HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/20/1970 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesJuly 20, 1970
The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called
to order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Present were Councilmen Doug
Hanna, Cliff Tvedten, Ed Rich and Clerk Dorotha McGee.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read.
Ed Rich reported that the Contractor is waiting for the telephone
co, to complete work on installing underground cable.
Mayor Lannoye.read the bid received for a street swee er. Bid
was received from Modern Machinery Co. at a price of 4,200.00
including tax; Ed Rich made a motion to accept the bid; seconded
by Doug Hanna and passed unanimously.
Mayor Lannoye read the two bids received for a front end loader.
Bids as follows: Modern Machinery Co., $3,500.00 including tax;
Rowland Machinery Co., $5,827.50 including tax. Due to the fact
that machines offered were of different types and specifications,
Doug Hanna made a motion that the bids for the loader be taken
under advisement until a later date; seconded by Cliff Tvedten
and passed unanimously.
Mayor Lannoye and Council members discussed paying rental to
Mr. Hamilton for the use of the air cooler used in the City Hall
for approximately 10 years. Cliff Tvedten made a motion that the
City pay $100.00 for rental; seconded by Ed Rich and passed unan-
imously. Mayor Lannoye stated that to repair the machine before
returning it to the owner would cost approximatley $125.00.
Doug Hanna made a motion to purchase 2 tear gas grenades for
the police department; seconded by Cliff Tvedten and passed
Mayor Lannoye and Council discussed the preliminary census
figures released by the state. All objected to the count as
inaccurate and instructed the Clerk to inquire if the city may
take a census for use in the 1971 tax benefits.
Mayor Lannoye read the costs for increasing the Blue Cross
insurance hospital plan from $44.00 to $50.00 per day. Doug
Hanna made a motion that the plan be increased to $50.00 per day;
seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously.
Mayor Lannoye presented Resolution No. 1020 to the Council.
Resolution No. 1020 sets date for the vacation of a street by
petition; Doug Hanna made a motion to pass Resolution No. 1020
and set hearing date for August 3, 1970; seconded by Cliff
Tvedten and passed unanimously.
Mayor Lannoye presented Resolution No. 1019 to the Council.
Resolution No. 1019 amends the 6 year comprehensive street plan;
Cliff Tvedten made a motion to pass resolution No. 1019; seconded
by Ed Rich and passed unanimously.
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