HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/5/1966 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesDecember 5, 1966 The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee Town Council was called to order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Present were Councilmen John Wells, John McDougall, Lawrence Letts, Si Neher and Art O'Neal; ' Building Inspector Clayton Wells and Clerk Dorotha McGee. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and stand approved as read. The bills were presented to the Council as follows: Current expense Warrants nos. 2170 - 2185 Lowell Sperline 125.00 Cora Lake 65.00 Flanigan, Libke & Jones 30.00 General Telephone Co. 16.95 Cascade iyatural Gas Corp. 17.96 Douglas County Sewer District no. 1 10.00 Rosemarie panson 11.50 Dorotha McGee 124.50 Douglas County Fire Dist. No. 2 1,067.90 Douglas County Sheriff 22.10 Joe H. Carl 453.05 Dorotha McGee 84.40 George F. Cake C.o. 8.50 General Telephone Co. 34.90 Shell Oil Co. 7.85 Eastmont Animal Clinic Street Dept. Warrants nos. 636 - 639 11.00 Morrill Asphalt paving Co. 10.56 Mott W. Liek 379.16 Elder Auto Parts, Inc. 16.15 Security Bank of Washington 75.00 John "IcDougall made a motion to pay the bills; motion seconded by John Wells and passed by a unanimous vote. Mayor Lannoye led a discussion on Building permits and charges. Clayton Wells explained electrical wiring permits and when such permits are necessary. He also explained the building permit fees. John Wells made a motion to drop inspection fees on permits issued for interior remodeling; motion was seconded by John McDougall and passed by a unanimous vote. Mayor Lannoye reported that the Community Betterment Committee believes the teeter - totters in the park are too heavy. He also said the Committee would like to install a wading pool in the Park. Mayor Lannoye requested Park Commissioner Art OTNeal obtain prices for aluminum teeter - totters, and also check the liability insurance on the park. Lawrence Letts read a letter from the Security Bank 1`lanager, D.H. Harper, regarding the unsafe and unsightly conditions at the Columbia Cabins, and inquiring as to what possible action can be taken to update, clean or remove same. Town Ordinance No. 109 was reviewed by Mayor Lannoye. Said Ordinance pertains to such conditions and possible action the Town Council could take to rectify this. Lawrence Letts made a motion to have the proper t KZaTO :o6a l •agoA snom?ueun t fq passed put TtaN+O gzy fq papuooas uotgom :u.znOCpt og uoTgow t aptm TTt2nogoW ugor 'waTgoad sTgg uo u9?gtgTnsuoo t .zed TtaNiO ojW put sgga7 *jW gotguoo fauzoggtl fg?0 agg qugq pagsanba.z a6ouue7 .zones •saToTgaA gons ,To Tesedsip agg og 2uTgtTa3 aoutuTpsn ue 2u?sstd TTounon agg 3o fgTTTgTssod agg og se paaTnbuT sgga7 -jW •uoTgtgc TTagS agg ge s.zto pauoputgt pue paxoa.zM agg 2uTPJe2az `uoTgtgS aOTAUQg TTagS agg JO JQ MO uogsugor 'JTA ggTM pagTnsuoo stq ag gegg pag.zodaa sgga7 aouajmvT •agoA sno wT -utun t fq passed put .zagaN ?S fq Papuooas erm uoTgow `.2mTptoTun ' put 2u?peOT and gTmTT amiq pagsTTgegsa aq Quoz 2uTPeOT t agnuTm ZT t gegg u0Tg0w ggTM uOTgtoeT sTgg gt t aPtm sgga7 aOuaSMt'I •a.zogS •A•y gsT1T agg JO quOij uT auoz 2u?PtoT t gsTTgegsa og gsT3T sTuuag fq pagsanba.z uaaq stq ag pagtgs anouueq aefrlq •agoA snomTutun t fq passed srm gT pue uoTgow agg papuooas TTt2nogotjq ugor T -ON auoZ Quid uT asn .zo3 panssT asogg gdaoxa sgTm.zad 2uTTapowa.z uo pa2.ztgo aq eg saaj uoTgoadsuT oN - pta.z og saa3 gTmJQd 2u?pTTnq 2uTp,zt2az uoTgow sno?Awzd sTg puamt og uoTgow a aptm sTTaM ugor •paMOTTo3 uo?ssnos?p Te.zaua2 y •fjrugTT aqg 2uToutuT3 ggTM swaigozd uMoZ aqg pauTeTdxa 4fouut7 .zoftW •got,zguoo Aat.zgTT agg 3o uoTgeTaouto agg gnoga pa.zTnbuT pue 2uTgaam agg papuagge suazTgTo TeooT aATd 'L96T `6 fstnuer eg 996T `6T ,zagwaoag wojj mag-o,zd a2pnr aoTTod st aA.zas eg TTau40S •sjW paguTedde afouutq sofeW •agoA snow?ueun e fq passed put TTt2neg0pi ugor fq papuooas seM uoTgow •2uT4aaw 996T `6T sagmaoag agg ge saTaeTts aQ gwaoag pied aq saafoLdmg umaj, aqg gtgg uoTgow t aptw sTTaM ugor •gaa.zgs ggET Put Z 'S'fl JO .zau.zeo agg le PaTTegsuT aq og gg2TT t sod gTm.zad t uo sQ2Jaego agg aATtM TTTm guamg.ztdag ftMg2TH agtgS agg gegg pag.zoda.z TTt2nogoW ugor 'a4t2T4saAUT TTTM TtTOT330 guawgaedag ggTeaH agg Jo/put .zogoadsuT 2uTpTTng agg so/put TstO aor aoTTod do 3a?g0 gtgg pagegs afouut7 .zofVW •agoA snowTueun e fq passed put TTt2nogojj ugor fq papuooas stM uoTgow sTgg •2uTgaaw gxau agg ge TTounoO aqq og g.zoda.z put guTtTdmoo agg age2TgsanuT saTgT.zoggnt