boats on display in town on Friday night prior to race We could advertise race as a "destination" for motorcycle/car clubs We could sell event merchandise _ I es .v, ,•, 4�_�.:'::!•. ••".: r:�:_ .. uniloe Sro)�s SOrin/Ba•/wsso<i�IIoe OA'e!t/Woe.Hro - -„ a :_.___,,,,_, 2010 Race Venue Contract This agreement is made and entered into by the United States Sprint Boat Association, hereinafter referred to for all intents and purposes as the "USSBA" and , an independent promoter/owner operating as a race track provider, hereinafter referred to for all intents and purposes as the "Contractor". The USSBA and Contractor hereby agree to the following date(s) for Sprint Boat Racing Event(s): Event 1, Date: Event 2, Date: In consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants and performance contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Responsibilities: USSBA: The USSBA, as defined above, shall be responsible for the following: • Race Day Insurance (With Additional Insured Listed) • Electronic Time Clock with Reader Board • Race Day Track Rotation and Course Maps • Race Officials: • 1 Announcer • 1 Lead Timer • 1 Backup Timer • 1 Race Controller • 1 Lead Technical Inspector • 1 Assistant Technical Inspector • 1 Race Safety Coordinator • 1 Pit Coordinator • 1 Launch Coordinator • • 1 Track Spotter 1 • • I Race Secretary • The USSBA will run the race event and will keep lag time to a minimum. Contractor: The Contractor, as defined above, shall be responsible for the following: • Liability Insurance, with USSBA listed as additional insured. • USSBA approved Track area. • 12 USSBA qualified safety personnel for the track infield. • 1 Backup Rotation Spotter. • Safety fencing and crowd control fencing. • Fully defined Start and Finish lines identified. • Pit area for up to 31 boats and support equipment. • 2 Fire extinguishers for the launch area (minimum 4lb-ABC). • 10 Multi Channel communication FM Radios for race officials and announcing tower plus any additional radios required for contractor use. • • 1 Waiting manned ambulance / rescue vehicle. launching by the USSBA. • Organized vehicles pre approved • Public Address System. • 1 announcer and officials' platform elevated so as to provide clear view of all portions of the track. • Power available for the Public Address and Timing systems. • Trophies to include 3 places for each of 3 classes of boats (Super Modified, Group A-400, and Super Boat). • Additional Prize Money. • Elevated and sheltered table for Timers with an in -line view of the start and finish lines. • Rescue trailer and vehicle for disabled boats. • Starting line flag person. • Notify the USSBA Secretary of the scheduled Event starting times three (3) weeks prior to any scheduled Race Event 2. Duration of agreement: The term of this contract and the performance of the contractor shall commence at 4 pm the day before each race and terminate 3 hours after each race is final. 0) • 3. Set up deadline: Contractor agrees to have the race track, PA system, security, communication devices for race officials, ambulance on site, and a safety crew, in place and ready 1.5 hours prior to the scheduled start of each race. 4. Compensation/method of payment: The Contractor shall pay the USSBA $6,000.00 by 6 pm the day before each race venue. Payment shall be made by Personal or Certified Check, made payable to the United States Sprint Boat Association, or Cash. Copies of the contract will be made available at signing. The USSBA secretary will be notified of the exact added purse amount 3 days prior to each race venue. 5. Subcontracting: The Contractor shall not assign or subcontract any portion of this contract without prior USSBA approval. 6. Compliance with laws: The Contactor, in performance of this contract, agrees to comply with all applicable local, state and/or • federal laws and ordinances. Contractor agrees to obtain all necessary permits or licenses necessary for the safe, legal operation of his/her scheduled activities. 7. Amendments: Any and all amendment(s) to this contract shall be in writing, signed by both parties, and attached to this contract. No oral understanding or agreement not incorporated herein shall be binding on any of the parties hereto. 8. Security: The Contractor shall provide security 1.5 hours prior to the scheduled start of any race, and continue through race completion, or until the majority of the fan base has dispersed. 9. Loss or Damage: USSBA will not be responsible for any losses or damages to the Contractor, exhibit, or items within the exhibit area from any cause. Small, and valuable, exhibit materials will be secured by the Contractor. 10.Hold Harmless and indemnification: All service rendered or preformed under this contract will be preformed or rendered entirely 40 at the Contractor's own risk and exptessly agrees to hold harmless and • indemnify the USSBA, its officers, agents, employees from any and all liability, loss, or damage including reasonable cost of defense that they may suffer as a result of claims, demands, actions or damages to any and all persons(s) or property, costs, or judgments against USSBA, its officers, agents or employees which result from, arise out of, or are in any way connected with the service preformed by the Contractor under this contract. 11.Cancellation: "Notice of Cancellation" shall be received by the Secretary of the USSBA, 1360 W. Dogwood Rd., Pasco, WA 99301, no less than ninety (90) days prior to event date of any agreed race . In the case of failure by the Contractor to give 90 days cancellation notice or to arrive, set up and work, Contractor shall be required to make payable to the USSBA all fees required under this agreement. 12. Acts of God: Extreme weather conditions that may jeopardize the race venue shall not be the fault of the contractor and therefore the USSBA will not hold the contractor liable for Cancellation penalties listed in section 11 of this contract. Extreme weather conditions shall • include natural disasters such as tornado, earthquake, fire, flood, snow, and hail. 11 13.Additional terms: Any and all other regulations which may be necessary for the safety and benefit of racers and the general public, not listed herein, shall be adhered to by Contractor upon notification by USSBA. 14.Attorney and Venue Fees: If by reason of default on either the part of the USSBA or the Contractor in the performance of any of the provisions of this contract, it becomes necessary for either party to engage the services of an attorney, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover costs and attorney's fees. This agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of Washington State and venue shall be properly situated in BentonCounty, WA. M • 15.Banners: The use and placement of USSBA banners will be mutually agreed upon by the US SBA and the Contractor no later than 1 day prior to any race event. All other banners (non USSBA) will be negotiated for compensation to the contractor no later than 1 day prior to the race event. • 40 Contractor DATE: DATE: 2/10/2010 United States Sprint Boat Association • CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE FINANCE DIRECTOR 271 9- STREET NE • EAST WENATCHEE, Wry 98802 PHONE (509) 886-4507 • FAx (509) 886-6109 January 20, 2010 Mayor & City Council City of East Wenatchee, Washington Subject: Completion of 2007 & 2008 Audits by the Washington State Auditors Office Please find the attached documents: 1. Exit Conference Agenda for meeting held on January 14, 2010, and 2. Management Letter, dated January 14, 2010. The Exit Conference was attended by Juan Esparza, Audit Manager, and Jacob Taylor, State Auditor, from the local SAO in Wenatchee. I attended along with Mayor Lacy, Councilmember Johnson, Teresa Allen and nearly all department directors. As usual, the auditors reported the scope of their work and results of their Accountability Audit and Financial Statement Audit for the years 2007 and 2008. As you review the Exit Conference document, please note that there were no findings, one management letter communication (attached separately), and three exit items related to controls and procedures in the City. The Management Letter communication and the three exit items were discussed among the group without disagreement. Some are already resolved and others will be addressed to correct each situation. If you should have questions, please contact me in advance of the meeting if possible. If not, we can discuss at the Council meeting. Ni A. Gerde Finance Director • Washington State Auditor's Office Exit Conference City of East Wenatchee • January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2008 January 14, 2010 WASHI NGTON BRm SONNTAG �`"' STATE AUDITOR 0 Audit Information Audit Scope Our audit was planned and conducted using a risk -based approach covering the following general areas for the period beginning January 1, 2007 and ending December 31, 2008: • Accountability for public resources and compliance with laws and regulations • Financial statements In keeping with general auditing practices, we did not examine every transaction, activity or area. Instead, our procedures focused on identifying and examining those transactions, activities or areas that posed the highest risk. Accountability for Public Resources and Legal Compliance We evaluated accountability for public resources and compliance with certain laws and regulations in the following areas: • Courts system • Police department • Restricted revenues • Land sales • General disbursements Financial Statements We performed an audit of the financial statements in accordance with Government Auditing Standards to conclude whether the statements were presented fairly in all material respects. Our audit was conducted on a test basis and cannot be relied upon to identify every instance of misstatement, fraud or noncompliance in the financial statements. As part of our audit of the financial statements, we obtained an understanding of internal controls over financial reporting. Government Auditing Standards also required us to test compliance with any provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grant agreements that could materially affect financial statement amounts or data significant to the audit. Audit Reports Accountability Report This report summarizes the results of the accountability audit. The report will not include any findings. E Financial Statement Reports • This report includes our opinion on the financial statements. An unqualified opinion will be issued which means the financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects. It also includes our report on internal control over financial reporting and on noncompliance and other matters as required by Government Auditing Standards. That report will not include any findings. These reports are expected to be issued within the next several weeks. We now offer a free subscription service that allows you to be notified by email when audit reports are released or posted to our Web site. You can sign up for this convenient new service on our website at: www.sao.wa.gov/EN/News/Subscriptions Other Required Communications In addition to our audit reports, we are required by professional auditing standards to communicate other significant issues to the as follows: • There were no significant difficulties encountered or disagreements with entity management during the audit. • There were no material misstatements corrected by management during the audit. • There were no uncorrected misstatements in the audited financial statements. Audit Results Audit Recommendations We are pleased to report no findings. We will review the status of the attached management letter and exit items in our next audit. MANAGEMENT LETTER: Restricted Revenues — REET The City failed to comply with state requirements for spending Real Estate Excise Tax revenues. See attached letter on page 4. EXIT ITEMS: Cash Receipting/Depositing: • We found the City lacks adequate controls over cash handling within the Treasurer's office. The City Treasurer completes the deposit slip, makes the daily deposit, and reconciles all deposits to the bank statements. We recommend that the City enact segregation of duties for cash handling within the Treasurer's office. 2 • Police Department - Cash handling: We found that the City's Police department is not properly safeguarding receipted cash and is not complying with RCW: 43.09.240 which requires daily deposits with the City Treasurer. • Seizure and Forfeiture reports: The City failed to comply with State law that requires the police department to submit quarterly seizure and forfeiture reports to the State Treasurer's office. Status of Prior Audit Recommendations Concluding Remarks We would like to thank officials and employees for their helpfulness and timely response to our audit requests. We will be sending an e-mail to Nick Gerde regarding an on-line customer service survey. This email will be from "State Auditor's Office <WA- StateAuditor@sao.wa.gov>". Please take a few minutes to complete this survey. Your feedback is important to our on -going commitment to continually develop and improve our audit process. Your next audit is scheduled to be conducted in 2011 and will cover the following general areas: • Accountability for Public Resources FY — 2009 and 2010 • Financial Statement FY — 2009 and 2010 If federal grant expenditures are $500,000 or more in any fiscal year, please notify our Office so we can schedule your audit to meet federal single audit requirements. Budgeting: For assistance in the City's budgeting process, we anticipate the cost for your next audit to be approximately $13,500. 3 • Management Letter City of East Wenatchee January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2008 • 0 Real Estate Excise Tax restricted funding State law (RCW 36.70A.040) requires cities to adopt a comprehensive land use plan and to use Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) money solely for financing capital projects specified in the capital facilities part of the comprehensive plan (RCW 82.46.010). The City received $396,306 in REET tax money during the audit period. The approved comprehensive plan budget allocated REET money to road projects. It also allotted $198,500 for an annexation payment to the County and $97,000 for the purchase of property adjacent to City hall. These projects were not in the comprehensive plan. Changes in the planned use of REET funds should have been done through a formal amendment to the capital facilities plan, which requires public participation. We recommend the City comply with state law governing the use of REET money to ensure all projects are included in the comprehensive plan or in approved amendments to the plan. 4 • Washington State Auditor Brian Sonntag January 14, 2010 City Council City of East Wenatchee 271 Ninth St. N.E. East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Management Letter In planning and performing our accountability audit of the City of East Wenatchee for January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2008, we noted areas in which the City's compliance with state • laws and regulations could be improved. While these items are not significant enough at this time to include in our report, we believe our recommendations will assist you in improving the City's compliance. • We will review the status of these comments during our next audit. We have already discussed these comments and made suggestions for improvements to City officials and personnel. We would be pleased to discuss them in further detail at your convenience. If you have any questions, please contact me at (509) 662-0440, We would also like to take this opportunity to extend our appreciation to your staff for the cooperation and assistance given during the course of the audit. Sincerely, Juan Esparza, Audit Manager Attachment Insurance Building, P.O. Box 40021 • Olympia, Washington 98504-0021 • (360) 902-0370 • TDD Relay (800) 833-6388 FAX (360) 753-0646 • http://www.sao.wa.gov SManagement Letter City of East Wenatchee January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2008 Real Estate Excise Tax restricted funding State law (RCW 36.70A.040) requires cities to adopt a comprehensive land use plan and to use Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) money solely for financing capital projects specified in the capital facilities part of the comprehensive plan (RCW 82.46.010). The City received $396,306 in REET tax money during the audit period. The approved comprehensive plan allocated all REET money to road projects. During the audit period, the City allotted $198,500 to cover annexation payments to the County and $97,000 for the purchase of property adjacent to City hall. These projects were not in the approved comprehensive plan. Changes in the planned use of REET funds should have been done through a formal amendment to the capital facilities plan, which requires public participation. We recommend the City comply with state law governing the use of REET money to ensure all projects are included in the comprehensive plan or in approved amendments to the plan. • E C LL c o (� L O O r C L m 0 V � O LU00 c° N V) p p O O L to CL O t ti O cm40 T M o i to O 3 to N V E G� m m O m O v CD M c U L O M Qi N d U- ce O N D E m 3 ~ a c 0 m 0)o CD O cl CD N .N C w •� Lu '3 v N L a p o 3 mCD CDO to >+ N m m Q CD++ N Q% �.+ m C OL =• L t 00 v) a U) m s m U 4) M > m U a U ai 4° C o m m m r .IL) ° Q. .a) = a V m x O o EA L m L 4+ O •a. cc O N v- E Q ; O t� .r m O Z p r m O O w 0• CD %I.- C m p V O p Lo to 'Q m p O CD i .o m a c oo— LO ai 7 M O O u m�.. a m to n m o � o > m co O ff N E L T v). -0 E O m 'C w >' C D to r d 0 C 3 m tm C CD p O O m L E m ca > C m 3 y L O p oopo0 0 O mo CD c cnp000c d m M o L �+ E •c E 3 ti cc o� '� M u, •p �} m A O '� m Gl3 C4 EA C (f3 ER y v O Q ,� O O -a c�a M -ma �, _a M N m L U _ d Q w d O O 3 r_ x E m o a o mCD c o c cca V 'm EU L a � O m �F- m � L � m fA ,� m 3 V w° m E ro p 3 N M a� m O o U m :� x Lu y m ca y c O cLa m 0 •� x x ar E= m m C= E > L O m lC 3 r+ L M m �•��r U LLQ N 5U� 0 c r U) m U) N I -a c U) U a� 3 m N ._ LO 0 V r CD O > w t Go CDO .L m 41 O N 3 O Cfl CD C LLoO'oo M = O o ;a (D N 6 t U) Ln 0 p L O 6R w LA r p E E U m > E T N 4 cv m m _ O i > ca > y Q CD ti r o E L o E O 4- m L > O co O CDd o r c +r O LO V N d? 0 c (D a) E r N •L O O a�� O �EOE m L= U O 4- _ _ _ Ilz > coo 3 a 3 3 > N � 4) No mo o0 LC)cc E > c rn U 'm E m a c4 t N d 3 >O0� C Q fR U O U) r 1 o p-a 3(D0� =o O d p Cl) LO LC)+' c e E oi 00�- m � U m U M 4) c°� G1 LA N R% O i r O O 7> O 0 y t O L 7= U. > d> H- c H r m. .7 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 271 9TH STREET NE EAST WENATCi EE, WA 98802 PHONE (509) 884-9515 � FAX (509) 884-6233 January 20, 2010 Mr. Rick Krochalis Regional Administrator Region 10 — Seattle Jackson Federal Building 915 Second Ave, suite 3142 Seattle, WA. 98174-1002 Dear Mr. Krochalis, I am writing today to express the City of East Wenatchee's strong support of Link Transit's Bus and Bus Facilities Livability Initiative Program grant application. We are strongly supportive of their grant request for the joint development of an East Wenatchee Transit Center and park and ride facility. The proposed transit center/park and ride facility is a vitally needed enhancement to our community that provides significant benefits to East Wenatchee, our transit service, and regional mobility. This proposed joint development is a key component of an extensive commercial redevelopment of the Wenatchee Valley's largest shopping mall which will serve to change this aging shopping complex into a more vibrant retail center and a regional entertainment center. The proposed joint development project would construct a three story, 1,000 space parking garage at the Wenatchee Valley Mall. The top floor of the garage will be level with an adjacent arterial road (Baker Street) and will incorporate a ten (10) bay transit terminal that includes two electric bus charging stations, public restrooms, appropriate transit passenger amenities including a guest waiting room, and extensive landscaping. The project also includes 150 dedicated parking spaces for park and ride needs. The transit plaza will serve as the primary entrance to a regional entertainment complex (14 screen theater complex and food court) as well as a major entry to the Wenatchee Valley Mall. The need for this project is well documented. In 1997, Link Transit conducted the East Wenatchee Transit Center Study which evaluated potential locations for a transit center; the study determined that the locally preferred alternative and best location for such a center is this self same project location. The proposed project also supports the overall livability of our region. The immediate vicinity contains the probably the largest concentration of high density, moderately priced apartments in the Wenatchee Valley as well as several housing facilities for elderly persons and persons with disabilities. The mall is well connected to other commercial areas of East Wenatchee and downtown Wenatchee with 15 minute frequency, electric powered shuttle service. The grant request is for $5.75 million dollars of federal funding. If granted, this will be matched by $12.1 million of private funding committed by the mall's owners, Vintage Real Estate, LLC. In addition, this grant would leverage an additional $28.1 million of private funding which will build the entertainment complex, a new mall entrance, and expand and renovate the existing mall. This private investment of $40.2 million dollars would be a significant lift to our local economy. On top of the necessary construction jobs to build the project, the entertainment complex and mall expansion is projected to result in the addition of at least 100 permanent jobs to our valley. For our very small urban area, this represents a truly significant economic boost. For all of the above referenced reasons, I am very pleased to communicate our support and endorsement of Link Transit's $5.75 million dollar Livability grant request. Steve Lacy Mayor, City of East Wenatchee • 0 3 CI-TOF ESi rXC-H-rlEllAN_ STREET DEPARTMENT 271 9TH STREET NE • EAST WENATCHEE, WA 98802 PHONE (509) 884-1829 • FAx (509) 886-6113 Fig A 1 Girl 9 U IT, To: East Wenatchee City Council and Mayor From: Brandon Mauseth, Street Superintendent Date: January 22, 2010 Subject: Mayor's Report Cost Analysis for rental house Mayor's Report: During the October 13th, 2009 City Council meeting, staff was directed to complete a cost analysis for a remodel of the rental property located at 307 9th Street NE. There were five options to consider; 1. Move Police Department staff to the rental 2. Remodel the rental and move the library 3. Move one or more city departments from the west wing of City Hall to the rental. 4. Rent the property for income 5. Sell the Property Option 1 — Convert the rental into Police Department office space: Estimated Cost = $116,590.00 This option will relocate 6 Police Department Staff to the rental house freeing up space in the Police Station and providing one administrative office in the west wing of City Hall. No improvements would be necessary for City Hall Staff is requesting authorization to hire an architect or -general contractor and complete the design, construction plans and construction estimate. Authorization not to exceed $12,000. Prior to commencing with construction, staff and the consultant will present design, construction plans and the estimated construction costs. Attachments: a. Minutes from the October 13th council meeting b. Letter from Police Chief Harrison c. Cost analysis for; 1. Converting the rental house into space for the Police Department 2. Converting the rental house into Library space 3. Converting the rental house into Community Development & Street Dept. 4. Keeping the house as a rental property Page 1 of 1 Lori Barnett • From: Dana Barnard Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 4:50 PM To: Lori Barnett Subject: Council Meeting 10.13.09 MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Lacy said he would like to open a discussion as to how Council wishes to proceed with the City owned rental home adjacent to City Hall. He said the options that have been brought up consist of the following: • Remodel the rental to move the library into that building; • Move one or more City Departments from the west wing of the City Hall to the rental; • Utilize the rental for additional housing of Police Department employees; • Rent the property for income; or • Sell the property. Mayor Lacy said he would prefer Council make a proposal by way of a motion to get a discussion started. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, to house as many Police officers as necessary in the rental home to relieve congestion in the current office space. Mayor Lacy suggested authorizing a cost analysis for all options prior to making a final decision on what to do with the property. He added the City purchased the property in 2007 for $265,000. is Councilmember Buckner withdrew his motion. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Buckner, second by Councilmember Raab, to authorize a study of all options including a cost analysis for all options prior to making a final decision on what to do with the property. The motion carried, 7-0. Dana Barnard, City Clerk City of East Wenatchee z71 9th Street NE East Wenatchee, WA 988oz (509) 884-9515 Phone (509) 884-6z33 Fax dbarnardPeast-wenatchee.com • • Police Department usage of East Campus building: 1.) Chief Harrison, Assistant Chief Reierson, Detective Darnell, Detective Dieringer and Administrative Assistant Bryant set up office. 2.) Chiefs' upstairs, detectives and administrative assistant downstairs. 3.) This move frees up three office spaces in police wing and one office at the city hall downstairs. We currently have three sergeants in one office in the police wing. This way the sergeants would share two offices and one office would make for a much quieter interview/report writing room for patrol officers. Also, by the administrative assistant moving, this would make for more space for the records persons. 4.) There is much space for storage at the east campus building. The records that we currently have in the city hall basement (2/3 of the room) would move to the east building. This would make for much more room for the city hall and court records. There are many records in the police department now that could move to the east building. We currently have found bicycles, ammunition, and other equipment in a garage to the north of the police wing. That storage would move to the east building and free up that garage for the street department. We currently have firearms stored in lockers in the men's rest room. They would move to the east building. Our evidence room is full and has been for a long time. A lot of safekeeping (not evidence) items of property could be moved to the east building. 5.) Another important aspect of the East Campus building, that we do not have room for currently, is for a special interview room for child victims of sexual abuse. There would be room there for that interview room. • • • City of East Wenatchee 307 9th Street - Rental House January 1, 2010 Cost analysis for rental property Scenario 1: Convert to East Wenatchee Police Department Benefit: Provides 6 workspaces for the Police Department, 1 office for general City Staff in City Hall Addresses the City's greatest need, Least impact on City Hall and Staff Repair Components Estimated Cost Structural Support columns $5,000 to $10,000 $7,500 Remove patrician wall between kitchen and living room area $900 ADA Compliance (Parking stall, sidewalk ramp and interior circulation) *Access ramp from front porch to the 9th Street sidewalk $208 In/ft 35 feet $7,280 *Re -configure bathroom for wheel chair accessibility $200 sq/ft $9,600.00 Interior walls & counter top(living room) $2,000.00 Furniture (cubicle, desks, cabinets, shelves) $5,000 Mechanical Electrical upgrades $16,000 *New Service $2,500 *Furnace Electrical upgrade $1,500 *wiring $10,000 *Computer and Phone wiring $2,000 IT upgrades (not including computer stations = $3,000 per station) $1,500 Phone Network $3,300 Replacement of heating and cooling system * electrical furnace (use electric furnace since the building needs electrical impro.) $5,895 Remove buried oil tank $4,000 Cosmetic repairs paint interior walls (all wal►s) $11,000 replace carpet $4.00 sq/ft $6,400 replace windows in main floor bedroom $700 per window x 6 $4,200 flooring in kitchen area $5.00 sq/ft $2,500 Site work *fence & trees $2,000 *filling and grading (2' cut, no fill, small retaining wall) $4,000 *Asphalt preparation & Asphalt work Base Prep ($40.00 ton) $4,560.00 Asphalt ($95.00 ton) $8,455.00 Professional Services Architect (Design and construction drawings) $7,000 to $10,000 $9,000 Engineer (structural calcs for reinforcing the main floor) $1,000 to $2,500 $1,500 Total 1 $116,590.00 0 City of East Wenatchee 307 9th Street - Rental House January 1, 2010 Cost analysis for rental property Scenario 2: Convert to East Wenatchee Library Benefit: Moves Library into their own space with their own parking, moves Police Dept. into the entire basement space Moves Events and the Finance Dept into the upstairs east wing of City Hall or into Library space Repair Components Estimated Cost Structural Support columns $5,000 to $10,000 $10,000 Remove patrician wall between kitchen and living room area $900 ADA Compliance (Parking stall, sidewalk ramp and interior circulation) *Access ramp from front porch to the 9th Street sidewalk $208 In/ft 35 feet $7,280 *Re -configure bathroom for wheel chair accessibility $200 sq/ft $9,600.00 Interior walls & counter top(Library space) Furniture (cubicle, desks, cabinets, shelves) $2,000.00 $5,000 Mechanical Electrical upgrades $16,000 *New Service $2,500 *Furnace Electrical upgrade $1,500 *wiring $10,000 *Computer and Phone wiring $2,000 IT upgrades (not including computer stations = $3,000 per station) $1,500 Phone Network $3,300 Replacement of heating and cooling system * electrical furnace (use electric furnace since the building needs electrical impro.) $5,895 Remove buried oil tank $4,000 Cosmetic repairs paint interior walls (all walls) $11,000 replace carpet $4.00 sq/ft $6,400 replace windows in main floor bedroom $700 per window x 6 $4,200 flooring in kitchen area $5.00 sq/ft $2,500 Site work *fence & trees $2,000 *filling and grading (2' cut, no fill, small retaining wall) $4,000 *Asphalt preparation & Asphalt work Base Prep ($40.00 ton) $4,560.00 Asphalt ($95.00 ton) $8,455.00 Professional Services Architect (including the design work for City Hall space) $12,000 to $17,000 $15,000 Engineer (structural calcs for reinforcing the main floor) $2,500 to $3,500 $3,000 Remodel basement for Police and Library space for other Dept. (rough estimate) $20,000.00 Total $146,590.00 E • • City of East Wenatchee 307 9th Street - Rental House January 1, 2010 Cost analysis for rental property Scenario 3: Convert to Community Development & Street Dept. Benefit: Move Community Development & Street Dept. out to rental house. Moves Nick, Teresa and Dawn upstairs. Moves the Police Department downstairs and leaves the Library in their existing space. Repair Components Estimated Cost Structural Support columns $5,000 to $10,000 $10,000 Remove patrician wall between kitchen and living room area $900 ADA Compliance (Parking stall, sidewalk ramp and interior circulation) *Access ramp from front porch to the 9th Street sidewalk $208 In/ft 35 feet $7,280 *Re -configure bathroom for wheel chair accessibility $200 sq/ft $9,600.00 Furniture (cubicle, desks, cabinets, shelves) $5,000 Mechanical Electrical upgrades $16,000 *New Service $2,500 *Furnace Electrical upgrade $1,500 *wiring $10,000 *Computer and Phone wiring $2,000 IT upgrades (not including computer stations = $3,000 per station) $1,500 Phone Network $3,300 Replacement of heating and cooling system * electrical furnace (use electric furnace since the building needs electrical impro.) $5,895 Remove buried oil tank $4,000 Cosmetic repairs paint interior walls (all walls) $11,000 replace carpet $4.00 sq/ft $6,400 replace windows in main floor bedroom $700 per window x 6 $4,200 flooring in kitchen area $5.00 sq/ft $2,500 Site work *fence & trees $2,000 *filling and grading (2' cut, no fill, small retaining wall) $4,000 *Asphalt preparation & Asphalt work Base Prep ($40.00 ton) $4,560.00 Asphalt ($95.00 ton) $8,455.00 Professional Services Architect (including the design work for City Hall space) $10,000 to $13,000 $11,500 Engineer (structural calcs for reinforcing the main floor) $2,500 to $3,500 $3,000 Remodel basement for Police Department (rough estimate) $10,000.00 Total1 $131,090.00 • • 0 City of East Wenatchee 307 9th Street - Rental House January 1, 2010 Cost analysis for rental property Scenario 4 : Keep as a rental property Benefit: Annual Revenue (rent) $12,000 Annual Maintenance & Repairs $1,200 Repair components Estimated Cost Structural 0 Mechanical 0 Cosmetic repairs paint interior walls (all walls) $11,000 replace carpet $4.00 sq/ft $6,400 replace windows in main floor bedroom $700 per window x 6 $4,200 flooring in kitchen area $5.00 sq/ft $2,500 Site work 0 Professional Services Architect Engineer 0 0 Total $24,100.00 0 COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # PRESENTER: POSITION: CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL 10-01-03 Nick Gerde Finance Director AGENDA ITEM # AGENDA DATE: DEPARTMENT: TITLE: A Resolution approving the 2010 Annual Financial Plan. 3 January 26, 2010 Finance BACKGROUND/HISTORY: The City Council approved Resolution 2009-06 in May 2009 requiring the development and approval of an annual financial plan which would include consideration of certain financial planning elements and cover a certain time period. This 2010 Annual Financial Plan satisfies those requirements, and has been approved by the Budget Committee. EXHIBITS: • Resolution 2010 Annual Financial Plan (will be submitted at Council Meeting). RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt the resolution adopting the 2010 Annual Financial Plan. FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ N/A $ N/A $ N/A ACTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: Councilmember Bremmer Council member Johnson Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Barnhart Passed: 5 0 Failed: Second By: Councilmember Raab Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Hendricks Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO.2010-_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE 2010 ANNUAL FINANCIAL PLAN. 1. Recitals a. Preamble. The City Council of East Wenatchee ("City Council") desires to approve its 2010 Annual Financial Plan. b. The City Council has approved Resolution 2009-06 in May 2009, the provisions of which requires the City to develop and approve an Annual Financial Plan. c. The Budget Committee, including the Mayor, Finance Director and three Council members, have reviewed the attached 2010 Financial Plan and recommend its approval by the City Council. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: Adoption Effective January 26, 2010, the City Council adopts the City of East Wenatchee 2010 Annual Financial Plan, which is attached as exhibit "A". • Passed by the City Council of East Wenatchee, at a regular meeting thereof on January 26, 2010. CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON By Steven C. Lacy, Mayor Attest: Dana Barnard, City Clerk FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: 1/21/2010 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION NO.: 2010- • COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # PRESENTER: POSITION: CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL 10-01-04 Steven C. Lacy Mavor AGENDA ITEM # AGENDA DATE: DEPARTMENT: 4 January 26, 2010 Legislative TITLE: Approval of a Contract for Services with Ralph Aiken, III, for the City's Information Systems Support Services. BACKGROUND/HISTORY: This contract is the same as the previous including thosalary. EXHIBITS: Contract for Professional Services. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Authorize Mayor to sign the contract. FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required $ 51G, teg9 qL $ 55, (01el42 $ ACTION TAKEN: ``,,. II�� Motion Made By: �\Cts Councilmember Bremmer Councilmember Johnson Councilmember McCourt Councilmember Barnhart Passed: S�Q Failed: 0 Second By: ? V"M Kh'9t.— Councilmember Raab Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Hendricks Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) Page 1 of 1 • Contract for Professional Services 1. Parties. The Parties to this agreement ("Agreement") are the City of East Wenatchee ("City") and Ralph Aiken, III ("Contractor"). In consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants, and performance of the scope of work contained herein, as attached and made a part hereof, the City and Contractor mutually agree as follows: 2. Scope of work. Contractor agrees to work as an Information Systems Manager for the City. Contractor shall provide the services specified below. These services shall be termed "work" herein. Contractor shall perform the following information systems support services: a. Ensure internal and external security of the City's computer system; b. Maintain and repair computers, servers, and printers; c. Troubleshoot and solve computer problems; d. Maintain and update the City's website as directed by the Mayor; e. Maintain the City's telecommunication system; f. Download software applications and any necessary updates onto City computers; g. Maintain and update a written inventory of any software products purchased by the City; h. Maintain and update a written inventory of any hardware products purchased by the City i. Be accessible by telephone between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday; j. Be able to be at City Hall within 180 minutes of receiving notification that his services are needed at City Hall; k. Provide back up information system support service for the Police Department; and 1. Provide timely, reliable, and cost effective service. 3. Term of Contract. The effective date of this contract is January 1, 2010. This contract expires on December 31, 2010. The City may terminate this Contract without cause upon written notice. Work in progress will be paid, on a prorated basis to the date ordered to stop. 4. Compensation. a. Total Compensation. The City shall pay Contractor $4,641.66/per month for performing the work set forth in paragraph 2. b. Disputed work: If the City believes in good faith that some portion of work has not been completed satisfactorily; the City may request that Contractor correct the work before the City pays for such work. In such event, the City must reasonably explain to Contractor its concern over the work and the remedy that the City expects from Contractor. The City may withhold from any payment otherwise due an amount that the City in good faith is under dispute, or if the Contractor does Contract for Professional Services Page 1 of 8 \\ewsvr I \usd$\dbamard\My Documents\CITY CLEMAgreements\Contract for Professional Services_Ralph Aiken_2010.docx • not provide a sufficient remedy, the City may retain the amount equal to the cost to the City for otherwise correcting or remedying the work not properly completed. c. Method of Payment. Contractor shall submit a monthly invoice for compensation. The monthly invoice shall contain a detailed description of the work performed during the month, the number of hours spent performing such work, and any reimbursable costs and expenses incurred in connection with such work. d. Invoices. Contractor shall submit invoices to the following address: The City of East Wenatchee 271 Ninth St. NE East Wenatchee, WA 98801 Attention: Teresa Allen 5. Representations. Contractor represents and warrants that he has the requisite training, skill and experience necessary to provide work and is appropriately accredited and licensed by all applicable agencies and governmental entities. 6. Independent Contractor. The parties intend and understand that Contractor shall be an independent contractor. The parties further intend and understand that the City shall be neither liable for, nor obligated to pay: sick leave, vacation pay, social security or other tax that may arise as an incident of employment, or any other benefit of employment. The Contractor shall pay all income and other taxes as due. Any industrial or other insurance purchased for the benefit of the Contractor shall not convert this Contract to any type of employment contract. The Parties recognize that Contractor may or will be performing professional work during the term for other parties and that the City is not the exclusive user of the work that Contractor will provide. 7. Property and Confidential Information. Contractor shall not, without the prior written consent of the City, disclose to third parties information that is not otherwise subject to public disclosure unless: a. The information is known to Contractor prior to receiving the same directly or indirectly in connection with the work; b. The information is in the public domain at the time of disclosure by Contractor; or C. The information is received by Contractor from a third party who does not have an obligation to keep the same confidential. 8. Indemnification. The Contractor releases and shall defend, indemnify and hold • harmless the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents and volunteers for any and all Contract for Professional Services Page 2 of 8 \\ewsvrl\usd$\dbarnard\My Documents\CITY CLEMAgreements\Contract for Professional Services —Ralph Aiken_2010.docx • claims, demands, losses, negligent acts or omissions, and liabilities (including costs and all attorney's fees) to or by any and all persons and entities, including without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from, or connected with this Contract to the extent caused by the negligent acts, errors or omissions of Contractor, its partners, shareholders, agents, employees, or by the Contractor's breach of this Contract. • To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, this shall apply. However, this shall not require Contractor to indemnify the City against any liability for damages arising out of bodily injury or property damages caused by or resulting from negligence of the City. The City shall protect, defend and indemnify and save harmless the Contractor, its representatives and other employees all costs, claims, judgments or awards of damages arising out of the negligent acts or omissions of the City, its officers or employees. Further, in the case of concurrent negligence of Contractor on the one hand and the City on the other hand, each party shall be required to indemnify the other only to the extent of the negligence of the party. Contractor releases and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City from and against all claims, cost, liabilities, damages, expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorney fees) and royalties based upon any actual or alleged infringement or misappropriate of any patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark, or other intellectual property right by any work. Further, if any work infringes or misappropriates any patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark or other intellectual property right, Contractor shall either (a) procure for the City the right to use such work; or (b) modify work so that it no longer infringes or misappropriates any such right. 9. Work Product. All work product, including records, files, documents, plans, computer disks, magnetic media or material which may be produced or modified by Contractor while performing work shall belong to the City. At the termination of this Contract, the Contractor shall deliver copies of files containing the written record of the Contractor's work. Until at least 12 months following final payment, Contractor shall provide the City prompt access to (and the City shall have the right to examine, audit and copy) all of Contractor's books, documents, papers and records related to the work. 10. Contractor to Direct work. Contractor shall control and direct the performance of the work of Contractor pursuant to this Contract, subject to oversight by the City. The Mayor, or his designee, will oversee Contractor's work. The City reserves the right to inspect, review and approve the work of Contractor to assure that it has been completed as specified, before payment. 11. Non -Discrimination. During the performance of this contract, the contractor, for itself, its assigns and successors in interest agree as follows: a. Compliance with Regulations. The contractor shall comply with the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the United States Department of Transportation ("USDOT"), Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21, as they may be amended from time to time. Contract for Professional Services Page 3 of 8 \\ewsvrl\usdS\dbarnard\My Documents\CITY CLERMAgreements\Contract for Professional Services —Ralph Aiken_2010.docx • b. Nondiscrimination. With regard to the work performed by the Contractor, the Contractor shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurement of materials and leases of equipment. The contractor shall not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by Section 21.5 of the Regulations. • C. Information and Reports. The contractor shall provide all information reports required by the Regulations or directives issued pursuant thereto, and shall permit access to his books, records, counts, or other sources of information and its facilities as may be determined by the contracting agency or the appropriate Federal agency to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Regulations, orders and instructions. Where any information required of the contractor is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information, the contractor shall so certify to WSDOT or the USDOT as appropriate, and shall set forth what efforts were made to obtain the information. d. Sanctions for noncompliance. In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination provisions of this contract, the contracting agencies shall impose such contract sanctions as it or the USDOT may determine to be appropriate, including, but not limited to: i. Withholding of payments to the contractor under the contract until the contractor complies, and/or; ii. Cancellation, termination, or suspension of contract, in whole or in part. 12. General Provisions. a. Governing Law. This Contract shall be interpreted, construed, and enforced in all respects in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. b. Full Agreement. This Contract and all attachments form all of the covenants, promises, agreements and conditions, between the parties. All attachments and addendum are incorporated herein by this reference, and shall be a part of this contract instrument. In the event of discrepancy between the documents, addendum and attachments shall prevail over the Contract. This entire contract including all attachments specifies the working relationship between the City and Contractor and specific obligations of both parties. C. Full Force and Effect. If any provision of this Contract is declared invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. d. Survivability. The obligation of Contractor under all provisions of this Agreement, which may reasonably be interpreted or construed as surviving the Contract for Professional Services Page 4 of 8 \\ewsw I \usdS\dbarnard\My Dowments\C/TY CLEMAgreements\Contract for Professional Services_Ralph Aiken_2010.docx • completion, termination, or cancellation of this Contract, shall survive the completion, termination, or cancellation of this Contract. e. Executory Contract. This Contract will be considered valid once signed by both parties. f. No Waiver. If the City fails to or delays in declaring a breach or default, the City does not waive its right to declare a breach or default. If the City fails to declare one breach or default, it is not waiving its right to declare another breach or default. g. Authority. Each individual executing this Contract on behalf of the City and Contractor represents and warrants that such individuals are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Contract on behalf of the Contractor or the City. h. Performance. Time is of the essence of this Contract in each and all of its provisions in which performance is a factor. Remedies Cumulative. Any remedies provided for under the terms of this Contract are not intended to be exclusive, but shall be cumulative with all other remedies available at the City at law or in equity. j. Titles. The titles to the paragraphs of this Contract are solely for the convenience of the parties and are not an aid in the interpretation of the instrument. k. Contractor Obligation. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, Contractor shall furnish all that may be required to provide the scope of work as described in the contract and incorporated documents, including any personnel, labor and supervision, technical, professional and other work, equipment and supplies. Details of the any supplies, equipment, or installation or same, that are necessary to carry out the intent of this Contract, but that are not expressly stated, shall be performed or furnished by the Contractor as part of the Contract, without any increase in the compensation otherwise payable under this Contract. 1. Binding Effect. The provisions, covenants, and conditions in this Contract apply to bind the parties, their legal heirs, representatives, successors, and assigns M. No Gifts and Gratuities. Contractor may not offer, nor may City employees accept gifts, gratuities, loans, trips, favors, special discounts, work, or anything of economic value in conjunction with the City business practices. Contractor and the City employees must strictly adhere to the statutes and ordinances for ethics in contracting and purchasing, including the City Ethics Code, RCW 42.23 (Code of Ethics for Municipal Officers) and RCW 42.52 (Ethics in Public Service). This is applicable to any business practice, whether a contract condition, bid practice, or • at any activity related to the City business. Contract for Professional Services Page 5 of 8 \\ewswl\usd$\dbarnard\My Documents\CITY CLERMAgreements\Contract for Professional Services —Ralph Aiken_2010.docx • n. Conflict of Interest. Contractor represents that he does not have a business interest or close family relationship with any City officer or employee who was, is, or will be involved in the Contractor selection, negotiation, drafting, signing, administration or evaluation of the Contractor's performance. In addition, Contractor acknowledges that he will adhere to the City's policies regarding conflict of interest, the City Ethics Code, and the RCW as named previous. o. Compliance with Laws. Contractor, at his sole cost and expense, shall perform and comply with all applicable laws of the United States and the State of Washington; and all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, and other requirements, in effect, of any governmental entity (including but not limited to such requirements as may be imposed upon the City and applicable to the Contract). Contractor shall furnish documents as may be required to effect or evidence such compliance. P. Personal Liability. The parties agree that in no event shall any official, officer, employee, or agent of the City be in any way liable or responsible for any covenant or Contract herein contained whether express or implied, nor for any statement of representation made herein or in any connection with this Contract. 13. Modification. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. . Except with the written consent of both parties, neither party may alter or modify this Agreement. 14. Dispute Resolution. The parties mutually intend to establish procedures to facilitate the informal and inexpensive resolution of all disputes arising under this Agreement, by mutual cooperation and without resort to litigation. Accordingly, all disputes involving this transaction, or between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof, shall be resolved in a final and binding manner in accordance with the following procedures. Whether or not mediation/arbitration is under way, any party may have full access to the courts to compel compliance with the provisions of this Article and to enforce or confirm an arbitration award. a. Negotiation. The parties shall first attempt to negotiate a mutually -satisfactory resolution to the dispute as follows: i. The complaining party shall notify (in the manner required in this Agreement) the other parties of the alleged dispute, controversy, claim or breach of contract (hereinafter "Dispute') by explaining in writing the nature of the Dispute, and referring to the relevant paragraphs of this Agreement upon which it bases its position regarding the Dispute. The complaining party shall also set forth in such notice a proposed solution to the Dispute; ii. The parties receiving such notice shall respond by notice individually to the complaining party within twenty (20) days of the effective date of the Contract for Professional Services Page 6 of 8 \\ewsvr I \usdS\dbarnard\My Documents\CITY CLEMAgreements\Contract for Professional Services Ralph Aiken _2010.docx • complaining party's notice, with an explanation of its defensive position, if any, including references to the relevant paragraphs of the Agreement and a response to the proposed solution; and iii. Within twenty days following notice of this defensive response, the parties shall meet and discuss options for resolving the Dispute; the complaining party must initiate the scheduling of this resolution meeting. In the event a party fails to cooperate in scheduling the resolution meeting, then the complaining party may elect to skip the negotiation and mediation procedures and immediately proceed with arbitration. b. Mediation. If the parties are unable to satisfactorily resolve the Dispute through such negotiation, mediation must be held within thirty days of an unsuccessful resolution meeting. The mediation will be governed by and under the then - applicable rules of JAMS/Endispute ("JAMS") in Chelan County. The complaining party must contact JAMS to schedule the mediation. The parties may agree on a mediator from the JAMS panel. If they are unable to agree, the parties shall request JAMS to provide a list of three available mediators, and each side shall strike one; the remaining individual shall serve as the mediator. In the event a party fails to cooperate in this mediation process in a timely manner, then the complaining party may elect to skip the mediation procedure and immediately proceed with arbitration. C. Binding Arbitration. If the dispute is not timely settled by mediation as set forth above, then the parties agree to submit the dispute immediately to JAMS for final and binding arbitration as follows: i. A single arbitrator shall be used. The parties may agree on an arbitrator from the JAMS panel. The complaining party may initiate arbitration by providing notice of intent to arbitrate to all parties and to JAMS: The notice must contain a description of the Dispute, the amount involved, and the remedy sought. If the parties are unable to agree on an arbitrator, the parties shall request JAMS to provide a list of three available panel members and each party may strike one; the remaining individual shall serve as the arbitrator. If the parties agree, the individual that served as the mediator may serve as the arbitrator. ii. If and when such a demand for arbitration is made by any party, the parties agree to promptly conduct the arbitration in accordance with JAMS Rules and Procedures. iii. The parties agree that arbitration must be initiated within one (1) year after the latter of (i) the occurrence of the claimed breach, or (ii) the discovery thereof by the complaining party; and that the failure to initiate dispute resolution in accordance with this Section within that one-year period shall constitute an absolute bar to the institution of any adjudicatory Contract for Professional Services Page 7 of 8 \\ewsvrl\usd$\dbarnard\My Documents\CITY CLERK\Agreements\Contract for Professional Services Ralph Aiken _2010.docx • proceedings with respect thereto, unless the parties agree otherwise in writing to extend such period of time. n U iv. Provided, however, that such arbitration shall not apply so as to delay or prevent any judicial or arbitrator's injunctive or other equitable relief hereunder, which shall be effective immediately, subject to the requisite final and binding arbitration with respect thereto which shall be handled concurrently or after such relief is granted. The arbitrator shall not have the power to award exemplary or punitive damages. V. The arbitrator shall have exclusive authority to enter a decision adjudicating the Dispute, or granting other affirmative relief, including an award for damages, other affirmative relief, specific performance and injunctive relief; provided that a party may petition the court for enforcement of confirmation of any award if necessary. vi. Any decision or award entered by the arbitrator may be entered on an ex- parte basis. CITY OF EAST WENTCHEE: CONTRACTOR: Signature: Signature: Steven C. Lacy, Mayor Title: Date: ATTEST: 1.2 Date: Federal Employee ID No.. Contract for Professional Services Page 8 of 8 \\ewsvrI\usd$\dbarnerdNy Documents\CITY CLERK\Agreements\Contract for Professional Services —Ralph Aiken_2010.docx Page 1 of 1 Dana Barnard • From: Nick Gerde Sent: Monday, January 25, 2010 9:32 AM • • To: Devin Poulson; Dana Barnard Cc: Teresa Allen; Steve Lacy Subject: Council Bill for Ralph Aiken's Contract For your info, the contract that was attached in my Council meeting materials has an effective date of January 1, 2009 and expires December 31, 2009. Isn't there a revised one? Also the council bill refers to salary in the "Background/History". Salary implies employment, and the contract is for professional services. Nick 1 /25/2010 0 • COUNCIL AGENDA BILL # PRESENTER: POSITION: CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL 1 0-10-05 AGENDA ITEM # 5 Lori Barnett AGENDA DATE: January 26, 2010 Director DEPARTMENT: Community Development TITLE: Stormwater Utility: Support for service charge deferral within the expanded boundary until 2011. BACKGROUND/HISTORY: In December, the City Council and County Commissioners increased the stormwater utility service charge to provide additional funding for work associated with compliance requirements of the Eastern Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System and State Waste Discharge General Permit (NPDES Phase II Permit). The County Commissioners also took action to increase their service area boundary to include the entire area within the county that is covered by the NPDES Phase II Permit. To provide the property owners in that area with advance notice of the pending service charge on their property, the County Commissioners are proposing to delay the service charge to the new area until 2011. The County intends to send a letter to all of the property owners in the expanded area to notify them of the new service charge that will be applicable to their property in 2011. • This delay does not impact any City residents or property owners. • This delay will provide additional time for staff to analyze each parcel to assure that the service charge is calculated correctly. This is especially important for non- residential parcels since the service charge is based upon the impervious surface coverage for each parcel. • This delay will not impact the 2010 Budget. The 2010 Budget did not include the potential new revenue from the boundary expansion area since the calculation of impervious surface was not complete. EXHIBITS: Memo from Douglas County Board of Commissioners RECOMMENDED ACTION: Action to support the County's proposal to delay the service charge for the expanded boundary. FINANCIAL DATA: Expenditure Required Amount Budgeted Appropriation Required ACTION TAKEN: Motion Made By: Second By: hc�wy- -- Councilmember Bremmer Councilmember Raab Councilmember Johnson Councilmember McCourt Council mber Barnhart Passed: D0 Failed: Councilmember Buckner Councilmember Hendricks Mayor Lacy (in case of tie) KEN SrANTON 10 1 S T DIS I RIC I DALE SNYDER 2ND DISTRICT' MARY HUNT 3RD L)r.*m1C'T DOUGLAS COUNTY MEMORANDUM TO: Stormwater Utility Management Team FROM: Douglas County Board of Commissioners DATE: January 19, 2010 COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Stormwater Utility Boundary Expansion, 2010 service charge On December 15, 2009 the Board of County Commissioners passed Ordinance No. TLS 09-12-54C which in order to address responsibilities for compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System and the State Waste Discharge General Permit (NPDES Phase II Permit), This Ordinance amended the SWU code including expansion of the SWU Service Area Boundary to include the NPDES Municipal Stormwater Permit coverage area. The Board of County Commissioners desires that the stormwater utility fee for parcels taken into the service area through the expansion of the boundary ("New Parcels") be deferred from the 2010 billing of the annual service charge. Instead, the board proposes that "new parcels" receive a notice in 2010, at the time that regular SWU bills are mailed, indicating that their parcel is now included in the SWU service boundary and noting that in 2011 their parcel will be subject to the $45/ESU service charge. The notice should include information about the stormwater utility, and an estimate of the anticipated SWU service charge for 2011. Please notify the Board if you have any questions or concerns. Very truly yours, Douglas County Board of Commissioners Ken S nton, Chair Dale Snyder ice Chair Mary Hu ember 203 RAINIER P.O. BOX 747 WATERVILLF, WA 98858-0747 309/745-8537 509/745-9045 FAX 1 • ~. WASTE MANAGEMENT January 21, 2010 City of East Wenatchee 271 NE 9" St East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Attn: Dana Barnard Enclosed is the annual report for the 2009 calendar year. WASTE MANAGEMENT PO Box 1440 711-A N. Wenatchee Ave. Wenatchee, WA 98801 (509)662-4591 (509)662.5675 Fax Throughout the City of East Wenatchee, Waste Management has 7 MSW employees serving the cities needs, and 2 recycle drivers. There were a total of 26 complaints for the year. Residential billings are mailed • quarterly, while commercial billings are sent out on a monthly basis. Separate sheets will detail the MSW and recycle information. If you have any questions, Please give me a call at 665-6185. Sincerely, Will Russell District Operations Manager Enclosure From everyday collection to environmental protection, Think Green® Think Waste Management. 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