HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/5/1971 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesApril 5, 1971 I The regular meeting of the to order by Mayor Forrest O'Neal, Cliff Tvedten, Ed and Clerk Dorotha McGee. East Wenatchee City Council was called Lannoye. Present were Councilmen Art Rich, Doug Hanna; Attorney John Carlson The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The bills were presented to the Council as follows: Current Expense warrants nos. 3776 - 3819 Mott W. Liek 51.89 Joe H. Carl 566.46 Charles Kay Walker 489.85 Wenatchee Merchant Police 187,00 Wells & Wade Hardware 175.98 Texaco, Inc. 95.63 Swallowline Printing 24.78 Law Enforcement Retire. System 160.66 Dorotha McGee 181.20 Badger Shirt Co. 5.45 General Telephone Co. 3.10 Central Communications 36.35 Dicks Service 6.30 R.M. Church, Inc. 6.55 North Central Chevrolet Co. 11.09 Pacific Outfitting Co. 43.53 Mallery+s 10.00 Wenatchee Police Dept. 45.30 Eastmont Pharmacy 31.91 Standard Oil Co. 2.05 Texaco, Inc. 26.77 Flanigan, Libke & Jones 35.00 The Craftsman, Inc. 64.31 Security Bank of Washington 202.80 Employment Security Dept. 707.36 Washington Physicians Service 225.09 General Telephone Co. 18.15 Trick & Murray. 58.65 Douglas Co. Fire Dist. No. 2 11822.00 Cascade Natural Gas Corp. 31.64 Municipal Clerks Association 10.00 Eva Marie Walker 78.49 Pedco Credit Union 20.00 Herbert J. Olive 30,00 John C. Carlson 209,30 Pedco Credit Union 25.00 Wm. M. Hamilton 155.85 Dorotha McGee 354.45 Natl. Assn, Court Administration 20,00 Douglas Co. Sewer Dist. No. 1 10,00 Dept. Labor & Industries 0.37 Craven Lumber Co. 4.08 Marlin Lannoye 28,00 Douglas County Treasurer 31.80 I� 'amtg stgq qe pasegoand eq qou TTTM autgoew PteS 'dagsnT3 gaasgs e 3o asegoand 2utpae2aa pjag suA uotssnostp y 'aagsnT3 gaaags e ao3 '00 tldautgoell uaapoyl wod3 gstT aoiad a paguasaad 96ouue7 aoAeW 'satedaa uo sgsoo ao3 Zut3ooH Tted PUP 404000 TaeO 'alAl goequoo og pagsanbaa seM euueH 2nOG •satedaa speau PUP 3ooa agg ut xeaT a SEg TTEH A4t0 agg gegq pagaodaa a.iouue7 aoleld 'aTotgan Pees asegoand oq you paptoap saagwaw Ttouno0 'uotssnostp e s9g3y -3 0 aotTod ao3 padtnba aTTgowogne ue '6gt3 agg og aTes ao3 3uta933o `aotTod quegodall 89434eu91i woa3 saaggaT paquasaad eAouuvq ao6slq 'TL61 AT ounr apew aq oq quaw�ed *ATsnowiusun passed pue uagpany 33tTO dq papuooas :gotH pg dq apew sum autgoew Pees asegoand og uotgoJ,l '000005$ ao3 64t3 agq oq autgoew agq TTas TTTm aH 'N917 ggoW oq 2uT2uoTaq autgoew 2utdtags gaaags a Vutsn uaaq ssg LgTo agg gegq pagegs a6ouueq do6eW 'dTsnowtueun passed pue gotH pg Aq papuooas :419T *ON eoueutpa0 ssed pue anoadde og Panow euueH �noa 'sasuaotT ssautsnq ao3 99a3 pagstTgegsa pue +i5 'ou aoueutpa0 30 +l uotgoas spuawe +19T 'ON 93usutpd0 'Ttouno0 pue ao6eW agg og 191 -ON aoueutpa0 paquasaad uosTaeO ugor '6Tsnowiueun passed pue uagpany 33tT0 Sq papuooas :2utpeaa puooas agq ao3 Z9T 'ON eoueuipa0 ssed pue anoadde og uotgow a apew TeaNjo gay '2utpeaa puooas agg ao3-Z9T 'oN 90ueutpd0 paquasaad a6ouus7 aoAvW 'snsuao 64t0 aqq uo Tt3uno0 agg oq pagaodaa NJaTO agy 'goT 2utxded agq ut PaAOTTe aq PTnogs sdaTteSq gegq pagegs aH '43933a stgg oq suits gsod TTTA TEaN,O 'aW '93ueutpa0 SgtO og 2utpd000e ''wed 00:6 aag3e ;died agq ut P3mOTTe auo ou pus 'paggtwaad aq TTTm Nasd agq ui 2utdaaTs ao 2uidweo 4g2tud9eo ou gegq paadoep saagwaw Ttounoo 'uotssnosip e aag3tl 'ae96 stgq awtg Tent4s93 qe Zutdweo gg2tua9no ao3 xasd 6gto agq 3o asn ao3 pepaau aae su0t4eTn29a gegq ST893 pue TasO aor ggTm PaKTeq seg aq gegq pagaodaa TB99iO gay *ATsnowtueun passed pue gotH pH Sq papuooas !STTTq agq fed oq uotgow a apew euueH 2noa 4IT09 '00 fLTddnS 92ued0 50' £ aaeMpaeH aPebl T STTald 6£'98 'oui 'ooexal 9*7'$6 'oui 1'00 Aaautgopw udapoLl WTI 000 2utned gTegdsy TTTaaolq 9T'+IT aotnaaS suetotsdgd uo42utgseli 6Z'ZS 'dd00 Teotwag0 Tea 5£'LZ 'oui 'sgaed ogny aapTg 00'Z3 'gdea peoH 000 seT2noc *IL'0£ satagsnpui �g dogeq 'idea RL'aZZ 'gdaQ 6gtdnoas quauLiOTdw3 06'£L uog2uigsebi 3o Nusg 6gtanoaS 6L'T8'1 NeTq 'M glow MI - 9LOT 'sou squeddeM gaadgs Mayor Lannoye reported that Mr8l Randle has promised to donate the land in front of her house to the city for street purposes. Ed Rich spoke in favor of accepting said parcel of land. He will obtain a legal description of the property for the next Council meeting. John Carlson presented Ordinance No. 165 to the Mayor and Council. Ordinance No. 165 relates to the establishment of a Board of Adjustment. Art O'Neal made a motion to approve and pass Ordinance No. 165; seconded by Doug Hanna and passed unanimously. With approval of the City Council, Mayor Lannoye appointed Dick Morrill and Dave Ellis to the Board of Adjustment, for 2 year terms; positions 4 and 5 respectively. Three members will be appointed at a later date. Cliff Tvedten made a motion to adjourn; seconded by Art O'Neal and passed unanimously. VA r 'mayor 1�e ALA - Clerk