HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/6/1970 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesApril 6, 1970 The regular meeting of the East Wenatchee City Council was called to order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Present were Councilmen Art O'Neal, Doug Hanna, Arnold Stevens; Attorney John Carlson and Clerk Dorotha McGee, Mayor Lannoye read the resignation of Councilman Dick Morrill; said resignation was presented to the City Clerk on March 19,1970. Arnold Stevens made a motion that the resignation be taken under advisement and tabled until after the bids on the U.A.B. project had been opened; motion seconded by Doug Hanna and passed unanimously. Sealed bids on the U.A.B. project were opened by the Clerk and read by the Mayor as follows: Red Samm Mining Co., $239,223.10 Moore Sanitary Const. Co., Inc. !22$t014.25; John B. Knowles 254,530.00; Bay Construction 237,484.00; Marchand Const. Co. 247,999.50. The Engineers estimate is $236,916.75. Bids were released to Mr. Eason of the firm of Munson -Nash -Futrell for evaluation. Contract will be awarded at the regular City Council meeting April 20, 1970. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Mayor Lannoye presented the application of Stan Walker for use of the park water line. Art O'Neal made a motion to approve the agreement permiting Mr. Walker the use of the water line for 1 year for $25.00. Said agreement may be renewed each year on approval ' of the City Council; motion seconded by Doug Hanna and passed unanimously. The bills were presented to the Council as follows: Current Expense warrants nos. 3361 - 3402 Mott W. Liek $ $$.85 Joe H. Carl 504.50 Charles Kay Walker 471.30 Law Enforcement Retirement System 153.00 Wenatchee Farmers Exchange 223.17 Texaco, Inc. 35.17 Elder Auto Parts, fnc. 7.78 Eastmont Pharmacy 1.63 The Craftsrpan, Inc. 3.1.35 Kelloggts Wrecking Inc. 1.05 World Wide Camera 2.51 General Telephone Go. 34.40 Standard Oil Co. 2.28 Motorola Communications 724.19 Wenatchee Police Dept. 65.50 Central Communications 173.61 Cascade Tire Co. 14.58 Dorotha McGee 141.00 Flanigan, Libke & Jones 10.00 Security Bank of Washington 219.9$ Employment Security Dept. 626.60 Dept. of Labor & Industries 46.95 Flanigan, Libke & Jones 25.00 Wells & Wade Hardware 8.29 R.M. Church Inc. 28.63 'ATsnowzuuun pessud pus uuuuH 2no(I Aq papuooes uoigoW :sTTTq aqq Aud og uoigow u apum su9n940 PTOuay 'TTaagnd-gsuN-uosunW woa3 dwax psag ggTm passnosip sum AuM-3o-gg2za ao3 aagonoa 'g'y'n good 0006£L UOsIauO '0 ugor 00693$ aaxTuM AaTatgS �2 UU4G 0060OZ`41 g0wg 'W AggOSOQ 00005Z`fi sesiadaaqug 'wwo0 oegoquuaM gsud 00'OT 44TWS •S uAaggeo 00009L`£ UUO7 ,)? 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Mayor Lannoye requested the Clerk send a letter of appreciation to Mr. Morrill. Mayor Lannoye read a letter from Center Investments, Inc. requesting the City to endorse a left turn only lane from 6th street. Bob Barr stated that a request has been made to the State Highway for said left turn lane. Arnold Stevens made a motion to recommend that the State Highway Department approve said request; motion seconded by Art O'Neal and passed unanimously. Mayor Lannoye presented Ordinance No. 148 to the Council for study. Ordinance no. 148 relates to condemnation preceedings; Arnold Stevens made a motion to approve and pass Ordinance No. 148; motion seconded by Art O'Neal and passed unanimously. Mayor Lannoye stated that an ordinance regarding ambulance service is in the hands of the City Attorney for study. John Carlson reported on the meeting with the P.U.D. Commissioners regarding underground wiring for the Main street project. After a discussion, Arnold Stevens made a motion that the City Attorney prepare an ordinance requiring utilities to be placed underground; motion seconded by Doug Hanna and passed uhanimously. Art O'Neal made a motion to adjourn; motion seconded by Arnold Stevens and passed unanimously. Mayor