HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/20/1969 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesJanuary 20, 1969
The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee Town Council was called
to order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Present were Councilmen Art
OtNeal, Harry Patrick, Arnold Stevens, Lawrence Letts; Attorney
John Carlson and Clerk Dorotha McGee.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and stand approved
as read.
Lawrence Letts reported that he and Herb Olive have agreed on a`fee
of $35.00 per month in return for which Mr. Olive will issue
building permits for the Town. The Council stated their approval.
Arnold Stevens stated that the ice needed to be scraped from the
street at the 12th street intersection.
Mayor Lannoye reported that the dog tags are now on sale. He is
negotiating with two kennels for costs for impounding dogs. The
time limit for the purchase of dog tags will be set at the February 3,
1969 meeting.
Mayor Lannoye read a letter from Representative Bob Curtis regarding
the funds for widening Main street. The project has been given a
No. 2 priority subject to appropriation by the legislature.
Property owners presented a "Notice of Intent to Commence Annexation
Preceedings" signed by ten percent of the property owners of the
proposed annexation area. Said notice requests a hearing be held
'within 60 days. Larry Dillon was present representating Mr. E.J.
Dillon one of the property owners. Lawrence Letts made a motion to
accept the Notice Of intent to commence annexation preceedings;
motion seconded by Arnold Stevens and passed by a unanimous vote.
Lawrence Letts made a motion to approve and pass Resolution No. 1005;
Resolution No. 1005 regards setting a time for a meeting with parties
initiating annexation preceedings; motion was seconded by Arnold
Stevens and passed by a unanimous vote. Time and date of meeting
was set for January 20, 1969 at the hour of 8:30 p.m.
Mayor Lannoye read a letter from John Tontz, Chairman of the East
Wenatchee Planning Commission, regarding the proposed zoning for
the property included in the annexation petition. The Planning
Commission expressed the opinion that zoning should continue as
zoned by Douglas County, Low Density Residential.
John Carlson presented Ordinance No. 134 to the Mayor and Council.
Ordinance no. 134 relates to the adoption of the Uniform Plumbing
Code, 1967 edition. Lawrence Letts made a motion to approve and pass
Ordinance no. 134; motion seconded by Arnold Stevens and passed by
a unanimous vote.
Mayor Lannoye read Resolution No. 1006 to the Council. Resolution
No. 1006 sets the time for a hearing on the petition for annexation.
Arnold Stevens made a motion to agree to the proposed annexation;
motion seconded by Harry Eatrick and passed by a unanimous vote.
Lawrence Letts made a motion to subject the land property to be
annexed to Ordinance no. 129; motion seconded by Harry Patrick and
passed by a unanimous vote.
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