HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/7/1969 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesJuly 7, 1969
The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee Town Council was called
to order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Present were Councilmen Art
O'Neal, Harry Patrick, Arnold Stevens, Lawrence Letts; Attorney
John Carlson, Clerk Dorotha McGee and Chief of Police Joe Carl.
The minutes of the previous meetings were approved as read.
The bills were presented to the Council as follows:
Current expense warrants nos. 3064 - 3100 0 . 23
Sears Roebuck & Co. 50
Wards Chevron Service 31.
Joe Earhart & Son 3.37
Verns Restaurant
Wenatchee Farmers Exchange 446.32
Charles Kay Walker
Joe H. Carl 65.32
Dorotha McGee 3.60
Wells & Wade Hardware 5
Neals Shoe Store 31.3.05
General Telephone Co. 1456
56 .
Elder Auto Parts, Inc.
Central Communications 15.03
North Central Chevrolet Co.
Standard Oil Co. 13.65
Blumenthal Uniform Co. 59.30
Wenatchee Police Dept.
Suggs Tire Service Inc. 6.27
Trues Oil Co.
Security Bank of Washington 15723
Employment Security Dept. 515.34
Dept. of Labor & Industries 53.03
Sears Roebuck & Co. .00
East Wenatchee Water District 6
Cascade Natural Gas Corp. .9 635
The Craftsman, Inc. 63
Swallowline Printing 26.95
Trick & Murray 111.925
John C. Carlson 3. 0.40
Herbert J. Olive 123.60
Dorotha McGee 100.00
William M. Hamilton 594.00
Douglas County P.U.D.
Clerk, East Wenatchee Post Office 9.00
Douglas County Fire District No. 2 1'201.25
General Telephone Co. 73.05
Eva Marie Walker
Street warrants nos. 851 - 854 24.57
Wenatchee Farmers Exchange
Security Bank of Washington 43.47
Employment Security Dept. 94.9$
' Dept. of Labor & Industries 14.87rial Street Fund warrantno.
Arterial 7 278.23
Munson -Nash -Futrell & Associates
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