HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/5/1968 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesFebruary 5, 1968 The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee Town Council was called to order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Present were Councilmen Ray Haase, Lawrence Letts, Art O'Neal, Harry Patrick and Clerk Dorotha McGee. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and stand approved as read. The bills were presented to the Council as follows: Current Expense Warrants nos. 2551 - 2575 Joe H. Carl $488.32 Charles Kay Walker 300.30 Malleryts 6.27 Wells and Wade Hardware 55.84 General Telephone Co. 33.25 East Side Garage 6.58 Dorotha McGee 124.20 Eastmont Pharmacy 7.99 Central Communications 15.79 Douglas County Sheriff 8.50 Standard Oil Co. 5.66 North Central Chevrolet Co. 2.19 Suggts Tire Service, Inc. 32.06 Wenatchee Farmers Exchange 82.05 General Telephone Co. 14.95 Swallowline Printing 24.19 Dorotha McGee 126.22 Mary Louise Carl 4.30 Lowell Sperline 125.00 Cora Lake 65.00 Cascade Natural Gas Corp. 31.53 Clerk, East Wenatchee Post Office 8.50 The Craftsman, Inc. 42.74 Douglas County Sewer District No, 1 10.00 Street Warrants nos. 721 - 726 Mo tt W. Liek 445.44 Wenatchee Farmers Exchange 27.35 East Side Garage 62.28 Morrill Asphalt Paving Co., Inc. 9.76 Standard Oil Co. 2.45 Elder Auto Parts, Inc. 50.21 Ray Haase made a motion to pay the bills; motion seconded by Harry Patrick and passed by a unanimous vote. Mayor Lannoye requested that Street Commissioner Harry Patrick check with Munson -Nash to be sure that the East Wenatcheets 20 year Street Plan would be ready by March 1, 1968. Mayor Lannoye reported that the Gas Co. has made two crossings a few feet apart, on Main Street. The Mayor requested that a letter be sent to the Gas Co. asKing that a meeting be held with Town Officials to explain the Company policy regarding street crossings. Mayor Lannoye read a letter from Harry Harn, chairman of the Health District, regarding the East Wenatchee contract and assessment. The Town has until February 16, 1968 if they wish to arbitrate � .za .zole •agon snowiueun e Aq passed pu E TeaNa0 gjtl Aq papuooas uoTgow !u.znofpe og uoTgou u apeu asueH ABU •apEw aq oq peau Gaivdai gaa.zgs awns geuq Pagegs 313Ta4vd SaIVH •gdaQ •xa ed auq ao3 TTEw anTaoa,z a92UOT ou TTTM au geuq pagegs TaaNIO 4.1tl •sxuEgq siq passasdxe osTe aseeH ABU •NJOM alagq uo s l • O•r aug papuauwoo aAouue7 aoLeyy •agog snowTueun e Aq passed pue TEaN,O qay Aq papuooas uoTgow `.suoTgTgad uoTgexauue ' aug gdaooe og uoTgnTosa.z E ssed oq uoTgow E apew asEEH AEU •paMoTTOJ uoTssnosIP TuJauao y •uMoy auq jo aweu auq 2uTjuego puE zaraas `MET useaT 6AJv,zgTj azaM uMoz aug jo gsud 2uTwooaq uT pagsa.zaqui suosiad 3o gsaaaqut ,To squTod auq quuq paqugs Toy eali •gaa.zgs Jaxeg og gsea puE •qs ggST og g4eT uo,z3 ea.ze auq ut 3uTpTsoa suossad 8£ fq pau219 suotgTgad uoTgexauue .znoj paquasajd pue quasaid aaaM s,•O•r aqq woij ao,zuopi uuor pue ZuOT uuor •aau3quuar,1 gseg Joj uoage;q aoTTod se TueO asino7 f. i*l paquioddu aAouuvj aoAuji •uoagvW aoTTod e spaau •gdaQ aozTod agg gegq Pagegs suu TueO aor .T9?u0 •aTozg.ze aTauq goaijoo oq paxsE aq TTTA PlaO,1 ATTuQ aql •gsTsse pip •gdaQ aoTTod aauoquuaM, gseg auq 41�u4 `pue sgTwTT uMoy auq uT qou sT gaasgs g45T quug Pagegs aH •gaa.zgS u45T uo PTeJ SOT4033Eu auq 2uTp.zu @J pTsoM ATTVG aug uT aToT Wu aTgE.zonejun auq `quasaid asouq 3o uoTquagge auz og paTTuo a6ouuaj ,zodeyj •st•O•r auq og sxuuuq eTq passa.zdxa aH •uMoy auq .zo3 sued agseM 9 �uTsuuojnd aSu s,•✓•r auq quuq paq.zoda.z a6ouuuq So6uTj •2uTgaaw auq woij pasnoxa aq oq paxse sggaq aouaimul •F£•£ZTT$ aq oq sapuus aug .zoj qunowe Tegoy •xeq enTd 00.54OT3 aq oq gsoo auy •oo quawdinbg 2.zagTgPS wo,z3 aoTonuT p940alJO3 E paeTaoa.z peu uMos auq quuq pagaodai alouuuq joABW •agon snouTuuun E Aq passed puu x3TJ4vd .jaPH Aq papuooas uozgou :aauoquuaM gsug 3o uMoy aug ,zo3 ,Ioge,lTgZE se adouuvl gs@aa og quTodde oq uoigow a apew sggaq aougamv j *quaussasse auq