HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/1/1968 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesApril 1, 1968 The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee Town Council was called to order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Presentwere Councilmen Harry Patrick, Ray Haase, Arnold Stevens, Clerk Dorotha McGee and City Attorney John Carlson. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and stand approved as read. The bills were presented to the Council as follows: Current Expense Warrants nos. 2604 - 2632 Wenatchee -Farmers, -:Exchange $ 44.90 General Telephone Co. 42.05 Vern+s Restaurant 2.00 Winston Products 2.50 Blumenthal Uniform Co., Inc. 94.10 Wenatchee Police Dept. 42.00 Joe H. Carl 479.70 Charles Kay Walker 300.30 Dorotha McGee 124.20 Western States Fire Apparatus 73.77 Flanigan, Libke & Jones 35.00 Douglas Co. Fire District No. 2 11161.75 Cora Lake 65.00 Trick & Murray 26.51 General Telephone Co. 13.25 Eva Marie Walker 22.94 John C. Carlson 125.00 Clerk, East Wenatchee Post Office 30.00 Dorotha McGee 125.40 Cascade Natural Gas Corp. 27.13 Security Bank of Washington 127.10 Employment Security Dept. 338.72 Dept. of Labor & Industries 56.91 Douglas Co. Sewer District No. 1 10.00 Joe Earhart & Son 350.00 Mott W. Liek 245.83 Grange Supply Co. .52 Olympic College 62.50 Charles Walker (School Expense) 95.92 Street Warrants nos. 732 - 738 Mott W. Liek 199.61 Security Bank of Washington 21.70 Employment Security Dept. 111.02 Dept. Labor & Industries 20.92 Wells & Wade Hardware 9.03 Morrill Asphalt Paving Co., Inc. 6.27 Wenatchee Farmers Exchange 15.20 Washington State Highway Commission 84.20 Arnold Stevens made a motion to pay the bills with the exception of the bill from the Washington State Highway Commission; motion seconded by Ray Haase and passed by a unanimous vote. Clerk will call the State Highway Dept. regarding the charges. Arnold Stevens stated that Ashland Street needs repair. Mayor Lannoye replied that Ashland street was being repaired today. Ray Haase reported a street light has been installed between 12th and 13th streets. 1 1 aO/(HTpj -agon snowtupun p fCq passed pup suanagg pTouay 6q papuooas uotgow !uanoCpp oq uotgow p appw asppH AvE -aTvdaa Spaau gaaagg uowig gpgq pagaodaa NOTagpd 6aapH -uozgpooT slug gp paopTdaa aq pTnogs suds 2ut3japd ou aqq gpgq paptoap TTounoo aqs 'uoissnosip p aagjV-2uipTTnq sxapd aqq 3o pua ggnos aqq qp gaaagg swppN uo 2uixapd 2utpap2aa uoissiwwoo xapd agpgg aqq woaJ gu'vTdwoo p ppaa afouuuq aoAem -papog ggTu9H spT2nOG-upT8g0 auq uo aauogpual,, gspg quasaadaa oq suanagg pTouay 2utquioddp 3o aonp3 UT aaaM saagwaw paps 'saagwaw TTounoo 3o TTod p aagje gpgq pagpqs aAouueq a04EW -6Tapa6 paaapisuoo aq TTTM pup apaf auo ao3 93ao3 ui sT 4u9w8aa2y -aagpM uo4uDTaaT smq gaodsupaq oq auiT iagem xapd aqq asn oq aapaag -aW 2u--MoTTp 'aapaaH saTapgo g4Tm appw quawaaa2p aqg ppaa aBouuul ao6ay,I -agon snowtupun p .�q passpd pus asppH .Cpu 6q papuooas uotgow :GZT -ou aoupuipao gdopp pup anoaddp oq uotgow p appw xozagpd daapH •s2nap pup sozgoopapu ,To aTps pup uoissassod 'asn aqq og 2uT4uTaa GZT -ou aoupuzpap-uotgpaapzsuoo aoJ TTounoo mgT q,oq;GZ.--ou �pgpumpa(., paguasaaa a6ouup7 aofujq •agon snowtupun p Aq passpd pup xoiagpd AaapH Aq papuooas uotgow !9ZT *ON 90UEUTpao gdopp pup anoaddp oq uotgow p appw asppH 6pg :92uzssoao gaaagg og 2uigpTaa 9ZT *ON aoupuipao-uoigpaapisuoo ao3 TTounoo aqq oq 9ZT 'ou aouputpao paquasaad a6ouueq aoAuW -goaCoad uotsuagxe ppoH qupao aqq oq spap2aa g4Tm 2ut49aw TTounoo gxau auq puaggp TTTM Tasag•aW gpug pagpqs adouup7 aoApW -goiagsiQ aequt.1 aegogpuaM gspg aqq Aq pagpuop spM aTod 2pT3 aqq ao3 adid aqq gpgq pagaodea a6ouuvq aoAuW