HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/2/1967 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesOctober 2, 1967 The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee Town Council was called ' to order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Present were Councilmen Art O'Neal, Harry Patrick, Lawrence Letts and Clerk Dorotha McGee. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and stand approved as read. The bills were presented to the Council as follows: Gurrent Expense Warrants nos. 2428 - 2450 Curtis Thriftway $ 5.55 Wenatchee Police Dept. 6.45 Wenatchee Farmers Exchange 58.55 Joe H. Carl 461.56 Dorotha McGee 84.20 Wenatchee Police Dept. 24.00 Vern's Restaurant 17.89 National Police Officers Association 20.00 General Telephone Co. 33.25 Dorotha McGee 124.20 Cora Lake 65.00 Lowell Sperline 125.00 Betty Newell 11.47 Cascade Natural Gas Corp. 2.00 The Craftsman, Inc. 83.39 General Telephone Go. 13.25 Douglas County Sewer District No. 1 10.00 Wards Chevron Service 1.20 Joe Earhart & Son 25.41 Mott W. Liek 139.40 Grange Supply Go. 9.88 Charles Walker 143.40 Street Warrants nos. 690 - 695 Wenatchee Farmers Exchange 19.50 Pybus Steel Go. 6.99 East Side Garage 40.65 Elder Auto Parts, Inc. 6.58 Mott W. Liek 303.40 Morrill Asphalt Paving Co, 48.86 Arterial Street Warrant no. 3 Douglas County 'toad Dept. 1,696.24 Lawrence Letts made a motion to pay the bills; motion seconded by Art O'Neal and passed by a unanimous vote. Art O'Neal stated that he needed 2 lights installed in the Park. Lawrence Letts made a motion to order 2 lights installed, one light installed now and one installed next May; motion seconded by Harry Patrick and passed by a majority vote. Art O'Neal opposed. Lawrence Letts spoke to the Council regarding the Chelan -Douglas Planning Council, Said Council recommends that Cities and Towns adopt a Comprehensive Plan. He also stated that he believes the Town can legally adopt the Douglas County Comprehensive Plan, and d esignate zones and types of industrial and commercial businesses allowed. ' •agon snowTueun a Aq passed pus TpaNto gstl Aq papuooas uoTgom !ujnoCpp oq uoTgow a appm sggaq aouajmvj •TTeH uMos agq ,zo,T pasegoand aq .god aa3,Too u gegq pagsanbas sgga7 aoua3Mul •agon snowTueun s !q passed pue NDTzged UJVH 6q papuooas uoTgow :gsanba.z sTgg apTse gas oq uoTgom p apem sgga7 aougamp7 •uoTgvaaoau si2JTd qp aTgeq pspo p jo3 gsanbea a paquasaid aAouuuq ,zoAuW •agoe snowTueun a Aq passed pus TsaN,O qsy 6q papuooas uoTgom !'IZT •ou aoupuTpsO gdopu oq uoTgow a apem 93u8sMe7 •suoTgTPa 496T `Z Pus T saumnTop s9po0 2uTPTTng m,zo3Tup egg 3o uoTgdope agq oq sageTas IZT •ou aoueuTpao •uoTgdope so,T TTounoO agq oq IZT 'ON aouputpao paquasaid aAouuvq aodew •agon snowTueun a efq passed pus TeaN,O qjV Aq papuooas uoTgom !eTTTm ST qe -iAaT xeq 996T agq gas oq uoTgow a apew s4497 93u9aKeI 'gdaQ glTeaH agq 6q quawssesse agq UT uoTgonpas agq pauTaTdxa sggaq 93uaime7 •agon snowTueun a 6q passed pup NOW4ed AJJUH 6q papuooas uoTgom :paquesead se 192pnq TeuT3 agq gdops pus aeosdde oq uoTgom a apew sgqaZ a0u9.zMe7 •TTounoO agq Aq apew spM ££•Z6T og 00005" moij sa2.zego 'gdaQ ggisaH agq uT uoTgonpas V 2g aQ glTeaH egg 30 uoTgdaoxa agq gqTM ga2pnq Aa euTwTTaid se amps agq sT 492pnq Teuid •2ulJBGq oTTgnd so3 492png Teuld agq p9quas9sd*a6ouuuq solew 0JOIVutp.zoo-D 2uTuupTd egg gqTM 2uTg99m a do qas 94491 •aye gpgq pagsenbaa 96ouuuq soAeW