HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/5/1968 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesJune 5, 1968
The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee Town Council was called
to order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Present were Councilmen Arnold
Stevens, Harry Patrick, Art O'Neal; Attorney John Carlson, clerk
Dorotha McGee, Charles Walker and Joe Carl. Also attending were
members of the East Wenatchee Planning Commission John Tontz and
Dora Faye Davis.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and stand approved
as read.
The bills were presented to the Council as follows:
Current Expense Warrants nos. 2669 - 2694
Joe H. Carl $ 472.70
Charles Kay Walker 347.53
General Telephone Co. 33.25
Eastmont Pharmacy 10.19
Wenatchee Farmers Exchange 30.33
Standard Oil Co. 25.89
Badger Uniform Co. 34.60
Dorotha McGee 124.20
Flanigan, Libke & Jones 17.00
Security Bank of Washington 120.66
Douglas County Fire District No. 2 12161.75
Cascade Natural Gas Corp. 13.82
The Craftsman, Inc. 34.62
' Chelan -Douglas Health District 432.00
Dorotha McGee 124.20
John C. Carlson 200.00
Cora Lake 65.00
Eva Marie Walker 5.74
General Telephone Co. 15.85
Zone Building Maintenance 209.00
Douglas County Sewer District No. 1 10.00
H.R. Spinner Co. 14.21
Grange Supply Co. 4.38
Wards Chevron Service 3.15
Elder Auto Parts, Inc. 2.77
Mott W. Liek 154.91
Street Warrants Nos. 748 - 753
Mott W. Liek 290.53
Standard Oil Co. 4.92
Morrill Asphalt Paving Co., Inc. 24.65
S and D Paving Co., Inc. 36.58
Wenatchee Farmers Exchange 10.10
Security Bank of Washington 28.14
Arnold Stevens made a motion to pay the bills; motion seconded by
Art OtNeal and passed by a unanimous vote.
Mayor Lannoye stated that he feels that a copy of the minutes of
Health District meetings should be sent to the towns in Douglas
County represented by Arnold Stevens. Mr. Stevens replied that
this could be done.
The Clerk informed the Council that the Town Liability insurance
will be due on July 6, 1968. After a discusion the Council
decided to continue the present policy.
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