HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/20/1966 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesJune 20, 1966
The regular meeting of the East Vlenatchee Town Council was called
to order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Present were Councilmen John
'Jells, Art O'Neal, John 1'•�1cDougall, Si Neher ::nd Lawrence Letts;
Chief of Police Joe Carl and Clerk Dorotha McGee.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and stand approved
as read.
Art O'Neal stated that all work would be completed and bills paid
on the new park addition at the next meeting.
John Wells reported that the street repairs made by Knowles Con-
struction Co. were crumbling, and it has become necessary for Mott
Liek to do additional work on them.
Mayor Lannoye reported that Douglas County F.U.D. and the State
Highway Dept. have reached an agreement on the Street li'-hts,
operation and maintenance at the Grant Road and Main Street inter-
Lawrence Letts reported on the State Highway beautificat_on project.
At this time, they are trying; to obtain water for the project.
Si Neher stated that he had attended a meeting at the State Highway
Dept. A public meeting will be held at the P.U.D. Auditorium on
June 23, 1966, at 8:00 p.m.
The Clerk read the resignation of Mrs. Imogene Childers from the
East o1enatchee Libr,_�ry Board. Si Neher made a motion to accept
the resignation of Mrs. Childers, i,rith regrets. 1�'iotion was seconded
by John Wells and passed by a unanimous vote.
The Clerk read the resignation of Wm. M. Hamilton as City Attorney
for East VJenatchee; said resignation to be effective July 1, 1966.
A'Iayor Lannoye stated that he will accept the resignation of Mr.
Hamilton with regrets.
Mr. Earl Jones, of the Firm of Flanigan, Libke & Jones was present
to explain the City Insurance coverage to the I''Iayor and Council.
A general discussion wa: held regarding this matter.
Clayton ,ells, Building Inspector for East Wenatchee, asked to be
relieved of his duties as Building, Inspector. He informed the
Council that it might be possible to obtain the ser-�-ices of Bert
Scott as Buildinf-Inspector. Mayor Lannoye reauested that Mr. ells
remain on the job until Mr. Scott could be interviewed.
A motion was made by Lawrence Letts that prices for City Insurance
be secured from four other agencies before the present policy was
renewed; motion was seconded by John McDougall and passed by a
unanimous vote.
The council decided to hold the next regular meeting on Tuesday
July 5, 1966.
John McDougall made a motion to adjourn; motion was seconded by
John Wells and passed by a unamimous vote.
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