HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/7/1967 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesAugust 7, 1967
The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee Town Council was called to
order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Present were Councilmen Art O'Neal,
Ray Haase, Harry Patrick and Clerk Dorotha McGee.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and stand approved as
The bills were presented to the Council as follows:
Current Expense Warrants nos. 2373 - 2402
Shell Oil Co. $21.26
Vernts Restaurant 16.57
Central Communications 69.87
Village Pharmacy 3.12
Douglas County Sheriff 23.80
Wenatchee Police Dept. 9.00
Wenatchee Farmers Exchange 39.03
Joe H. Carl 461.56
General Telephone Co. 33.25
Wells & Wade Hardware 45.96
Dorotha McGee 84.20
The Craftsman, Inc. 12.31
Clayton Wells 110.00
Johnsons Inc. 26.13
General Telephone Co. 13.85
Waterville Empire -Press 1.44
Chelan -Douglas Regional Planning Council 10.50
R.S. Meenach Ins. Agency, Inc. 5.00
Lowell Sperline 125.00
Wm. M. Hamilton 65.00
Dorotha McGee 124.20
Betty Newell 25.81
International Conference Bldg. Officials 12.00
Cascade Natural Gas Corp. 3.54
Trick & Murray 4.30
Douglas County Sewer Dist. No. 1 10.CO
D.J. Johnston 1.90
Mott W. Liek 221.35
H.R. Spinner Co. 22.82
Craven Lumber Co. 2.31
Street Warrants nos. 684 - 686
Wenatchee Farmers Exchange 13.00
Mott W. Liek 221.45
Wenatchee Dept. of Public Works,.. 6.42
Ray Haase made a motion to pay the bills; motion seconded by
Art O'neal and passed by a unanimous vote.
The Clerk read the resignation of Councilman Si Neher. Harry
Patrick made a motion to accept the resignation with regret;
motion seconded by Art O'Neal and pas ed by a unanimous vote.
Mayor Lannoye expressed his thanks for a job well done.
Mayor Lannoye presented Mr. Arnold Stevens to the Council members.
' Ray Haase made a motion to appoint Arnold Stevens to the Town
Council to fill the position vacated by Si Neher. The motion
was seconded by Art O'Neal and passed by a unanimous vote.
Arnold Stevens was sworn in office as Town Councilman.
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